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nutcracker 12-09-2016 06:55 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
About that - has a gorgeous Damascus steel band. The photo really doesn't do it justice.

nutcracker 12-09-2016 07:03 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
24 oz of Lane 1Q - bottled and labelled. To be split three ways on the weekend. Great deal from Cup O'Joes at about $12 CAD a jar (4oz) landed.

hammondc 12-09-2016 07:47 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
how do you cut those labels?

nutcracker 12-10-2016 09:22 AM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
Avery 2" round labels, colour printer
The Avery website has templates and you pretty much drag and drop

Likely a copyright issue - but I'm a bit OCDC and like my stuff neat.....
Don't think the Lane people will be snooping around my cellar anytime soon....

nutcracker 12-10-2016 09:27 AM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread

Originally Posted by RevSmoke (Post 2109345)
Interesting pulls on the Peretti tobaccos. Interesting because I do not know that I have ever tried any of their blends in the last 30+ years.

(time lapse to do some investigating...)

Ahh, I see now why. MacBaren blends bite me like a rabid dog, not sure why, but there is not a blend of their I tried that did not. And as I looked at Tobacco Reviews, I saw a few there that would be up my alley, but there were a couple that said they have to be treated with kid gloves of they'll bite. I now remember visiting the shop in Boston while I lived in Connecticut. I think I was warned, so I just avoided - or I may have sampled one while there, and decided to avoid further attempts.

Tod - the English blends I've had from them are tasty and have been benign on the bite front. Don't know about the aros, other than Thanksgiving, which I was cautious with, but seemed fine.

RevSmoke 12-10-2016 11:46 AM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread

Originally Posted by nutcracker (Post 2110131)
Avery 2" round labels, colour printer
The Avery website has templates and you pretty much drag and drop

Likely a copyright issue - but I'm a bit OCDC and like my stuff neat.....
Don't think the Lane people will be snooping around my cellar anytime soon....

Actually, even if Lane did see your labels, I am not sure they'd object. After all, you put them on their proprietary blend of tobacco, you are not using it to defraud, and if ever you pass it along, you are promoting them. Sounds like a win for them.

Peace of the Lord be with you.

RevSmoke 12-10-2016 12:03 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread

Originally Posted by nutcracker (Post 2110133)
Tod - the English blends I've had from them are tasty and have been benign on the bite front. Don't know about the aros, other than Thanksgiving, which I was cautious with, but seemed fine.

It has been at least 17 years since I visited the shop, probably more, so I do not remember what blends I tried.

But there is another caveat, I have come a long way in my pipe smoking and so I have my general go-to blends, not really ranging much outside that.

This does not mean that I do not like to try new stuff, but I do not actively look for new things to try, that zeal has sort of left me (at least for right now). And even when I do try new things, I confine that to the "genres"/types of blends that I prefer, avoiding those things of which I am not a fan.

I avoid Burley blends, they NEVER did much for me. While I might try one, it takes serious twisting on the part of someone to get me to do so - usually involving a firearm and the side of my head.

Orientals also never really tripped my trigger much. I can tolerate a little in a blend that is predominantly something else, but...

I do have a couple of aromatics hanging around, but they usually only get dragged out when I want to please those around me. As I have gotten curmudgeonly, that happens less frequently. And, for me to have one, the top note has got to be done with a delicate hand, and I prefer to have it done to good Virginias to begin.

Lastly, there are what people have come to refer to as English blends, that is, blends with some measure of Latakia in them. I used to love these. I have a few around, but I rarely dip into them anymore, and they do not have the same appeal.

I love straight Virginia blends and VaPers (Virginia/Perique), they are almost solely what I smoke. I have tried literally, hundreds of such, and my cellar contains those which have pleased me the most. I like trying them, but then I end up comparing them to what I do have.

I smoke a pipe once or twice a week, if even that during some seasons. For this reason, 50g or 100g lasts quite a while. Having 4 or 5 things open is a lot wiser than 10-20 (yes, I did that for a long time, sometimes even more) if your consumption rate is like mine.

Wow, did this ramble on.

Peace of the Lord be with you.

MarkinAZ 12-13-2016 03:48 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
Went over to my local B&M this afternoon in Stevenson Ranch, and gave him a little support. A tin of Dunhill Elizabethan Mixture and a new Czech tool...

RevSmoke 12-13-2016 04:15 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
Love Elizabethan Mixture.

MarkinAZ 12-13-2016 05:00 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread

Originally Posted by RevSmoke (Post 2110453)
Love Elizabethan Mixture.

I went over to the B&M originally to purchase an extra Czech tool (cuz you never know), and thought I'd peruse the shelving to see what tin's they may have in stock. I've seen many favorable reviews for this Dunhill blend, and when I saw they had a few in-stock, I decided to pick one up.

A number of the older reviews I've read were regarding the now defunct Murray's blend. The one I purchased is the newer blend from STG. So that will be my benchmark. Maybe Pipestuds web page will offer an old tin of the Murry's blend one of these fine days (as long as the price of the tin isn't too unreasonable that is).

I'll probably pop the lid fairly soon...

RevSmoke 12-13-2016 05:27 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
I have gone through a couple tins of the news stuff, seems to be decent. I am sure I smoked the Murray's blend in the past, I mean I've been smoking the stuff for 30 years, and this is similar enough that I truly didn't know there was a difference.

MarkinAZ 12-13-2016 05:48 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread

Originally Posted by RevSmoke (Post 2110460)
I mean I've been smoking the stuff for 30 years, and this is similar enough that I truly didn't know there was a difference.

...and there you go:D

MarkinAZ 12-15-2016 10:07 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
Earlier this year (2016), a Rusticated Bent Brandy was being offered for sale on another site, and after it was passed-up on several posts, I decided to step-in and grab it:
I've enjoyed the Brandy so much so, that in September 2016, I thought it would be great to have a companion pipe for the Brandy (as it gets lonely), and asked piper Todd Harris if he would be so kind as to consider doing a rusticated bent Poker that would be somewhat similar to the Brandy. Todd said yes, and we corresponded back and forth, throwing diagrams and thoughts at each other, and immediately came to a meeting of the minds. Here's the finished Poker:
I love the rustication work, and his workmanship performed on his pipes. The Poker is 5 1/2 " in length and bowl height is 2 3/16". The Brandy is 5 1/2" in length and bowl height is 1 3/4". Both pipes have great draws and hold plenty of my favorite tobacco's. Here's both side by side:
If you've not tried a Todd Harris pipe, you may want to check-out his web page here:

nutcracker 12-16-2016 05:01 AM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
Those are gorgeous pipes. The cherrywood is very nicely proportioned.

RevSmoke 12-16-2016 07:50 AM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
Nice looking pipes.

MarkinAZ 12-16-2016 09:09 AM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread

Originally Posted by nutcracker (Post 2110758)
Those are gorgeous pipes. The cherrywood is very nicely proportioned.


Originally Posted by RevSmoke (Post 2110774)
Nice looking pipes.

Thanks guys! Algerian briar on both pipes. Not sure regarding the stain used...

Subvet642 12-16-2016 06:07 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
You have excellent taste, Mark; they're beautiful!


Originally Posted by MarkinCA (Post 2110746)
Earlier this year (2016), a Rusticated Bent Brandy was being offered for sale on another site, and after it was passed-up on several posts, I decided to step-in and grab it:

I've enjoyed the Brandy so much so, that in September 2016, I thought it would be great to have a companion pipe for the Brandy (as it gets lonely), and asked piper Todd Harris if he would be so kind as to consider doing a rusticated bent Poker that would be somewhat similar to the Brandy. Todd said yes, and we corresponded back and forth, throwing diagrams and thoughts at each other, and immediately came to a meeting of the minds. Here's the finished Poker:

I love the rustication work, and his workmanship performed on his pipes. The Poker is 5 1/2 " in length and bowl height is 2 3/16". The Brandy is 5 1/2" in length and bowl height is 1 3/4". Both pipes have great draws and hold plenty of my favorite tobacco's. Here's both side by side:
If you've not tried a Todd Harris pipe, you may want to check-out his web page here:

cthulnado 12-18-2016 09:09 AM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
We are heading down to my parents for the Christmas holiday, so I decided to buy myself a little travel pack:

2 pipe bag.

2oz Stokkebye English Luxury

MM Mark Twain Straight

MM Little Devil Acorn.

I say that'll do me for a week!

mhailey 12-18-2016 10:42 AM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
Stopped by Tewksbury on Monday and picked up 2oz of Hobbits Weed. Sorry to see this local blend die. The shop closed on Friday.

hammondc 12-18-2016 11:26 AM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread

Originally Posted by mhailey (Post 2111052)
Stopped by Tewksbury on Monday and picked up 2oz of Hobbits Weed. Sorry to see this local blend die. The shop closed on Friday.

Yeah...hopefully someone will pick up the blend. It is really the only cherry blend I've ever liked.

nutcracker 12-21-2016 06:07 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread

Some "yuletide" - don't trust the Peretti "paint tins" so decanted into mason jars. Smells rather good....

Zeavran1 12-27-2016 11:23 AM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
Got these a couple of weeks ago. Really wanted the calendar.

Zeavran1 12-27-2016 11:31 AM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
Forgot these. The bottom one's bowl has been sanded.

nutcracker 01-04-2017 07:26 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread

It smells incredible - dried fig and citrus.

RevSmoke 01-05-2017 09:17 AM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread

Originally Posted by nutcracker (Post 2112899)

Have you tried it? Virginias & Perique sound good, but then they added Rum... So, I am very skeptical!

nutcracker 01-05-2017 02:17 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread

Originally Posted by RevSmoke (Post 2112926)
Have you tried it? Virginias & Perique sound good, but then they added Rum... So, I am very skeptical!

Not yet Rev, but they smell amazing. (They literally had my mouth watering) By all accounts one can't taste the rum. I will slice off a bit this weekend to try.

They are little bricks and remind me of the fire-starters they used to give us in the military. Might need a band saw.....;)

RevSmoke 01-05-2017 04:37 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread

Originally Posted by nutcracker (Post 2112964)
Not yet Rev, but they smell amazing. (They literally had my mouth watering) By all accounts one can't taste the rum. I will slice off a bit this weekend to try.

They are little bricks and remind me of the fire-starters they used to give us in the military. Might need a band saw.....;)

Have done different "plugs" from G&H, Samuel Gawith. Usually pretty strong, and needs a good sharp knife.

My uncle used to chew plug tobacco, and when he was done, he'd leave it sit on a fence post. A couple days later he'd check it out, and if dry enough stick it in his cob to smoke. He used to do Redman and Levi Garrett. It was too moist and too sweet to smoke right off, but after a morning or afternoon of vigorous chewing, he said, "It mellows out nice. And if it don't rain, it smokes pretty good after a couple days of sun drying."

I have always wanted to try that, but I just couldn't get past how sweet it was in the mouth. Used to chew my share of Redman, but never got the courage to put it in my pipe and smoke it.

Let me know what you think.

Peace of the Lord be with you.

CoffeeWaterBeer 01-06-2017 06:56 AM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
great starting choices indeed! Please let us know if you have questions or want tips. If asked nicely we may even sing a song about perique.

RevSmoke 01-06-2017 12:37 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread

Originally Posted by hammondc (Post 2111057)
Yeah...hopefully someone will pick up the blend. It is really the only cherry blend I've ever liked.

Picked up some G&H Cherry Cream Flake a couple weeks ago. And, as anybody here could probably tell you, I am not a fan of aromatics.

With that said, this is wonderful stuff. G&H does Virginias well, and this is a stellar example. Americans use a heavy hand in applying flavored goop (except for Cornell & Diehl) to make their aromatics, but G&H did this wonderfully. There is a hint of cherry and/or cream when nosing the pouch, ephemeral hints of them on the palate (mostly in the finish), and enough in the room note that non-smokers will be tantalized and not offended. (OK, the smoke nazis will be offended, but hey, that is their problem.)

Peace of the Lord be with you.

nutcracker 01-14-2017 03:07 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
So I picked up a new radiator from Hekthor. Added a funky custom Nutcracker bowl, and we are ready to dim he lights and turn on the lava lamp!

Hekthor has a new stem - I do like it.

Check out his site:

stevieray 01-14-2017 05:36 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread

Originally Posted by nutcracker (Post 2113969)
So I picked up a new radiator from Hekthor. Added a funky custom Nutcracker bowl, and we are ready to dim he lights and turn on the lava lamp!

Hekthor has a new stem - I do like it.

Check out his site:

I dig it :tu

WhiteMamba 01-14-2017 08:36 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
Those radiator pipes are certainly interesting. I'm still not sure how I feel about this since I am more traditional. I have to admit it does look cool. :tu

RevSmoke 01-15-2017 02:43 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread

Originally Posted by nutcracker (Post 2113969)
So I picked up a new radiator from Hekthor. Added a funky custom Nutcracker bowl, and we are ready to dim he lights and turn on the lava lamp!

Hekthor has a new stem - I do like it.

Check out his site:

Interesting looking pipe. Nothing I believe I'd like to smoke, but hey, I'm not the one smoking it.

Peace of the Lord be with you.

Alpedhuez55 01-25-2017 11:16 AM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
This is my latest. It is a BriarWorks Icarus Smooth Volcano. I love the lines on it. It reminds me of something Japanese. My oply complaint is the stem is a little loose, but a couple of rubs of Beeswax will take care of that!!! I look forward to christening it later on with some Carter Hall. I love using that to help break a pipe in.

nutcracker 01-25-2017 12:03 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
Gads that is sweet. Love the stem and ring. I have an Icarus that I'm not too enthralled with - this one is N I C E !

RevSmoke 01-25-2017 12:10 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread

Originally Posted by Alpedhuez55 (Post 2115081)
This is my latest. It is a BriarWorks Icarus Smooth Volcano. I love the lines on it. It reminds me of something Japanese. My oply complaint is the stem is a little loose, but a couple of rubs of Beeswax will take care of that!!! I look forward to christening it later on with some Carter Hall. I love using that to help break a pipe in.

I will agree though, I like the shape and the lines of that one, very nice. Looks also to be of a generous size.

A quick disclaimer, FOR MY OWN PERSONAL TASTES I am NOT a fan of silver/brass/gold on a pipe. I can look at them as such, but could not bring myself to own such.

MarkinAZ 01-25-2017 01:17 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread

Originally Posted by Alpedhuez55 (Post 2115081)
This is my latest. It is a BriarWorks Icarus Smooth Volcano. I love the lines on it. It reminds me of something Japanese. My oply complaint is the stem is a little loose, but a couple of rubs of Beeswax will take care of that!!! I look forward to christening it later on with some Carter Hall. I love using that to help break a pipe in...

That's a great looking pipe Michael:tu Looks like it will give you many good smokes. What's the length of the pipe and the bowl height?

Alpedhuez55 01-26-2017 09:18 AM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread

Originally Posted by MarkinCA (Post 2115092)
That's a great looking pipe Michael:tu Looks like it will give you many good smokes. What's the length of the pipe and the bowl height?

It is 5 1/2" by 1 7/8". I smoked a bowl in the Icarus yesterday. Just some Carter Hall. I think someone recommended it to me once for breaking in pipes, I have been using it for that ever since. Though it is a good all around smoke. The pipe smokes nice and feels great in the mouth. Very happy with the purchase.

Alpedhuez55 01-26-2017 09:20 AM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
Just to show how far off the wagon I have fallen, here is yesterday's mail....

It is a Dagner Corn Cob Poker and a Dagner P6 Bulldog. The Cob is a neat little design. I think it is nice that Missouri Meerschaum is working with others on new designs. The distressed finish on the bulldog looks cool too. But I liked the Carbon Fiber band on it the most. I will try out the Bulldog later.

Nothing is expected in today's mail. It looks like the next couple of months could be rough ones. My custom meer order seems to be taking shape. There are a couple of other pipes I am looking at purchasing. I also may commission a custom Briar.

Does the Betty Ford Clinic have a PAD wing?

Alpedhuez55 01-26-2017 09:33 AM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread

Originally Posted by RevSmoke (Post 2115084)
I will agree though, I like the shape and the lines of that one, very nice. Looks also to be of a generous size.

A quick disclaimer, FOR MY OWN PERSONAL TASTES I am NOT a fan of silver/brass/gold on a pipe. I can look at them as such, but could not bring myself to own such.

They do have different versions of the shape, most without the band. I just happened to get the one with it. I am not crazy about the band either, but it is not as bad in person. Plus the shape was what really grabbed me.

stevieray 01-27-2017 06:33 AM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
Grabbed this one from pipe maker Jim Brown, Heisenberg Pipes.

Steve :pi

nutcracker 01-27-2017 07:03 AM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
That's cool Steve. The silver ring is different and very nice indeed.
Looks perfect for flakes.

Alpedhuez55 01-27-2017 12:14 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
Steve, that is a sweet pipe. I used to hate stubby pipes, but now I am loving them!!!


Sancho 01-27-2017 12:19 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
Sweet stubby!

DMK 01-27-2017 02:10 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
I know Jim from way back on other boards we used to hang out on. He does excellent work!

Subvet642 01-27-2017 03:01 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
I'm not into stubbies but I love the rustication!:tu

RevSmoke 01-27-2017 03:06 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
Nice looking pipe, Stevie.

jsnake 01-28-2017 11:00 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
I met a lady that had a suitcase full of pipes. Her husband passed away years ago and she had been keeping them in a closet and wanted to find them a new home. It was overwhelming and I picked out all the ones I wanted. Ended up taking home 57 pipes, leather pipe pouch, and about 10 pipe stands and a few jars. Such a wide variety. I will post some pics as soon as I can upload some to photobucket since I can't attach here. May need some advice from nutcracker and a few of you other fellas. I need help identifying a few. They are relatively older pipes including a KAPP I've never seen before. Stay tuned for pics.

nutcracker 01-29-2017 06:51 AM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread

Originally Posted by jsnake (Post 2115370)
I met a lady that had a suitcase full of pipes. Her husband passed away years ago and she had been keeping them in a closet and wanted to find them a new home. It was overwhelming and I picked out all the ones I wanted. Ended up taking home 57 pipes, leather pipe pouch, and about 10 pipe stands and a few jars. Such a wide variety. I will post some pics as soon as I can upload some to photobucket since I can't attach here. May need some advice from nutcracker and a few of you other fellas. I need help identifying a few. They are relatively older pipes including a KAPP I've never seen before. Stay tuned for pics.

Those are the best estate finds. Like a kid in a candy store. Post a pic so we can droll.
You might need to acquire some cleanup gear - will be worth every dime!
Reamer set
A gazillion pipe cleaners
Kosher salt
Magic eraser
Micromesh pads
An ld buffing wheel with a slow motor
Carnauba wax
Pipe stem oil

I recon you can get all that for $2-300 and it will we well worth eat to clean up all those old ladies.....

nutcracker 01-29-2017 06:54 AM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread,7787.html

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