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Bruzee 06-17-2009 08:08 PM

Re: Donte Stallworth gets 30 days in jail for kill

Originally Posted by wrench turner 85 (Post 428781)
yes, I'm a mechanic for the local school system, If I f**k up and someone looses there life over it, I don't get no free ride or slap on the wrist. I can be sued, loose my job, or brought up on criminal charges for a mistake. even if no one looses there life, all above applies. So yes, officers should have repercussions for there "mistakes", there no different then me.

Hang on a second.... There are repercussions for their mistakes. There are always civil liabilities, and administrative repercussions. But putting a peace officer in jail for failing to activate his emergency equipment is ludicrous! An officer should go to jail if he is corrupt, or deals drugs, or abuses his power, or even if he purposefully fails to take action in certain situations. Then he should be sent to jail. I'd imagine that you would need to do the job before you could understand the weight of split second decision making. Or constant second guessing by the media, the public, and your administration. :2

P.S. This isn't a debate on police officers cupability. :tu

SeanGAR 06-18-2009 04:04 AM

Re: Donte Stallworth gets 30 days in jail for kill

Originally Posted by Bruzee (Post 427890)
The drunk driver is always at fault in a traffic collision, and the primary collision factor is DUI! Every single time.

Of course this is wrong. I saw a friend get cut off by another driver and crash into a telephone pole. When the police gave a breathalizer, he was 0.082 so received a DUI. There was no way he could have avoided the accident, dead sober or not. The primary collision factor was the other driver.

In this case, the primary collision factor was the guy illegally crossing a 6 lane highway instead of walking to the crosswalk and pressing the button.

My opinion of course, and worth every penny paid.

shilala 06-18-2009 11:53 AM

Re: Donte Stallworth gets 30 days in jail for kill

Originally Posted by Bruzee (Post 428808)
Funny you bring that up. That is another reason why this is crazy. Vick did something horrible...... to animals. He did more time than Stallworth will ever do!

It makes no sense, never has.
For instance, a guy like you has to go out every day, drag some junkie raper to jail, and the next day he's walking down the sidewalk.
Run over someone while you're drunk and kill them, you get 30 days.
Get dui'd for your third time and hurt no one at all, you get 1 year in state.
Get caught with 72 1" marijuana plants growing in your closet, and you get life in a federal penitentiary.

It's best to just stay in the house and turn off the tv and love your kids.
That's about the only thing that does make sense.

Mikey202 06-18-2009 12:06 PM

Re: Donte Stallworth gets 30 days in jail for kill
Stallworth tried to donate $$$ to MADD and they refused to take his money.

ActionAndy 06-18-2009 12:11 PM

Re: Donte Stallworth gets 30 days in jail for kill
MADD is a runaway truck of a cause. They're prohibitionists in disguise and unfortunately stuff like this (30 days in jail guy) only helps to strengthen their stance.

e-man67 06-18-2009 12:15 PM

Re: Donte Stallworth gets 30 days in jail for kill
I remember seeing Vince Neil of Motley Crue on some show talking about how he was drunk and stoned and got into an accident. His best friend was in the passanger seat and he was killed instantly. Vince said "I paid the family off and never served a day in jail." So if you have money you can get away with damn near anything.

Bruzee 06-18-2009 12:17 PM

Re: Donte Stallworth gets 30 days in jail for kill

Originally Posted by shilala (Post 429831)
It makes no sense, never has.
For instance, a guy like you has to go out every day, drag some junkie raper to jail, and the next day he's walking down the sidewalk.
Run over someone while you're drunk and kill them, you get 30 days.
Get dui'd for your third time and hurt no one at all, you get 1 year in state.
Get caught with 72 1" marijuana plants growing in your closet, and you get life in a federal penitentiary.

It's best to just stay in the house and turn off the tv and love your kids.
That's about the only thing that does make sense.

No kidding Scott! Good points! Something else that is funny. Here in California, if you carry a fixed bladed knife concealed, it is a felony. (PC 12020(a)(4)) But, if you carry a concealed, loaded handgun in public, it is merely a misdameanor. :D

shilala 06-18-2009 02:08 PM

Re: Donte Stallworth gets 30 days in jail for kill

Originally Posted by shilala (Post 429831)
It makes no sense, never has.
For instance, a guy like you has to go out every day, drag some junkie raper to jail, and the next day he's walking down the sidewalk.
Run over someone while you're drunk and kill them, you get 30 days.
Get dui'd for your third time and hurt no one at all, you get 1 year in state.
Get caught with 72 1" marijuana plants growing in your closet, and you get life in a federal penitentiary.

It's best to just stay in the house and turn off the tv and love your kids.
That's about the only thing that does make sense.


Originally Posted by Bruzee (Post 429862)
No kidding Scott! Good points! Something else that is funny. Here in California, if you carry a fixed bladed knife concealed, it is a felony. (PC 12020(a)(4)) But, if you carry a concealed, loaded handgun in public, it is merely a misdameanor. :D

It just goes to show that common sense is not at all common.

How you do your job every day without going nuts is beyond me.
My ex-bil is a state trooper and I have quite a few other cop buds.
They mostly drink heavily. Seems to help. Getting to beat someone up on the job every now and again seems to be very therapeutic, as well.

TheTraveler 06-18-2009 02:54 PM

Re: Donte Stallworth gets 30 days in jail for kill

Originally Posted by shilala (Post 429831)
Get caught with 72 1" marijuana plants growing in your closet, and you get life in a federal penitentiary.

yep, check this one out:

(of course that's a lot more than a closet full of plants ;) )

Bruzee 06-18-2009 03:47 PM

Re: Donte Stallworth gets 30 days in jail for kill

Roger Goodell hands down an indefinate suspension and some very harsh words for Stallworth. Good for you NFL! :tu Here is the story:

NCRadioMan 06-18-2009 04:48 PM

Re: Donte Stallworth gets 30 days in jail for kill

Originally Posted by Bruzee (Post 430224)

Roger Goodell hands down an indefinate suspension and some very harsh words for Stallworth. Good for you NFL! :tu Here is the story:

Goodell takes no chit. I like him. I don't think Stallworth will play a down in the upcoming season. I hope not anyway.

icehog3 06-18-2009 06:17 PM

Re: Donte Stallworth gets 30 days in jail for kill
Glad the NFL took action after the courts failed to.

Bruzee 06-18-2009 09:32 PM

Re: Donte Stallworth gets 30 days in jail for kill

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 430404)
Glad the NFL took action after the courts failed to.

Yeah, I agree. It is nice to see that they somewhat care about what people would think if they allowed him to play right now. Good move by the NFL. :tu

Mr. Ed 06-18-2009 09:44 PM

Re: Donte Stallworth gets 30 days in jail for kill

Originally Posted by Bruzee (Post 428808)
Funny you bring that up. That is another reason why this is crazy. Vick did something horrible...... to animals. He did more time than Stallworth will ever do!

I believe Vick also obstructed the investigation and lied. Is that so much worse than calling 911 after killing someone while DUI?

I don't know.

I think money is a big factor. :2

Bruzee 06-18-2009 09:53 PM

Re: Donte Stallworth gets 30 days in jail for kill

Originally Posted by Mr. Ed (Post 430605)
I believe Vick also obstructed the investigation and lied. Is that so much worse than calling 911 after killing someone while DUI?

I don't know.

I think money is a big factor. :2

That really is comparing apples and oranges friend. I could care less if he called 911 and waited for police. Thats what he is required to do when in an accident. I don't give him and extra credit for doing what is required of him. But, I totally agree with you about the money aspect. You get the justice you can afford.

Mr. Ed 06-18-2009 10:03 PM

Re: Donte Stallworth gets 30 days in jail for kill

Originally Posted by Bruzee (Post 430615)
That really is comparing apples and oranges friend. I could care less if he called 911 and waited for police. Thats what he is required to do when in an accident. I don't give him and extra credit for doing what is required of him. But, I totally agree with you about the money aspect. You get the justice you can afford.

That's the point, Vick did not do what was required of him, hence the greater amount of jail time.

Dislclaimer: I am neither a lawyer nor am I familiar with the Federal statuets against dog fighting or anything else Vick was charged with,

Bruzee 06-18-2009 10:08 PM

Re: Donte Stallworth gets 30 days in jail for kill

Originally Posted by Mr. Ed (Post 430636)
That's the point, Vick did not do what was required of him, hence the greater amount of jail time.

Dislclaimer: I am neither a lawyer nor am I familiar with the Federal statuets against dog fighting or anything else Vick was charged with,

Yeah. I see your point. :tu I am also not an expert of any kind, and esspecially not on federal laws.

DrDubzz 06-18-2009 10:11 PM

Re: Donte Stallworth gets 30 days in jail for kill
didn't Stallworth also get 2 years of house arrest, lifetime probation and a slew of other penalties along with his jail time?

I believe he's also paying out the ass to the family

not that all that makes it ok, but I think that's why the jail time is so short

Bruzee 06-18-2009 10:16 PM

Re: Donte Stallworth gets 30 days in jail for kill

Originally Posted by RX2010 (Post 430651)
didn't Stallworth also get 2 years of house arrest, lifetime probation and a slew of other penalties along with his jail time?

I believe he's also paying out the ass to the family

not that all that makes it ok, but I think that's why the jail time is so short

Yeah, I see that point too. But, house arrest? Come on man. I cannot agree with the civil payment being a part of it. Because I cannot afford to pay millions to avoid jail. Is that fair? If I kill someone while driving drunk, I can't pay the family, and you can bet your ass I'll be sitting in a prison cell for more than 24 days.

kgoings 06-18-2009 10:24 PM

Re: Donte Stallworth gets 30 days in jail for kill

Originally Posted by Mr. Ed (Post 430636)
That's the point, Vick did not do what was required of him, hence the greater amount of jail time.

Dislclaimer: I am neither a lawyer nor am I familiar with the Federal statuets against dog fighting or anything else Vick was charged with,

Vick also tortured and killed innocent animals. Albeit a far cry from killing a person, Vick was intentional and showed NO remorse.

Donte, probably got off easy.

Tobi, yea being in the military is a completely different world.

Cops, lawyers, judges, and polititions all get away with crap that no one else can...cause they run the system.

In the line of duty or not, he may not have done something "criminal" but last time I check running a light or stop sign is a moving violation. If I did that I would defiantly be looking at jail time. If it was not important enough for him to have his siren and lights on, then he shouldn't have been running lights and stop signs. He should have done time period.

Another case in point, here in AZ a detective left his dog officer in the car during the summer and killed him. Nothing nada. He was 'stressed' because of the job. Two months later a lady does the same thing, she was stressed too, she served time. Double Standard.

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