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DPD6030 03-06-2009 08:25 AM

Re: stirring the pot local B&M vs big internet

Originally Posted by Yazzie (Post 273102)
Were they local or internet Aliens?

Maybe resident aliens or illegal aliens :D

Da Klugs 03-06-2009 08:25 AM

Re: stirring the pot local B&M vs big internet
sapientia of vir can tantum exsisto copiose postulo per propono of is adversus

ahc4353 03-06-2009 08:27 AM

Re: stirring the pot local B&M vs big internet
OK, I need a link to a translator.

DPD6030 03-06-2009 08:29 AM

Re: stirring the pot local B&M vs big internet

Originally Posted by ahc4353 (Post 273942)
OK, I need a link to a translator.


dunng 03-06-2009 08:29 AM

Re: stirring the pot local B&M vs big internet

Originally Posted by ahc4353 (Post 273942)
OK, I need a link to a translator.

:hm Maybe I need a new translator...

"wisdom of man can only to emerge fully to ask very display of this facing"

DPD6030 03-06-2009 08:32 AM

Re: stirring the pot local B&M vs big internet

Originally Posted by dunng (Post 273948)
:hm Maybe I need a new translator...

"wisdom of man can only to emerge fully to ask very display of this facing"

Or an interperator

SeanGAR 03-06-2009 08:33 AM

Re: stirring the pot local B&M vs big internet

Originally Posted by dunng (Post 273948)
:hm Maybe I need a new translator...

"wisdom of man can only to emerge fully to ask very display of this facing"

The actual translation is:

"knock it off, dumbass, before I ban you".

Oh, and before anybody else takes offense, he was speaking to me.

ahc4353 03-06-2009 08:41 AM

Re: stirring the pot local B&M vs big internet

Originally Posted by SeanGAR (Post 273952)
The actual translation is:

"knock it off, dumbass, before I ban you".

Oh, and before anybody else takes offense, he was speaking to me.

But what does yours translate to for those of us who are clueless?

landhoney 03-06-2009 08:42 AM

Re: stirring the pot local B&M vs big internet

Originally Posted by SeanGAR (Post 273952)
he was speaking to me.

Like the Fawlty Towers bit, "he has looking at you but talking to me" :r

Stick 03-06-2009 08:53 AM

Re: stirring the pot local B&M vs big internet

Originally Posted by ahc4353 (Post 273965)
But what does yours translate to for those of us who are clueless?

ahc4353 03-06-2009 08:59 AM

Re: stirring the pot local B&M vs big internet

Originally Posted by SeanGAR (Post 273952)
The actual translation is:

"knock it off, dumbass, before I ban you".

I just knew I remembered that from somewhere! PNOON sends me that all the time in PM! :D


Originally Posted by Stick (Post 273979)

Thank you David. :tu

SeanGAR 03-06-2009 12:02 PM

Re: stirring the pot local B&M vs big internet

Originally Posted by Stick (Post 273979)

Or as I like to say, keep the explanation simple.

I remember a student who was having trouble with the HPLC, an instrument we were using to measure vitamin A.

He gave a long and convoluted explanation of what he thought was happening. I asked if he checked to see if the light bulb was burned out. He hadn't. It was. Simplest explanation wins again.

Legend 03-06-2009 12:08 PM

Re: stirring the pot local B&M vs big internet

Originally Posted by SeanGAR (Post 274329)
Or as I like to say, keep the explanation simple.

I remember a student who was having trouble with the HPLC, an instrument we were using to measure vitamin A.

He gave a long and convoluted explanation of what he thought was happening. I asked if he checked to see if the light bulb was burned out. He hadn't. It was. Simplest explanation wins again.

Please excuse me for being thick, but what did you mean?

SilverFox 03-06-2009 12:09 PM

Re: stirring the pot local B&M vs big internet
Occam's razor is one of my favorite principles and I often use it in business to simplify complex transactions, in truth it is also the same principle I used to decide to stop working.

ahc4353 03-06-2009 12:12 PM

Re: stirring the pot local B&M vs big internet

Originally Posted by Legend (Post 274340)
Please excuse me for being thick......

You're excused. :tu

SilverFox 03-06-2009 12:16 PM

Re: stirring the pot local B&M vs big internet

Originally Posted by md4958 (Post 273800)
This thread was a mockery long before the banter started. In my opinion, from the original post.

It is my opinion that this thread was started just to irritate people and make waves, and I find that offensive. If you wanna create drama, Cigar Asylum isn't the place to do it. You might have luck at another forum.

It is also my opinion that if the OP doesn't like the feedback he is receiving from other members, that he should think twice before posting threads that he knows will create waves.

While it might not have been the OP's intent that this be the case I do agree with Moe in that it certainly did come across that way.

The post was in my opinion intended to illicit argument not debate which in my opinion are very different ends of the spectrum, in several cases the counter posts from the OP took a personal edge.

Anyway the best bet is too ignore these types of threads, however I seem to be drawn like a moth to a flame, I sometimes take on a high moral position (at least in my mind) that is not necessarily healthy or in fairness sufficiently supportable, in doing so I see the flaws in my own approach......................typically after I hit submit reply

Legend 03-06-2009 12:17 PM

Re: stirring the pot local B&M vs big internet

Originally Posted by ahc4353 (Post 274345)
You're excused. :tu

Thank you.

I rereading my response I can see how the "excuse me" could come off more like the old Steve Martin bit. Sarcastic. However, I am honestly not making the connection the Seangar is making and blaming me for not being able to do so.

SeanGAR 03-06-2009 12:50 PM

Re: stirring the pot local B&M vs big internet

Originally Posted by Legend (Post 274340)
Please excuse me for being thick, but what did you mean?

Look for the simplest explanation in things.

In this case, what is the simplest explanation for the observation that cigars purchased in a B&M taste better than ones bought online.

1. Age of cigars.
2. Selection by the manufacturer giving better smokes to the B&M.
3. Other.

I think you would agree that age is a simpler explanation than anything else, as there is no active involvement of anybody in the difference.

Of course, the simplest explanation is not always the right one, but looking at problems this way is often helpful.

shilala 03-06-2009 12:58 PM

Re: stirring the pot local B&M vs big internet

Originally Posted by SeanGAR (Post 274419)
Look for the simplest explanation in things.

In this case, what is the simplest explanation for the observation that cigars purchased in a B&M taste better than ones bought online.

1. Age of cigars.
2. Selection by the manufacturer giving better smokes to the B&M.
3. Other.

I think you would agree that age is a simpler explanation than anything else, as there is no active involvement of anybody in the difference.

Of course, the simplest explanation is not always the right one, but looking at problems this way is often helpful.

That's why I tend to go with the amatuerphylactics rather than the prophylactics. I like to keep it simple, and I don't wanna feel all "uppity" when I'm gettin sexy. :tu

Legend 03-06-2009 01:22 PM

Re: stirring the pot local B&M vs big internet

Originally Posted by SeanGAR (Post 274419)
Look for the simplest explanation in things.

In this case, what is the simplest explanation for the observation that cigars purchased in a B&M taste better than ones bought online.

1. Age of cigars.
2. Selection by the manufacturer giving better smokes to the B&M.
3. Other.

I think you would agree that age is a simpler explanation than anything else, as there is no active involvement of anybody in the difference.

Of course, the simplest explanation is not always the right one, but looking at problems this way is often helpful.

A way of looking at it. Granted.

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