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jaycarla 11-03-2010 06:34 PM

Re: The Horseshoe Mafia

Originally Posted by Resipsa (Post 1047787)
anybody here anything about the Mike Bell ankle injury? Awfully quiet

Sifted through a few boards this afternoon and nothing beyond an MRI was scheduled for today.

On a side note, there are some real dandies in some of the Colts boards. No different than any team I suppose, but wow. Hart has one decent half and now I guess he is better than Addai and Brown and should be the starter.

Present company excluded of coarse, but the typical message board crowd scares me.

Resipsa 11-03-2010 06:55 PM

Re: The Horseshoe Mafia

Originally Posted by jaycarla (Post 1048200)
Sifted through a few boards this afternoon and nothing beyond an MRI was scheduled for today.

On a side note, there are some real dandies in some of the Colts boards. No different than any team I suppose, but wow. Hart has one decent half and now I guess he is better than Addai and Brown and should be the starter.

Present company excluded of coarse, but the typical message board crowd scares me.


I agree with your assessment.:r

People don't appreciate Addai enough, I think a lot of them don't realize all he's asked to do. He does a tremendous job at blitz pick ups which people tend to undervalue.

As to Hart, he did look very good. I'm a little down on Brown, I mean come on Dude try to stay on the field:tu

taltos 11-03-2010 08:10 PM

Re: The Horseshoe Mafia
Don't worry folks, it will either get better or worse and the Colts will either win or lose. By the way, according to Peyton, "The sun will come out tomorrow.":D

jaycarla 11-03-2010 08:44 PM

Re: The Horseshoe Mafia

Originally Posted by taltos (Post 1048311)
Don't worry folks, it will either get better or worse and the Colts will either win or lose. By the way, according to Peyton, "The sun will come out tomorrow.":D

A reminder to all here to please close the door behind you, otherwise people tend to just wander in.

Whee 11-03-2010 09:02 PM

Re: The Horseshoe Mafia
I think Paul copied the key...:r

Resipsa 11-03-2010 10:00 PM

Re: The Horseshoe Mafia
somebody jostled me on my way out. I think I felt a hand in my pocket.....

taltos 11-04-2010 07:39 AM

Re: The Horseshoe Mafia

Originally Posted by illinoishoosier (Post 1048371)
I think Paul copied the key...:r

Vic gave me the key and the copier code. Hope that the season gets begtter for you guys.:tu

Resipsa 11-04-2010 07:55 AM

Re: The Horseshoe Mafia
Paul picked
My pocket!!

How did the Titans get to claim Moss?

This is no bueno!!

I hate Jeff Fischer too.

jaycarla 11-04-2010 02:37 PM

Re: The Horseshoe Mafia
I am going to turn into a raging alcoholic at this rate. I knew he got dinged, didn't know he was out there with a dislocated elbow and broken arm.

Whee 11-04-2010 02:39 PM

Re: The Horseshoe Mafia

jaycarla 11-04-2010 05:45 PM

Re: The Horseshoe Mafia
This article makes it sound like he could actually play and is just missing some practice, I find that hard to believe.

Resipsa 11-04-2010 07:04 PM

Re: The Horseshoe Mafia
if he played with it his broken arm must be like Favre's broken ankle.

Forearm's not that bad. Soft cast it and send him out there:banger

Just noticed I earlier referred to Mike Hart as MIke Bell.;s

jaycarla 11-04-2010 09:36 PM

Re: The Horseshoe Mafia

Originally Posted by Resipsa (Post 1049543)

Just noticed I earlier referred to Mike Hart as MIke Bell.;s

That was your one mulligan of the year. You made it to November without using it though, so that is a bonus.

I wonder what the Titans will look if Johnson is right? CJ and a Moss that wants to play could be ugly. I am as tired of Moss as most people, but I also know that if he wants to play he has got 2-3 years in him still.

Resipsa 11-06-2010 05:19 PM

Re: The Horseshoe Mafia|

oh, come on now!

Whee 11-06-2010 06:28 PM

Re: The Horseshoe Mafia
There were boos when he got hurt, since he was whining earlier in the season.

jaycarla 11-07-2010 12:04 AM

Re: The Horseshoe Mafia
He has not endeared himself to the fans of Indy for sure. I would be surprised if he ever puts on the Colts uni again.

Whee 11-07-2010 02:27 PM

Re: The Horseshoe Mafia
well, 10 points in 3 1/2 minutes....:hn

Resipsa 11-07-2010 02:38 PM

Re: The Horseshoe Mafia
wow, not bad enough you're down to 3rd and fourth string players at key positions, you have to jinx yourself by coming out in college uniforms, LOL

Leading to playing like a college team:noon

Whee 11-07-2010 03:31 PM

Re: The Horseshoe Mafia
Wow, vicious hit on Collie.

14holestogie 11-07-2010 03:37 PM

Re: The Horseshoe Mafia

Originally Posted by illinoishoosier (Post 1053018)
Wow, vicious hit on Collie.

Hate to see plays end like that. Hard to pull up on a play like that. Almost looks like the second hit moved him into the helmet to helmet hit from the third player. Certainly didn't appear to be intentional.

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