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jjirons69 07-24-2014 01:54 PM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum
Looks kinda like a fluke in the head. Weird.

How about a striped, hammerhead slug?

jjirons69 07-24-2014 02:00 PM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum
Some may have noticed I haven't posted in the garden thread about my garden. Well, I'm out of the gardening business. I took the entire thing up and reclaimed my land. The reason was simple - sunlight. I planted 2 red maples and a chestnut tree about 12 years ago. The maples are HUGE and the chestnut is gaining. Those in combination with several neighbor trees and I now only get about 1-2 hours of direct sun where I used to get 8-9 hours. Over the years as the sunlight got less and less my plants began to struggle. Last year was a loss, so I decided to cultivate grass instead. I still get enough veggies from my dad and I sort of miss the garden, but my time is filled elsewhere. Such is life.

Keep 'em growing, boys!

8zeros 07-24-2014 02:02 PM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum
I pegged it as a planarian but never knew we had such critters around,
Found this link about them.

Chainsaw13 07-24-2014 03:07 PM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum
I really need to do a better job picking my not-so-sweet corn. That, and giving it more fertilizer. Other than that, it's been producing great!

hammondc 03-13-2015 02:45 PM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum
it's about that time....
I have
Cherry Tomatoes
Black Krim Tomatoes
Mortgage Lifter Tomatoes
Roma Tomatoes
Crook Neck Squach
Silver Queen Corn
Red/Green Bell Peppers
Purple Jalapeños
Carolina Reapers
Mint, Basil, Rosemary, Garlic, Dill
Pickling Cukes

Tio Gato 03-13-2015 04:19 PM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum

Originally Posted by hammondc (Post 2023134)
it's about that time....
I have
Cherry Tomatoes
Black Krim Tomatoes
Mortgage Lifter Tomatoes
Roma Tomatoes
Crook Neck Squach
Silver Queen Corn
Red/Green Bell Peppers
Purple Jalapeños
Carolina Reapers
Mint, Basil, Rosemary, Garlic, Dill
Pickling Cukes

I couldn't be more jealous.:dr Today I saw the first 6 inches of my (4 foot) tall tomato cages sticking out of the snow. Dang.

Chainsaw13 03-13-2015 06:10 PM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum
Never heard of Mortgage Lifter tomatoes.

azar 03-13-2015 09:06 PM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum
So after the help I got from our under paid over worked city workers whom mistakenly thought my garden was a weed bed and sprayed it accordingly??? (applied weed spray upwind of my garden on a windy day) I am doing a raised garden as well as graveling outside of my fence with a sign that says no spray please! I have looked on the internet and have a few ideas going to start with 2 beds 16'x8'x12" should cover about 1/2 of the area that I have for a garden spot. I am going to start this project this next set of days off I will post pictures when I get going

Chainsaw13 03-13-2015 09:20 PM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum
Mack, I wouldn't make them over 4' wide. Anything wider and you can't reach into the middle without stepping into the bed.

azar 03-13-2015 10:08 PM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum

Originally Posted by Chainsaw13 (Post 2023175)
Mack, I wouldn't make them over 4' wide. Anything wider and you can't reach into the middle without stepping into the bed.

I think you have a good point the widest I seen on the research I have been doing was 5' but no one ever give a reason. Thanks I may re think this and do three 4 foot wide!

Chainsaw13 03-14-2015 07:39 AM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum

Originally Posted by azar (Post 2023181)
I think you have a good point the widest I seen on the research I have been doing was 5' but no one ever give a reason. Thanks I may re think this and do three 4 foot wide!

Probably a good idea. Less chance of stepping on plants. If you're like me, you'll pack those beds full of plants. And you won't compact the soil either.

Fordman4ever 03-14-2015 07:55 PM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum
I'm building a few little planter boxes to put on my back porch for my daughter and I to do some gardening together. I can't wait to get started.

HK3- 03-17-2015 05:00 AM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum
Garden time! Got my raised garden box built and hope to get it filled with dirt within the next couple of weeks. My little helping hand will be turning four this year and I have a feeling she will really enjoy the outdoors with dad.

Fordman4ever 03-17-2015 10:35 PM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum
I built a little box and my daughter chose to plant small sweet bell peppers and wild flowers.

She is so excited. I can't wait until it starts sprouting and she really gets into it.

shilala 03-18-2015 07:58 AM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum
Sorry to hear you gave up the good fight, Jamie. :D
After almost 30 years, I've decided not to start my own plants this year, other than things I can start in the ground.
I hate to be limited to "what's available", but around here, that's a lot. Not so much so back home in the sticks.

I have two gardens here, a little one on the side and a big one out back.
The soil is horrid. I heavily amended the side garden and can grow a bonanza out there.
I have to amend every hole out back just to grow something.
The back garden has been a huge failure 2 our of 3 years because it's all clay and holds too much water. I'll give it this year and then it'll be grass, as well.
I'll build a couple raised beds and call it a day.

hammondc 03-19-2015 07:17 AM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum
FINALLY got my seeds planted Monday. I am about 2 weeks late this year. Oh well....they are in.

Chainsaw13 03-19-2015 07:34 AM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum
You're ahead of me Chip. I bought the soil mix, but been too lazy to do anything more.

hammondc 03-19-2015 01:41 PM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum
First year of doing all seeds. Everything but the Corn is heirloom.

hammondc 03-19-2015 01:42 PM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum
Start em young, Earl.

Chainsaw13 03-21-2015 01:39 PM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum
Seedling tray setup, seeds planted. Now we wait. Tomatoes, cukes, eggplant, radishes, onions, bell peppers, serranos, brussel sprouts, kale, watermelon, and prob a couple more I'm forgetting.

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