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Chainsaw13 03-23-2012 11:22 AM

Re: What are you roasting today?
Never heard of them Shane, but then I'm still just getting into this craft.

Going to a local farmers market tomorrow morning. Germack nut company has their new store up and running and has a section dedicated to just coffee. I heard they have green coffee too. Gonna check it out.

BSB 03-25-2012 07:30 AM

Re: What are you roasting today?
Colombia Tolima - Einar Ortiz Microlot, with just about 30gr. of Felix Guzman micro, to fill it out. I was just that much short. One is lemony, the other very sweet. Looking forward to cupping on Tues.

forgop 03-31-2012 07:10 PM

Re: What are you roasting today?
Has anyone ever re-roasted as in a batch was lighter than you desired and wanted to go darker after tasting how it turned out?

CigarSquid 03-31-2012 07:27 PM

Re: What are you roasting today?

Originally Posted by forgop (Post 1605193)
Has anyone ever re-roasted as in a batch was lighter than you desired and wanted to go darker after tasting how it turned out?

I asked the same thing about... ehh.. Couple months back. No. I was told you can't and shouldn't do it.

I went with what was answered and didn't. If you have time, There are better reason in the back pages and to why. I asked in this thread.. Not sure what page or even close.

ashtonlady 03-31-2012 08:58 PM

Re: What are you roasting today?
This is a good answer with a good reason.
Hope this helps.

Blak Smyth 04-02-2012 11:10 AM

Re: What are you roasting today?
I placed a sampler order from Theta Ridge today, I will keep everybody posted as to how it goes. Their prices are much, much less than SM. I intend to find a good sample and purchase a 10lb order of it.


Originally Posted by forgop (Post 1605193)
Has anyone ever re-roasted as in a batch was lighter than you desired and wanted to go darker after tasting how it turned out?

A couple answers from Ashtonladies link:

"Once coffee beans have cooked and cooled, they can't be cooked more. Roasting temperature profiles and sequences make a big difference in how the coffee ultimately tastes. Sorry."

"I've read at COFFEEGEEK.COM that it's a method practised regularly by the Swiss and it gives the coffee a different character."

"No, you cannot roast beans a second time and expect the oils to be their best. If oil is on the surface of the bean, i would assume a scorching effect. Never done it though; so I'm just assuming.

"What I would do is put the beans away for a week; this should make the coffee a little bit stronger. I would also use a french press then too- much better flavor intensity."

Chainsaw13 04-02-2012 11:47 AM

Re: What are you roasting today?
Shane, did you email them for prices? I was just looking on the site and didn't see any listed.

Blak Smyth 04-02-2012 12:47 PM

Re: What are you roasting today?

Originally Posted by Chainsaw13 (Post 1606377)
Shane, did you email them for prices? I was just looking on the site and didn't see any listed.

Yah, if you e-mail them they send you an up to date price sheet.

CigarSquid 04-02-2012 01:25 PM

Re: What are you roasting today?

Originally Posted by Blak Smyth (Post 1606369)
I placed a sampler order from Theta Ridge today, I will keep everybody posted as to how it goes. Their prices are much, much less than SM. I intend to find a good sample and purchase a 10lb order of it.

Very curious how they are.. I still need to place a sampler order with SM.

Blak Smyth 04-02-2012 01:39 PM

Re: What are you roasting today?

Originally Posted by garryyjr (Post 1606439)
Very curious how they are.. I still need to place a sampler order with SM.

My friend that got me first into drinking home roasted coffee uses them and buys 75lb bags. He raves about the company.

BSB 04-02-2012 01:56 PM

Re: What are you roasting today?
Brazil Fazenda Santa Mariana to just FC.

Blak Smyth 04-02-2012 02:02 PM

Re: What are you roasting today?

Originally Posted by BSB (Post 1606461)
Brazil Fazenda Santa Mariana to just FC.

That sounds nice, how was it?

BSB 04-03-2012 07:30 AM

Re: What are you roasting today?

Originally Posted by Blak Smyth (Post 1606466)
That sounds nice, how was it?

Cupping tomorrow. It roasted real pretty :D

Chainsaw13 04-03-2012 04:51 PM

Re: What are you roasting today?
Did a couple batches today. Some SM's Liquid Amber Espresso blend and they're Sumatra Lintong Tano Batak.

The odd thing about my first batch of the Sumatra, I didn't get a first crack. One loud pop around the 3:45 mark, but nothing after. Took it to what I'm guessing was city ++, maybe even FC. Did another batch and got the normal cracking for a period of time. Strange.

Garbandz 04-05-2012 02:59 PM

Re: What are you roasting today? I got their price list,there is a surcharge if you buy less than a bag full. $.45 /lb on 10 lb and up,$.65 /lb under 10 lb.
That said,there is a shipping charge to consider.
I would like to try several of their beans,some new items on me...........

Blak Smyth 04-05-2012 04:20 PM

Re: What are you roasting today?

Originally Posted by Garbandz (Post 1608868) I got their price list,there is a surcharge if you buy less than a bag full. $.45 /lb on 10 lb and up,$.65 /lb under 10 lb.
That said,there is a shipping charge to consider.
I would like to try several of their beans,some new items on me...........

Well they just sent me a sampler of 4 different beans for free.

novasurf 04-05-2012 06:44 PM

Re: What are you roasting today?

Kenya AA Oaklands
Harrar G4
Sumatra Lintong
Taina and Negrita

ThetaRidge is top shelf. They buy exclusively from a vendor I use in NYC.

forgop 04-05-2012 07:38 PM

Re: What are you roasting today?
I just roasted a pound of the Ethopia Illubaor-Camp Cooperative from SM's.

I sure as hell don't understand any of this full city to FC+, but I sure as hell know I roasted it darker than my last roast.

forgop 04-06-2012 06:31 AM

Re: What are you roasting today?

Originally Posted by forgop (Post 1609133)
I just roasted a pound of the Ethopia Illubaor-Camp Cooperative from SM's.

I sure as hell don't understand any of this full city to FC+, but I sure as hell know I roasted it darker than my last roast.

I don't know what the roast would come out to be as I roasted the whole pound for 6-1/2 to 7 minutes in my "official" SM's recommended West Bend Poppery II, but the Ethopian stuff I roasted last night and drinking this morning is AWESOME!!!

Blak Smyth 04-06-2012 06:37 AM

Re: What are you roasting today?
I roasted the Dettera Bourbon last night, it smells amazing!
If it tastes anything like it smells, this may be my first 10lb order!

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