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Re: LOST Notes
Re: LOST Notes
So, in the end, what does this say about Sayid, that he was willing to sacrifice himself? Was he just paying back Jack for saving him? He certainly didn't get to reunite with Nadia or Shannon.... And does anyone think that these actions will have an impact on their sideways lives? Much like Desmond running over Locke may have been influenced by him getting shoved down the well. Was it Richard who wired the plane with explosives? Remember that Isabella told him he had to stop MIB from leaving the island. As for Ben, I have to think about where he went. Didn't he get on Sawyer's boat with Claire? |
Re: LOST Notes
You didn't hear it from me but our Losties aren't dead. The sub sinks right on top of a scuba tour boat that is fully loaded with gear and tanks ready to go. When the sub crashes to the bottom all the gear floats up and right into the hands of Jin who swims around and saves everyone. Sayid only has a scratch from the c4 and everyone else lives.
OK that's a stretch but is it any more of a stretch than polar bears in the sand? |
Re: LOST Notes
Was it just me, or was the entire program this week a whole pile of NOTHING, except
for as it was termed, cleaning house. Did anyone learn anything about anything. I guess we DID learn that Flocke CAN touch water and live to tell, lol. |
Re: LOST Notes
Here's something to ponder on the similarities/differences between the island now and the sideways world:
On-island Jin & Sun die, their daughter lives. It hasn't happened yet but what if Sideways Jin & Sun live, but they lose the baby? |
Re: LOST Notes
Watched it again on Hulu last night. When Jin and Sun realize they are going down with the sub, Jin TOTALLY sounds like he's doing a bad Keanu Reeves impression. |
Re: LOST Notes
You got it backwards. It's Keanu Reeves that sounds like he's doing a bad Jin impression when he's acting! |
Re: LOST Notes
LOST season 6, ep# 13 "The Candidate"
New finale news! 1. The LOST finale on Sunday, May 23rd has been extended! It will now run from 9pm-11:30pm (followed immediately by “Jimmy Kimmel Live: Aloha to Lost” post-finale special at 11:30pm). Jack flash-sideways: 1. Claire explained to Jack that she too was on Oceanic 815; it seemed as if Jack was starting to realize that something was fishy after finding out the same thing from Bernard. 2. Jack and John in the hallway at the hospital: By still clinging to their old ideologies, Locke and Jack are still unable to 'see' the truth. For Desmond, it took a brutal reminder of Charlie underwater. But for Jack and Locke... throughout duplicated scenarios and repeat dialogue, these characters still don't get it. They're still blinded by the inability to break out of their old bad habits... let go of certain things: for Locke it's his guilt, and for Jack it's his constant need for control/ to fix things. Anthony Cooper flash-sideways: 1. Anthony Cooper not a con-man in flash-sideways, but a nice man in a wheelchair (like Locke!). Similar story to the relationship between Ben and Roger Linus on-island versus off-island. Both Ben and Locke had been cursed with horrible fathers previously, but in the flash-sideways things are different. 2. Locke told Jack how he became a paraplegic. Upon getting his pilot's license 3 years ago, Locke took his father for a ride — and they crashed. The irony! (Lots of reference to 3 years on the show... Juliet was on the island for 3 years, Desmond was on the island for 3 years, the Losties worked for Dharma for 3 years, etc) Recycled scenes/ dialogue: 1. Kate is threatened at gunpoint outside the cage in front of Sawyer, mirroring when Sawyer was threatened at gunpoint by Pickett outside the cage in front of Kate in the Season 3 episode "I Do." 2. Bernard says “I hope you find what you're looking for" to Jack at the dentist's office. This is exactly what Kate told Jack in Episode 5 of this season, "The Lighthouse" and what Bernard/ Rose told the Losties outside of the cabin where he and Rose shacked up. 3. In the hospital hallway Jack called after John "I wish you believed me." This is the same message from John to Jack in his suicide note in "The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham." 4. Jack's words when the bomb in the sub is about to blow "nothing's going to happen" are echoed in season two, when he tells Locke the same thing about pushing the button. These words are repeated again that season by Locke when he loses faith in the button and tells Eko the same thing. Flocke: 1. Flocke told Jack: ''I could kill you Jack, Right here. Right now. And I could kill every single one of your friends. And there's not a single thing you can do to stop me.'' We know he's lying... but maybe Flocke really can kill the candidates himself but then just won't get what he wants: escape. 2. We’ve been, somewhat, led to believe that Flocke is averse to water. This would explain why an island would make such an effective prison for him. However, when Ilana first saw him he was standing in water at the Ajira crash and when Jack pulled him into the water this week he didn’t seem weakened. 3. Just before pushing Flocke into the water, Jack says "John Locke told me I needed to stay." I loved him throwing that back in Flocke’s face! John Locke was no loser! Bernard flash-sideways: 1. "You mind if I ask you why you're so interested in Mr. Locke... Jack?" Bernard casually adds Jack's name to the end of the sentence, as if they're old buddies. Also, watch the knowing smile that crosses Bernard's face immediately afterward, "Oceanic 815. Pretty weird huh? Maybe you're onto something, here." 2. Bernard seems to know more but Jack needs to figure it out for himself (like Sayid handing Jin a knife to free himself, like when Locke supports Charlie to refuse heroin, but didn't directly help him, like when Locke gave Boone the knife to cut himself free during the episode "Hearts and Minds" and like when Jacob said “sometimes you have to let someone stare at the water for a while and figure it out for themselves.”). 3. Did Bernard remember the name Anthony Cooper after 3 years because Desmond already visited him? Sawyer got conned: 1. Flocke didn't just con Sawyer, the con man — he exploited Sawyer's redemption. Once a selfish rogue, Sawyer has become a selfless hero over the past six seasons, and Flocke used that turn to his advantage. Flocke played Sawyer by basically giving him a Jack Shephard makeover (who's the desperate-reckless hero now, James?). 2. Sawyer blames Jack for Juliet’s death (Jughead), but he has stepped into the same role… taking action on behalf of others without thinking of the consequences. Sayid, my favorite character: 1. Oh Sayid!!!! I’m devastated!!! :( 2. Whatever happened at the well, whatever Desmond said, it seemed to challenge Sayid, to shut down the voices of other people inside his head telling him that he’s a killer. In the end, he died so others may live. 3. Sayid: ''Because it's going to be you, Jack.'' Such a great scene! How does he know?! I don't care, I loved it. 4. Remember when Sayid saved Hurley at the mental institution and the pair was attacked at Sayid's apartment? Sayid loaded his dishwasher knife blades pointed UP and pushed a bad buy down onto them.... that was SO badass. :( Jin/ Sun: 1. Jin told Jack: ''Save Sawyer.'' Jack wanted to stay; he believed he could save everyone. Jin disagreed, and the two men shared a meaningful stare. We all knew what Jin was really saying… 2. This post from a message board sums it up nicely: “…But I also thought that it was fitting that Jin and Sun died the way they did. Don't misunderstand - I cried for 10 full minutes afterward. But to me there was something so beautiful about the way their story was resolved. They had been through so much unhappiness in their marriage before coming to the island. Sun had felt such pain and guilt for leaving Jin behind when she left the island the first time. This time Jin chose not to leave her behind. (See, its all about choices) They weren’t separated but finally truly found each other. If they couldn’t be together in life then they would be together in death.” :( The Island: 1. Continuity errors aside, there has to be something up with the passing of time on the island. Over the past several weeks we've watched night turn to day in a just matter of hours, and vice versa. As Sawyer tells Kate, it feels like we're running in circles. Time-wise, those circles now seem to be getting smaller and smaller. If this is intentional, perhaps the island is shifting or moving through time, as we saw way back in season 4 with Faraday’s rocket experiment. Jacob: 1. Last season, Jacob said to Smokey on the beach “it only ends once.” What if there is no replacement for Jacob? What if Jacob wants it to END… destroy the island (and Smokey with it)… let the Losties live out the flash-sideways reality… A nice post, from a message board, regarding John Locke not being as pathetic as Smokey thinks: Jack: "John Locke told me I needed to stay." “This phrase that Jack uttered to Flocke is one of the best lines of season 6. It kinda felt as though John Locke was still alive and definitely not the pathetic loser and chump that Flocke seems to have made him seem this season. It also, in my opinion, makes Jack appear to have come full circle, finally trusting in someone other than himself. Jack's little shout out to John Locke also means that Locke wasn't a fool, but a courageous believer who, for better or worse, stuck to his guns. Sure Locke lacked logic and reason in some areas, but he made up for it with heart and courage. Jack on the other hand was logical and reasonable, but he lacked in the heart and courage part. Now Jack seems to possess all of these qualities. I think the writers were telling us this when in the hospital scene where Jack says to Locke that he wanted to let go and move forward but he didn't know how, and has hoping Locke would “go first.” In the original timeline Locke definitely did go first and tried to show Jack how to be a believer (although Jack wasn't interested). Now hopefully Jack can move forward with all of his qualities, including his newfound faith, and do what he has to do.” |
Re: LOST Notes
Re: LOST Notes
Re: LOST Notes
Re: LOST Notes
A fantastic episode this week. Answered a lot of questions that I had about the show.. :tu
Re: LOST Notes
"Our very own Adam and Eve."
Re: LOST Notes
From a CNN comment:
"Fake Mom was a smoky too I believe... She quoted man in black word for word (they come, they destroy...), she ripped through the site setting fire to everything, she thanked son for killing her, and he killed her by stabbing her throught he heart 'before she spoke to him' just like Dogen told Sayid he had to if you are to kill a smoke monster." I'm not sure I buy it, but its an interesting thought. |
Re: LOST Notes
Re: LOST Notes
I was really pleased to get some actual info last night.
Re: LOST Notes
Hell of a night for me to forget it was coming on! But then, I am the one who HATES it right?
Re: LOST Notes
:D |
Re: LOST Notes
Did they ever say what the brother's name is? This episode would've been better if it was earlier in the history of the show. It seems like too much too late. When does Ben come back to the series? |
Re: LOST Notes
Child in Black. Teen in Black. |
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