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kenstogie 09-14-2009 06:18 AM

Re: Kanye West

Originally Posted by DougBushBC (Post 548279)
She could use a little help in the boobage department, but she is definitely a GORGEOUS girl.

For me it's not so much size as shape, but I like them all.

Col. Kurtz 09-14-2009 07:00 AM

Re: Kanye West
Why is this jerk still relevant?

replicant_argent 09-14-2009 07:40 AM

Re: Kanye West

Originally Posted by Col. Kurtz (Post 548349)
Why is this jerk still relevant?

Because, in the diverse world we live in, there is no accounting for taste.

cbsmokin 09-14-2009 07:43 AM

Re: Kanye West
Total Di*k Head. Next time there is an award show they should say they are giving him some kind of special award and then not do it.

Kreth 09-14-2009 07:44 AM


Originally Posted by Col. Kurtz (Post 548349)
Why is this jerk still relevant?

:tpd: I thought his 15 minutes were up after that weak-ass "performance" on SNL last year.
Posted via Mobile Device

JJG 09-14-2009 07:56 AM

Re: Kanye West

Originally Posted by Kreth (Post 548404)
I thought his 15 minutes were up after that weak-ass "performance" on SNL last year.

oh man, that was hard to watch. of course, I recorded it so my friends and I could go back and re-watch it several times later. :D I don't understand why people think because they can rhyme it means they can sing too.

also, I'd like to present the following picture as further evidence of Kanye's douchebaggery:

Cigary 09-14-2009 08:04 AM

Re: Kanye West
This clown needs a personality enema.

chippewastud79 09-14-2009 08:11 AM

Re: Kanye West
I think Pink summed it up pretty well.


Originally Posted by Yahoo!
Pink tweeted about her annoyance with Kanye. "Kanye West is the biggest piece of sh-t on earth. Quote me," she wrote. "My heart goes out to Taylor Swift. She is a sweet and talented girl, and deserved her moment. She should know we all love her."

ahc4353 09-14-2009 08:36 AM

Re: Kanye West

Originally Posted by chippewastud79 (Post 548441)
I think Pink summed it up pretty well.


What a f'in tool this guy is.

I wish she would have kicked him in the nuts.

gettysburgfreak 09-14-2009 08:38 AM

Re: Kanye West
seems to me it was staged as well, MTV is weird like that. Did you guys see Beyonces outfit when she performed?

JJG 09-14-2009 09:01 AM

Re: Kanye West

Originally Posted by gettysburgfreak (Post 548474)
seems to me it was staged as well, MTV is weird like that. Did you guys see Beyonces outfit when she performed?

I wouldn't put it past MTV to stage something like this. but if so, I can't understand, why Kanye or anyone else would agree to be the "villain". He's done this before though. I believe it was MTV Europe and he crashed the stage when someone else won best video.

I have this theory that he's actually just mildly retarded. I mean, when I see him in interviews or when he made that "bush doesn't care about black people" comment, he always looks and sounds like a little kid. He has this deer-in-the headlights childlike expression. Maybe he's not a bad guy. Maybe he just has no concept of what constitutes socially acceptable behavior.

ahc4353 09-14-2009 09:03 AM

Re: Kanye West
I don't know about staged. I would think the award winner would have to be in on it as well and that poor girl looked so sad and confused.

I stick by my original post, the guy's a tool.

Jbailey 09-14-2009 09:36 AM

Re: Kanye West
This is crazy, never heard of this until now.

Not a fan of his music or think he's that talented, just my opinion. Plus I'm surprised that they still do the whole music award shows since they don't play music anymore.

gettysburgfreak 09-14-2009 09:43 AM

Re: Kanye West
MTV blows, I concluded that awhile back but after seeing the events of last night and all the crappy ass music that was up for awards it officially sealed the deal. Anyone else think Lady Gaga is completely insane and a freak of nature? And how the heck did her song Poker Face actually get recorded? Its the worst song I have ever heard.

SchizoFilly 09-14-2009 09:54 AM

Re: Kanye West
I remember a few years ago when Limp Bizkit won an award that Rage Against the Machine was nominated for and one of the guys went on stage and climbed up one of the props. He got arrested for it. Why wasn't this sh!t head given the same treatment?

OLS 09-14-2009 09:54 AM

Re: Kanye West
Not being into the whole hip hop "culture", I had no idea who this numbnut was.
Even on SNL when he embarassed an entire race, I thought who is this
Ahole? But by last night, at least, I knew WHO HE WAS. When I read this this morning,
I was pretty disappointed for the poor kid Taylor. I was going to log onto his goofball
web page to call him a few names, among which I am sure was going to be douchebag,
but I did not want to give him the web traffic. Same as that douche-bag who heckled
the president. I am a conservative, but I would never think to applaud this worm with a
attaboy or a contribution or even a web click to his page to call him a douche-bag.
The news commentators say it best. This is NOT the UK or Japan or wherever.
This is the US! And to see him on Meet the Press saying that he did not plan to do it.
He knew exactly where in the speech it was going to fall and he waited like some scumbag
for his 15 secs of fame. He doesn't get 15 mins. He should be stripped on the house
floor and given 30 lashes. I disagree with black comentators and activists who say it was all
about Obama's race. But I do think that some Aholes in congress think he shouldn't REALLY be
conferred with all due respect because he is black. So it must be OK to heckle him, right.
WRONG. The man is the President of the United States, like it or not.

And Kanye?? Just a perfect example of a man who feels like he is entitled to
more than his share of rights because of the history of his people in America.
Sorry Kanye. None of your living family were slaves, and none of their parents
were likely slaves either. You are now JUST an American. Start behaving like one, you jizz.

dannysguitar 09-14-2009 09:55 AM

Re: Kanye West
I thought this sketch was pretty funny

BlackDog 09-14-2009 10:00 AM

Re: Kanye West

Originally Posted by zonedar (Post 547930)
Well, Beyonce has more class in her finger nail...

Oh, I thought that she was just a little careless with the toilet paper. Which is about as much as I think of Kayne West.

OLS 09-14-2009 10:37 AM

Re: Kanye West
And I should apologize for the "angry white man" routine from me above.
It is hard for the average reader to tell if I am a racist or just the opposite
by reading my rant. Like most Americans, black and white and hispanic and other, yes, I am a racist, lol. I keed.

Cigarbud 09-14-2009 10:50 AM

Re: Kanye West
What a turd, my only question is why do they keep inviting this whining baby back every year. Maybe they get a certain percentage of people who just tune in to see what 200 pound 6 year old looks like.

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