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acarr 02-18-2009 11:07 PM

Re: How do you organize your humidor?
I just have two drawers sorted. One is nothing but lancero's and the other is nothing but Fuente stuff. Everything else is just there.

tony montana 02-19-2009 02:55 PM

Re: How do you organize your humidor?

Originally Posted by s15driftking (Post 242131)
i am a stickler for "presentation" so i never could use space efficiently. A few weeks ago i was driving myself crazy because i could make it all fit while having it look nice.... So i decided to bomb the crap out fo my friends and now i am down to "spick and span" in the humi!

you have some lucky friends, in my opinion ;)

greets tjeerd

MikeyC 02-19-2009 04:19 PM

Re: How do you organize your humidor?
I keep all my boxes in my cooler in no particular order. The singles end up in my 300 count. I try to keep all my singles organized by brand but that doesn't always happen. Since the top of the humi is glass I keep my most impressive singles in the top tray. Beyond that there's really not too much organization in there.

G G 02-19-2009 04:21 PM

Re: How do you organize your humidor?
I used to use software to keep up with em, but quit. I have two of the double trays from Chasden for my vino and just have em in there and a few boxes with loose ones in there as well.

Smokin Gator 02-19-2009 07:31 PM

Re: How do you organize your humidor?

Originally Posted by ggainey (Post 244962)
have em in there and a few boxes with loose ones in there as well.

You pig!!!:ss:ss

Let's herf!!!

Cyclone 02-19-2009 08:20 PM

Re: How do you organize your humidor?
I just dumped all the contents from all boxes into 1 large cardboard box that just fits into my wine cooler....


Single MTMouse custom combo tray for the singles... all the rest in boxes... don't have enough to play Tetris right now...

K Baz 02-19-2009 09:24 PM

Re: How do you organize your humidor?
I tried to sort by size - not enough space

I tried to sort by brand - not enough space

I tried to sort by anything - not enough space

Now I don't sort I simply pack to fit the space.

Waynegro1 02-19-2009 09:33 PM

Re: How do you organize your humidor?
I sort them by brand. It takes some time and some organizational skills but this is what I do. My cabinet is set up this way and I have seperate humis for my CC vitolas which is set up the same. I also seperate the different brands and vitolas with strips of cedar from empty boxes in hopes of slowing down the marrying process. I also have another humi that stores my everyday smokes, another for work/yard gars.

Yeah, I've got the OCD something awful :hn

Cyanide 02-19-2009 10:01 PM

Re: How do you organize your humidor?
So, if you just described your method as being my method exactly, and you go and say that you have OCD does that mean I am also mentally ill?

I say its just you....I am still OK

Rabidsquirrel 02-23-2009 07:33 PM

Re: How do you organize your humidor?
I pack it so they all fit in there. And if I take something out, they never go back in the same way...

taltos 02-23-2009 07:49 PM

Re: How do you organize your humidor?
At present I am running two large desktops and 2 coolers. One desktop has all singles 5.5" and over and the other one has all singles under 5.5". Stuff that I don't smoke too often and I only have a couple of go into a box in the cooler that is labelled loose singles. Most overstock is in original boxes and is part of an ongoing Tetris game that will be played again Friday when an order comes in. One hint for cooler Tetris fans, Indian Tabac Classic Tomahawk boxes are perfect for holding an entire box of 25 toros in less space than a normal cigar box-they look more like an index card file box and can fit almost anywhere.:ss

Waynegro1 02-23-2009 07:57 PM

Re: How do you organize your humidor?

Originally Posted by Cyanide (Post 245642)
So, if you just described your method as being my method exactly, and you go and say that you have OCD does that mean I am also mentally ill?

I say its just you....I am still OK

Sounds like you may be in the first stage of what "they" call denial. You know the stage where you think the doctor is wrong, that there is no way you have a mental disorder. :r:r:r

TripleF 02-23-2009 08:01 PM

Re: How do you organize your humidor?
Don't have enough to organize.

If I did I'd probably organize them by Rocky Patel and........... ALL OTHERS.

taltos 02-24-2009 04:36 AM

Re: How do you organize your humidor?

Originally Posted by TripleF (Post 252561)
Don't have enough to organize.

Referral made to the Masshole Relief Agency for action.:D

TravelingJ 02-24-2009 05:19 AM

Re: How do you organize your humidor?
Currently the plan is to leave them in the box they came in, or in the bag I bought them with. I usually get home just long enough to shove them in the Vino, and get back on the road. Since I have some of ChasDen's trays on order, I might actually have the girlfriend organize them however she wants, to see what she comes up with. Could be interesting!

dunng 02-24-2009 06:43 AM

Re: How do you organize your humidor?

Originally Posted by TripleF (Post 252561)
Don't have enough to organize.

:hm I knew I should have sent extra extras.... :c

GrtndpwrflOZ 02-24-2009 07:02 AM

Re: How do you organize your humidor?
I use the Tetris method. If that doesn't work I use the 10,000 lb. Press.
It gets the job done and i have created new blends.


Teeznutz 02-26-2009 10:10 AM

Re: How do you organize your humidor?
CCs based on brand and size......

FriskyDingo 02-27-2009 08:49 AM

Re: How do you organize your humidor?

Originally Posted by GrtndpwrflOZ (Post 253172)
I use the Tetris method. If that doesn't work I use the 10,000 lb. Press.
It gets the job done and i have created new blends.


Created new blends and a few new boxed press cigars as well! :r

I stick with the Tetris method that seems to be fairly common here. I used to keep them organized by brand, but then space began to run low and now I peek through the space between the boxes to see what's behind them!

DPD6030 02-27-2009 09:01 AM

Re: How do you organize your humidor?
I put boxes in and singles I sort by brand seperating with cedar sheets from boxes that I've made to fit in my drawer. I played cigar tetris in two vinos and ran out of room so yesterday I bought a 60qt. cooler.

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