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spectrrr 03-03-2010 12:06 PM

Re: USPS proposing to cut Saturday deliveries

Originally Posted by Razorhog (Post 779058)

I think it's pathetic that the USPS continually takes a loss. Maybe I shouldn't be surprised because it is run by the government. But damn, someone needs to whip it into shape. (I support the USPS and have relatives who work for them. Still find it pathetic.)

THAT folks is what happens when you have too much regulations. Any business, if they are to survive, MUST have the flexibility to change their business model as the years and times change. UPS does it, FEDEX does it, the number one rule of business is innovate and change, or DIE. Only problem is, the USPS is burdened with too much red tape that prevents it from changing very easily. Thus you get exactly what you have here.

elderboy02 03-03-2010 12:22 PM

Re: USPS proposing to cut Saturday deliveries
I wish USPS would let you ship ammo.

blugill 03-03-2010 06:07 PM

Re: USPS proposing to cut Saturday deliveries
The last time I used the USPS was on lunch several months ago.
I had to get a parcel letter, there was a long line of people. One person helping all of us at a very slow rate.

There were lots of other people milling around that could man the counter but had no interest or desire to do so. Contrast that to when I go to a UPS center, I've had top notch service, fast, efficient, and helpful!

I will always pay by bills online and never, ever buy another stamp if I can help it.

captain53 03-03-2010 06:26 PM

Re: USPS proposing to cut Saturday deliveries

Originally Posted by shilala (Post 779633)
I think the Post Office would be better off if they delivered on Sunday. They'd clean house, being as no one else does it. The overtime must be too killer, or not enough demand.

The killer is their rediculous Healthcare and Retirement plans combined with the unproductive employees that benefit from them --- hmmmm seems just like the GM/Chrysler story doesn't it?:fl

blugill 03-03-2010 08:51 PM

Re: USPS proposing to cut Saturday deliveries
I like the reasoning I read that they will be raising stamp prices again, always a great solution to a failing business is to raise prices on your product.

SinPena! 03-03-2010 08:56 PM

Re: USPS proposing to cut Saturday deliveries

Originally Posted by blugill (Post 781092)
I like the reasoning I read that they will be raising stamp prices again, always a great solution to a failing business is to raise prices on your product.

We need to start paying our bills online and watch the stamp disappear!

rhmalone 03-03-2010 08:58 PM

Re: USPS proposing to cut Saturday deliveries
You're all missing the larger issue... has someone told Santa yet? If this goes down, he's gonna need to know.

nayslayer 03-03-2010 09:12 PM

Re: USPS proposing to cut Saturday deliveries
I almost never use the usps, i get cigars and bills from them. I pay all my bills online, and most bills are online only, no paper. There really isn't much need for them anymore. There isn't anything that can't be done online that usps can do. Just deliver packages, and UPS and Fedex do a fine job, even better than them. I'd be surprised to see them around in 10 years.

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