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hockeymaniac 06-21-2010 09:12 AM

Re: Cigar Pet Peeves
Tight draws that can't be massaged out.

When the wrapper sticks to the band

Bands that you need a laser to get off the cigar

When the wrapper cracks or just explodes.

leasingthisspace 06-21-2010 09:57 AM

Re: Cigar Pet Peeves
I always hate when you get some time in the evening and go outside to enjoy a nice cigar and as soon as you light one up and your wife comes outside telling you how she needs you to get something done right now. I hate having to put a cigar down before it is done.
If I don't have time to smoke it I would just rather not even light it.
Posted via Mobile Device

neoflex 06-21-2010 11:21 AM

Re: Cigar Pet Peeves

Originally Posted by leasingthisspace (Post 894017)
I always hate when you get some time in the evening and go outside to enjoy a nice cigar and as soon as you light one up and your wife comes outside telling you how she needs you to get something done right now. I hate having to put a cigar down before it is done.
If I don't have time to smoke it I would just rather not even light it.
Posted via Mobile Device

I usually avoid this by asking her if she wants to come outside with me. If she says no I usually respond with "OK, I'll be outside for an hour or so, so is there anything you need me to do before I go out because I won't be back in for a while." If she comes out and needs something that is time consuming after that than she is SOL.:r

Lear31MX 06-21-2010 01:01 PM

Re: Cigar Pet Peeves
All of the above, and when people come into the cigar bar and light up and cigarette. :fl

STEVE S 06-21-2010 01:24 PM

Re: Cigar Pet Peeves
A cigar with to tight of a draw, or the band being stuck to the wrapper,
and of course the ones that spit apart or blow-up. Then of course the
smoker crushes out thier cigar in the ash tray.

jonumberone 06-21-2010 10:11 PM

Re: Cigar Pet Peeves
I hate it when a cigar has more than one band on it. I have a tough time getting one off cleanly.

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