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cigarz 01-06-2010 11:27 AM

Re-lighting a cigar
How long can a half smoked cigar sit before you have to throw it away, rather than finish it?


pnoon 01-06-2010 11:39 AM

Re: Re-lighting a cigar

Originally Posted by cigarz (Post 709723)
How long can a half smoked cigar sit before you have to throw it away, rather than finish it?


There is no definitive answer.
For me, not much more than an hour or so. For others, they smoke sticks the next day.

lightning9191 01-06-2010 11:46 AM

Re: Re-lighting a cigar

Originally Posted by cigarz (Post 709723)
How long can a half smoked cigar sit before you have to throw it away, rather than finish it?


If you do this, be sure to purge it well just prior to setting it down. This should help the flavor when you relight it.

RevSmoke 01-06-2010 11:48 AM

Re: Re-lighting a cigar

Originally Posted by cigarz (Post 709723)
How long can a half smoked cigar sit before you have to throw it away, rather than finish it?


Cigars? Not very long, as they usually get very acrid tasting very quickly - especially if allowed to cool. :2

With a pipe, this is much different. In fact, with many Virginia and Virginia?Perique blends, sometimes finishing a pipe a couple days later can find the tobaccos tasting even better.

Why is this?

Good question!

14holestogie 01-06-2010 11:49 AM

Re: Re-lighting a cigar

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 709735)
There is no definitive answer.
For me, not much more than an hour or so. For others, they smoke sticks the next day.

My wife is notorious for lighting up an hour stick and giving up on it after 15 minutes. :)

It all depends on how much bitterness you can stand. Be sure to purge the cigar when you sit it down to at least get most of the stale smoke out.

Chris. 01-06-2010 12:13 PM

Re: Re-lighting a cigar

Originally Posted by cigarz (Post 709723)
How long can a half smoked cigar sit before you have to throw it away, rather than finish it?


My first opusx(like my 3rd cigar ever), I smoked halfway then left it in a zip lock baggie for like a week. One or two days I even forgot that I left it open. When I smoked it later on, it was even better than before. I never purged it either. That was before I knew anything about smoking cigars.

cigarz 01-07-2010 07:50 AM

Re: Half smoked cigars
Thanks for the feed back guys. Looks like results can vary. May require some experimentation....


Chris. 01-07-2010 07:45 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
I wouldn't experiment with it. But, if for some reason you need to put one down and want to pick it up again later, dont be afraid to do so.

blue7622 01-09-2010 09:40 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
I have never tried smoking before but i really want to try a cigar, i have some questions:
Does cigar smoke smell and taste better than cigarette smoke? (i can't stand the smell of cigarettes and have no idea of what cigars smell like)

Is there a chance that i would like it even though i can't stand cigarettes or is it all pretty much the same?

I have also heard that some people get sick and throw up after their first smoke, any tips on how I can prevent this from happening?

thanks in advance

icehog3 01-09-2010 09:45 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by blue7622 (Post 713771)
I have never tried smoking before but i really want to try a cigar, i have some questions:
Does cigar smoke smell and taste better than cigarette smoke? (i can't stand the smell of cigarettes and have no idea of what cigars smell like) I guess it's all a mater of opinion. I think cigars smell and taste like Heaven on Earth.

Is there a chance that i would like it even though i can't stand cigarettes or is it all pretty much the same? Yes...I don't like cigarettes, and I smoke many cigars per week.

I have also heard that some people get sick and throw up after their first smoke, any tips on how I can prevent this from happening? Eat before smoking, and have something with simple sugar in it (I like Reese's PB cups) on hand if you feel sick.
thanks in advance

Some replies in red above. Good luck.

Vigiles 01-09-2010 09:49 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by blue7622 (Post 713771)
I have never tried smoking before but i really want to try a cigar, i have some questions:
Does cigar smoke smell and taste better than cigarette smoke? (i can't stand the smell of cigarettes and have no idea of what cigars smell like)

Is there a chance that i would like it even though i can't stand cigarettes or is it all pretty much the same?

I have also heard that some people get sick and throw up after their first smoke, any tips on how I can prevent this from happening?

thanks in advance

I'll give some answers on what I can, then let the more experienced members help you out.

1. In my opinion, cigarettes and cigars are completely different, and don't taste anything alike.

2. In my experience, the more I smoked cigars the more I liked them. (still an ongoing process, but I do love them!)

3. How to not throw up: Smoke slow, very slow, around 1 puff per minute or less. Also a Mild cigar would be better for your first. Something that helped me starting out, drink (or sip) water while you are smoking.

Hope that helps some!

Chris. 01-09-2010 10:05 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by blue7622 (Post 713771)
I have never tried smoking before but i really want to try a cigar, i have some questions:
Does cigar smoke smell and taste better than cigarette smoke? (i can't stand the smell of cigarettes and have no idea of what cigars smell like)

Is there a chance that i would like it even though i can't stand cigarettes or is it all pretty much the same?

I have also heard that some people get sick and throw up after their first smoke, any tips on how I can prevent this from happening?

thanks in advance

DONT INHALE! :) You should be fine. Just don't go buy the cheapest smoke you can find though. Perhaps a Flor de Oliva would be a good first smoke for you.

chachee52 01-09-2010 10:19 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
I used to smoke ciggerette way back, and will say that it's two different things!!
I would agree with all that's been said so far.
As far as the smell of the smoke, I know people that can't stand when I smoke cigars, but then other's think that it smells great (luckily my fiance is one of these people!!).
On a funnier side, I've found that cigar smoke is a much better misquito repelant than cigerette smoke!!!
The taste is going to the tough one I would think. I have had some nasty cigars and some heavenly ones!! So hopefully you get one you like the first time around. The bad ones are far and few between in my eyes though.
Good luck in the new journey!!!

SmokinCozy 01-09-2010 10:30 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
I was thinking if you got a bad one for your first stick, then there would be one less person to fight over the good ones on.........something is telling me not to be that way, there is plenty to go around. Pick up your cigar from a B&M (cigar store) and not the corner market.

T.G 01-09-2010 10:39 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by blue7622 (Post 713771)
I have also heard that some people get sick and throw up after their first smoke, any tips on how I can prevent this from happening?

Smoke a nice mild cigar, something like a Camacho Coyolar, LDF DL maduro or an El Cobre.

Chris. 01-09-2010 01:51 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
Did you really just recommend the LFD double LIGERO as a mild cigar? :r Granted, the DL maduro is good and smooth, but definitely not for the beginner.

MrOneEyedBoh 01-12-2010 02:47 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
Say im taking a cigar to work with me for the ride home. I have a leather holder, and if I put a cigar in that leather holder would it be alright? Or would it dry out too much? I would leave the cello on it. Or should I use a ziplock baggie and then put the cigar inside the leather holder?

Are there any airtight cigar holders?

GreekGodX 01-12-2010 02:51 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by MrOneEyedBoh (Post 717011)
Say im taking a cigar to work with me for the ride home. I have a leather holder, and if I put a cigar in that leather holder would it be alright? Or would it dry out too much? I would leave the cello on it. Or should I use a ziplock baggie and then put the cigar inside the leather holder?

Are there any airtight cigar holders?

Those types of holders are fine for your purpose. If you are going to have your cigars over night or over a few days you need some kind of otterbox. Example below.

MrOneEyedBoh 01-12-2010 02:58 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
I could use that just for like everyday use? Arent they pretty gaudy? Thanks!

GreekGodX 01-12-2010 03:03 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
The leather holder for the day will work ok. I wouldn't leave anything in there longer than a 12 hour period unless it has a good seal. The cigarcaddy/otterbox can be used for everyday use. I have a 5 count box that I take with me to local B&M's. It isn't the most asthetically pleasing box but the seal is great and it keeps your cigars humidified.

In any case you just want to make sure you don't subject the cigars to extreme heat or cold..

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