jitzy |
01-14-2009 11:36 AM |
Re: It's happening
Originally Posted by Da Klugs
(Post 167910)
I think ours is less time. One of the few perks we got as mods there was exemption from the search time delays (you must wait 30 second thingie). Didn't remember it existed at all until afterwards and then.. arrgh.
I liked your post and agree. Puff will take the place of Cigarlive in my frame of reference (has that feel already). A different more commercial place that has it's value and vibe particularly for folks early in the journey. The videos are cool but lookng at Lopez is starting to make my head hurt almost as bad as reading stuff from KevinG. :)
the funny thing is Daniel and Jon I feel from reading a lot of there posts more wanted to have more of the CS feel but the reason its starting to get the "Live" feel is cause John has Daniel running both boards so they are both gonna take on Daniels vision for the boards. Having Moded for Daniel on GARlive I wall say you learn a lot about someone when you work with them instead of just talking to them and those are the reasons I felt I had to leave cause there were things that ethicaly I did not like such as password scrambling.
On a separate note and this is not trying to pick a fight with any of the guys over at puff but I find it funny how guys think that by staying there they will "save" what they had I'm sorry but the name of the board does not make the board the members do and the true heart and soul of both CS and CL are here and at outcasts now, so there is no saving there is creating a new forum not the old.
I truly don't wish puff or any of the core members there any ill will nor do I hope they fail but I also don't think they are gonna do any good for the cigar community like Jon and Daniel are trying to claim but it really is just a money maker for Jon and a way for Daniel to do what he said he wanted to do and the reason he started live in the first place and that is make video's and eventually short documentry style movies.
I truly want to thank the TRUE botl that started the offshoot boards to keep a place for us to all come and just talk.