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Ratters 11-28-2009 01:30 AM

Re: Black Friday Scores!

Originally Posted by AD720 (Post 660225)
We lost our digital camera when we moved so I got a pre-black Friday deal on a Fujifilm 10.2 megapixel with a 2 gb card and case for $80 shipped on (but that was Tuesday so not sure it counts :)).

I would really like a small LCD for our bedroom but I'm waiting until they break the $100 barrier.

Yep, picked up a LG Blue Ray player for $99 and a few cheap blu ray movies all from Amazon. Then went to bed and slept in. :D

JE3146 11-28-2009 02:31 AM

Re: Black Friday Scores!

Originally Posted by Ratters (Post 660401)
Yep, picked up a LG Blue Ray player for $99 and a few cheap blu ray movies all from Amazon. Then went to bed and slept in. :D

Got an LG370 Blu-ray player with netflix streaming for 77$ from Frys. Was out in the cold at 4am and got the 16th player off the palette. :D

Only thing I got today, but with our movie library, we needed a bedroom blu-ray player.

Was so tempted to buy a 374$ Sony Bravia 32" at Best Buy for the bedroom as well but just didn't want to put it on a card, which is where it would have been going.

Paying with cash during the Christmas Season saves a lot of grief come spring...

Going to Macy's tomorrow (this morning) with the wife for some christmas shopping... ughh... oh well.. We'll be done with our christmas shopping 2 days after thanksgiving. Can't beat that really.

LasciviousXXX 11-28-2009 02:34 AM

Re: Black Friday Scores!
Oh, just remember Jordan... while you're shopping for Xmas gifts... I like things with bling :tu


AD720 11-28-2009 08:05 AM

Re: Black Friday Scores!

Originally Posted by Ratters (Post 660401)
Yep, picked up a LG Blue Ray player for $99 and a few cheap blu ray movies all from Amazon. Then went to bed and slept in. :D


Originally Posted by JE3146 (Post 660405)
Got an LG370 Blu-ray player with netflix streaming for 77$ from Frys. Was out in the cold at 4am and got the 16th player off the palette. :D

Only thing I got today, but with our movie library, we needed a bedroom blu-ray player.

Was so tempted to buy a 374$ Sony Bravia 32" at Best Buy for the bedroom as well but just didn't want to put it on a card, which is where it would have been going.

Paying with cash during the Christmas Season saves a lot of grief come spring...

Going to Macy's tomorrow (this morning) with the wife for some christmas shopping... ughh... oh well.. We'll be done with our christmas shopping 2 days after thanksgiving. Can't beat that really.

Oh yea, I got the Insignia bluray (that does Netflix) two weeks ago for $99. Some people thought it would go down to $89 on Friday but it didn't. I was planning on getting another Roku Netflix player for our bedroom but I ended up getting a blueray with it built in for the same price - that was a no-brainer.

It seemed like every store was willing to one-up each other with early deals to see who could get people's money first.

Thrak 11-28-2009 08:11 AM

Re: Black Friday Scores!
I had to fight a guy off to get the 55" 1080P lcd @ Costco ($1150), last one, he was in line behind me, and he grabbed the other end of the box. I said something like "get back in line!" .. I say "something like" cuz I dont really remember lol I was out in the cold for over an hour and was 14th in line.

Then Directv came by around noon and I've got some sweeeet 1080p feeds now.

Decided to try my luck at RadioShack to get the $13 Wii charging station around 8pm... they were sold out.

Zipped over to WalMart about 8:30p, got the 'pole position' parking spot and thought "this must be a sign", walked in and was like OMG... Grabbed the last PS3 bundle for $299, which was the one I *really* wanted to get the whole day. Came with inFAMOUS, Arkham Asylum AND The Dark Night on blu-ray. Even the sales guy was like wtf?!? lol

Got a bike for my son for 60% off and a little thing for our baby girl.

Got a TomTom GPS for $59 and a portable DVD player for $59 (for my Mom and MIL)

Also used Bing cash back to get about $40 or so back from getting stuff online.

All in all, not a bad day :) I got everything I needed/wanted.

BigAl_SC 11-28-2009 09:36 AM

Re: Black Friday Scores!
Slept in. Cooked bacon, pancakes w/real Vt maple syrup. Played cards with my parents and kids till 3pm. Went to favorite fish camp for dinner. Just a great day.

gettysburgfreak 11-28-2009 09:52 AM

Re: Black Friday Scores!
never been one to wake up that early and wait in line with a bunch of people ready to run you over once the doors open. I really wanted to get a HP notebook computer but was unable to as I am stuck on base and had work at 7:30am

srduggins 11-28-2009 09:54 AM

Re: Black Friday Scores!
Meandered over to Big 5 around 10 and picked up a $20 golf bag caddy, some balls and a $20 RC dragster. Then visited my son working at Pizza hut.

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