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Robulous78 01-24-2013 08:23 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
Thanks Justin.... So which parts will be different for me in a left-handed build? would I need to find a specific type of lower?

spectrrr 01-24-2013 08:30 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
continuing the polymer receiver primer:

There's two basic kinds. There's the newer gen New Frontier (NF) model, which is just the receiver, and there's the old gen been around a while Calvary Arms (CA) model, which is the receiver, buttstock, and pistol grip all in one.

Calvary Arms:

New Frontier:

Now the reality is, most parts of the lower receiver DON'T need to be very strong. The lower doesn't see a lot of high stress. The CA receiver has been torture tested, and held up to a lot of abuse. It's also non-customizable, and ugly as hell.

On the NF lower, my only point of concern is the stock joint, where you screw the stock in. That is also the point where recoil spring and buffer goes into the stock, and it does take a bit of abuse. I would hope that would not be liable to cracking way down the road. Please understand, I'm not well educated on the subject, I have NOT done my research, I am not a gunsmith, plastics expert, or machinist. All I'm saying is, you might want to read up on it first, that MIGHT be a point of concern.

Robulous78 01-24-2013 08:36 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
I will definitely take that into consideration... Thanks... :tu

spectrrr 01-24-2013 08:36 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by Robulous78 (Post 1786528)
Thanks Justin.... So which parts will be different for me in a left-handed build? would I need to find a specific type of lower?

Ahh yes, lefty considerations. Down the road, you'll have a few options to consider, depending on how lefty you are, and how picky you are. But short answer is, it will not affect your receiver choice by much. You'll probably want to install an ambidextrous safety, but that is done aftermarket. The rest of the lefty parts are all upper receiver parts. So, no worries about which lower you get.

For the upper, you have some options. sometimes it's just a simple matter of making sure there is something to deflect brass away from your face. But there is still some gas that comes out of the bolt area, and some folks have more trouble than others with getting a face full of unpleasant gas leftovers, depending on how you hold the rifle. Some people buy lefty specific upper receivers and bolt groups which flip everything around, spit the shells out the other side, etc. Costs more that way. All depends on the scratch you have available at the time.

Robulous78 01-24-2013 08:39 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
well... I have very little scratch... but I really want a AR that doesn't eject hot brass into my face and/or body... can you ballpark what a lefty upper runs? say average, middle of the line...?

spectrrr 01-24-2013 08:41 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by Robulous78 (Post 1786541)
well... I have very little scratch... but I really want a AR that doesn't eject hot brass into my face and/or body... can you ballpark what a lefty upper runs? say average, middle of the line...?

Not a clue there, I'm sorry. I have ZERO experience on that front, besides skimming through a few threads on and noting what kinds of things were available.

When you are ready to build your upper, is the place you need to ask that question, and they will give you answers that you would otherwise never have known even existed.

spectrrr 01-24-2013 08:43 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
The brass is easily solved. Even some of the gas can be directed away if it's minor. The major consideration is how YOU hold the rifle and sight with it. That will best be answered by you shooting someone else's AR first, before you try to choose which specialty parts are or are not needed to fix the problem you might, or might not have.

Robulous78 01-24-2013 08:44 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
Thanks.... :tu

spectrrr 01-24-2013 08:46 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
Keep in mind, I know what I know from reading. I'm the guy that has spent way too much time reading way too many things. And I usually remember them. I'm an internet jockey who wants to get into 3gun (but has never shot a match yet). Out in the field, I'm not the guy you would be asking for anything from, I'm not all that experienced. So take my opinion as what it is, the "summation and distillation of what I have observed and read", not the dispensing of any great first-hand experience on my part.

Robulous78 01-24-2013 08:48 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
Well Francis, it is still appreciated...

I think I am going to save some pay and grab a lower with my next check if I can... :tu

Thanks for lending me your knowledge...

spectrrr 01-24-2013 08:49 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by Robulous78 (Post 1786555)
Well Francis, it is still appreciated...

I think I am going to save some pay and grab a lower with my next check if I can... :tu

Thanks for lending me your knowledge...

anytime :tu

emopunker2004 01-24-2013 09:01 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by Robulous78 (Post 1786464)
Ok Firearm guys...

I want my very own AR-15... but I am a broke a$$ with very little money...

with the proposed ban, I don't have much time, I read yesterday that if this ban passes the only thing it will affect is the ability to purchase lowers... is this true? meaning I need to go buy one ASAP?

What is the cheapest possible path from nothing to a completed left handed AR-15?

Don't bother. Cheapest you're gonna do it now is like $1500 most likely.

Of all the polymer lowers, the CA lower is by far mostly known as the most superior polymer lower. Down side is the stock is fixed to the lower.

Robulous78 01-24-2013 09:05 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
I want to take a while... buy a part here... a part there... I thought they were cheaper if you assembled them yourself...?

Islayphile 01-24-2013 09:08 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by Robulous78 (Post 1786567)
I want to take a while... buy a part here... a part there... I thought they were cheaper if you assembled them yourself...?

They generally are...but

You have chosen the absolute worst time to start this process due to the panic buying going on a record pace.

jluck 01-24-2013 09:44 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
Rob, if your willing to pay full blown fear pricing, there was someone on this site planning on selling there extra lowers for a mint if you will pay it, who knows maybe there's a trade offset you could manage. I think it was Duane (forgop)sp?.

I do know of people recently getting lowers for around 200, I will look into it.

big pete 01-24-2013 09:50 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by spectrrr (Post 1786527)
$100!!!!!! &&$@%#%&#@

Is that "normal" for cali?

My local ones charge $25

FFL to FFL are $60-100. Private party transfers are around $35

emopunker2004 01-24-2013 10:06 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
That's bullshit bro. My FFL charges $20 for any transfer

Blueface 01-24-2013 10:11 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
In South Florida, I use to pay $35 but found a new one that charges me $25.
That is best I can do.

Blueface 01-24-2013 10:12 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
Finally got shipping notice on my E-Landers.

spectrrr 01-24-2013 10:25 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
Picked up my PTR-91 today. :noon

pictures to follow later.

Still haven't found ammo for it. Damn you sportsman's guide for screwing up 4 separate back-orders on .308 ammo. Won't make that mistake again!

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