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mosesbotbol 01-04-2009 08:06 PM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1
Picked up a bottle of Cazadores Reposado in Mexico. Quite sophisticated complex taste that is subtle and quite smooth. We did a horizontal of 6 reposados yesterday and Cazadores was on the top half. Had never had it until then previously. Lots of places in Q. Roo sell it on the premium shelf, so might as well pick it up...

SmokinApe 01-08-2009 05:19 PM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1
Not a premium but it ain't bad mixed... Having a Paloma with it right now...

AdamC 01-08-2009 05:32 PM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1
I like Don Ramon Reposado (it's straight from mexico), and Patron

TheRiddick 01-30-2009 12:47 AM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1
Used to drink Patron, Herradura, Tres Generaciones, Azul, before all the new small production, high end tequilas hit CA a few years back. Now you walk into a nicely stocked shop and your heads spins with all the choices. At this point I settled on Partida, fairly new brand, but absolutely unreal in all respects. Reposado or Blanco for me, can't stand the taste of oak in most Anejos.

Best value these days is probably Cazadores Reposado, sells for $30 per liter bottle in CA Costco, hands down the best deal out there, IMO. Smoth and tasty.

mosesbotbol 01-30-2009 05:34 AM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1

Originally Posted by TheRiddick (Post 203618)
Best value these days is probably Cazadores Reposado, sells for $30 per liter bottle in CA Costco, hands down the best deal out there, IMO. Smoth and tasty.

Cazadores Reposado is like $20 at the Mexican Naval PX and Don Julio Blanco is $18.

I've never seen Cazadores sold in the US? Not that I looked for it before. White tail deer is Mexico's largest native animal (cover of bottle).

TheRiddick 01-30-2009 11:55 AM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1

Cazadores appeared at CA Costco about 3 years ago, then spread to other liquor shops. $30 per one LITER bottle, like I said, at Costco. At Trader Joe's and others, it is same price but for a 750ml bottle. Reposado was the only version they produced originally, but lately have also released Anejo, which I have not tried yet (I usually dislike most Anejos due to too much oak flavoring). And theirs looks reddish in color so that tells me it is color adjusted as well (same as with most cognacs).

All I can tell you is that tequila selection here in CA is much, much better than that on the Right Coast, but the same can be said about wine as well (when it comes to Left Coast produced wines), not surprising of course. Prices are also much better due to higher competition and availablility.

If you like Cazadores, try Partida, they range from $45-60 (Blanco to Anejo), its a definite step up in flavor, IMO. I went through a good number of higher end tequilas in the last 15+ years I've been drinking them and when I tasted this one I had an eye opening experience, they are better than pretty much any $100+ bottle out there. I was introduced to it by the GM of a Santa Monica restaurant, they have 80+ premium tequilas on their list, and this was his favorite, I couldn't agree more.

Browse Hi Time Wine and Liquor shop's selection, they are in SoCal (Newport Beach area), its a tequila museum of best of the best, all at gret prices. Same for cognac and wine, BTW. At least I have not found any place in SF area to match their selection and every time I go to Orange County I make sure to stop buy the place. They do ship.

Killjoy 01-30-2009 12:00 PM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1
I am a big Coralejo fan..I like both the Anejo and reposado. It is a birthday tradition for me.

mosesbotbol 01-30-2009 12:39 PM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1

Originally Posted by TheRiddick (Post 204598)
Browse Hi Time Wine and Liquor shop's selection, they are in SoCal (Newport Beach area), its a tequila museum of best of the best, all at gret prices.

Hi Time Wine is famous, but I do not think they ship to Mass.

I am partial to buying tequila in person. Tequila bottles are either gifts or sentimental items from trip.

What I buy in person is always in Texas, I just happen to go there often. There's a chain called Specks that has like 200+ Tequilas! Actually, it's biggest liquor store I have ever seen, but as in Texas, everything is the biggest, lol...

ucla695 01-30-2009 12:43 PM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1

Originally Posted by mosesbotbol (Post 204695)
Hi Time Wine is famous, but I do not think they ship to Mass.

I am partial to buying tequila in person. Tequila bottles are either gifts or sentimental items from trip.

What I buy in person is always in Texas, I just happen to go there often. There's a chain called Specks that has like 200+ Tequilas! Actually, it's biggest liquor store I have ever seen, but as in Texas, everything is the biggest, lol...

Hi Time is a great, great place. They have aisles and aisles of good stuff. I try to go there whenever I'm in the area.

Killjoy 01-30-2009 12:47 PM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1
Lees discount liquor here is similar..gigantic selection and there must be 10 of them here in town...

TheRiddick 01-30-2009 01:45 PM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1
MA has just been changed to a ship to state in the past month or so, check with out of state retailers to see who is shipping there now. Spec's has great wine selection, for sure, but some locals have been telling me their storage conditions leave a lot to be desired. Of course, tequila storage is not an issue.

CigarNut 02-18-2009 10:34 PM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1
My wife really, really likes the Patron XO Coffee -- very nice flavor. If you like Kaluha, then you will love this, much better flavor, and more alcohol!

I prefer Don Julion Anejo, Herradura Anejo, or for special occaisions Don Julio 1942 Anejo. For extra special occaisons I like Patron Gran Burdeos.

Actually, I am not picky -- as long as it is 100% de Agave -- I will drink Blanco, Reposado, or Anejo. I have enjoyed Patron, Coralejo, and Cazadores -- all good Tequilas.

I also agree with a previous poster -- the best way is to use a brandy snifter. No salt. No lime. No ice.

TheJ 02-18-2009 10:48 PM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1
I enjoy the Patron Silver.

I've always wanted to try Milagro Romance Tequila, but at $100 a shot at bars I find them is out of my budget.

I have an uncle that collects tequilas and he's always good for a night of sampling bottles in the hundred dollar plus range.

mosesbotbol 02-19-2009 09:30 AM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1
Don Julio Silver is $18 at the Mexican PX in Isla Mujeres!

TheRiddick 02-19-2009 11:45 AM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1

Originally Posted by CigarNut (Post 243742)
Actually, I am not picky -- as long as it is 100% de Agave...

I haven't seen one that is not. Now, Mezcal is a whole new ballgame and is nasty, even the "super premium" stuff my brother-out-law brought back from Mexico. He seemed to like it THERE, but I guess when you drink enough while in Mexico, anything tastes good after a certain point :D

There are 3 new tequilas to be made here in Bay Area, can't wait to see what locals can do with the agave plant, 2 of them are some of the best distilleries in the world and so far everything they produced is at the top of the heap.

mosesbotbol 02-19-2009 12:23 PM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1

Originally Posted by TheRiddick (Post 244453)
There are 3 new tequilas to be made here in Bay Area, can't wait to see what locals can do with the agave plant, 2 of them are some of the best distilleries in the world and so far everything they produced is at the top of the heap.

Do they grow the agave there? I drove past an agave field in the Yucatan. Soon, the Yucatan will officially be able manufacture Tequila. Such a beautiful sight; a field of amazing agaves!

TheRiddick 02-19-2009 01:37 PM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1
They will ship the agave here. One of them, in Alameda will actually roast the plants there and then ship them here, this will force them into calling the product something other than Tequila per rules and regulations (must be 100% Mexico made). The other two will make the entire product in Mexico.

One of the them is Bermejo, the guy who put tequila on the map here in States with his tequila bar in SF (over 130 different ones available, plus he offers classes, writes books, etc.) He's the Roy Hersch of tequila, since you know Roy.

The other one is a father and son team, 4th and 5th generations of distillers from old days in Yugoslavia. They make incredible vodka called Charbay (made in Mendocino) using actual fruit as its flavoring (as opposed to various additions others do). I am sure they will come up with something serious, not that the others won't. They also make great Cab from Spring Mountain grapes (Napa, where they live).

The guys who will ship the roasted agave here make one of the best vodkas around as well, Hanger One. They also make various distilled products and actually better grappa (and much more affordable as well) than most Italian made products.

This will be interesting.

Try to find a bottle of Partida, this is the "new" generation of artisanal tequila to me and shows the direction the product is headed. LA area resident backed by some banker (to invest in the land her family heldin Mexico), so if anything, she started the trend.

mosesbotbol 02-19-2009 03:16 PM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1
I have had Partida before and thought it was good. Hanger One is big time when it comes to flavoring; some I am not keen one like Orange, but most are great and really have a natural taste.

ade06 02-19-2009 03:24 PM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1

Originally Posted by SmokinApe (Post 8045)
I haven't tried the Don Julio yet, but I am looking to...

What do you guys like best; Silver, Reposado, Anejo?


TheRiddick 02-19-2009 08:34 PM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1
Another vote for Reposado, 11 months of oak aging, Anejo is usually way too much oak for me.

PinkPistol86 02-19-2009 08:37 PM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1
I like Patron and Padron. Tequila Margarita and a Cigar.

PinkPistol86 02-19-2009 08:38 PM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1
And Patron is also good for smooth shots and it makes you look impressive around here at bars.

mosesbotbol 02-20-2009 06:03 AM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1

Originally Posted by TheRiddick (Post 245467)
Another vote for Reposado, 11 months of oak aging, Anejo is usually way too much oak for me.


Anejo's can end up tasting like Cognac, which is OK, but I prefer the more pronounced agave taste from Reposado.

No one is really talking about Cabo in this thread? I actually like the over-the-top agave taste of it.

ajmunchiv 02-23-2009 02:14 PM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1
Try Canadian Club w/Green Tea Ginger Ale, Lime, Ice & Cabo Wabo Anejo.

1. Squeeze Lime wedge in a Tequila glass.

2. Add ice. (fill glass full with ice)

3. Add 1/3 glass of Cabo Wabo Anejo.

4. Add 2/3 Canadian Club w/Green Tea Ginger Ale.

SmokinApe 02-23-2009 03:43 PM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1

Originally Posted by ajmunchiv (Post 251895)
Try Canadian Club w/Green Tea Ginger Ale, Lime, Ice & Cabo Wabo Anejo.

1. Squeeze Lime wedge in a Tequila glass.

2. Add ice. (fill glass full with ice)

3. Add 1/3 glass of Cabo Wabo Anejo.

4. Add 2/3 Canadian Club w/Green Tea Ginger Ale.

Sounds good...

ja3480 03-03-2009 09:14 PM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1
Big Patron Fan !

macpappy 05-23-2009 06:42 AM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1
Picked up a bottle of Leyenda del Milagro Anejo yesterday. Looking forward to exploring it this weekend.

nozero 06-14-2009 07:55 AM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1
I purchased my first bottle of Casa Noble Crystal (blanco) Friday on the way home after work. It was only $2.00 cheaper than the Petron Silver and IMO not really comparable. To me, it has more flavors, but is less smooth, an expected trade off perhaps.

IMO the Petron is a better sipping Tequila, but the Casa Noble may pair better with stronger cigars.

mosesbotbol 06-16-2009 06:15 PM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1
Just picked up in Austin at Spec's on 290. In Boston, Tequila is hard to find expect for the most common brands and very few people are real experts either at the stores.

I have not tried any yet, but that should change pretty soon.

La Penca Mexcal (with 2 worms)
Cavalino Blanco
Cavalino Reposado
El Reromador Reposado

Has anyone tried any of these?

TheRiddick 06-16-2009 09:10 PM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1
Moses, you're crazy :-) Mezcal? Why?

Specs do have a good selection, although Hi Times in CA has an incredible selection and good prices.

mosesbotbol 06-20-2009 07:09 AM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1

Originally Posted by TheRiddick (Post 427138)
Moses, you're crazy :-) Mezcal? Why?

Specs do have a good selection, although Hi Times in CA has an incredible selection and good prices.

The Penca is as refined as the best Tequila. The flavor is just way out there. Pine, tar, agave... Just hard to pinpoint, but it's for sure an agave drink. Really smooth stuff.

You'd be a believer if you tried this. Never had a Mezcal before. I assume their are usually associated with something harsh and rough?

Snake Hips 06-20-2009 11:59 AM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1
I'm sad to see only a few mentions of Milagro in this thread ;)

TheRiddick 06-21-2009 12:53 AM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1

Originally Posted by mosesbotbol (Post 432368)
The Penca is as refined as the best Tequila. The flavor is just way out there. Pine, tar, agave... Just hard to pinpoint, but it's for sure an agave drink. Really smooth stuff.

You'd be a believer if you tried this. Never had a Mezcal before. I assume their are usually associated with something harsh and rough?

Very rough and harsh. Not that I am trying out many, after a few I gave up and not looking for another "experience". I'll see if it is available locally and maybe give it a try.

mosesbotbol 06-21-2009 09:06 AM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1

Originally Posted by Snake Hips (Post 432617)
I'm sad to see only a few mentions of Milagro in this thread ;)

Close to picking that up while in TX, but I thought it was locally available in MA. Certainly is a good and well regarded Tequila.

ucla695 06-21-2009 09:33 AM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1

Originally Posted by Snake Hips (Post 432617)
I'm sad to see only a few mentions of Milagro in this thread ;)


Originally Posted by mosesbotbol (Post 433463)
Close to picking that up while in TX, but I thought it was locally available in MA. Certainly is a good and well regarded Tequila.

Me likes. :tu

JohnnyFlake 06-22-2009 10:33 AM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1
At this time, Chinaco, Don Julio, Casa Noble, Don Eduardo and 4 Copas are my favorite brands. Right now, I'm mostly drinking the Blancos and/or Silvers.

Patron 06-22-2009 11:33 AM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1
I gorgot all about 4 Copas.......very nice

The first "All Natural" tequila with good agave flavor in all three

ajmunchiv 06-23-2009 08:16 AM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1
I anyone that likes Tequila and is in Bay City, MI. Old City Hall is having a Tequila inspired dinner.

Old City Hall Get your Tickets today at Old City Hall
Must be 21 yrs of age to attend.
Fun in the Sun Margarita Party
Location:Old City Hall Restaurant
Time:6:00PM Thursday, July 9th

Phone: (989) 892-4140
Current Address: 814 Saginaw St., Bay City, MI 48708

OLS 06-23-2009 11:54 AM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1
As a gift to me, people have not gone wrong with the Don Julio, that is for sure. A guy used to travel overseas all the time and bring me back stuff, and the time he brought the D.J., I was floored...then I got FLOORED.

OLS 06-23-2009 11:57 AM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1

Originally Posted by Langod (Post 15345)
Wow, beat me by a few minutes -- I was going to say the same -- Patron is getting to be ridiculously priced -- Casa Noble is usually $15-20 less and a better tequila.

I know EVERYTHING is getting like this, but when I was in the store looking for Tequila this Saturday, I was saddened. I had 20 bucks, and granted, I was only looking for Margarita Tequila, but even then you can taste the bad stuff. JUST IMAGINE what my twenty bucks bought me. iiiyyuuch!

pnoon 06-23-2009 12:31 PM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1

Originally Posted by OLS (Post 436469)
I know EVERYTHING is getting like this, but when I was in the store looking for Tequila this Saturday, I was saddened. I had 20 bucks, and granted, I was only looking for Margarita Tequila, but even then you can taste the bad stuff. JUST IMAGINE what my twenty bucks bought me. iiiyyuuch!

Brad - Hornitos Reposado is a fine tequila that runs $22-$23 around these parts. I can drink it straight. Damn fine for mixing. Can it match up against the higher end stuff? Of course not. But for the money, I think it is a great value.

mosesbotbol 06-23-2009 02:26 PM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 436520)
Brad - Hornitos Reposado is a fine tequila that runs $22-$23 around these parts. I can drink it straight. Damn fine for mixing. Can it match up against the higher end stuff? Of course not. But for the money, I think it is a great value.

At the Mexican Naval Base, I get Don Julio Blanco for $18 :banger

pnoon 06-23-2009 02:34 PM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1

Originally Posted by mosesbotbol (Post 436648)
At the Mexican Naval Base, I get Don Julio Blanco for $18 :banger

Rub it in, whydontcha? :tg

JohnnyFlake 06-23-2009 04:28 PM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1

Originally Posted by mosesbotbol (Post 436648)
At the Mexican Naval Base, I get Don Julio Blanco for $18 :banger

I'll take 6 bottles!

SmokinApe 06-23-2009 05:34 PM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 436652)
Rub it in, whydontcha? :tg

No shizzz...

Len___T 07-18-2009 12:47 AM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1
I enjoy a brand called of the best taasting tequlias I have ever had imho...len

ucla695 07-18-2009 02:53 PM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1
I had some Corazon Anejo last night before dinner. It was just what I needed!! :tu

cherrybomb 08-16-2009 10:29 PM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1
901 tequila, it's very smooth, altough it only comes in silver for now

gfriend 08-20-2009 12:26 PM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1
Anyone know where I can find Tenoch in PA Possibly NJ?
Does anyone Ship it?

s0leful0ne 08-23-2009 08:56 PM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1
I currently started a bottle of Tejano...has anyone heard of this? i was recommended it by the local shop. This is my first dabble into tequila.

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