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Ahbroody 04-17-2013 11:51 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Where is the hardware picture?
This week is nuts.
Monday power skating
Tuesday swimming
Wednesday summer team practice
Thursday judo (may skip this week)
Friday power skating
Saturday up at 5am to drive to roller tourney then Xice jamboree in afternoon
Sunday Xice jamboree in AM immediately followed by summer team practice.

Thankful power skating was only 2 weeks. Signed up before he made summer team.

E.J. 04-17-2013 12:10 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
BUSY! Look forward to hearing about the Jamboree...

No idea about the hardware... Thought we were getting it this weekend, but apparently not???

The HS is starting practice tonight... Apparently this new coach is going to have them practice during Summer League... I'll take it! LM is also going to play with the Regulators this Summer in Men's League...

E.J. 04-18-2013 03:06 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Christmas in April..... (we're saying it is his early birthday present)....;)

His gloves are trashed, holes in one palm & 2 fingers, both the pad straps on the thumbs have come undone. Shoulder pads getting small...but has not outgrown them. They're pretty funky though. Needed new practice socks and I just decided to throw the tape in......

Ahbroody 04-24-2013 10:06 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
The boy loves vapor gloves. Do you feel comfortable with him in the u+ as a D man blocking shots?
I was playing with those at giant the other day. While super light and comfortable the front panels around the center section seemed really thin. Hell I have the boy in S13 pads and those things are really protective in the chest and collar area and hes a forward.

Its funny how certain companys do a good with certain items. I know for the boy we like Bauer for Gloves. Bauer or Reebok for Shins and elbows. Shoulders I definitely prefer the way Easton does their chest and front panel. They also now tend to have a low profile and large cap option. Their new Mako line of shoulders is very cool and the boy said they felt great when he tried them on. Pants I still say most pants are garbage. Graf, Tackla Eagle make amazing pants extreme protection with great range of motion. Skates anf helmets are such an individual thing but seems bauer holds court. No idea why I just wrote all that. Clearly wasting time.

E.J. 04-24-2013 12:54 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
You know, he said the same thing about the CL's.... "These feel like I don't have anything on.....wonder how they will take a shot?" But we went with them and will see. Amazed at how light they good they feel. Reviews of those wearing them say they are surprised with the level of protection. Didn't look at anything else, going from the U+ Pros.... Interested to see the Mako' I have stated before on here, not a big fan of big shoulder caps.

We're pretty close on equipment.... The Little One is overdressed and looks to be sponsored by Bauer....:r

Big One :
Helmet - Bauer 9900
Gloves - Bauer APX
Shoulder - CCM CL
Elbow -RBK 11K
Shin -RBK 11K
Pants -Bauer TO (because he is tall, the Xlong option is nice)
Skates -Bauer One100

Little One :
Helmet - RBK 8K
Gloves -Bauer TO
Shoulder -Bauer One95
Elbow -Bauer One95
Shin -Bauer One95
Pants -Bauer TO
Skates -Bauer X5

Looking at the pic above, I gave the LM all that tape and he bought another 16 rolls at the Grizzlies clear out(paid like $6 for 16 rolls).... Thinks he needs to retape his stick every few times on the ice....:sh

E.J. 05-01-2013 06:29 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
After what seemed like FOREVER(just over 2 months) since the pups have been on the ice for "real" games, here we go again.... Men's League Game with the Regulators tonight! Love watching them compete on the ice!

E.J. 05-01-2013 09:03 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
After being up 3-2, lost 5-3.... I'd like to know what level of mens league they're playing in...... Think D2...?

First time putting on a Regulators jersey.... Meh....may take some getting use to....

Playing some D....

Had 3 really good chances(didn't convert)....this was one..... The best I got caught was a beautiful move, split two defenders on a break and snapped one that was shouldered away....UGH!


Ahbroody 05-03-2013 12:05 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Lol sin bin.

Found a new hell for him. Parking garage Ramp runs. Running up all four levels non stop sucks for even me. Did it 3 times then on fourth had his sister do it and he had to chase her down. He was gased.

Kind of lame but he got mvp of his inhouse team. Didnt even know he got it till we read the trophy 2 weeks later. Had to leave team party early.

E.J. 05-04-2013 12:48 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Awesome, Mike! Congrats to Micah! Great drylands..... Love that you have your girl going as well....

Ahbroody 05-05-2013 05:17 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent

Northern California 8U Champions. Of course mine takes the only penalty of tournament for his team doing the stick lift shoulder check on a kid along the boards. He was confused as he went to the box. In ice its allowed.

E.J. 05-05-2013 06:55 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
EXCELLENT!!!! Excited for you both! Awesome to win it all!

E.J. 05-08-2013 10:15 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
First....a big CONGRATS to the Little One for being selected for a slot on the U10 Regulator team.... Don't think we'll accept, but it is nice to have that option...

E.J. 05-08-2013 10:22 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
The Little Man CRUSHED TONIGHT.... The team did not.... Up 3-1, lost 5-3...

His goal...

Couple hits...

In between periods, he decided that he needed to take off his Elite Bamboo Shirt thingy....??? WTF?

Ahbroody 05-10-2013 01:30 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
So my son spent lunch yesterday and today in the office. He was playing soccer yesterday even though he has been told not to. He had gotten into some altercations with second graders at the start of the year and I guess the big bad 1st grader was to physical playing soccer. WITHOUT PERMISSION! We told him no more soccer. Yesterday first time back playing soccer. He gets into a dispute with someone over his goal. The boy got in his face and apparently he decided to break out his judo knowledge and toss the kid backwards. My wife was so pissed.

It doesnt help that at the start of the year and last year these 2 boys had a little history and mine keeps ending up on the non hurt side. Ahhhhhhhh hockey. Apparently he went to a baby shower over the weekend and took on a 10 and 9 year old in a pool fight and woukdnt back down. Parents came up to wife and commented on how tough he was and how he wouldnt back down.

Ahbroody 05-10-2013 03:23 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
For Memorial Day we are going to a tourney in Valencia with the squirt team hes on for spring ice.
His roller mite 8U team is playing 1hr away in corona.
He has ice games friday morning and evening and Sunday at 6 am. Then a game on Monday.
For Roller a lot of games on Saturday and Sunday. So the scheduling worked out perfect. Should play 4 ice and 6 or more roller games over that weekend.

E.J. 05-10-2013 06:44 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Think hockey/soccer is tough switch... Position is invaluable, but wonder about the physical. The Little One is always trying to "knock um off" the ball.... Her coach always worries about her physical play.... Maybe worse, because it is all girls....??? Practice is worse, always has girls crying and saying she is too physical... I actually just texted him about it....

Ahbroody 05-14-2013 11:48 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
I think these are 10 year olds

Mr B 05-14-2013 12:48 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Hey guys, I will be selling my boys Hockey equipment in a couple of days. It is all "like new" in excelent condition. He only played one season in this stuff. He was a short, skinny 10-11 year old when he wore it so it is probably better suited for an 8-10 year old.
I will post pics and sizes w/ measurments here soon. Please let me know if you or someone you know is looking for some very nice condition, child/youth sized Hockey Equipment.
It will be Skates, Shoulder Pads, Pants, Elbow Pads, Shin Guards, Gloves and a few pairs of socks.

P.M. me if you are interested.


Ahbroody 05-23-2013 02:26 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Summer tourney jersey.

E.J. 05-23-2013 02:45 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent

Originally Posted by Ahbroody (Post 1839049)

AWESOME! Love it....

Ahbroody 05-23-2013 06:47 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Working till 830. Going to go home try to sleep for 5 hours then get up at 230 and drive to Valencia for a 730am game. Then a 5pm game. Then we drive to corona 1.5 hours where we spend the night and play roller all day saturday. Saturday night and sunday night we stay in Valencia. He has a 7am ice game. Then we drive back to corona where he plays roller for rest of day and hopefully plays for title. Monday back at valencia to finish up ice tourney and drive home.

He better appreciate this crap cause its going to suck for dad.

Friday Valencia ice hockey
Saturday Corona 6am first game then games till evening
Sunday Valencia ice in am then Corona roller in Afternoon
Monday Valencia ice

Seems less confusing to write this way

E.J. 05-24-2013 08:14 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent

Originally Posted by Ahbroody (Post 1839166)
Working till 830. Going to go home try to sleep for 5 hours then get up at 230 and drive to Valencia for a 730am game. Then a 5pm game. Then we drive to corona 1.5 hours where we spend the night and play roller all day saturday. Saturday night and sunday night we stay in Valencia. He has a 7am ice game. Then we drive back to corona where he plays roller for rest of day and hopefully plays for title. Monday back at valencia to finish up ice tourney and drive home.

He better appreciate this crap cause its going to suck for dad.

Friday Valencia ice hockey
Saturday Corona 6am first game then games till evening
Sunday Valencia ice in am then Corona roller in Afternoon
Monday Valencia ice

Seems less confusing to write this way

"Being a Hockey Parent".....:r:r:r

Best of luck this weekend!

Ahbroody 05-26-2013 10:54 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Well the roller went beyond well. They lost 1 game all weekend. The loss was to Anarchy 949 which is a team composed largely of jr kings ice hockey players. They played that team in the championship game and won 5-4. Winning the 8U division. This was an AAU jr. Olympics qualifier in Corona. M didnt do much had an assist or 2. His big moment came when he absolutely destroyed a kid who cut from the wing towards the net while looking backwards. He turned into Ms path as he was coming down as a center for support. He saw the kid but didnt alter his path. Ended up just drilling the kid and getting away with it. Kid was down for about 2 minutes crying. It really seemed to affect their team. They took a bad pematy afterwards which resulted in a goal.

Ice has been horrible. We ended up having to switch most of our D to forwards because they are useless. Our forwards were spending most the game back checking anyway. They are in 6th out of 8 teams and play a consolation game in the AM. Then home.

Giving him a restfrom hockey for a few weeks when we get back.

E.J. 05-30-2013 07:35 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Congrats on the roller win! Always nice to finish with a trophy.....

The HS team is in disarray.... One game look like they have it figured out, then chit the bed.... Better figure this out in the Summer or it is going to be a long regular season. The team looked like a bunch of kids at "Drop In" for a Sunday skate. The Little Man is not immune, I told him that he looked like he was disinterested at best, the first 2 periods.... Games like that make me want to tear out my hair....lucky, I don't have any.

On of the few photos I got of the game, as I tend to put the camera down when I am frustrated.... Don't know why, not really intentional....I think when there is no flow, it makes it difficult to follow with a lens and I lose interest in shooting.... Anyway, goal.... Wicked wrist shot bringing it into the zone.....not sure the goalie even saw it(he was blocked by his own guy....

Stayed for the JV game, the son of a good friend is going to be a Fr. He had a hattrick by the end of the 2nd(when I left).... Though this looks like it may go wide, nope....RING!!!!...GOAL!!!

E.J. 06-27-2013 12:03 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Beat an old rival tonight that apparently has fallen on hard times..... It was ugly.... LM didn't take many shots, as I think they were directed not to.....A LOT of just passing to pass. But he rang a few posts and had a BOOMING one timer that the goalie didn't have a chance at. So ugly, he just sat, smiled and went to get ready for the face off....

I really don't know what this team is going to do when we hit the regular season, but they are surprising me in the Summer.....

Signed contracts for both kids on travel....UGH..... Cigar budget just went in the chitter.... LM is playing for the AA Regulators and the Little One is playing for the Lightning. Little One had an offer for the Regulators, but we took the Lightning, which is cheaper and I think will put a better team on the ice. I think the Jr. Grizzlies will be a really good team(think they were like 3-1-2 against the Lightning last year) and I got an email 2 days before tryouts, expressing desire for her to be there, I told the coach we were set for the 13/14 season. She had skated with them during the Spring..... I just couldn't justify the 1K difference in cost for the same ice & travel for an 8 year old(playing up as a '05).

E.J. 06-27-2013 12:05 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Strange, look at those last two posts and a month ago, frustration....this one, pleased..... Guess we hit the meat of the schedule and are on a roll.... Those early losses still sting when I think about them....ugh....

Ahbroody 07-05-2013 11:42 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Figured I would put his roller blades to good use as he says he doesnt want to play roller hockey next year. little 4th july workout.
Last Saturday.

Decided instead of driving an hour and paying money to use a hockey treadmill, I would just make him skate parking garage ramps. Garage is 4 floors because it has an underground level so for him its an ass kicker. Hes usually wasted after 4 trips to the top. Also doing a little running. My goal is to get him to run a 5k with me by end of summer like abbs did.

Video bizznasty tweeted the other day.

E.J. 07-10-2013 08:27 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Like that first pic, him going around the corner.....

First all girls hockey came in Utah..... The Little One was a bit nervous dropping her off, but was as good as gold once she went into the locker room....

E.J. 07-10-2013 08:29 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent

E.J. 07-10-2013 08:32 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent

While the girls worked....we went and did a little work ourselves....including some lunch...

E.J. 07-10-2013 08:34 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Kids finished the 2 day camp with a kick ball game(actually had a pizza lunch and talk, just after this, but it was the last activity)

Recovery beverage.....

Ahbroody 07-12-2013 10:54 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Man you look like your working way to hard. Awesome photos. Love it when you can see they are having a great time.

Ahbroody 07-12-2013 02:03 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
The boy and his buddy are going to sneak into a Jr. Sharks tryout prep clinic this week. Supposed to be 04 to 02. Signed them up and I am sure they will blend in except for size. Even that shoukd be fine as there are usually some small 04s which they will be as tall as. The blackhawks have been doing a skills skate 2 times a week preping for tryouts. He got moved uo to the squirt group with them and has been busting his arse. Getting closer to age 8 and seeing that mental jump and inderstanding starting to happen. Shoukd be a fun year. Tryouts next weekend. Hes already on team but got him going hard this weekend and this week to look his best

E.J. 07-12-2013 02:07 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Tell M good luck, I'm sure he's going to crush!

Ahbroody 07-19-2013 01:23 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Two 05s in a 04-02 clinic. Got a lot of attention and were by far not the worse kids. Had a lot of kids asking how old they were and who they were trying out for.

E.J. 07-19-2013 09:05 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Look at that flow....

Eleven 07-31-2013 09:23 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Hey EJ how old is your son? My kids U16 team has joined the NJPHL and I see there are 2 Utah Grizzlie teams, a U16 and U18.

Just wondering if your son still plays there?

E.J. 08-01-2013 07:40 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent

Originally Posted by Eleven (Post 1868159)
Hey EJ how old is your son? My kids U16 team has joined the NJPHL and I see there are 2 Utah Grizzlie teams, a U16 and U18.

Just wondering if your son still plays there?

He's a '96, so moved to U18's this year and jumped ship to the Regulators.... Didn't even go to Oly's(the coach) U18 Grizzlies tryout. I'm interested to see who is on that team(have yet to see a roster) though & how they'll compete.

E.J. 08-21-2013 09:23 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent we go! Cash goes out, practice time fills up, travel plans being made.... Going to be a busy 7 month!

All that said....yiiipppeeee!!!

E.J. 08-23-2013 11:31 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Just registered for the Lady Lightning U12 team that the Little One has been invited to play on. Should be interesting. Extension of the U14 Lady Lightning, which to date, has been our only youth girls travel team. Really, the only youth level all girls team locally. They have been really competitive and I think related to that success, they are trying to grow the program. That is apparent with the formation of this team, as well as a U16 tournament team.

The U12 Lady Lightning team will play in a "Squirt" U10 house league that is made up of 95% boys. They are a special entry team, most the girls will be playing on one of those other house teams with the boys. They will not practice as a team, just play 17 games. They are going to try to see if travel to a few all girls tournaments is viable.

The kicker, a few of the daughter included, are playing on travel teams, which would normally preclude them from playing house league. I am interested to see how they are going to compete.

I am sure that we will have more than our fair share of conflicts and probably only play in 10ish games(total guess), but when I ask the Little One about it, she was all in. She REALLY loves the Lady Lightning coach, who will also be coaching this team as well.

Ahbroody 08-24-2013 02:20 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Nice should be interesting to see how the girls hang against boys given the ages of some. Should be a great learning experience for her and the speed increase should be good also.

There was a little drama during hawks tryouts. Two kids I would have liked on the team got snatched by the team M quit last year with the ahole coach. The club didnt register a mite team till after tryouts. This way they could lure kids parents by offering them squirt spots. The club is garbage nobody good stays there past squirt and they lost their main rink last year as the owner turned it into a strip mall. Now they are using a 3/4s size rink. For the peewees and under and possibly a rink an hour away for others. I guess they were scared so they manipulated rules to keep kids whos parents dont understand their kids will ride the bench. Whats worse is both the kids are undersized 2nd year mites and are playing squirts. One is an emotional train wreck because his dad rides a the $ hit out of him. We played games with him this I summer and the kid was constantly crying. Hell at tryouts M literally beat up a kid who was hitting and slashing this kid because he couldn't take care of himself. Yet. Hes going to play squirt? All these nut bag parents thinking their kids going pro. You hear them talk and they are crazy. What is worse was both boys really like each other and wanted to play together.

For us no inline this year. We are doing Hawks Mite travel which is really just a local tournament team and inhouse squirt likely or maybe mite. The Sharks Youth Hockey organization was named one of USA Hockeys four model programs so we dont know if the boys can play up anymore like they allowed in the past.

One thing I have noticed is skating the ramps has greatly improved Ms speed and stamina. He is the fastest kid on his team and two kids that were close to his speed last year are definitely slower now. They did liners last practice and he destroyed everyone not even going all out. At school they had all the kids run a lap and he was the fastest kid in his grade. Not bad.

E.J. 09-09-2013 09:43 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent

Went to the U16 Grizzlies game yesterday to see how they looked. They dominated their competition(Boise Jr. Steelheads), but not sure what that means. Breakout looked REALLY good, solid D. Their goalie plays for our HS team, though is not currently the starter(who knows if that will change). I am interested to see how they(U16’s) and the U18’s compete in Michigan in a couple weeks. Assume you guys will be there?

Talked with the father of the goalie I mentioned above, he says that the 18's look really good, but I still have no idea who is on that team. Guess I'll have a lot of answers by the end of the month.

We are heading to Vegas to play the Jr. Wranglers this weekend. Not sure what type of team we are going to have, but excited to get on the ice.

kugie 09-11-2013 07:47 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
1 Attachment(s)
My Youngest just started the learn to skate.

My Little Helmet head

I'll have more of my Daughter and Other son soon

E.J. 09-11-2013 08:43 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent

Looking good....

E.J. 09-11-2013 11:40 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Just had the goalie that was between the pipes for the 2 time State Championship team, for both their championships, transfer to our school and was at practice last night..... This should be interesting.

Went from not having a goalie last Summer, needing a kid to transfer in to have someone in now having 4, 3 of those being VERY GOOD. 2 are very young, but starting for a U16 AAA and a U16AA, the other mentioned above, who is between the pipes for a U18 AA and IMO, the best of the bunch. Crazy how things change in a year in that aspect.

HS team should be VERY DEEP & talented, but some of that is youth. Wouldn't want to be the coach, deciding who is going to be on the ice. He watched practice last night from off the ice to get a different view to evaluate. All that said, wonder if they will gel enough to make a serious run at the title....can't win on talent alone(think they have as much/more depth, than any team in the State).

kugie 09-16-2013 10:41 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Second game of the season and the first Win for the Squirt A team.
It took six or seven games last year to Get a win It looks like we are on the right track.

My son got his first point of the season.
An assist on the first goal of the game.
He's looking good out there This is going to be a great year.

E.J. 09-16-2013 10:54 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Congrats on getting the early season win and your son getting on the scoresheet!

We had a chitshow in Vegas....

Had their ashes handed to them 4 straight games. Not only on the scoreboard, but physically. It got out of hand at points, not sure the refs had a handle on the games. I have never watched 4 games in a row like what I saw, standing room only in the box on numerous occasions, coaches getting run, kids getting run...not great hockey. To give you an idea, Jr. Wranglers welcomed us to Vegas by getting 63 PIM in the first game.... Seemed like they were shorthanded all the time and we still couldn't score.

The skaters looked close(they had one kid that really stood out), but they had some great kids in net and it showed. Feel like we outshot them by a good bit the first couple games and still were getting crushed.

LM got boarded in the first game and this was the result. I was sure that somehow a skate got in there, but it appears that his knee must have hit the ice or boards and a piece of plastic in his shinpad wedged against his knee and punctured the skin. I haven't seen the shinpad, but the coach was telling me. Crazy?

I flew down, but the boys bussed. Some of the tweets by the kids on the roadtrip were classic. A coach, who I know well through a friend, thought the casino smelled good after coming off the bus.

The hotel was a dump, but their beer was cold. I also love that you can walk from the hotel/casino through a door and be in the ice arena....with beer in hand.

Not a great weekend won/loss wise, but I think the boys still had fun and it's a starting point. Can't get worse....

Ahbroody 09-17-2013 01:53 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent

Originally Posted by kugie (Post 1883410)
Second game of the season and the first Win for the Squirt A team.
It took six or seven games last year to Get a win It looks like we are on the right track.

My son got his first point of the season.
An assist on the first goal of the game.
He's looking good out there This is going to be a great year.


EJ that is nuts. Never seen that before.

Ms mite team played 3 half ice games this Sunday. He and hus buddy went off and pissed off coaches. His best goal was when he was tripped driving the net from the side and scored while sliding on his stomach across the front of the net. The great thing about his mite club team is the coach has split the kids into 2 groups. He is working with the group of 5 kids who are good and working heavily on skating and puck movement. I am very happy how well hes getting coached right now.

Inhouse started last week. I really hope they let him play up. It was ugly out there talent wise for mites and he was visibly board on the ice. During a scrim he and his buddy were on opposite shifts. They literally controlled the puck 70% of the time. People were asking who they were it was kind of funny.

Ahbroody 09-26-2013 04:27 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Good night I am not digging current schedule.
Monday mite travel practice
Tuesday in house squirt practice. Playing up in squirt gold against almost all 10 year olds.
Wednesday mite travel practice
Thursday is swimming then judo
Saturday in house and some travel games.

Upside they played first official scrim as inhouse team and he lead his team in scoring and looked great.

E.J. 09-27-2013 07:42 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent

Originally Posted by Ahbroody (Post 1886060)
Good night I am not digging current schedule.
Monday mite travel practice
Tuesday in house squirt practice. Playing up in squirt gold against almost all 10 year olds.
Wednesday mite travel practice
Thursday is swimming then judo
Saturday in house and some travel games.

Upside they played first official scrim as inhouse team and he lead his team in scoring and looked great.

:r:r:r....I feel for you brother.... Pleased to hear the House League moved M up.....think it will be better for him, as well as the league. That could have been ugly....

I'm in the same boat, between soccer and hockey, I am quite a taxi for the Little One....though we double up on 2 days and usually have 3 days off. I'll be happy when soccer ends the end of October, though I fear her coach is going to be upset when we don't commit fully to the Winter futsal and indoor leagues.

Monday - Off
Tuesday - U10 Lightning + U10 Max Soccer
Wednesday - Off
Thursday - Soccer
Friday - Soccer + U10 Hockey
Saturday - U12 Lady Lightning games(starting Oct) + U10 Lightning practice/games + Soccer games
Sunday - usually off, but have U10 Lightning practice this week.

^^^ Not bad for a U8 girl....:tu On the flip side, they have been working on lines and I think they are putting her at D. She is not too keen on this, feeling like she is going to sacrifice scoring. I reminded her that her brother was the 3rd leading scorer for the HS team last year, playing D.... Her response, "Yea, but that is because of his slapshot....I can't do that."

I feel fortunate that I no longer have to taxi the Little Man, he's on the ice pretty much daily, sometimes twice a day, between Regulators and the High School. I don't know how I'd do both. Not too pleased that I have to miss the first HS game(pre season) of the season tonight, due to Lightning practice for the Little One... Life of a hockey parent.....:sh

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