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Bax 01-08-2010 11:48 AM

Re: The Biggest Bargin Cigar of the Year!

Originally Posted by md4958 (Post 712485)

Id like to add CC Punch Double Corona from the sales. These are some of my favorite sticks with a little time to dry out. At the price they really couldnt be beaten.


I forgot all about those!

njstone 01-08-2010 12:04 PM

Re: The Biggest Bargin Cigar of the Year!

Originally Posted by RevSmoke (Post 712729)
You know, this kicks back to that other thread about affordability.

Simply put, $5 a stick isn't a bargain to me - I'll buy $5 sticks, but when I'm looking for bargains, I'm looking for cigars that are less than that.

So, the minor problem I see with this thread is that we didn't define the $$ range for bargain. Of course, bargain means different things to different people. To me, bargain sticks are under $3.00 each. What I got the other day was a bargain, normal $6.00 sticks for $2.50. And nobody anywhere is going to tell me that deal wasn't a bargain. OK, it was more a steal... But, that isn't a normal bargain cigar.

So, for my $$, the biggest bargain stick (normally under $3.00 a cigar) is Omar Ortez - usually about $2.60 a stick and excellent.

+1 on the "bargain" thing. To me, a stick has to be under $3 to be a "cheap smoke." In that category, I'd nominate:

Perdomo ESV 2nds
Rocky Patel Olde World Reserve 2nds
Padilla 1968
Tatuaje Series P
RP Vintage '92 2nds
Oliva G

For MEGA CHEAP (i.e. yard gars), like $1.50/stick, I like:

RP Nicaraguan Factory Selects "Liga B" robustos (CI/Cbid)
RP Fusion 2nds
Indian Tabac Cameroon Legend
5 Vegas Classic/Gold

elderboy02 01-08-2010 12:04 PM

Re: The Biggest Bargin Cigar of the Year!

Originally Posted by Bax (Post 712739)
Don't worry, he PM'd me and said he completely forgot what it was! :r

Yep, that is exactly what I said :r

Doctorossi 01-08-2010 12:13 PM

Re: The Biggest Bargin Cigar of the Year!

Originally Posted by md4958 (Post 712485)
Id like to add CC Punch Double Corona from the sales.

For my nutty tastes, Punch DCs are a bargain at full price.

Starscream 01-08-2010 12:18 PM

Re: The Biggest Bargin Cigar of the Year!
Indian Tabac Super Fuerte
Perdomo Fresh-rolled

CC: Party Short

lopro 01-08-2010 01:11 PM

Re: The Biggest Bargin Cigar of the Year!
so many cigars left to try! (especially the CC's!).

This thread is great!

Steelergar 01-08-2010 01:53 PM

Re: The Biggest Bargin Cigar of the Year!

Originally Posted by Kreth (Post 712704)
Anything by AJ Fernandez. Some tasty sticks, and pretty much all of his blends can be had cheap.
Posted via Mobile Device

I'll second that, I have a box of disel on the way I picked up for about 2.75 a stick. I also discovered the Little Havanna Overuns III this year.

madwilliamflint 01-08-2010 01:54 PM

Re: The Biggest Bargin Cigar of the Year!
Ya know, I really love the J&R knockoff of the Montecristo C. Buying them by the bundle ends up at less than $2 a stick. My smoking buddy reports that they have other knockoffs that smoke far better. He's a couple hours away so it'll be two or three weeks before I can validate that kind of claim.

But my favorite bargain really is the PH 681s from Famous. They're orphaned sticks from some unidentified premium maker. (They're a Nicaraguan Puros.) I picked up a box of 25 on a Cigar Monster deal for $70 (on top of the couple/few 5 packs I've bought in the last six months.)

Really a solid stick. My favorite Maduro so far. Yes, I said it. ;)

Subvet642 01-08-2010 02:02 PM

Re: The Biggest Bargin Cigar of the Year!
I bought a couple of mold boxes of Gispert Toros recently, and what a bargain, about $3 a stick; a great everyday smoke! :ss

dannysguitar 01-08-2010 02:10 PM

Re: The Biggest Bargin Cigar of the Year!

Originally Posted by madwilliamflint (Post 712897)
Ya know, I really love the J&R knockoff of the Montecristo C. Buying them by the bundle ends up at less than $2 a stick. My smoking buddy reports that they have other knockoffs that smoke far better. He's a couple hours away so it'll be two or three weeks before I can validate that kind of claim.

But my favorite bargain really is the PH 681s from Famous. They're orphaned sticks from some unidentified premium maker. (They're a Nicaraguan Puros.) I picked up a box of 25 on a Cigar Monster deal for $70 (on top of the couple/few 5 packs I've bought in the last six months.)

Really a solid stick. My favorite Maduro so far. Yes, I said it. ;)

Those are supposed to be Liga Privada #9's right?

icehog3 01-08-2010 02:11 PM

Re: The Biggest Bargin Cigar of the Year!
Cheap means different things to different people, $1.50 to some, $4-5 to others. Doesn't make the people who choose the latter wrong. :2

madwilliamflint 01-08-2010 02:24 PM

Re: The Biggest Bargin Cigar of the Year!

Originally Posted by dannysguitar (Post 712922)
Those are supposed to be Liga Privada #9's right?

(disclaimer: Never smoked the Liga Privada #9)

I was all set to say no but then I went back and looked up the descriptions.

I'm losing my mind here. I could've sworn I'd read that the 681s were all Nicaraguan (hence my mention of it in my previous post.) But I'm guessing I'm just delusional because the text from Famous is this:


...blend consists of select Honduran and Nicaraguan Cuban seed longfiller tobaccos with a Brazilian Mata Fina binder, flawlessly rolled in an ebony Connecticut Broadleaf.
So yeah, maybe it is. I should pick up one of those to give it a taste and see. If that's really what that smoke is, then the box of 25 for $69 is a steal.

I babble about how much I love these things so much that when they come up on cigar monster I get people sending me emails and twitter messages (plus, my cigar site hits spike from google searches.)

markem 01-08-2010 02:32 PM

Re: The Biggest Bargin Cigar of the Year!
In '09, I didn't buy enough NCs to form any real opinion, so I'll pass.

As for CCs, the du Depute cabs from the sales turned out very good. Not once-in-a-lifetime smokes, but definitely above the norm. They worked out to be less that $2 per stick. However, finding several boxes of 1998 Partagas 8-9-8Vs in perfect condition for under $6 per stick was perhaps my best bargain. No, they aren't for sale and the vendor has no more :D

OHRD 01-08-2010 02:33 PM

Re: The Biggest Bargin Cigar of the Year!
I'd have to go Brickhouse and CAO La Traviata

RevSmoke 01-08-2010 03:09 PM

Re: The Biggest Bargin Cigar of the Year!

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 712923)
Cheap means different things to different people, $1.50 to some, $4-5 to others. Doesn't make the people who choose the latter wrong. :2

I think I'm that one who brought this up, as I know I made the point about what I consider "MY" bargain price point was. And, I thought I wasn't trying to say one is wrong and one is right - I was trying to say that what is a bargain to one may not be to another. Neither is better than the other. When I look for a bargain stick and when Howard Hughes looks for a bargain stick, we're probably not looking in the same bins.

I guess I was trying to level the playing field so that we're all looking in the same price range. I chose the Omar Ortez for under $3 a stick (that's what I consider a bargain). But, if by bargain we mean up to $6 a stick, I'd have to choose Oliva Vs.

That was my only point. I was not in any way trying to cast aspersions on anybody else's idea of "bargain."

Forgive me.

icehog3 01-08-2010 03:19 PM

Re: The Biggest Bargin Cigar of the Year!

Originally Posted by RevSmoke (Post 713007)
I think I'm that one who brought this up, as I know I made the point about what I consider "MY" bargain price point was. And, I thought I wasn't trying to say one is wrong and one is right - I was trying to say that what is a bargain to one may not be to another.
Forgive me.

Nothing to forgive, Todd, I was just making a counterpoint. I got nothing but love for you, My Brother. :)

Subvet642 01-08-2010 03:34 PM

Re: The Biggest Bargin Cigar of the Year!

Originally Posted by matthewjmichael (Post 712950)
I'd have to go Brickhouse and CAO La Traviata

Brick House is my go to stogie; I'm getting a box for my B'day! :banger

The Poet 01-08-2010 03:55 PM

Re: The Biggest Bargin Cigar of the Year!

Originally Posted by s15driftking (Post 712658)
you should also try that NC ERDM that's wrapped in tissue paper. Very similar in taste, a few bucks more, Better cigar overall.

Amen. The maduro ERDMs are one of my particular faves, whether tissue or cello skinned.

cort 01-08-2010 03:58 PM

Re: The Biggest Bargin Cigar of the Year!

Originally Posted by markem (Post 712948)
However, finding several boxes of 1998 Partagas 8-9-8Vs in perfect condition for under $6 per stick was perhaps my best bargain. No, they aren't for sale and the vendor has no more :D

I hate you:mad:

Jfire 01-08-2010 04:36 PM

Re: The Biggest Bargin Cigar of the Year!
Rass for CCs (looks like I'll be trying a few more)
Lho 3s from holts 2 bucks for Nc.
Thanks for the recommendations!

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