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alley00p 06-25-2009 12:21 AM

Re: First personal firearm thread

Originally Posted by floydpink (Post 437884)
Also NEVER EVER buy anything that says Kel Tec, no matter how easy the salesman says it is to carry.

Personally, I can't agree about the KelTec... with a little work, the .32acp is a nice pocket pistol. From the factory, it is hard to shoot due to the stiff trigger, but they are easy to work on and will eat any hollow point ammo that I have tried.

My normal carry gun is a Springfield V-10 .45acp. It has a compensated 4.5" barrel and holds 7 rounds + one up the pipe.

I have other .45's, some .40S&W pistols, 9mm pistols, 357's, & a .44mag w/ 5" barrel, all that I have carried at one time, but I like a .45 the best.

In USPSA/IPSC competiton, I use a ParaOrdinance P14-45 double stack with custom trigger, safety and mag release work on it. I'd carry that, but it's just a tad too big to lug around on a daily basis.

I agree with the others, though - find a range that rents handguns out and try them out until you find something that you like.


icehog3 06-25-2009 12:26 AM

Re: First personal firearm thread

Originally Posted by bonjing (Post 438998)
You can't go wrong with any of the recommended firearms here. Just remember the most important thing here is that it fits you, and you can shoot it well.

Well said.:tu

For me personally, I see the Glock as a reliable and well made handgun....I just am more comfortable with, and shoot better with, a Sig Sauer. You should take the "rent at the range" advice of some others here and find out what "fits" you best.

JE3146 06-25-2009 01:08 AM

Re: First personal firearm thread
Family Safety First = 12 guage shotgun

Get a Remington 870 HD Express and load it with loose spread bird shot, then top it with 1 close spread 00 Buck round.

The shot penetration of even a handgun is going to be enough to cause harm well past the 'intended target.'

Not to mention racking a shotgun in a dark lit house is enough to make anyone piss their pants...

As for handguns... Glock 19, Sig P229 and HK USP Compact all earn my stamp of approval. Just depends if you like paddle release vs button, polymer vs metal, striker vs DA/SA.. etc etc.

All this is my .02

darkninja67 06-25-2009 01:32 AM

Re: First personal firearm thread
The Glock G23 would be at the top of my short list.
Extremely reliable and easy to shoot.
Definitely try before you buy and see which firearm fits your hand best and see how easy it is to operate safeties and mag releases.

elderboy02 06-25-2009 04:55 AM

Re: First personal firearm thread

Originally Posted by markem (Post 439407)
But if I wanted something for home defense, it would be a 20 gauge shotgun. Excellent stopping power, very accurate with practice and the pellets won't travel across the street and kill a neighbor.

Here is a great and well written article about buckshot:

Mark C 06-25-2009 08:13 PM

Re: First personal firearm thread

Originally Posted by elderboy02 (Post 439495)
Here is a great and well written article about buckshot:

Good article, but I didn't see much discussion about 00 vs #4 shot. I read something somewhere else that said at close range, where you have a good chance of hitting with ALL pellets, the additional pellets in the #4 shell make that a more powerful load. Food for thought.

Here's the ballistic tests:

floydpink 06-25-2009 09:09 PM

Re: First personal firearm thread
I keep a Mossberg 500 shotgun hidden for home defense and recently came upon some interesting ammo I am thinking about buying.. The double load "pitbull" is the one that caught my eye.

Not sure how a jury would take the name regardless of the castle doctrine in Florida.

Not sure how my wife would feel about the door breachers or the incediary rounds. Flame thrower rounds would certainly address any home invasion issues though.

I'm kinda surprised they sell this stuff to the public...

Brings back memories of the Black Talons.

Any thoughts fellow 2nd ammendment lovers?

DPD6030 06-25-2009 09:29 PM

Re: First personal firearm thread
Better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6

Sauer Grapes 06-25-2009 09:48 PM

Re: First personal firearm thread
Let me also talk about how much I like Sigs. Also, the HK P2000 is a fine gun.

floydpink 06-25-2009 09:51 PM

Re: First personal firearm thread
If the Navy SEALS use the Sig Sauer P226, it can't be bad....

Wolfgang 06-25-2009 11:21 PM

Re: First personal firearm thread
For $1200 it better be auto aiming.

Catfish 06-25-2009 11:35 PM

Re: First personal firearm thread
My primary carry weapon in a Springfield XDM in .40cal. I love it.

As far as home defense / child safety, my personal preference is a Remington 870. Added features are a light, adjustable stock and ammo rail.

My children are familiar with the family weapons, know their utility and the mystery factor has been removed with familiarity training. They shoot the gun, they clean the guns and have been educated and trained as to their utility and purpose.

The most important thing to teach, IMPO are the 4 basic rules of gun safety and they can never be denied.

Catfish 06-25-2009 11:37 PM

Re: First personal firearm thread
BTW..Great thread. I love firearms discussions.

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