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AdamJoshua 05-03-2015 12:16 AM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward
Breakfast Club

New one:

"Hey, I gots ta know..."

icehog3 05-03-2015 12:51 AM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward
Dirty Harry....were you watching AMC today too? :D

"Who's 'we', Sucka?"

AdamJoshua 05-04-2015 07:52 AM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 2032468)
Dirty Harry....were you watching AMC today too? :D

"Who's 'we', Sucka?"

Sudden Impact ... and yes Dirty Harry Saturday FTW!


People are guilty until proven... I mean... God damn it, you know what I mean!

icehog3 05-04-2015 09:55 AM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward
Magnum Force. :tu

"You're sh!t outta luck".

AdamJoshua 05-04-2015 05:48 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward
Dirty Harry "You forgot your fortune cookie..... it says..."


Here's a seven-point suppository, Captain.

icehog3 05-05-2015 11:13 AM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward
The Enforcer.

"Reasonable suspicion. I can go anywhere I please if I have reasonable suspicion. Now if I have suspicion a felony's been committed, I can just walk right in here anytime I feel like it, 'cause I got this badge, I got this gun, and I got the love of Jesus right here in my pretty green eyes."

AdamJoshua 05-06-2015 02:57 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward
The classic Sandra Locke vehicle, The Gauntlet!

I hope this is the movie I'm thinking, I play fair and don't look on the google.


**** with me buddy and I'll kick your ass so hard you'll have to unbutton your collar to shi-t.

mhailey 05-06-2015 04:06 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by AdamJoshua (Post 2033136)
The classic Sandra Locke vehicle, The Gauntlet!

I hope this is the movie I'm thinking, I play fair and don't look on the google.


"Well, well, well, well. I'm here to tell you that life as you knew it has ended. You all may as well go into town tonight. You may as well laugh and make fools out of yourselves. Rub your pathetic little peckers against your honies or stick it in a knothole in the fence but whatever it is, get rid of it. Because at 0600 tomorrow your ass is mine."

icehog3 05-06-2015 05:04 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by mhailey (Post 2033147)
"Well, well, well, well. I'm here to tell you that life as you knew it has ended. You all may as well go into town tonight. You may as well laugh and make fools out of yourselves. Rub your pathetic little peckers against your honies or stick it in a knothole in the fence but whatever it is, get rid of it. Because at 0600 tomorrow your ass is mine."

Heartbreak Ridge. :banger:

"I think I'll go down to Mexico to try to find him."
"And then?"
"He's got the first move. I owe him that. I think I'll try to tell him the war is over. What do you say, Mr. Wilson?"
"I reckon so. I guess we all died a little in that damn war."

markem 05-06-2015 05:31 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 2033156)
"I think I'll go down to Mexico to try to find him."
"And then?"
"He's got the first move. I owe him that. I think I'll try to tell him the war is over. What do you say, Mr. Wilson?"
"I reckon so. I guess we all died a little in that damn war."

The Outlaw Jose Wales

"What do you think you are, for Chrissake, crazy or somethin’? Well you’re not! You’re not! You’re no crazier than the average asshole out walkin’ around on the streets, and that’s it."

AdamJoshua 05-06-2015 05:54 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by markem (Post 2033166)
The Outlaw Jose Wales

"What do you think you are, for Chrissake, crazy or somethin’? Well you’re not! You’re not! You’re no crazier than the average asshole out walkin’ around on the streets, and that’s it."

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

What happened to your nose, ______? Somebody slammed a bedroom window on it?

Nope. Your wife got excited. She crossed her legs a little too quick. You understand what I mean, pal?

Porch Dweller 05-06-2015 08:16 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward
Forget that quote, it's Chinatown

"Fluoridation is the most monstrously conceived and dangerous communist plot we have ever had to face."

AdamJoshua 05-06-2015 08:34 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by Porch Dweller (Post 2033210)
Forget that quote, it's Chinatown

"Fluoridation is the most monstrously conceived and dangerous communist plot we have ever had to face."

Dr. Strangelove mein fuhrer!

Where are you going?

I'm gonna kill the *****. You want something?

Could you get me a Chunky?

(It really is a bad movie, funny but so bad. :r )

markem 05-09-2015 07:00 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by AdamJoshua (Post 2033213)
Where are you going?

I'm gonna kill the *****. You want something?

Could you get me a Chunky?

(It really is a bad movie, funny but so bad. :r )

Throw Momma From The Train was not a bad movie.

"Listen up, maggots. You are not special. You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake. You're the same decaying organic matter as everything else."

Porch Dweller 05-09-2015 07:09 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by markem (Post 2033757)
Throw Momma From The Train was not a bad movie.

"Listen up, maggots. You are not special. You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake. You're the same decaying organic matter as everything else."

Fight Club, Tyler Durden

"Why do you smoke this s--t? So as to escape from reality? Me, I don't need this s--t. I AM reality."

icehog3 05-09-2015 08:18 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward
Staff Sergeant Barnes in Platoon.

"In the, in the whole vast configuration of things, I'd say you were nothing but a scurvy little spider!"

AdamJoshua 05-20-2015 07:27 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward
A seasonal classic, It's A Wonderful Life


Yes, well, I've worked out a few statistics of my own. 15 billion dollars in gold bullion weighs 10,500 tons. Sixty men would take twelve days to load it onto 200 trucks. Now, at the most, you're going to have two hours before the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines move in and make you put it back.

AdamJoshua 05-26-2015 07:30 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by AdamJoshua (Post 2035723)
A seasonal classic, It's A Wonderful Life

Let's move this forward, so that was from Gold Finger.


Second shelf is mine. That's where I keep my rootbeers and my double-thick Oreo cookies. Nobody touches the second shelf but me.
or from same movie


One thing about living in Santa Carla I never could stomach; all the damn vampires.

icehog3 05-26-2015 07:41 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward
Lost Boys! :D

"What are you talkin' about? I got your gun! I got the money! I got everything!"

heyferg 05-27-2015 03:08 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward
48 Hrs.
Right before Nolte blows the bad guy away.

"And you got what, a 6 to 8 week training program here? A real tough one. Which is PERFECT for me."

Same movie

"If it were me, I'd bet everything. But that's me. I'm an aggressive gambler. Mr. Vegas"

AdamJoshua 05-27-2015 03:13 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward
Stripes -

New quote

Guy 1: Jeez! It's a ****in' six-shooter. ****!
Guy 2: There's nine bodies, genius.
Guy 1: What the **** were you gonna do, laugh the last three to death, Funny-Man?

SNKBYT 05-27-2015 06:52 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward
Boondock of my favorite movies

There's two kinds of people in this world when you boil it all down. You got your talkers and you got your doers. Most people are just talkers, all they do is talk. But when it is all said and done, it's the doers that change this world. And when they do that, they change us, and that's why we never forget them. So which one are you? Do you just talk about it, or do you stand up and do something about it? Because believe you me, all the rest of it is just coffee house and bullshit.

AdamJoshua 05-28-2015 03:55 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward
Boondock Saints II - not quite as good as the original


This is burned in by laser scan. Some of us were kept alive... to work... loading bodies. The disposal units ran night and day. We were that close to going out forever. But there was one man who taught us to fight, to storm the wire of the camps, to smash those metal mother****ers into junk. He turned it around. He brought us back from the brink.

mhailey 05-28-2015 08:53 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

"You want to know how Custer felt? Why don't you ask him?"

Porch Dweller 05-29-2015 11:43 AM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by mhailey (Post 2037308)

"You want to know how Custer felt? Why don't you ask him?"

We Were Soldiers

"I didn't realize you were an art collector. I thought you just collected corpses."

Porch Dweller 06-10-2015 12:03 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by Porch Dweller (Post 2037385)
We Were Soldiers

"I didn't realize you were an art collector. I thought you just collected corpses."

That was North by Northwest.

"Did you know, Mr. Torrance, that your son is attempting to bring an outside party into this situation? Did you know that?"

icehog3 06-10-2015 03:35 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward
Probably my favorite movie of all time. The Shining. Delbert Grady, outcreepified only by Lloyd the Bartender.

"Oh, really? Tell me, where is that place? Where is it? In what remote corner of this country-no-entire goddamn planet is there a place were men really care about one another and really love each other? Now, you tell me were such a place is, and I promise you that I'll never hurt another human being as long as I live."

AdamJoshua 07-13-2015 10:32 AM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward


What does God need with a starship?

massphatness 07-13-2015 02:11 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward
One of the Star Treks - Star Trek 17 or something. Kirk was fat(ter), I remember that.


Say 'what' again. Say 'what' again, I dare you, I double dare you motherf*cker, say what one more Goddamn time!

icehog3 07-14-2015 03:10 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward
Pulp Fiction, Jules is The Man.

"Hey, man. All we represent to them, man, is somebody who needs a haircut."

Porch Dweller 07-16-2015 02:44 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 2044472)
Pulp Fiction, Jules is The Man.

"Hey, man. All we represent to them, man, is somebody who needs a haircut."

Easy Rider

"28 days, 6 hours, 42 minutes, 12 seconds. That is when the world will end."

AdamJoshua 08-13-2015 09:56 AM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward
Donny Darko


Cinderella story. Outta nowhere. A former greenskeeper, now, about to become the Masters champion. It looks like a mirac...It's in the hole! It's in the hole! It's in the hole!

icehog3 08-13-2015 10:14 AM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

"I'll shove that bat up your ass and turn you into a popsicle."

AdamJoshua 08-13-2015 05:54 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward
Warrrr-iors... come out and play-ay


See you at the party Richter!

Porch Dweller 08-17-2015 10:31 AM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward
Total Recall

"You think you're tough for eating beans every day? There's half a million scarecrows in Denver who'd give anything for one mouthful of what you got. They've been under siege for about three months. They live on rats and sawdust bread and sometimes... on each other. At night, the pyres for the dead light up the sky. It's medieval."

JIMBETHYNAME 08-17-2015 08:39 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by Porch Dweller (Post 2049549)
Total Recall

"You think you're tough for eating beans every day? There's half a million scarecrows in Denver who'd give anything for one mouthful of what you got. They've been under siege for about three months. They live on rats and sawdust bread and sometimes... on each other. At night, the pyres for the dead light up the sky. It's medieval."


I come to this country to be free, and you fargin iceholes violate my fargin rights, fargin bastages

AdamJoshua 08-19-2015 05:13 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward
Johnny Dangerously


Hey, homeboy, why don't you close that door; we'll get the Prom Queen impregnated.

Chainsaw13 08-19-2015 06:29 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward
Breakfast Club.

"You know, there's going to be sex, drugs, rock-n-roll... chips, dips, chains, whips... You know, your basic high school orgy type of thing. I mean, uh, I'm not talking candlewax on the nipples, or witchcraft or anything like that, no, no, no. Just a couple of hundred kids running around in their underwear, acting like complete animals."

AdamJoshua 08-19-2015 07:32 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by Chainsaw13 (Post 2049918)
Breakfast Club.

"You know, there's going to be sex, drugs, rock-n-roll... chips, dips, chains, whips... You know, your basic high school orgy type of thing. I mean, uh, I'm not talking candlewax on the nipples, or witchcraft or anything like that, no, no, no. Just a couple of hundred kids running around in their underwear, acting like complete animals."

Weird Science


“People are afraid to merge.”

AdamJoshua 09-05-2015 05:47 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by AdamJoshua (Post 2049922)
Weird Science

Ouch ok new one


The butterfly effect and suck my dick!

IBQTEE1 09-18-2015 09:00 AM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward
Butterfly Effect

"Oh my gosh, look at that fluffy unicorn! He's so fluffy, I'm gonna die!"

Porch Dweller 09-18-2015 09:46 AM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by IBQTEE1 (Post 2054069)
Butterfly Effect

"Oh my gosh, look at that fluffy unicorn! He's so fluffy, I'm gonna die!"

Despicable Me

"For as long as I can remember I always wanted to be a gangster."

icehog3 09-18-2015 01:11 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by Porch Dweller (Post 2054079)
Despicable Me

"For as long as I can remember I always wanted to be a gangster."

Good Fellas.

"Shut that c**t's mouth or I'll come over there and f*ckstart her head!"

AdamJoshua 09-18-2015 04:50 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward
(it was actually Hot Tub Time Machine)

icehog3 09-18-2015 05:38 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by AdamJoshua (Post 2054139)
(it was actually Hot Tub Time Machine)

"Shut that c**t's mouth or I'll come over there and f*ckstart her head!"

jonumberone 09-18-2015 05:52 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 2054143)

"Shut that c**t's mouth or I'll come over there and f*ckstart her head!"

Way of the Gun- Sarah Silverman's finest work. :D


Mickey Mantle? Is that what you're upset about? Mickey Mantle makes $100,000 a year. How much does your father make? You don't know? Well, see if your father can't pay the rent go ask Mickey Mantle and see what he tells you. Mickey Mantle don't care about you, so why should you care about him? Nobody cares.

JIMBETHYNAME 09-18-2015 06:34 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward
I got you a one way ticket to the reserection, so long Mel, have a good trip.

icehog3 09-18-2015 08:10 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Mickey Mantle? Is that what you're upset about? Mickey Mantle makes $100,000 a year. How much does your father make? You don't know? Well, see if your father can't pay the rent go ask Mickey Mantle and see what he tells you. Mickey Mantle don't care about you, so why should you care about him? Nobody cares

Originally Posted by JIMBETHYNAME (Post 2054148)


A Bronx Tale.

I'll' go with your quote anyway, and solve that too. :D


I got you a one way ticket to the Resurrection, so long Mel, have a good trip

"No, I'm not okay! Do I look okay? The f@cker shot me! What the f@ck-ass **** of a bum-f@ck sh!thole town is this? I make a business call. I give him my card. And the hick-ass f@cker shoots my foot off! ****-f@cking sh!t!

Porch Dweller 09-19-2015 06:45 AM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 2054158)

A Bronx Tale.

I'll' go with your quote anyway, and solve that too. :D


"No, I'm not okay! Do I look okay? The f@cker shot me! What the f@ck-ass **** of a bum-f@ck sh!thole town is this? I make a business call. I give him my card. And the hick-ass f@cker shoots my foot off! ****-f@cking sh!t!

Mystery, Alaska

Man1: Bring back life form. Priority One. All other priorities rescinded.
Man2: The damn company. What about our lives, you son of a b!tch?
Man1: I repeat, all other priorities are rescinded.

icehog3 09-19-2015 08:50 AM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

"Get away from her, you b@tch!!"

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