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GWN 12-05-2014 11:37 AM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by OLS (Post 2003546)
OH, by the way, the reason I popped in today was to share this...
we all know I hate these guys, lol, but now and again they just put up something useful and tempting.
This is a GREAT camera for someone who doesn't need to shoot inside, because the flaw that has it
discounted is a burnt out built-in flash. You can buy a cheap hot shoe flash if you have to have flash.
Forty bucks is a great price for what this body can do in good light. Its a great vacation camera, a great
camera for the trunk of your car. You can pick up a cheap zoom for it for about $20-$30. But don't try to
put a compact flash memory card over 2GB in it, it won't work. Old tech.

Think it also boasts a 1/500 sec flash speed which is awesome.
Just picked a mint — and I mean mint — D70s with a VR mid zoom for $125 for my daughter. Have read reports of people using CF-SD adapters and 8GB SD cards without issues with the D70s. Wonder if the same is true with the D70.

OLS 12-05-2014 01:49 PM

Re: Photography Thread
I imagine if it works on one it works on the other, and I know D70s takes larger than 2G CF cards...
That flash sync speed was something I would have mentioned if the flash on that $40 one wasn't out, lol.
WHo knows if it works the same with the hot shoe, don't see why not.

All those old Nikons have such wonderful rendition, the 6MP sensor really was a well-optimized thing in those
cameras. You need light, but oh the pixels it makes. I almost bought this one last night, then again today,
but I just have SO MANY DAMNED NIKON BODIES. But the price was so good I thought I could easily sell it and
make $20. In the end I just thought I'd share it and move on.

GWN 12-06-2014 08:11 AM

Re: Photography Thread
Been to few concerts lately and am having trouble getting some decent iPhone pics. Love to bring some real gear in but not feasible. Just can't figure out how to get some decent frames, yet I've seen solid concert pix from other iPhones. Work finally upgraded me to a newish 5s yesterday and the camera is certainly better that my old 4s. Curious which apps, settings, etc. work best. Here's a frame from Monster Truck last night. If you like heavy throwback rock, I'd suggest you check them out. They're from DMK's neck of the woods.

shark 12-06-2014 08:40 AM

Re: Photography Thread
Yeah, it would be nice to score a couple of press passes wouldn't it?

shark 12-07-2014 12:40 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Yes it is that time of year:

shade 12-07-2014 03:09 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Shot from recent snow, and ice storm

OLS 12-08-2014 06:26 AM

Re: Photography Thread
That looks fairly dangerous, Shade, lol. Brilliant bit of shooting, though.

OLS 12-08-2014 07:01 AM

Re: Photography Thread
Jeff I have never liked any camera phone shot I have seen, in terms of crispness and contrast, but I think its so
completely relative that people talk themselves into believing that its good because its BETTER than their old phone
(and it usually is). But I hope no one ever upgrades their phone solely for the photos. I think you could do pretty well
with a micro 4/3 camera, because in the end its really the size of the sensor that gives you that definition and resolution.
Until you get to an inch, it seems to me that its all tricks, gimmicks and promotio-ganda. I have fallen for all of it,
though thankfully never at retail, always used. I am guessing there are rules in these venues that either say
"NO PRO CAMERAS" or "NO LARGE LENS CAMERAS." My mother bought me Popular Photography for a year,
which I begged her not to do (fixed income) but they are giving magazines away nowadays, so I doubt she
paid much over $15, but I did not want to read about the newest and best, and I did not care to read about how
the pros shoot cats. But there was a camera in there this month that might be the perfect stealth camera.
I see on the website that the review materials are a month behind so I will have to check the actual magazine
at home and get back on it. You might not even care. But it seemed to check all the impossible boxes on ISO
performance and photo quality. The more I read about how it fared the more impossible I thought it

I think its a Panasonic since it had a Leica lens.......ahh...found it. Well, never mind, its $900, lol.
Of COURSE its awesome. But it has a VERY SENSIBLE MP count for a larger than normal sensor and
has some really nice retro controls and looks like a joe-schmo camera.
Very deceptive exterior, VERY nice photos. Only drawback? It doesn't make phone calls. :)

GWN 12-09-2014 06:08 AM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by OLS (Post 2004086)
Jeff I have never liked any camera phone shot I have seen, in terms of crispness and contrast, but I think its so
completely relative that people talk themselves into believing that its good because its BETTER than their old phone
(and it usually is). But I hope no one ever upgrades their phone solely for the photos. I think you could do pretty well
with a micro 4/3 camera, because in the end its really the size of the sensor that gives you that definition and resolution.
Until you get to an inch, it seems to me that its all tricks, gimmicks and promotio-ganda. I have fallen for all of it,
though thankfully never at retail, always used. I am guessing there are rules in these venues that either say
"NO PRO CAMERAS" or "NO LARGE LENS CAMERAS." My mother bought me Popular Photography for a year,
which I begged her not to do (fixed income) but they are giving magazines away nowadays, so I doubt she
paid much over $15, but I did not want to read about the newest and best, and I did not care to read about how
the pros shoot cats. But there was a camera in there this month that might be the perfect stealth camera.
I see on the website that the review materials are a month behind so I will have to check the actual magazine
at home and get back on it. You might not even care. But it seemed to check all the impossible boxes on ISO
performance and photo quality. The more I read about how it fared the more impossible I thought it

I think its a Panasonic since it had a Leica lens.......ahh...found it. Well, never mind, its $900, lol.
Of COURSE its awesome. But it has a VERY SENSIBLE MP count for a larger than normal sensor and
has some really nice retro controls and looks like a joe-schmo camera.
Very deceptive exterior, VERY nice photos. Only drawback? It doesn't make phone calls. :)

Hear what you're saying about larger sensor. Have a few older P&S cameras around here. May bring one with me next time. Would love to bring my P7000, which takes dynamite images, but just a little too chunky for the mosh pit :)

OLS 12-09-2014 06:26 AM

Re: Photography Thread
Lol, I just picked up a used P7000 for $49, the defect was the leaf shutter lens cap deal intermittently hangs....
Duh, sooner or later they ALL do that, it did not bother me. I had a P6000 I got for $40 that never impressed
me in any way, a lot of controls but kind of a humdrum performance in anything but great light. I understand the
P7000 is actually quite a decent camera, so I am happy to be getting it. The P6000 is going to go out the door for
$40 in the end and I will lose nothing for having had it awhile.

0002S 12-09-2014 01:41 PM

Re: Photography Thread

0002S 12-09-2014 01:42 PM

Re: Photography Thread

Dave128 12-09-2014 01:43 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Awesome cherry pic, Shawn. Did you take that?

0002S 12-09-2014 01:43 PM

Re: Photography Thread
I took both of them. The car shot is me driving with a 5DMKII mounted on a tripod in the back back seat. I used a wired remote to take the picture.

Dave128 12-09-2014 01:44 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Very cool! :tu

0002S 12-09-2014 01:46 PM

Re: Photography Thread
From my balcony in Orlando

0002S 12-09-2014 01:49 PM

Re: Photography Thread
This selfie

Was shot with this camera (photo taken with iPhone)

0002S 12-09-2014 01:53 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Go ahead and ask me what the settings were on this shot. I shot this hand held with a S90 in M mode.

0002S 12-09-2014 01:54 PM

Re: Photography Thread

OLS 12-09-2014 02:06 PM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by GWN (Post 2003763)

I re-read my comments on this photo and was a bit mortified....I did not intend to say that I did not like
this pic, or that I thought it was bad. In fact as a phone pic I rather like it. I have a partner that I work
local shows with; he books the acts and I do my best to cover them. And he always asks me what I
thought about this shot or that from his phone, and I always want to say "If I thought they were good,
I wouldn't be here." And by that I simply mean that if it was good enough to promote his show with,
he certainly wouldn't need ME to shoot DSLR photos. I LOVE staying at home nights.

So I tell him that I like the framing, composition, perspective, timing of the capture...things I DO Like
about the shot. Its not supposed to compare head to head, but it can still be a great shot. I am already
a big enough jerk not to come off as one accidentally, lol. This place is about photography, not DSLRs.
And from that perspective, the shots rather wicked. (You know what I DO HATE, though? These freaking
LED stage lights.)

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