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Re: First Firearm Thread.
well the XDM is out of the question because we live in California, and i don't think the XDM comes in 45 yet. However I have shot the XD-45 i love the the whole feel it has, but i just couldn't get used to the trigger. As i tell everyone, shoot one first, then you'll know if YOU like it.
I am a fan of the .45 in general. why because i shoot it better. with all the ammunition developments you can't go wrong with either. granted, the bigger the whole you make the better. the only thing 9mm offers is that the ammunition is cheaper. |
Re: First Firearm Thread.
I also agree with your advice to shoot before you buy. Do a little research and narrow it to 2-3 models, then try them out at a range that rents handguns. It's really worth it if you find a gun doesn't fit your hand or is hard for you to operate because you'll save a lot of time and money. You may find you like SAO 1911s, or that you prefer DAO XD/Glock/etc, or even DA/SA like Sig Sauer. I tried 3-4 before I settled on the 1911 design in .45ACP. Then I did more reaserch before choosing Kimber. My avatar is the stock photo of my Kimber. BTW: SAO = Single Action Only. This means the trigger does not **** the gun, only fires it. Most SAO handguns are carried cocked and locked (safety) DAO = Double Action Only. This means the trigger cocks and fires the gun each time you pull the trigger. Most DAO handguns lack a real safety. DA/SA = Double Action (first shot) then Single Action there after. These handguns usually have a de-cocking lever and a safety. Many even prefer revolvers for their simplicity. They too come in DAO or DA/SA. The difference being to get SA on a revolver you have to manually **** back the hammer each time. There are SAO revolvers too. With them you have to manually **** the hammer each time before you can fire. Edited to mention that the word *** out is not meant in a profane manner. LOL |
Re: First Firearm Thread.
Re: First Firearm Thread.
Theory Of Gun Control Meets Reality Of Crime Friday, May 25, 2007 A May 15 story in The Plain Dealer (Cleveland, Ohio) serves as a good reminder of how a person’s support for gun control often changes after a personal experience with crime. State Representative Michael DeBose (D-12) of Cleveland was an opponent of Right-to-Carry, having voted against the measure twice. All that changed on the night of May 1, when he was confronted by two men, one of whom was wielding a gun. On that night, Rep. DeBose’s sense of security in his neighborhood changed, as did his view on lawful citizens being able to defend themselves. Rep. DeBose was lucky—this time—that his running, screaming, and summons for help prevented him from being harmed. When asked how this recent experience may change the prism through which he views Right-to-Carry, Rep. DeBose was crystal clear: "I was wrong. I'm going to get a permit and so is my wife. I've changed my mind. You need a way to protect yourself and your family. I don't want to hurt anyone. But I never again want to be in the position where I'm approached by someone with a gun and I don't have one. There are too many people who are just evil and mean-spirited. They will hurt you for no reason. If more people were packing guns, it might serve as a deterrent.” We welcome Rep. DeBose to the growing list of Right-to-Carry converts. While it is too bad it took a life-threatening situation to convert him, we hope he will share his experience, and his newfound respect for the right to self-defense, with his other colleagues who still don’t get it. It is our hope they won’t have to endure a similar experience to do so. |
Re: First Firearm Thread.
but if you take into account the speed (potential energy) of the round plus the grain of the bullet, then the 9mm is the better to have in your hand. me personally, i like to shoot a nice 45, but when it comes to my carry and protection piece, then i use the SA XD40 subcompact. in my house, i use a nice 12 ga shotgun with lead shot. |
Re: First Firearm Thread.
I hear people say "Why do you feel it is necessary to carry a gun all the time. You don't need to carry in a restaurant or a grocery store" This just goes to show why you need to carry whenever possible. |
Re: First Firearm Thread.
now, you tell me how a "no weapons" sign is going to keep me safe as we all know the criminal will follow that sign just like us law abiding citizens. |
Re: First Firearm Thread.
Ohio is currently working on a bill that would allow you to carry in an establishment that serves alcohol as long as you aren't consuming alcohol. I don't remember the specific details b/c it was just introduced. It would be similar to the law in Texas, if I recall correctly. I would love for the law to be passed b/c I hate going to the local pizza joint to pick up my carryout order and having to disarm and then re-arm. |
Re: First Firearm Thread.
What type of holsters do you guys use. I have been looking at the one below. What do you think? Do you think it would conceal the firearm with the shirt untucked? BTW i already have a IWB holster. Thanks
http://www.usgalco.com/HolsterPG3.as...1085&GunID=108 |
Re: First Firearm Thread.
So far, the best holster I have found is made by Mika, a fulltime LA Police Captain. He does each one personally by hand and the turnaround is about 2 months. Not fancy, just great and also inexpensive. http://www.frontiernet.net/~akim/ I have also found that no matter what holster you chose, a good thick gunbelt is absolutely a must. |
Re: First Firearm Thread.
I can carry into a resteraunt/bowling alley that servers alcohol, but the law states I cannot carry if the establishment makes over 50% of their earnings from the sale of served alcohol. So basically no bars, casinos, entertainment facility that seats over 2500, schools, dormitory, college/university, hospital, day care center, or place of worship unless you have explicit permission. Kind of a lot of "criminal zones" now that I think about it. Oh yeah, I carry with an IWB holster by Wild Bill Concealment. |
Re: First Firearm Thread.
Looking at the SA XDM via their online info and tech sheets the gun offers plenty of safety features where you can easily figure out everything by touch in the dark, I really like that. Its American made, which is also important to me right now, and the price seems to be OK. In that same frame size, any other guns that I should be looking at? TIA. |
Re: First Firearm Thread.
As for something similar, I would look at a Glock 19 if you haven't already. I've got a G26 and have been very happy. |
Re: First Firearm Thread.
As far as 9mm vs 45. I prefer 45’s to shoot.
There is a difference in recoil to me. The 45 is a shove where the 9mm is more zippy. I have shot many different calibers over the years, and have stayed with a 40&W that I carry most every day. It is a happy medium for me. I really like 45’s but the magazine capacity is what got me. I can carry 13 in my sig 16 in the S&W or 8 in my 45. I don’t carry an extra magazine with me. I know I should, but just am too lazy. On the Glock side. You are either a big fan or hate them. I don’t think there is a middle ground on this one. I would suggest holding one, and pointing it at something before making up your mind. I personally hate them, but it is because they don’t fit my hands. This is my personal belief and backed by no fact, but I think that the Glocks were built as a replacement weapon for the PD’s so they have a grip angle closer to a revolver. |
Re: First Firearm Thread.
1: The perp. had his gun drawn. Statistically speaking, a law abiding citizen who pulls their weapon against a drawn weapon stands an exponentially higher chance of being shot and dying than by keeping their cool until the situation requires their weapon be drawn. 2: The law abiding citizen is now in Jackson Memorial with multiple gun shot wounds and could still succomb to the myriad infections and complications arising from being shot and just being in a hospital. 3: The story says nothing about anyone's life being directly threatened. The gunman wanted money. He didn't grab anyone, use them as collateral or in other direct manner threaten any life. I would think in hindsight, the law abiding citizen should have maintained a low-profile, be a good observer, get a good description as they could of the perp and assist law enforcement with all of that info. Food for thought for you all, I hope. |
Re: First Firearm Thread.
The perp had his gun drawn and was making threatening demands. Anyone who tries to rob a store with a gun has the intent to kill. The perp got what he deserved. The law abiding citizen should have maintained a low profile and reacted with deadly force when the perp was not expecting it. |
Re: First Firearm Thread.
The slimmer design makes a big difference for me when holding/firing it, and it's also great as a CCW. I know I sound like a commercial, but I just like this one and the first time firing it I put all 6 rounds through the target's head at about 20, 25 feet. But, to each his own. :tu If you have the money, I've also heard and read great things about the Sigs, Kimbers, etc. But like many of these good people have already said, holding it and firing it at a range is the best thing you can do to make up your mind. Just my humble :2 |
Re: First Firearm Thread.
Extremely well built products, I had to wait a bit for them to build it, I forget exactly how long it took. Their not cheap either!! Thats one of the smoothest shooting rifles I have, I could shoot that thing all day, of course the barrel is heavy and absorbs much of the punch. |
Re: First Firearm Thread.
[quote=Cigarcop;303921]Extremely well built products, I had to wait a bit for them to build it, I forget exactly how long it took. Their not cheap either!!
Thats one of the smoothest shooting rifles I have, I could shoot that thing all day, of course the barrel is heavy and absorbs much of the punch.[/QUOTE I bought a magazine conversion kit for my Rem 700. I just got it Tuesday. After sanding the stock and such down I inserted one mag and she didnt fit or feed right. Most of the time one round would barely feed but the rest wouldnt. The messed up mag would wiggle around and also the front of the mag would fit correctly but the rear would hang down about 1/16" not allowing the cartridge to sit high enough to chamber. The extra mag I ordered fit like a glove and fed all the rounds correctly. Im pissed cause I spent 80 bucks on a mag that doesnt feed right :mad: If you look at a round in both mags. One primer is higher than the other in turn causing the bolt to just ride over the cartridge :mad::mad::mad: ---------------- Now playing: The Lonely Island - I'm On A Boat (Feat. T-Pain) via FoxyTunes |
Re: First Firearm Thread.
I would send it back, and ask for a replacement or refund.
A buddy of mine has the same rifle that I have only in 338 Lapua. |
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