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Blueface 10-22-2009 12:30 PM

Re: What is an Aficionado
Read all the posts and wondered the following:
Is anyone a car buff?
Do you enjoy NASCAR? Do you enjoy Motortrend? Car and Driver? Do you go to the annual auto shows to see the latest models and concept cars? You turn your head every time a nice car passes by you?
BUT, your only car you currently drive is one of the few Yugos still on the road in therefore you are not an aficionado by their standards?

I live by a simple motto. Couldn't give a rat's a$$ what anyone thinks about what I do with my money. Wouldn't give their opinion the time of day if they are so English inept as to associate an aficionado with the type of cigars you smoke. Wouldn't hurt my feelings in any way. Would only attempt educate them on their misconception and move on.

OHRD 10-22-2009 12:43 PM

Re: What is an Aficionado

Originally Posted by KenS (Post 612432)
:tpd: That is a key point from a wise man. Smoking a $1.50 cigar with good friends and family, and enjoying the time spent, is much better than a $25 cigar smoked alone. That is when you know you are an Aficionado :2

AMEN to that!

pmwz 10-22-2009 12:58 PM

Re: What is an Aficionado
i smoked one cigar for over 10€ this year and i had a lot of great cigars.
i think you can find good cigars in each price range.

Demented 10-22-2009 02:20 PM

Re: What is an Aficionado
Merriam Webster defines Aficionado: a person who likes, knows about, and appreciates a usually fervently pursued interest or activity.

Being an aficionado of cigars, scotch, wine or any other visceral pleasure, does not equate to smoking and or drinking the very best. It simply means the person in question, the “Aficionado”, has an intense or serious interest in whatever subject and invest the time to learn about it.

Enjoying cigars, scotch, wine or anything else does not an aficionado make.

I enjoy fine cigars, wine and spirits yet lack the interest to truly be an aficionado of these. Now if you wanted to talk cooking, cookware or cutlery…

In my opinion, pay little or no attention to those who feel the need to tell you what or how often to smoke. Smoke what you can afford and when you find something you like, let the rest of us know about it.

Might want to take a look at the Famous Nicaraguan bundles.


OHRD 10-22-2009 05:43 PM

Re: What is an Aficionado
Thanks for all the encouragement fellas and for reminding me why I'm in the Asylum...

fyrftr 10-22-2009 06:40 PM

Re: What is an Aficionado
I feel it also matthewjmichael. CA...where the term BOTL seems to mean something!

Tim L.

SmokeyJoe 10-22-2009 09:16 PM

Re: What is an Aficionado
VERY well said... exactly right. Most of us migrated from another site where one of the mantras was - "no cigar snobs." Smoke what you like...

Or as Lew Rothman, original owner of JRs is fond of saying...

"What's the difference between a $2 cigar and a $10 cigar? Eight bucks."


Originally Posted by illinoishoosier (Post 612208)
That's why we're here.

Here, you can talk about a $2 stick or a $20 stick and get the same response for both. You can talk about the strength of NCs or the floral wonderfulness of CCs.

Here you can be a snob or a regular joe. You can smoke 5 cigars a day or 5 cigars a month. We don't care.

We're just glad you smoke 'em.

krash 10-22-2009 09:33 PM

Re: What is an Aficionado
Not to sound like a broken record, but smoke what you like. And as far as I'm concernced there are no "cheap" smokes, only inexpensive alternatives. There is nothing I like better after a crappy day at work than to sit in my recliner and relax with a cigar and watch sportscenter. A cigar is all about relaxation and enjoyment to me. So go ahead and review the sticks you enjoy, because I can guarantee a lot of people here will read them. Who knows, they may like them too.:tu

Kreth 10-22-2009 09:59 PM


Originally Posted by krash (Post 613369)
So go ahead and review the sticks you enjoy, because I can guarantee a lot of people here will read them. Who knows, they may like them too.:tu

:tpd: I enjoy reading reviews, both of cigars I've reviewed (to see what others thought of the smoke), and cigars I haven't tried yet. If I see some interesting flavors, I'll probably give that stick a try.
Posted via Mobile Device

dox47 10-22-2009 10:39 PM

Re: What is an Aficionado
I'm totally with the sentiment here so far, price does not necessarily correlate with value, and there are plenty of great cigars that won't break your bank. As to those other "Aficionados", I think bombing them with some JR Alternatives rebanded to look expensive might be an amusing endeavor...

Starscream 10-23-2009 12:22 PM

Re: What is an Aficionado

Originally Posted by Don Fernando (Post 612235)
They have Aficionado mistaken for snob.


That God-awful magazine, Cigar Aficionado, has ruined the term. Hemingway defined aficionado in his novel The Sun Also Rises as a person who has great passion for something. I have a passion for cigars, whether they are $1.00 cigars or $15.00 cigars. I consider myself a cigar aficionado in the true sense of the word, not what its meaning has become.

Blueface 10-23-2009 01:12 PM

Re: What is an Aficionado

Originally Posted by andysutherland (Post 614297)

That God-awful magazine, Cigar Aficionado, has ruined the term. Hemingway defined aficionado in his novel The Sun Also Rises as a person who has great passion for something. I have a passion for cigars, whether they are $1.00 cigars or $15.00 cigars. I consider myself a cigar aficionado in the true sense of the word, not what its meaning has become.

I was just thinking aloud.
If a person loves prostitutes and frequents the same street location regularly to take in as much of the cheap hookers as he can 'cause he loves the variety of quantity over the high priced multi thousand dollar ones, he is not an aficionado?:r

The aforementioned scenarios do not describe me at all so I therefore must bow out of the term.:r

poker 10-23-2009 02:07 PM

Re: What is an Aficionado

Originally Posted by Blueface (Post 614346)
...he is not an aficionado?:r

Nope. He's a 'ho 'ho :D

KidRock 10-23-2009 02:17 PM

Re: What is an Aficionado
ASK THIS GUY: Greekgodx Uncle

Whee 10-23-2009 02:51 PM

Re: What is an Aficionado

Originally Posted by KidRock (Post 614416)

Legend's back!!:r

Jbailey 10-23-2009 02:53 PM

Re: What is an Aficionado

Originally Posted by illinoishoosier (Post 614486)
Legend's back!!:r

I bet he had a great scale on how to rate an Aficionado. :r

All in all I like the cigars I like.:tu

Starscream 10-23-2009 04:45 PM

Re: What is an Aficionado

Originally Posted by Blueface (Post 614346)
I was just thinking aloud.
If a person loves prostitutes and frequents the same street location regularly to take in as much of the cheap hookers as he can 'cause he loves the variety of quantity over the high priced multi thousand dollar ones, he is not an aficionado?:r

The aforementioned scenarios do not describe me at all so I therefore must bow out of the term.:r

Yes! A prostitute aficionado!

Originally Posted by poker (Post 614410)
Nope. He's a 'ho 'ho :D

That too!

Originally Posted by Jbailey (Post 614492)
I bet he had a great scale on how to rate an Aficionado. :r


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