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icehog3 11-10-2009 08:03 AM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2009

Originally Posted by rrplasencia (Post 639266)
can't wait :D

canes fan so there are no shortage of those things here, but i will admit that fsu has the hottest girls by far, they seem to get bama and georgia girl along with a good amount of miami ones, can't beat that combo :dr


Originally Posted by Smokin Gator (Post 639306)
Well it is the girl's school:banger

FSU....Where the women are women, and the men are too. :r

rizzle 11-10-2009 12:55 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2009

Originally Posted by UFPowersmoker320 (Post 638902)
thats how u know u have arrived, when everyone hates u cause u win consistently and horde all the hot chicks and sunshine!


You should try getting out more often Quacky.

Edit: And welcome to the neighborhood.

Uflbassin 11-11-2009 03:47 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2009

Originally Posted by UFPowersmoker320 (Post 638902)
thats how u know u have arrived, when everyone hates u cause u win consistently and horde all the hot chicks and sunshine!


:tpd: :r

OLS 11-11-2009 06:36 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2009
I have cooled off quite a bit since Saturday. But in this conference that is under so much scrutiny,
with their 3 BILLION dollar TV deal, I am just saddened that competent officials with the benefit of slo-mo
replay, are still making the wrong calls. Then you have the Mt. Cody helmet no-call, the bull$hit celebration calls.
These calls are RIDICULOUS. It has me fatigued and dis-interested. And if anybody thought the conspiracy
theories would die down, well, there is little chance of that now. When I cap on your teams, it is all in fun.
That's why this thread is here. And like I said, it is a sad commentary on the state of affairs in the BCS
that I could care less who wins the title now. I remember fondly when it was all about what bowl you went
to, and very few teams thought much of their chances to win a national championship.
Maybe it doesn't say much for my fan-ness. I have always stated i am an Alabama fan until they play LSU
and so i am also hoping for a good showing in ATL. And thank goodness I have months to get over it, or i would
have a tough time holding down my supper watching that game. Roll Tide. And Power...I don't hate the gators,
I hate YOU for taking my cigars......

DavenportESQ 11-11-2009 11:00 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2009

Originally Posted by OLS (Post 641428)
I have cooled off quite a bit since Saturday. But in this conference that is under so much scrutiny,
with their 3 BILLION dollar TV deal, I am just saddened that competent officials with the benefit of slo-mo
replay, are still making the wrong calls. Then you have the Mt. Cody helmet no-call, the bull$hit celebration calls.
These calls are RIDICULOUS. It has me fatigued and dis-interested. And if anybody thought the conspiracy
theories would die down, well, there is little chance of that now. When I cap on your teams, it is all in fun.
That's why this thread is here. And like I said, it is a sad commentary on the state of affairs in the BCS
that I could care less who wins the title now. I remember fondly when it was all about what bowl you went
to, and very few teams thought much of their chances to win a national championship.
Maybe it doesn't say much for my fan-ness. I have always stated i am an Alabama fan until they play LSU
and so i am also hoping for a good showing in ATL. And thank goodness I have months to get over it, or i would
have a tough time holding down my supper watching that game. Roll Tide. And Power...I don't hate the gators,
I hate YOU for taking my cigars......

Calls are Calls, they happen each and every game, anything can be called on any play. Sometimes they are good sometimes they are bad. Each team gets there fair share of good and bad.

OLS 11-12-2009 07:20 AM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2009

Originally Posted by DavenportESQ (Post 641696)
Calls are Calls, they happen each and every game, anything can be called on any play. Sometimes they are good sometimes they are bad. Each team gets there fair share of good and bad.

Yeah, but I am not bitter about call A or call B. I am saying it is sloppy, incompetent, and
very much under a national microscope. I could care less how it affected my team. If a team
can't play PAST bad calls, they don't deserve to be thought of as elite. I am saying that it is
embarassing, and there are people who say that it borders on criminal.

Powers 11-12-2009 09:09 AM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2009

Originally Posted by OLS (Post 641428)
I have always stated i am an Alabama fan until they play LSU


rizzle 11-12-2009 09:23 AM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2009
You act as if bad calls are a new thing when in fact they aren't. It is just the technology and information highways that proliferate opinions these days. Take the Peterson play from Saturday and put that same play back 20 years. The play is ruled incomplete on the field and then the next snap is run. Over and done. Now, we have 8 million cameras with slo mo, zoom, all kinds of crap and sometimes peoples opinions differ and what do they do, go to the innerwebs or blogs or sports "shows" and bicker and harp about it for weeks.

Bad calls suck, they really do. But I'm so sick of this conspiracy crap. Come on people, conspiracy? Really?

Powers 11-12-2009 12:11 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2009
This week's notable matchups:

Alabama at Mississippi State

Auburn at Georgia

Florida at South Carolina

Tennessee at Ole Miss

TheManWithNoName 11-12-2009 03:29 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2009

Originally Posted by UFPowersmoker320 (Post 642184)
This week's notable matchups:

Alabama at Mississippi State

Auburn at Georgia

Florida at South Carolina

Tennessee at Ole Miss

Hope Mullen represents against the Tide, maybe he'll bust out some Gator-experience mojo in moving the ball.

Smokin Gator 11-12-2009 07:13 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2009
Wonder how Lame Kitten will spin the story of the three Vol players being arrested on armed robbery into a Tennessee victory???

longknocker 11-12-2009 07:30 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2009

Originally Posted by TheManWithNoName (Post 642464)
Hope Mullen represents against the Tide, maybe he'll bust out some Gator-experience mojo in moving the ball.

Hopefully BAMA Will Get A Preview Of The Gator Offense!:)

longknocker 11-12-2009 07:31 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2009

Originally Posted by Smokin Gator (Post 642745)
Wonder how Lame Kitten will spin the story of the three Vol players being arrested on armed robbery into a Tennessee victory???

Thought The Same Thing, Brent!:hm

OLS 11-13-2009 08:21 AM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2009

Originally Posted by Smokin Gator (Post 642745)
Wonder how Lame Kitten will spin the story of the three Vol players being arrested on armed robbery into a Tennessee victory???

No spin needed on that, that's just thuggery, and they should all be suspended for the year,
if not kicked off the team. Here in TN, though, you hear alot about how coaches go into kids' homes
and tell their parents that they are going to look after their kids if they will just sign on, and this is something
that the coach is going to have to guide his players through. Blabla, I say eject thugs for good, make a point.
But you are likely looking at a 3 game suspension. The joke here in TN on the radio is, "Kiffen needs to go back
to the film room and work on fundamentals..."this is how you hold the gun. Speak up in a loud, clear voice, THIS
is a robbery. Everybody on the floor."

As for the confused look from Powersmoker, I have to clarify. LSU #1, no doubt or question. But LSU is
not always on TV, so when Bama is on, I pull for Bama UNLESS they are playing LSU. My Bama roots go
back to the early 70's, and that will not change. Cause in fact as a kid I was a Tulane fan and a Bama fan. Did not like LSU.
Where I am from you don't like LSU and Tulane, it's one or the other. I GREW into LSU fan-ness in the USAF.

As for Rizzle, that's an apples and oranges argument. When technology advances, everything
advances along with it. You are right, this would not have been a concern 20 years ago, but now we
have it, and a one-frame difference in video is that hair-thin margin that makes the difference.
Sure, replay drags everything down, and artificially arbitrates these fluid calls that we never had to
question before, just go on to the next snap and suck it up. But we ARE HERE NOW, and there is no getting around it.
And if you read a few pages back to the day of the "interception" you will see that I was all in favor of
just moving on, LSU loses, Bama advances, everybody gets what they wanted all along, Bama vs UF.
If a team loses cause of one bad call, they weren't positioned to win it anyway.

rizzle 11-13-2009 08:50 AM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2009

Originally Posted by TheManWithNoName (Post 642464)
Hope Mullen represents against the Tide, maybe he'll bust out some Gator-experience mojo in moving the ball.

You hush yo moufs!!

I figure he'll be about half as successful against us as he was the gators.

rizzle 11-13-2009 08:55 AM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2009

Originally Posted by OLS (Post 643255)
No spin needed on that, that's just thuggery, and they should all be suspended for the year,
if not kicked off the team. Here in TN, though, you hear alot about how coaches go into kids' homes
and tell their parents that they are going to look after their kids if they will just sign on, and this is something
that the coach is going to have to guide his players through. Blabla, I say eject thugs for good, make a point.
But you are likely looking at a 3 game suspension. The joke here in TN on the radio is, "Kiffen needs to go back
to the film room and work on fundamentals..."this is how you hold the gun. Speak up in a loud, clear voice, THIS
is a robbery. Everybody on the floor."

As for the confused look from Powersmoker, I have to clarify. LSU #1, no doubt or question. But LSU is
not always on TV, so when Bama is on, I pull for Bama UNLESS they are playing LSU. My Bama roots go
back to the early 70's, and that will not change. Cause in fact as a kid I was a Tulane fan and a Bama fan. Did not like LSU.
Where I am from you don't like LSU and Tulane, it's one or the other. I GREW into LSU fan-ness in the USAF.

As for Rizzle, that's an apples and oranges argument. When technology advances, everything
advances along with it. You are right, this would not have been a concern 20 years ago, but now we
have it, and a one-frame difference in video is that hair-thin margin that makes the difference.
Sure, replay drags everything down, and artificially arbitrates these fluid calls that we never had to
question before, just go on to the next snap and suck it up. But we ARE HERE NOW, and there is no getting around it.
And if you read a few pages back to the day of the "interception" you will see that I was all in favor of
just moving on, LSU loses, Bama advances, everybody gets what they wanted all along, Bama vs UF.
If a team loses cause of one bad call, they weren't positioned to win it anyway.

I'm not saying you in particular OLS, I'm just saying the conspiracy theory crap is a tired and pointless argument for those arguing it. It's baseless and senseless. And regardless of the technology out there today for watching and talking about it, the game is played the same. Except for Oregon's uniforms of course.

OLS 11-13-2009 10:01 AM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2009

Originally Posted by rizzle (Post 643299)
I'm not saying you in particular OLS, I'm just saying the conspiracy theory crap is a tired and pointless argument for those arguing it. It's baseless and senseless. And regardless of the technology out there today for watching and talking about it, the game is played the same. Except for Oregon's uniforms of course.

Oh, yeah, and I for one am not into the conspiracy theory. EVEN if it was a rigged setup, I don't care.
I thought that the celebration call was correct, if we do not want excessive me, me, me celebrations,
we ought not have ANY, the old 'give em an inch' syndrome. I shout at the TV everytime a player gets
a sack and bolts out of the area pulling his hersey and nodding up and down, I think it is the first step in
turning college football into what the $hitty-a$$ NBA has become. LEAD by doing your job, find praise
in the huddle and from what the fans are giving you, no need to remind anyone of what you just did.
We were watching, idiot. We KNOW you made a great play. Stop being a dumb-a$$. I could go on.

Am I a little satisfied that FLA has yet to blow out a good team? Boy, you BET! And that is where I get
my "revenge" or get my jollies. There is still no beating them. All I can do is hope the Tide ROLLS.

OLS 11-14-2009 03:36 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2009
WOW, Ole Miss rolls in grand style. Nice work.

And T.O.B.C. is trying to hang with Florida.

OLS 11-14-2009 04:08 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2009
COME ON, COCKS! Don't do what EVERY team has done this year, scare em but not BITE em! Man if SC can beat these jokers,
it won't affect the SECC game, but oh baby how good would that be?

Ouch, Will Hill PLANTS garcia, using SO much extra leverage, it is clear they are out to hurt Garcia.

AH-hahahah, Tebow stuffed! I have seen this over and over and over, and no one finishes the job.

ir13 11-14-2009 11:08 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2009
What a game

The FL-USC game was outstanding.........

Until the Interception :(

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