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Jbailey 02-03-2010 11:01 PM

Re: How many days...........
Over the last 6 months I've averaged 3-4 cigars a month, which most of those are smoked at the mob herfs. I think the longest I went without a cigar was a little over two months.

kelmac07 02-03-2010 11:14 PM

Re: How many days...........
Been without for two soon as I get home Friday...I am torching something nice!!

Neuromancer 02-03-2010 11:15 PM

Re: How many days...........

Originally Posted by Blueface (Post 745522)
.................can you go without a cigar on average?

I had been back to smoking daily and have suddenly felt I needed a self imposed break....

...How many in warm weather can stay away from their patio in the evening and lighting up?

Hard to do...especially when the weather in south Florida cooperates...during that extreme cold spell I might have only smoked the pipe or a cigar every few days...when the weather's good I get a daily urge but try to confine it to one cigar or one pipeful a day, unless I'm at some kind of cigar event and then I might smoke 2 or 3 cigars, maybe 4 at the most...

Ferrari5180 02-04-2010 07:48 PM

Re: How many days...........
I usually smoke one a week since it is cold here in Montreal. This is mostly during the weekends. However, in the summer I smoke 2-3 per week, depending on my schedule. I just smoke to relax and enjoy a smoke.

CigarNut 02-05-2010 07:08 AM

Re: How many days...........

Originally Posted by CigarNut (Post 745979)
I've gone without cigars a number of times for up to two weeks. This is not really by choice but usually dictated by circumstance (e.g., travelling or when I have a head cold).

Usually I have 2-3 cigars a day week days and 4-5 on weekends...

Ironically, I have not had a cigar for the last three days. Not avoiding them, but cirumstances have not permitted it...

I have my convertible today and it is supposed to be dry this afternoon so I will have one on my way home from work for sure :D

The Postman 02-08-2010 05:58 PM

Re: How many days...........
When its winter time, I generally get to smoke one or two a week depending on how much snow we have to shovel. In the summer when I am on holidays, I might smoke 2 a day while gardening, painting, or yard work. If its really cold, I can do without, but its not fun.

Bax 02-08-2010 07:15 PM

Re: How many days...........
I think I've had two in the last 3 months. Weather and family really eat into my "me" time.

neoflex 02-08-2010 08:07 PM

Re: How many days...........
In the winter it seems far a few. I have gone a a couple months in the past. Sadly, my schedule just doesn't always allow for me to sit and enjoy one for a while sometimes or I just take a break which has happened a few times and I would step away from cigars for 2 or so months just because it seemed I needed a break because nothing would taste good to me no matter what I smoked, but the winter time is the killer. Sometimes it's just too damn cold and if the weather isn't cooperative where I can smoke in the car with the window cracked a couple inches than I may go some time without one or it seems that when the weather is decent enough to ride with the window cracked my mood doesn't match and the stick will ride home on the passenger seat rather than in my hand. I'm the type of person where if I am pissed or just slightly aggravated I won't ruin my smoking experience. Now if I had a sh*tty day and I just need a pick me up than it's game on!:) Can't beat summers though. I try to get out back at least once of not twice a week with an ice cold Capt. Morgan/Dr. Pepper with a stick of my choice. Nothing beats it!

pitbulljimmy 02-09-2010 03:22 PM

Re: How many days...........
My wife lets me smoke in my basement...But I generally only have about 3 a week on weekdays. Weekends is a whole 'nother beast though... I can easily have 3 a day... I do go some days without smoking though... If I really have to.:ss

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