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jonumberone 07-08-2013 09:56 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?
A couple of picnic's and a fatty.

I also did a turkey but I can't find the finished pics I know I took. :confused:

kydsid 07-08-2013 12:09 PM

Re: What's in your smoker?
Bacon! :dr

kydsid 07-08-2013 12:23 PM

Re: What's in your smoker?
Okay bbq gods of CA I need some advice. I'm wanting to smoke two maybe three turkey breasts for dinner and sliced into lunch meat. Gimme some ideas on wood, brining, injecting etc.

tupacboy 07-08-2013 12:58 PM

Re: What's in your smoker?
fyi... costo has the vision smoker on sale at some locations for $399.... damn good price....

T.G 07-08-2013 02:55 PM

Re: What's in your smoker?

Originally Posted by kydsid (Post 1858702)
Okay bbq gods of CA I need some advice. I'm wanting to smoke two maybe three turkey breasts for dinner and sliced into lunch meat. Gimme some ideas on wood, brining, injecting etc.

I'd skip the brine it just leads to rubbery skin. I'd inject them with the juice from a can of jalepenos in escabeche, throw some spicy rub on and cook indirect at medium temp with mesquite and oak.:2

T.G 07-08-2013 03:42 PM

Re: What's in your smoker?
Oh, and for a finishing sauce, mix fresh lime juice, brown sugar, apple cider vinegar, rasberry or apricot jam, sriracha sauce, some of the rub in a saucepan, bring to boil, reduce to simmer for 5 min or so. Paint that on the turkey in the last 5-10 of cooking. Don't turn your back on it though this stuff will burn fast.

That's today's turkey breast thoughts.

OLS 07-09-2013 06:31 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?

Originally Posted by T.G (Post 1858771)
I'd skip the brine it just leads to rubbery skin.

SMOKING BIRDS leads to rubbery skin, my bro-hamster, lol. Might as well brine it.....By the way, that recipe of
liquids you throw together got me salivating, and I didn't even read what you put it on.

OLS 07-09-2013 06:32 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?

Originally Posted by jonumberone (Post 1858584)
A couple of picnic's and a fatty.

5HI+ DOM, you gave a foner.....I do love me a good bacon weave.

T.G 07-09-2013 08:51 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?

Originally Posted by OLS (Post 1859060)
SMOKING BIRDS leads to rubbery skin, my bro-hamster, lol. Might as well brine it.....By the way, that recipe of
liquids you throw together got me salivating, and I didn't even read what you put it on.

You're right, I should have been more clear about when I wrote "indirect" what I meant was "grilled, indirect".

Thanks for the thoughts on the sauce, yeah, it works on many things.

OLS 07-10-2013 04:13 PM

Re: What's in your smoker?
Rubbery skin is the one and only thing I hate about smoked chicken. I think the skin is
important, it protects the meat and also keeps the total smoked flavor from ever being
overwhelming, it creates such a delicate flavor that it is almost ethereal. But I have
finally just stopped the half if I can't char/crisp the skin before I pull
the meat, I just don't do it. But when you take the time to do both, wow, what a great
result. As for strictly turkey breasts, man, I don't know, can you even GET IT with skin
on it? Maybe you can wrap it in cheesecloth. I bet turkey breast on the smoker is great.
I am not a fan of wings or those giant, tendonny, spikey legs, either.

kydsid 07-10-2013 04:38 PM

Re: What's in your smoker?

Originally Posted by OLS (Post 1859778)
As for strictly turkey breasts, man, I don't know, can you even GET IT with skinon it?

My butcher always has whole bone in turkey breasts, with skin. They run about $3 a pound and average 3-5lbs.

kydsid 07-13-2013 11:41 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?
Well I spoke too soon. My butcher ran out of turkey breast during 4th of July. :(

So pork and beef ribs going on instead.

OLS 07-13-2013 01:18 PM

Re: What's in your smoker?
man I am considering thawing SOMETHING tonight. I got a lot done over the past few days, and I am
thinking I need some kind of food for work next week anyway. All I have is BBRs and Chicken.

OLS 07-13-2013 06:49 PM

Re: What's in your smoker?
I went for it....rack of spares on for a NIGHT smoke. Went on a lil after 7 pm. Gonna wait for halfway,
then go out with a beer and a smoke to 'watch it'. And now, back to the Wendy's Pretzel Bacon Cheeseburger thread
to stare at the photo.

mk05 07-13-2013 09:58 PM

Re: What's in your smoker?
Dom, I need a pic of that bacon weave roast cut.

This is probably my favorite thread.

Mark C 07-15-2013 09:54 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?
Since the Government insisted I take the day off Friday (and every other Friday through Sep, thanks Congress...) I fired up my smoker for the first time in a year to make some ribs. The first, and only, time I tried ribs they weren't all that great. I think my temp was too high and they cooked too fast. This weekend I nailed it, one guest said she's been dreaming about my ribs - two days later! Now I'm hooked, but I like variety and need ideas.

Anyone have a favorite cookbook for smokers?

OLS 07-15-2013 11:42 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?
The gubmint had every opprtunity to fix the issues that led to that sequester, they
just lacked the balls that a leader needs...well, unless he is a leader of THIS country,
in which case, who needs balls, just a finger to point.

I cooked some unfurloughed ribs Saturday night, got a LATE start rather than my usual
crack of dawn smoke. Smoked from 6:45 pm to about 9:00....perfect job I thought.
I used some of the rubs that I got from being a well-known smoker at work. Our major
chemical supplier gives us one of thir tote bags full of famous Memphis sauces and rubs.
Luckily, me bringing ribs to work all the time developed for me a reputation that led to
them just dumping all that stuff on me. This week I used the World-Famous Rendezvous
. Almost as good as the stuff I mix myself.

Ready to go to the pit

Ready to EAT.

Just left em dry, which is the way I have always preferred. Since I found Sweeet baby Ray's, I have tended to
serve em wet. But after nuclear scalding myself on 300 degree sauce one day, I add it as a dipping sauce cold, now.

RHNewfie 07-19-2013 09:49 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?
I had to retest the seal on my SFB so hoping to try it out next week. Having some brisket delivered from MI on Saturday!

Steve 07-19-2013 10:12 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?

Originally Posted by ols (Post 1861282)

just left em dry, which is the way i have always preferred. Since i found sweeet baby ray's, i have tended to
serve em wet. But after nuclear scalding myself on 300 degree sauce one day, i add it as a dipping sauce cold, now.


kydsid 07-19-2013 10:14 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?
Posting just cause I can't stands to see Joes bacon weave every time I open this thread and hoping for a new page. That damn bacon makes me hungry and drooly every time I see it.

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