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Re: iphone 4 just announced.
I was reading that cydia doesn't work with the newest jailbreak. I'm not updating right now anyway because theres nothing useful to me in 4.2
Re: iphone 4 just announced.
I'm loving 4.2 :)
It's awesome to be able to print work docs and emails directly from my iphone to my old Brother MFC-440CN printer :D |
Re: iphone 4 just announced.
Aside from proximity sensor problems, I've been happy with 4.x. My sensor problems may actually be design vs. software.
As far as printing, I find it funny how I can't print (yet) to the printer that Apple sold me when I got my iMac. Hopefully airprint will support more printers soon. |
Re: iphone 4 just announced.
I have AirPrint and Bonjour installed on my PC. A few registry "adjustments" and I'm printing flawlessly ;)
Re: iphone 4 just announced.
purely speculation, but enough to make me hold off on my upgrade:
A few features of iPhone 5: Thinner! With shiny glass back piece - 9.3 mm thick. Face Recognition Security Face Time (Video Chat) access on 3G AND 4G (available currently but only on 3G) Custom SMS tones Custom E-mail alerts with ability to assign different tones to each email address A new, sleeker body design. OLED screen. Scratch proof and shatter proof screen Wireless sync with iTunes 32G (basic) and 64G of memory. You're sure to never run out. Extended battery life = 14 hours talk time on 3G and 7 hours on 4G. Standby 600 hours. Hi Definition audio. Messaging indicator light. True GPS built in. |
Re: iphone 4 just announced.
Re: iphone 4 just announced.
I just got mine a few days ago. I love it. I'm not surprised, I loved my 3GS, too.
Re: iphone 4 just announced.
Ok. Time to revive the thread.
Aparently, the Greenpois0n JB Does Not have Staying power over the 4.3 update. So, does anyone know of a JB that works on 4.3? I've lost all my Cydia apps and Installeous Apps, all enhancements, improvements and personal effects. Whoops! Thanks. |
Re: iphone 4 just announced.
i never bothered upgrading my ios firmware cuz there was nothing in 4.2 or 4.3 i cared about, still using 4.1.
but for you a simple google search reveals: http://www.redmondpie.com/jailbreak-...-how-to-guide/ |
Re: iphone 4 just announced.
You can try to downgrade back to 4.2 and then re-jailbreak, or just wait a few days for GP to release the jailbreak for 4.3
Re: iphone 4 just announced.
I tried SnowBreeze which acted way different than GreenPoison.
After the JB, everything was gone. All pictures, contacts, apps, data, etc. Then, because it's tethered, everytime you ReSpring, you need to be hooked up to your computer and run iBooty in order to start up in JB mode, otherwise it's just the normal phone. I did notice a pay service to JB for $25. Looks like a UK based site. They claim their JB works for all basebands on all firmware versions and iOS versions. I'm still trying to figure out why the hell I ever moved up to 4.3. I was running 3.x without issue and decided to make the jump without ever looking to see if their was a JB available. |
Re: iphone 4 just announced.
I had my phone freeze in white screen using Greenpoison and had to do a restore.
I followed the "easy" video step by step on youtube with no success. |
Re: iphone 4 just announced.
Did you upgrade to 4.3 or were you still running 4.2.1 when you tried to JB? The JB for 4.3 hasn't been released yet, so it won't work until they release the JB for 4.3. |
Re: iphone 4 just announced.
It happens when I do the part where you let your finger off the top button and keep holding the bottom. (the freezing in white part) The only real reason I wanted to JB was for Cydia, but it's not overly important to me. |
Re: iphone 4 just announced.
Pete. That procedure is for going into DFU mode. It's about 10 seconds holding power and home buttons.
Then release power and keep holding home for another 30 seconds. The screen should "flash white" somewhere close to the original 10 second mark then with the home key still pressed and the finger of the power, the phone should restart. The GreenPois0n I used was way back during the 3.x days. There is no GreenPois0n now for 4.3. However Pete, you have lots of options for 4.2. I believe RedSn0w and UltraSn0w are both options for you. |
Re: iphone 4 just announced.
I might put it off until after my NYC trip in May.
I have all my itineraries and routes saved as well as a lot of other stuff I would hate to lose and am concerned after my last attempt. Then again, when my trip is over in June, hopefully I will be getting the Iphone 5.....:sh |
Re: iphone 4 just announced.
I hear ya. The SnowBreeze attempt had me build and use a new ipvw or something like that and I lost Everything.
The old JailbreakMe site was awesome. You keep everything. Then there was Green Poison where I was able o keep everything. I'm hoping that the next one, maybe unlockGuide let's you keep everything. |
Re: iphone 4 just announced.
I must be getting old. Everything I owned used to be hacked, reflashed, or overclocked. I considered jailbreaking my phone for about five minutes because I wanted to tether my ipad.
After looking into it, I decided I'd rather skewer myself than fight with my phone all day. I just like things to be easy nowadays. |
Re: iphone 4 just announced.
Re: iphone 4 just announced.
Re: iphone 4 just announced.
In one of the very very rare "good guy" moves by the Canadian telecom industry it appears that they haven't tried to lock tethering down and don't force you to have a separate tethering data plan. That will probably change but for now it's still open. I agree with Scott, I don't really care anymore how open a product is or what restrictions are placed on it. If it works for my purposes I'm happy, if it "just works" all the better. I was jailbroken before 4.3 was pushed down and frankly the only app I miss at all is SBSettings. Now that I can tether without jailbreaking I really don't care about jailbreaks at all anymore. |
Re: iphone 4 just announced.
well, i have 4.1 jailbroken and have the ultrasn0w carrier unlock. Today i spent 15 bux on a pre-paid sim from At&t, cut it to micro-sim size, popped it in, and it didn't work.
I don't know if i cut it improperly or if my phone isn't "really" unlocked, and i don't know how to tell. I am currently in america using my canadian phone which is why i was trying this. |
Re: iphone 4 just announced.
The 4.1 ultrasnow unlock should have worked. I have read the 4.2.1 is more reliable using beta 3.
The 4.3 JB/Unlock should be available untethered by tomorrow at the latest. So I read. I've also read that UnlockGuide and another place has a paid JB/Unlock for all versions for a one time lifetime membership. Even including iPhone 5 when the time comes. I don't know how reliable this service is and how they can guarantee a JB in a future device. Anyone know of these? |
Re: iphone 4 just announced.
I have a 3GS 4.3 (8F190) and a 3G running an OLD update. I am interested in safely unlocking both. How would I go about this?
Re: iphone 4 just announced.
I tried changing the APN also, i tried a lot of things, it didn't work, at least the at&t sim only cost 15 bux, screw it :P
Re: iphone 4 just announced.
They say an untethered JB will be available by tomorrow. You can JB with a tethered version now but thats too cumbersome and impractical for me. |
Re: iphone 4 just announced.
Ok so I will wait and keep up with this thread. Is a JB something I can do at home?
Re: iphone 4 just announced.
Yes, you can JB at home. Most JB will have you download software to your computer, then plug your phone in and start the software you downloaded. It will add software or flash your firmware while you are connected and Viola! Good to go. It very simple, very easy and usually works very well. Go to youtube. Try typing in iPhone jailbreak tutorial. Watch a few. Some vary in different ways but that will give you a good understanding of the basic steps you'll be taking in the future. |
Re: iphone 4 just announced.
Thanks Chingas! Is there a certain program that's more reliable than others? Which do you use? I am really scared of the iBrick everyone talks about.
Re: iphone 4 just announced.
RedSnow, UltraSnow, etc all seem to come from a parent exposure in Apples current firmware. When I JB mine and if all is well, I will get the name up here so you can use it for yourself. I'm really not concerned about bricking my phone altho it is a reality and can happen. For some of the paid JB services they offer a tool to make sure your phone won't Brick beote you apply the JB. |
Re: iphone 4 just announced.
I am going to try on my 3G first since it's still on 3.X. Is there anyway to unbrick it should it happen?
Re: iphone 4 just announced.
Have my iPhone too.. and I've been enjoying logging on to Skype and Yahoo Messenger.
Re: iphone 4 just announced.
Does anyone know if I can unlock it without inserting a SIM card? Ive tried inserting the card in my current 3GS but it doesnt work with the 3G for some reason.
http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y16...E/09d779eb.jpg |
Re: iphone 4 just announced.
I think I can do it without a SIM card, I just dont remember which software is on the phone. Obviously this information is needed to pick the right jailbreak software, correct?
Re: iphone 4 just announced.
Ok loaded the SIM. Software on the 3G is 4.0 (8A293). Should I leave it as is and jailbreak it or should I load the newest update and then wait for the jailbreak to be released?
Re: iphone 4 just announced.
I found a website called www.jailbreakme.com Works with 4.0.1 and under which I am running on my 3G. Any opinions? I also found Green Pois0n.
Re: iphone 4 just announced.
jailbreakme.com is awesome if you havent upgraded the OS yet!
Re: iphone 4 just announced.
Brian I am on 4.0 right now, not the 4.0.1 but it says it will still work. Will I be able to unlock through this download?
Re: iphone 4 just announced.
You should be able to unlock, its very easy from what I remember
Re: iphone 4 just announced.
Did the download everything looks good, now I just need to figure out which program can unlock it. Most are unlocking 4.3 it seems and not 4.0.1 and earlier firmware.
Re: iphone 4 just announced.
I've heard that the straight talk prepaid plans at walmart work on AT&T towers and that even without an unlock their sims should work in iphones. At only $45 for unlimited per month, it's actually making me consider breaking my contract with AT&T. |
Re: iphone 4 just announced.
Erick, those are the two we were speaking of earlier. The jailbreak site and greenpois0n. I've used them both with my older 3G and iPhone 4. Good stuff.
Looks like late last nite Greenpois0n 4.3 was released. This, in theory will hive you a fully Jailbroken and unlocked iPhone 4, 3GS, 3G and iPad/2, All Untethered. Rumor is that it's been confirmed by over 400 successful attempts. My computer at home has broken. I'll need to fix that before I move forward. If I decided to roll with a laptop then I may be JBing tonight. I'll post my results for anyone interested. |
Re: iphone 4 just announced.
Please do!
Re: iphone 4 just announced.
Well I did the unlock just now using Ultrasn0w. I have a question though, is it ok if I left my ATT sim card in the phone while I was doing this or should I have removed it?
Re: iphone 4 just announced.
Ok. So it's official and tested. Monday morning the Dev Team released an updated version of RedSn0w and Pwnage Tools.
The untethered JB works on all 4.3.1 iDevices EXCEPT the iPad2. I committed early Monday morning. Had a lot of random issues but all is well now. The JB is solid. You can't find a guide and all the necessary download links on The Dev Teams blog. Hope this helps Brothers. |
Re: iphone 4 just announced.
i updated to 4.3 while preserving my old baseband in hopes that one day there will be an unlock for the one i have. Jailbroke it, and good to go. Restored everything with pkgbackup, restore, and sync, and its exactly as it was before, just with 4.3.1 :)
However, you gents are incorrect, if you updated to 4.3.1 using itunes, and apples stock firmware, and then jailbroke, your phone is jailbroken, but it is not unlocked. The only supported baseband for iphone 4 for a carrier unlock is 1.5.9, and if you updated from apples site, you don't have that anymore. So yes you are jailbroken, but no, you are not carrier unlocked. (unless you bought an unlocked iphone directly from apple in like hong kong, canada, or europe or something) you can read ultrasn0w's info "only supports iphone 4 baseband 1.5.9" - unless you are using an older iphone with one of the other bbs listed |
Re: iphone 4 just announced.
by the way, get the tweak "fakeclockup" from the repo cydia.pushfix.info
you'll thank me :) - google it if you wanna see the demo |
Re: iphone 4 just announced.
I'll be upgrading to 4.3.1 with redsn0w tonight, instructions look a little different from greenpois0n, but very do-able
Re: iphone 4 just announced.
it's easy, if you need any help post here and if im on we can get in chat or something :)
Re: iphone 4 just announced.
Thanks Myles!
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