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Wolfgang 02-16-2009 06:58 PM

Re: The Official Asylum Reef Tank Thread
A nice corner 75 gallon would fit well :-)

Smoking Dragon 02-16-2009 07:02 PM

Re: The Official Asylum Reef Tank Thread
A couple of weeks ago I adopted a 2' moray eel. I set up a hasty tank for him 29 gal. I am in the process of getting him into a 75 gal tank. I am not sure how elaborate I want to get with a reef and all. I hear that it could be hard to maintain. Any advice I could get I would appreciate. I want Fred my new eel, to have a fun home with lots to swim around.


Wolfgang 02-16-2009 07:07 PM

Re: The Official Asylum Reef Tank Thread
What kind of Moray? I have a 12" Zebra Mora in my reef tank. Reefs just require more waterchanges and more light. Other than that they are fairly easy to take care of.

Smoking Dragon 02-16-2009 07:54 PM

Re: The Official Asylum Reef Tank Thread
I think that it is chain link moray. From the pics I've seen, it's the closest. Fred looks like a neck of a garaffe. I will post pics when I get home from Army school in a couple of weeks.

shilala 02-16-2009 08:33 PM

Re: The Official Asylum Reef Tank Thread

Originally Posted by Wolfgang (Post 238990)
A nice corner 75 gallon would fit well :-)

It'd fall through my floor. :D

BC-Axeman 02-16-2009 09:08 PM

Re: The Official Asylum Reef Tank Thread
I got most of my setup from a guy who gave up after his tank blew apart in an earthquake. He had moved everything to rubbermade containers but he was tired of it so I got a good deal on it and just had to buy a new tank. I have since then spent a lot of money on it but I haven't grown tired yet.

Wolfgang 02-20-2009 09:30 AM

Re: The Official Asylum Reef Tank Thread
Tonight I decided to goof around with a flashlight and my camera. I have the whole lid of my tank covered in egg crate so I just turned the flashlight on and set it on top then took pictures through the front. Im fairly happy with this little experiment.

What do you think?

Tips and tricks?

shilala 02-20-2009 09:36 AM

Re: The Official Asylum Reef Tank Thread
I still have my whole tank in buckets and rubbermaid. :D
The tank should be cured now. It's been sitting for 2 1/2 days.
I'm gonna fill it with plain water and see what happens.
Wish me luck!!!

Smoking Dragon 02-20-2009 07:10 PM

Re: The Official Asylum Reef Tank Thread
I need saltwater help !!!!!!!!! Does anyone live near Germantown, MD?


Blueface 02-20-2009 09:50 PM

Re: The Official Asylum Reef Tank Thread

Originally Posted by sergeant smoky (Post 247135)
I need saltwater help !!!!!!!!! Does anyone live near Germantown, MD?


Nope but go ahead and ask as we may be able to help via a post.

Smoking Dragon 02-21-2009 01:51 AM

Re: The Official Asylum Reef Tank Thread
I am away at Army school until the 28th in the evening. My son says my moray eel, Fred, is lathargic and not eating his normal amount each feeding. I asked him to check the water. My son says that from what he did the Ak and the salt is wrong. BTW my son is 14 and this is our 1st aquarium. Since I am not at home and I would like for someone with experience to look at my tank and posssibly show us how to fix it. I got this info late last night so I have not had a chance to call a aquarium maint company. But I will have to if I can not fine someone to help that is in the area.

Blueface 02-21-2009 09:22 AM

Re: The Official Asylum Reef Tank Thread

Originally Posted by sergeant smoky (Post 247547)
I am away at Army school until the 28th in the evening. My son says my moray eel, Fred, is lathargic and not eating his normal amount each feeding. I asked him to check the water. My son says that from what he did the Ak and the salt is wrong. BTW my son is 14 and this is our 1st aquarium. Since I am not at home and I would like for someone with experience to look at my tank and posssibly show us how to fix it. I got this info late last night so I have not had a chance to call a aquarium maint company. But I will have to if I can not fine someone to help that is in the area.

Eels typically go into "don't eat" episodes and is quite normal.
When you say lathargic, that pretty much describes all eels.

What has changed in the tank?
Is there excessive waste/food collected in it?
If there is, start by asking him to pull all that out.
Your alkalinity could not have changed much if no water change has been done.
Evaporation will affect it but not to affect the eel and can be corrected by adding fresh water.
Salinity will not affect them so rapidly. They can handle a wide range of low to high.

Ask your son if all has been as normal or has something happened?
If the tank is running fine with filtration, don't flip over it.
I have had eels go on hunger strikes for over three months.
Do you have fish?
What are they acting like?
Do they look normal?
They usually will stress before an eel does.

Smoking Dragon 02-21-2009 10:01 AM

Re: The Official Asylum Reef Tank Thread
There are no other fish in the tank. I did a 20% or so water change about 1 week ago. I replcaed the water with pre salinated water and some purified water. So that the salinity would not rise. Other than that nothing has changed. I say that he is looing lathargic because normally he swims around a bit in the tank, but now he just sits in his house. I now that when I first got him he was stressed form being in a box for about 4-5 days, and he did not eat for a couple of days. Then he started by eating 3-5 silver fish 2x daily. Then he went upto around 10 each feeding. COuld the amount of light be a factor? We have a light which we turn on in the morning and then open it up to indirect sunlight, then in the evening light for about 4-5 hours. SO all togather about 14 hous of light per day.

Blueface 02-21-2009 10:07 AM

Re: The Official Asylum Reef Tank Thread

Originally Posted by sergeant smoky (Post 247848)
There are no other fish in the tank. I did a 20% or so water change about 1 week ago. I replcaed the water with pre salinated water and some purified water. So that the salinity would not rise. Other than that nothing has changed. I say that he is looing lathargic because normally he swims around a bit in the tank, but now he just sits in his house. I now that when I first got him he was stressed form being in a box for about 4-5 days, and he did not eat for a couple of days. Then he started by eating 3-5 silver fish 2x daily. Then he went upto around 10 each feeding. COuld the amount of light be a factor? We have a light which we turn on in the morning and then open it up to indirect sunlight, then in the evening light for about 4-5 hours. SO all togather about 14 hous of light per day.

Light won't affect it or shouldn't, specially if it has been use to that.
If he is the only inhabitant, kind of tough to make a tank go south unless it is very small and hence any minimal change can affect it.
Is there food laying around as result of trying to feed him?
If there is, get that stuff out of there fast as that can cause harmful spikes.
Other than that, I would add some beneficial bacteria and some Amquel type product and wait and see.
Don't try to feed him any more.
When he is hungry, he will let you know
I have personally witnessed many eels, mine and that of my customers, that have for no reason gone on hunger strikes.
As much as three months have gone by and then suddenly, out of nowhere, they want to eat again.
That is quite normal so don't go nuts over it.

If you do some bacteria like Cycle or Bacter Vital and do some Amquel, you pretty much will address any lack of stability in the water.
Salinity can wait for you to return if needs adjustment.
I have taken eels from 23 or so down to 14 and have had no problems.

Let me know about the food as trying to feed and letting that sit can be real bad.

One more thing, silvesides are oily as heck.
Feed him the shrimp you and I buy at the store. Throw him an occasional fresh clam (freeze it first and then thaw for parasites).
That is all I feed mine. Less messy for the tank. Use a clear plastic feeding stick for the shrimp and hand feed him, hence controlling what stays in the tank and what is not consumed.

Smoking Dragon 02-21-2009 10:16 AM

Re: The Official Asylum Reef Tank Thread
We feed him thawed out frozen silver sliders. When I first got him I tried live goldfish, ghost shrimp. But he didn't touch any of em, maybe from stress of a new home. We keep em frozen and just thaw out what we use each feeding. there is no food at the bottom of the tank since we tong feed him. He will come up to the suface to feed. I used a gravel syphon when I changed out the partial water change, and sucked up stuff that I saw on the bottom. My son says that there is one pile of poop inside his house. I don't allow my son to move the house cause I don't want him to get bit. I just worry that he will be alright till I get home next Sat and for a few more days till I can get the water fixed.

Wolfgang 02-21-2009 10:56 AM

Re: The Official Asylum Reef Tank Thread
If it was recently cold there and th tank cooled off more than usual eels go into a "winter" mode where they wont eat as much if at all. Also durring this time they dont move around much. Check on your heater make sure thats in good order.

How big is it and what kin of moray is it?

If it is a smaller moray eating 10 silversides It could possibly be "backed up" Also if its a zebra moray or snowflake eel, they are pebble toothed morays and should not be fed fish. These kinds only eat crustaceans such as shrimp, clams, lobsters, etc.

IfIm reading your posts correctly you just moved the eel to a new home? This can be very stressfull for them and they will be lethargic and might take up to 2 weeks to eat again. I would try to feed him every 3rd day. When hes hungry it will eat.

Wolfgang 02-22-2009 08:14 PM

Re: The Official Asylum Reef Tank Thread
got some more night pictures that I thought I woudl share. :-)

darb85 02-23-2009 08:27 PM

Re: The Official Asylum Reef Tank Thread
Me thinks id trade all me cigars for frags and fish at this point :D

shilala 02-23-2009 10:52 PM

Re: The Official Asylum Reef Tank Thread
I finally got my tank all resealed and put back together.
I have to move stuff around cause I'm not pleased with how it looks, ,but it's holding up like a champ.
Somewhere along the way my protein skimmer cracked. I glued it up with super glue gel, let it set a couple days, and I siliconed it tonight.
I can't wait for this disaster to be over with. :)

Wolfgang 02-23-2009 11:27 PM

Re: The Official Asylum Reef Tank Thread

Originally Posted by darb85 (Post 252609)
Me thinks id trade all me cigars for frags and fish at this point :D

Ill definitely do frags for cigars. Im going to need about 6 months grow out time though :-) gotta get my Devils Armor, Purple Death, and Neuclear greens growing. On another note I have had the Purple deaths for about 3 weeks and already they have shot off anew polyp yay! Here they go for $40 per polyp but the store I go to was nice enough to give me 3 for $20 :-D

Sorry for the SNAFU Scott. Unfortunatly in this hobby when it rains it pours. I hope everything works out for you.

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