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Skywalker 04-12-2010 03:52 PM

Re: Are you addicted to cigars?
Wikipedia: An addiction is a persistent behavioral pattern marked by physical and/or psychological dependency that causes significant disruption and negatively impacts the quality of life of an organism.

The quality of my life is so much better!!!:tu

sofaman 04-12-2010 04:22 PM

Re: Are you addicted to cigars?
YES, YES, and YES :D

Jimbo14 04-13-2010 03:55 AM

Re: Are you addicted to cigars?
I smoke 1 cigar per day and if I go without one I cant stop thinking about it. I went three days the other day and it was on my mind often. I would say that I am addicted

bookman 04-13-2010 04:28 AM

Re: Are you addicted to cigars?

Originally Posted by maninblack (Post 824213)
I wouldn't say I'm addicted but I crave one after a few days, but if the weather is bad or I'm busy, I have no problem going for a week or two without one. But this time of year, when the temps are hitting the 70's and the sun is out, I gotta go sit in the hammock and enjoy a nice big churchill.

That's what she said.:D

bookman 04-13-2010 04:28 AM

Re: Are you addicted to cigars?

Originally Posted by Skywalker (Post 826056)
Wikipedia: An addiction is a persistent behavioral pattern marked by physical and/or psychological dependency that causes significant disruption and negatively impacts the quality of life of an organism.

The quality of my life is so much better!!!:tu

I agree, except for the sex part at the end.

Addiction 04-13-2010 10:33 AM

Re: Are you addicted to cigars?
I don't think I'm addicted. Heck its been like 4 days, I have not even thought of smoking.

tsolomon 04-13-2010 10:59 AM

Re: Are you addicted to cigars?
What usually stops me from smoking is not having the time to sit and enjoy a cigar. If I was addicted, I would have a whole stinky full of partially smoked cigars.

14holestogie 04-13-2010 11:04 AM

Re: Are you addicted to cigars?
Yes I am. Thanks for asking. :)

KenyanSandBoa 04-13-2010 11:06 AM

Re: Are you addicted to cigars?

Originally Posted by Emjaysmash (Post 825803)

Fat Kid says: So true!

:r:r:r...that killed me.

e-man67 04-13-2010 11:09 AM

Re: Are you addicted to cigars?
Yes...but in a good way.

shilala 04-13-2010 11:17 AM

Re: Are you addicted to cigars?
Nope, not addicted to cigars.
Most everything else, yes. I often go long periods without smoking a cigar. It's more of a fair weather bad habit than a daily bad habit. If it's nice out and I'm out in it, I love having a cigar with me. Once the garden comes into play, I don't smoke as much because I don't smoke around the plants. (Tobacco mosaic virus tears them up.)
Cigar smoking is a very special treat for me, and I work really hard to keep it that way. I want to enjoy it for a long time to come. :tu

Beer Doctor 04-13-2010 11:23 AM

Re: Are you addicted to cigars?
No. I've been addicted to cigs and chew. When I was without cig/dip I'd think about it constantly. I would get headaches and become irritable. I can go days and weeks without cigars but I'd prefer to keep it at days:D

68TriShield 04-13-2010 11:42 AM

Re: Are you addicted to cigars?
I smoke five a day on average and can do without just fine.

papajohn67 04-13-2010 12:52 PM

Re: Are you addicted to cigars?
I'd kill for a cigar right now....but other than that I'm feeling just dandy.

Blazedup 04-13-2010 01:06 PM

Re: Are you addicted to cigars?

jkim05 04-13-2010 01:21 PM

Re: Are you addicted to cigars?
nope, sometimes I go months without a cigar, and I regularly go weeks without smoking at all.

tupacboy 04-13-2010 10:39 PM

Re: Are you addicted to cigars?
no... i smoke on weekends only usually... need more friends who smoke... i have a bunch of friends who quit cigarettes and are scared to give cigars a real try because they feel it would lead back to cigarettes...

Azaelius 05-05-2010 09:17 PM

Re: Are you addicted to cigars?

Originally Posted by Addiction (Post 826858)
I don't think I'm addicted. Heck its been like 4 days, I have not even thought of smoking.

If that's true, then why are you posting on the Asylum, HMMMMMM???

Kidding! Only kidding. Mostly. Well, not really. :fu

Anywhoosit, I think that inherently, cigars contain nicotine, thus do have some potential for physical addiction at the very least. Speaking from extensive pipe experience (and limited cigar exp) it's definitely mostly a psychological addiction.

Cigary 05-05-2010 09:46 PM

Re: Are you addicted to cigars?
Yes. I am addicted.

Superbad 05-05-2010 11:08 PM

Re: Are you addicted to cigars?
Nope. Now shopping for cigars, yes I am addicted.

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