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RaiderinKS 07-09-2009 05:36 PM

Re: Are you a spitter?
I guess I don't do it always. When I am herfing indoors, I keep a water and a beer around, and I will drink whichever one mitigates the nicotine flavor of my saliva.

When I was spitting all over my yard last night, I managed to accidentally inhale while trying to smoke something with a bad draw. God dangit my chest hurts today.

Catfish 07-09-2009 05:43 PM

Re: Are you a spitter?

Originally Posted by TanithT (Post 456705)
No, I swallow. :banger

best. post. ever. :tu :wo :dr

Mr B 07-09-2009 05:50 PM

Re: Are you a spitter?
Sadly, yes. Unless I am at a herf, then I make sure I always have something to drink.

Sauer Grapes 07-09-2009 07:05 PM

Re: Are you a spitter?
Other... Generally only if I'm smoking outdoor. If I'm in a cigar shop or somewhere else I can smoke indoor, I don't feel the need to.

mcmoyer 07-09-2009 08:36 PM

Re: Are you a spitter?
Very rarely...usually when a piece of tobacco finds it's way into my mouth. I always have a glass of water with my cigars.

Flat4boxer 07-10-2009 04:30 PM

Re: Are you a spitter?

Originally Posted by darkninja67 (Post 456229)
I tend to spit a lot when smoking on the porch outside. In a lounge I usually have a drink and cannot and will not spit.

This is me also.

The Poet 07-10-2009 04:34 PM

Re: Are you a spitter?
I do not spit. Like some others here, I think it is a foul and disgusting habit, and not the necessity some of you seem to believe.

Yeah, I know it's a shock, but I do have a little couth - you should try it some time. :ss

ZenSilk 07-10-2009 04:41 PM

Re: Are you a spitter?
Oh god you should see the porch....

I don't like the feeling of the nicotine in my stomach, and spitting helps me fight that.

SmokinApe 07-10-2009 06:12 PM

Re: Are you a spitter?
I don't deep throat the cigar so my slober factor is pretty low, that being said I don't spit... Question for the spitters, what do you do when smoking inside?

darkninja67 07-10-2009 06:31 PM

Re: Are you a spitter?

Originally Posted by SmokinApe (Post 459117)
I don't deep throat the cigar so my slober factor is pretty low, that being said I don't spit... Question for the spitters, what do you do when smoking inside?

I carry a cup and spit into it. j/k

Usually I have a drink. I smoke way too many cigars to actually like drinking my own saliva. And I do not suck on the cigar like some folks.


Originally Posted by ZenSilk (Post 459051)
Oh god you should see the porch....

I don't like the feeling of the nicotine in my stomach, and spitting helps me fight that.

you can smoke with me anytime brother.

Hawk6815 07-11-2009 04:20 AM

Re: Are you a spitter?
I smoke with a couple of guys who spit. I love having company when I'm relaxing with a stick, but the constant sound of spitting takes something out of it for me.


Benwoo 07-11-2009 09:50 AM

Re: Are you a spitter?
I don't usually feel the need to, but I do have a strong desire to every now and then. I think it depends on how Nic'd up my mouth and the tip get gets.
It seems to only happen when I'm smoking outside w/ the gramps. He's constantly spitting which drives the grams nuts and I can't say it's the best of sights. The end of his cigars also end up looking like a drown rat though so how he smokes probably facilitates the spitting.

On a rare occasion I'll get a gob of tobacco juice when smoking my pipe. That will have me spitting and wincing.

So I guess I fall into the other category.


tenbaseg 07-11-2009 11:34 AM

Re: Are you a spitter?
I voted "other". It really depends on the cigar.

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