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icehog3 04-01-2009 11:48 PM

Re: Discontinued foods you want to see come back
Broadway Licorice
Tequila Lime pasta at Applebees
Kellog's Banana Frosted Flakes

marge796 04-01-2009 11:53 PM

Re: Discontinued foods you want to see come back
PopRocks rule!

Whipper Snapper 04-02-2009 12:14 AM

Re: Discontinued foods you want to see come back
I dont think you guys understand how good a bag of smokin' cheddar bbq doritos sound right now.

icehog3 04-02-2009 12:25 AM

Re: Discontinued foods you want to see come back
Quisp Cereal

s15driftking 04-02-2009 06:35 AM

Re: Discontinued foods you want to see come back

Originally Posted by LasciviousXXX (Post 315704)

And I miss when Taco Bell used to have Chilito's (chili and cheese burrito's).

i believe you can still order a chili cheese burrito...IN OHIO!!!

I woudl bomb you with some... but i think it would A. not taste good & B. make your bowels explode!

s15driftking 04-02-2009 06:37 AM

Re: Discontinued foods you want to see come back

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 315948)

that box looks entirely too bootleg to be real... until i saw the Kellogs picture..

MajorCaptSilly 04-02-2009 06:41 AM

Re: Discontinued foods you want to see come back
In the late 70's/early 80's they made different flavored Milk Duds. Banana, Cherry, Grape, etc. They were blatantly artificial flavored but I absolutely loved them.

One that went away but came back was Good-N-Fruity; the counterpart to Good-N-Plenty. When I saw those at my local Target, I was overjoyed.


ActionAndy 04-02-2009 07:08 AM

Re: Discontinued foods you want to see come back
Fruitaburst gum...I miss you more than most of my girlfriends...

s15driftking 04-02-2009 07:22 AM

Re: Discontinued foods you want to see come back
Big league chew.. do they make that anymore?

what about that one gum that came in a tape dispenser of about 3 feet..?

leasingthisspace 04-02-2009 07:37 AM

Re: Discontinued foods you want to see come back

Originally Posted by s15driftking (Post 316148)
Big league chew.. do they make that anymore?

what about that one gum that came in a tape dispenser of about 3 feet..?

I think they still make those.

livwire68 04-02-2009 10:52 AM

Re: Discontinued foods you want to see come back
Dr Pepper gum and gatorade gum

e-man67 04-02-2009 10:53 AM

Re: Discontinued foods you want to see come back

Originally Posted by LasciviousXXX (Post 315742)
God-damn it AZ sucks sometimes! I tried that once and they said "We don't even have chili at Taco Bell anymore to make it"

Grrrrrrrr :mad:

Dude, Ohio's Taco Bells have Chilitos! They are good! :dance:

e-man67 04-02-2009 11:00 AM

Re: Discontinued foods you want to see come back
They use to have hotdogs that had chili in the middle (like the cheese filled ones, only chili) in the 80's that were great! Anyone remember the name of those? :dr

livwire68 04-02-2009 11:03 AM

Re: Discontinued foods you want to see come back

Originally Posted by marge796 (Post 315906)
PopRocks rule!

I believe you can still get these.

Tripp 04-02-2009 11:35 AM

Re: Discontinued foods you want to see come back

Originally Posted by e-man67 (Post 316523)
They use to have hotdogs that had chili in the middle (like the cheese filled ones, only chili) in the 80's that were great! Anyone remember the name of those? :dr

I just found some chicken corn dogs like this! I thought they were gone forever too!

kaisersozei 04-02-2009 11:56 AM

Re: Discontinued foods you want to see come back
Roasted Red Pepper Tostitos

Whipper Snapper 04-02-2009 12:07 PM

Re: Discontinued foods you want to see come back
Just found a list of 13 defunct fast food restaurants!
Just think, 13 places I'll never be able to eat at...

Beer Doctor 04-02-2009 12:07 PM

Re: Discontinued foods you want to see come back
You can still get pop rocks:tu I've purchased them for my daughter in the last month.

Wolfgang 04-02-2009 12:28 PM

Re: Discontinued foods you want to see come back
I miss getting Mondos and the kool aid drink in the plastic bottle

ActionAndy 04-02-2009 01:01 PM

Re: Discontinued foods you want to see come back

Originally Posted by Wolfgang (Post 316679)
I miss getting Mondos and the kool aid drink in the plastic bottle

The Kool-Aid bursts are still around, I see them in gas station fridges a lot. Ecto-Cooler, however...I remember you were the coolest kid in the cafeteria if you had ecto-cooler. And for some reason my mom never bought it for me.

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