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ucla695 03-12-2013 07:05 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 3
It'll be Carl. :r

replicant_argent 03-12-2013 07:17 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 3
Milton takes out the Gov. Becomes the most beloved Mayor of Woodbury, ever. (Post Apocalypse, your results may vary.)

mosesbotbol 03-12-2013 08:22 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 3

Originally Posted by ky70 (Post 1806013)
2nd guess would be Milton as I'm betting someone close does him in.

Is Milton the nerdy guy talking to the one legged guy outside? If so, I could see that for sure happening. The Governor really lacks humanity.

icehog3 03-12-2013 08:32 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 3

Originally Posted by mosesbotbol (Post 1806289)
Is Milton the nerdy guy talking to the one legged guy outside? If so, I could see that for sure happening. The Governor really lacks humanity.

That's the guy. :tu

OLS 03-12-2013 08:44 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 3
I am thinking that Milton is secretly NOT gay and is secretly in love with Andrea. Coupled with his hatred of
being controlled and belittled by the Governor, I see that as a distinct possibility as well. But what do I know?
Until I can get Epi. 14 recorded and burned to DVD, I will not even know what happened in Epi. 13.

irratebass 03-12-2013 08:48 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 3
I have to agree this episode was lackluster, I was shocked to see the Gov come out of the shadows to meet Rick. Kudos to Rick for not playing into the Gov's BS.

Gotta love that little smile from the Gov

Rick should have killed the Gov when he hung up his guns

I seriously thought something was going to happen when Maggie & Glenn were :xxx

Milton's John Ritter in Sling Blade ass has got to go, but I think he is starting to see through the Gov's BS too.

Time will tell.....that was episode 13, how many more do we have left?

replicant_argent 03-12-2013 08:54 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 3

Originally Posted by OLS (Post 1806301)
I am thinking that Milton is secretly NOT gay and is secretly in love with Andrea. Coupled with his hatred of
being controlled and belittled by the Governor, I see that as a distinct possibility as well. But what do I know?
Until I can get Epi. 14 recorded and burned to DVD, I will not even know what happened in Epi. 13.

Say wha? Did I miss a scene or 3 or did you just make a pretty healthy leap into someones subconscious?

themoneycollector 03-12-2013 09:33 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 3

Originally Posted by irratebass (Post 1806304)
Time will tell.....that was episode 13, how many more do we have left?

Just 3 left

irratebass 03-12-2013 09:42 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 3

Originally Posted by themoneycollector (Post 1806316)
Just 3 left


OLS 03-12-2013 11:38 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 3
Sorry about that, Pete, THAT WAS a leap and a sexist one at that. There are no revelatory scenes with Milton
at a rest area bathroom or anything. I apologize for my statement.

I guess I would re-categorize him as a sexually-repressed poindexter on the verge of unleashing some pent up
authority rage. I still don't think it will be him....or wait....maybe that IS the proper asessment after all.
I change my vote from weak Andrea to repressed Milton.

Bondo 287 03-12-2013 12:05 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 3

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 1805877)
..... The whole "one upping" between Darryl and Martinez while they were knocking off zombies. :r :r :r

Really. I thought it played out a little corny too. That " let's kill zombies together" opportunity was, a waaaaaayy too easy and predictable, "continuity fix" for the writers as to why the two clans managed to stay outside timidly chatting in harmony without killing each other. Don't forget both clans already orchestrated horrific attacks on each others' "home".

The entire situation above would not even exist if Rick and Gov didn't just open up some whoopazz and be done with it. Someone commented here weeks ago, that hopefully they wouldn't milk the situation for all it's worth. Since "Prison vs Woodbury" was going on at the end of last season, after 3 episodes into season four, apparently that is going to be so.

TWD is still fun to watch. This episode was slightly disappointing in my book..

I say Gov dead in 3 weeks....

icehog3 03-12-2013 12:41 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 3

Originally Posted by Bondo 287 (Post 1806366)

I say Gov dead in 3 weeks....

Three weeks left in the season....well, you're really going out on a limb there. ;) :r

replicant_argent 03-12-2013 09:00 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 3

Originally Posted by OLS (Post 1806362)
Sorry about that, Pete, THAT WAS a leap and a sexist one at that. There are no revelatory scenes with Milton
at a rest area bathroom or anything. I apologize for my statement.

I guess I would re-categorize him as a sexually-repressed poindexter on the verge of unleashing some pent up
authority rage. I still don't think it will be him....or wait....maybe that IS the proper asessment after all.
I change my vote from weak Andrea to repressed Milton.

I would looooove to hear what your cues on him being sexually repressed are. After all, it ~is~ a bit stressful during the zomboid apocalypse, ya know, Brad. ;)

elderboy02 03-13-2013 06:38 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 3
That was a boring episode. I fell asleep during it on Sunday and had to go back and finish it up last night :(

OLS 03-13-2013 06:51 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 3

Originally Posted by replicant_argent (Post 1806524)
I would looooove to hear what your cues on him being sexually repressed are.

He is twitchy, edgy, can't look Andrea in the eye, nervous all the time.
Classic sexual repression. Read your Freud. -(P :D ;)

replicant_argent 03-13-2013 07:01 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 3
The first, second, and last I could easily attribute to living around psychotic people and other former humans that want to eat me. The third I could easily attribute to his disgust and personal judgement of Andrea being a Ho-bag. I think I need to call this into Talking Dead. Fascinating character insight, and all that.

irratebass 03-13-2013 07:10 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 3

Originally Posted by replicant_argent (Post 1806592)
The first, second, and last I could easily attribute to living around psychotic people and other former humans that want to eat me. The third I could easily attribute to his disgust and personal judgement of Andrea being a Ho-bag. I think I need to call this into Talking Dead. Fascinating character insight, and all that.

Do it, but wait till the Milton is actually on the show :D

themoneycollector 03-13-2013 12:36 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 3

Originally Posted by themoneycollector (Post 1797289)
... I just have this feeling we will spend the next few episodes with skirmishes back and forth that will become repetitive and not really go anywhere (reminds me of Season 2 looking for Sophie).


Originally Posted by OLS (Post 1805875)

I never liked Andrea, and after Epi 12 I think the book is closed on her with me. She could have done a great thing,
and now I am left to wonder if the Gov is just a 'family farm' where we are going to waste another 5-6 episodes and cliff-
hang on it. That would be awfully disappointing. But its their show, they can determine the pace and I would gladly
watch more, not like LOST, where I knew after one season that I was being jerked around (and STILL watched all of it
like a freaking fool.)


Originally Posted by Bondo 287 (Post 1806366)

The entire situation above would not even exist if Rick and Gov didn't just open up some whoopazz and be done with it. Someone commented here weeks ago, that hopefully they wouldn't milk the situation for all it's worth. Since "Prison vs Woodbury" was going on at the end of last season, after 3 episodes into season four, apparently that is going to be so.

I called it, the writing on TWD has been on a decline. The repetitiveness is getting to me.

It's become too much family drama and losing the zombie apocolypse that hooked me in the first place. If the next 3 episodes are not redeeming quality, then I will have wasted my time with this whole half season after that wait. If they need to cut it to 10 episodes or less to cut out the boring parts and filler, then AMC please do so.

Season 1 (6 episodes) > Season 2 (12 episodes) > Season 3 (16 episodes)

Hope I don't derail the thread, but anyone watch Spartacus? This season has had me on the edge of my seat - Excellent so far.

ucla695 03-13-2013 12:47 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 3
I think the action will pick-up in the last couple of episodes.

The family drama stuff is wearing on me too. Thanks goodness Laurie's gone!

irratebass 03-13-2013 01:02 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 3

Originally Posted by ucla695 (Post 1806769)
I think the action will pick-up in the last couple of episodes.

The family drama stuff is wearing on me too. Thanks goodness Laurie's gone!

The Gov & Andrea's BS has replaced Lori.......unfortunately

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