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ucla695 08-02-2011 02:21 PM

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops
Just pulled the trigger on the new map pack. At least there are some good sniper spots. :)

MrsSledn 08-04-2011 05:32 PM

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops
Another map pack coming out for Black Ops. Called Rezurrection . It's strictly for Zombies. Due out August 23 for 1200 points. If you own the hardened or Prestige versions of the game, the download will be free.

ucla695 08-05-2011 01:10 PM

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops

Originally Posted by MrsSledn (Post 1361601)
Another map pack coming out for Black Ops. Called Rezurrection . It's strictly for Zombies. Due out August 23 for 1200 points. If you own the hardened or Prestige versions of the game, the download will be free.

Wow, they're milking this one.

mariogolbee 08-05-2011 02:09 PM

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops

Originally Posted by Mikey202 (Post 1354690)
I am a straight up Battlefield 2 junkie now. The game play is more realistic and the maps are huge. Plus, there is nothin like drivin a tank or Bradley around destroying buildings.:D

Plus if you stealth kill a guy with a knife, you keep his Dogtags.:gary

I really enjoyed the BFBC games I've played. I would almost prefer it to COD except for a few things.

I love the weapons f BFBC, but I don't like how they are class specific. If I want to be a medic with an LMG, what's to say I can't? COD always has mucho customization options.

I just don't have friends on there to play with. It's squad based and you NEED to have communication to make it work. I have always found communication lacking in BFBC. In COD, communication and friends really, really help, but are not necessary.

The last thing is that I preferred BFBC1 to BFBC2 as far as which classes did what. I do wish I had played the Vietnam DLC before trading it. I would have actually kept both games, but I don't have the time for one, let alone both.


Originally Posted by MrsSledn (Post 1361601)
Another map pack coming out for Black Ops. Called Rezurrection . It's strictly for Zombies. Due out August 23 for 1200 points. If you own the hardened or Prestige versions of the game, the download will be free.

Good thing I don't play zombies.

Hey Cat, I thought you guys were playing MW2. What happened? Is domination the thing to do now?

MrsSledn 08-05-2011 06:15 PM

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops

Originally Posted by mariogolbee (Post 1362780)
Hey Cat, I thought you guys were playing MW2. What happened? Is domination the thing to do now?

Hi Mario! Yes, they were playing MW2 for a bit. Then went back to Ops. Mostly play Flags now. I was playing a bit again under Smoke's and Pokalina. That is until Pokalina got hacked. I got it back and Xbox took it back again. I started a new temp name. MrsSmoke75.

And yes, they are really milking this game. That's now 4 map packs at 1200 points, That's crazy. And with the launch of MW3 right around the corner.

mariogolbee 08-05-2011 06:17 PM

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops

Originally Posted by MrsSledn (Post 1363095)
Hi Mario! Yes, they were playing MW2 for a bit. Then went back to Ops. Mostly play Flags now. I was playing a bit again under Smoke's and Pokalina. That is until Pokalina got hacked. I got it back and Xbox took it back again. I started a new temp name. MrsSmoke75.

And yes, they are really milking this game. That's now 4 map packs at 1200 points, That's crazy. And with the launch of MW3 right around the corner.

But I just accepted your friend request as Polkalina last night...:(

MrsSledn 08-08-2011 08:59 PM

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops

Originally Posted by mariogolbee (Post 1363099)
But I just accepted your friend request as Polkalina last night...:(

I will have the account back at some point. It's been almost a month now since the initial hack. XBox can't get their crap together... Annoying as heck.

I will shoot you one from my other account also.

kgoings 08-08-2011 09:09 PM

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops

Originally Posted by ucla695 (Post 1357907)
Just pulled the trigger on the new map pack. At least there are some good sniper spots. :)

I love the new maps, I have not yet played a sniper...what setups do you use?

ucla695 08-23-2011 01:50 PM

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops

Originally Posted by kgoings (Post 1367105)
I love the new maps, I have not yet played a sniper...what setups do you use?

I use ghost pro, scout pro and marathon pro with a claymore and stuns. My secondary weapon is a M1911 and tomahawk just in case. I prefer to snipe with the PSG1 w/ variable scope. I find I get less hit markers and more one shot kills than when I use the L96A1.

loki 08-23-2011 01:51 PM

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops
still just playing the original maps here, see no reason to upgrade

chippewastud79 08-23-2011 06:54 PM

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops

Originally Posted by loki (Post 1383600)
still just playing the original maps here, see no reason to upgrade

Save your money/points, not worth it. :tu

hammondc 08-24-2011 06:42 AM

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops
Agreed. I am not buying this pack. Actually, I am considering deleting the annihilation pack. I wish you could just delete maps individually.

Kneo 08-25-2011 07:44 PM

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops
I sm KneoMattrix on there. Feel free to add me

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