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Re: LOST Notes
Lost Update for Season 5 Episode 4 "Little Prince"
Not many Easter Eggs but a lot of speculation and theorizing this time... 1. Something that I just can't let go of... the only time we saw Daniel Faraday in the U.S., he looked depressed and scruffy in Massachusetts under the watch of a caretaker. When he saw a news report covering the discovery of the Oceanic Flight 815 wreckage, he became visibly upset, but he himself was unaware of the reason. Was he bouncing in time at that point and needed to make contact with his constant Desmond? Faraday confuses me... 2. This episode was titled "The Little Prince." There is a french (as in Rousseau) children's story called "The Little Prince" about a boy who lives on an asteroid named "Besixdouze" or B612 (just like the wreckage from Rousseau's ship). The little prince leaves his asteroid to see what the rest of the universe is like, and visits six other asteroids (6, like the Oceanic 6). The 7th place he visits is Earth, where he meets a desert flower who tells him that there are only a handful of men on earth and that they have no roots, which lets the wind blow them around making life hard on them (like the people unstuck in time on the island). In the end the little prince must die in order to return to the asteroid, just as John Locke has to die in order for the O6 to return to the Island. 3. Finally we see Danielle Rousseau's back story! Remember that her boyfriend is there and named Robert. There is also a fellow researcher named Montand who she says lost his arm. We heard his name mentioned last night when they pulled Jin out of the water. Remember Rousseau's radio transmission back from season 1 that she had to kill the rest of her crew because they contracted "the sickness"... 4. Speaking of Jin ... what does Jin's appearance mean to the storyline? If Rousseau's group had originally pulled Jin from the ocean, wouldn't she have recognized him all those years later when she met the 815 survivors back in Season One? But she didn't. And the fact that she didn't could very well mean that things have changed. Just as Richard doesn't recognize Locke later on, just as Ethan didn't seem to recognize Locke either... these future-to-past meetings seem to indicate that this is the first time these changes have occurred - at least within this time loop. 5. Remember that Juliet said learning Latin is "Others 101." The Blast Door Map from the Swan Hatch was labeled in Latin. See attached for a refresher on the Blast Door Map... seems like so long ago now. 6. While we're on hatches... Remember the Pearl Hatch... the one under the question mark where the occupants took notes on what the Swan Hatch occupants were doing? Fun fact: ''Pearl'' was the name of a character in the Andrew Lloyd Webber musical Starlight Express, an opus about an electric train set that comes to life. Each car of the train is personified by an actor. You know what part of the train Pearl is? Yep: the observation car. 7. The scene where the Losties found their camp abandoned was a flash of the future. The Ajira Airways bottle told us that another plane crashed. For a moment, let's imagine that the Flight 815'ers failed at whatever the island needed them to do. Going with Ms. Hawking's theory of course-correction, the island would still need to bring people to it. Jacob would still need some help. What we saw here was the next generation of LOST: one in which the plane that crashed came from India, one in which the crash survivors were just different people playing the same roles. Most things would occur along the same lines: they'd build a camp, they'd be terrorized by the smoke monster, there would be lots of fighting and gunfire. Eventually they'd find the remnants of the 815 camp and wonder what the hell it was, much the same way our characters found the Black Rock and the 4-toed statue. They'd also scrap with the Others - early and often. 8. Last week arguments raged regarding the paradox of "If Richard gave Locke the compass, and Richard had it because Locke gave it to him, then who had it in the first place?" Chicken or the egg? Very paradoxical... but only if you assume there can only be one compass. Although we never see two Lockes or two Sawyers, we can assume there were two of each of them on the island the night that Boone died. This means there can also be two compasses. Future Richard gave Locke his compass and told him to give it to past Richard. I'm guessing that when Locke made the hand-off, Richard already had his compass. So now he's holding two of them, identical to each other, lending weight and credence to Locke's time-traveler story. Future Richard did this to convince his past self that Locke wasn't crazy or lying. 9. This also explains the sudden appearances (and disappearances) of people like Goodwin's wife Harper. Remember how she showed up out of nowhere and disappeared just as fast. Perhaps Harper's skipping along just like our main island characters are right now. Imagine Claire and Kate seeing Sawyer peering at them through the jungle, then impossibly disappearing as he's flashed away. Kate and Claire wouldn't (and didn't) see the flash - only Sawyer did. He's trapped on the needle of a broken record, skipping along whenever it jumps. Take the appearance of Walt... talking to Shannon right before she's shot by Ana Lucia. He was picked up by the needle a long time ago, and has been skipping ever since. I can't wait to go back and watch this show from the beginning and pick up on all this stuff! |
Re: LOST Notes
Re: LOST Notes
Just watched the most recent episode this morning. It was the best one of the season.
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Re: LOST Notes
Re: LOST Notes
It's getting better. I can't wait to read your update Bao.
Re: LOST Notes
2 Attachment(s)
Season 5 Episode 5 "This place is death"
1. Just a blast from the past, but remember when "taller ghost" Walt appeared to Locke in "Through the Looking Glass" when Locke was lying in the Dharma mass grave? Perhaps that was Walt from the future who was actually sent by Locke? The writers have always said that they would be able to fit the actor's growth into the storyline in a way that makes sense. Also, remember when the "Other" Ms. Klugh asked Michael if Walt has ever appeared somewhere he shouldn't? Just something to think about... 2. The van that Ben has been driving around has a company name on the side. Canton-Rainier. It's an anagram for "reincarnation." 3. We finally have answers to questions from the very first season! Rousseau's crew found the island by following a radio transmission that listed the numbers 4, 8, 15, 23, etc. Then, she recorded over that transmission with her own that said that Montand lost his arm and that her crew developed the sickness so she killed them all. Now we know what happened! So, Smokey is the security system that guards the Temple. The Temple had heiroglyphics on it that resembled the same ones from the tunnel beneath Ben's Otherville house and the ones from the Swan Hatch when the numbers ran out (see attached screenshot). According to the producers of Lost these hieroglyphics translate into ''underworld.'' What happened to Danielle's crew when they went down Smokey's tunnel? Were they brainwashed like Karl when he was in room 23? 4. So, Charlotte's backstory is finally revealed. We know why she got nosebleeds, hemmorhaged, died first. She was exposed to the island before everyone else.... except Daniel. He would have been exposed to all of this in the 1970s when he was there working with Dharma. What is up with Daniel?!?! Based on nosebleeds we can assume the Miles was exposed to the island after Charlotte and before Juliet. I'm still believing that he was the baby we saw in the first episode with Dr. Chang/ Candle/ Wickmund. For my friend's BIG theory about Daniel... see the last item in this email... if you dare! 5. Are we to assume now the Christian Shepherd is, in fact, Jacob??? Last night he appeared to Locke and said "the last time you came looking for me was to ask how to save the island" or something like that. When Locke and Ben traveled to the cabin it was to find Jacob for guidance. But when Locke saw Christian in the cabin Locke asked Christian if he was Jacob and Christian said no. So, is he or isn't he Jacob??? 6. I wonder why Christian said that JOHN was supposed to move the island, not Ben... that Ben... a master manipulator! 7. One of the boats in the marina where the Oceanic 6 met was named "Illusion." 8. I got the impression that Ben didn't know that Ms. Hawking was Daniel's Mother. Perhaps Ben is not as "in the loop" as I thought. Or, perhaps he was just freaked out that Desmond was there searching for her at the same time. 9. Back to Rousseau's crew... Is that Hurley (?!?!) repeating the numbers on her team's radio? I think so! Listen to the attached mp3 and hear it for yourself! Why would Hurley be transmitting the cursed numbers before 1988, when Rousseau's team crashed, you ask? If you want to know my friend's theory read below... however, if she ends up being right don't be angry if it got spoiled for you because I'm warning you now not to read any further if you don't want to know! ************ My BIG Daniel Faraday theory: Locke fixes the frozen wheel which causes the time jumps to stop, therefore the island would remain in the time it currently is in. I believe this time will be the 1970s and the Losties will meet up with Dharma. Faraday will infiltrate Dharma to try to understand/ research/ disable the frozen wheel which is why we saw him with Dharma in the first episode of this season! He was never there before in the 1970's (the first time around) but he will be now! Also, while he's there in the 1970s he will find a young Charlotte and tell her "Leave the Island and never come back!" Just like Charlotte remembered when she became a babbling idiot just before she died! It was a NEW memory for her just like how Desmond woke up with a NEW memory of Faraday visiting him in the hatch. It didn't happen originally but now that it has happened the people are having memories as if it DID happen. Get it? Faraday does not remember telling young Charlotte not to come back to the island because it hasn't happened yet! Of course, she tried to find the island in her adulthood because he never told her not to come back until now that he's stuck in the 1970s and has YET to tell her! After seeing the first episode this season I thought that Faraday was a master time-traveler but now I believe he's just stuck in the 1970s on the island for the first time. This got me to thinking.... if the island is in the 1970s now then perhaps when the Oceanic 6 get back (assuming they will) they will also arrive in the 1970s and Hurley will somehow have to transmit the numbers which Rousseau's team hears and Hurley's mental institution buddy repeats the numbers (he heard them when he was serving in the military) which leads to Hurley winning the lottery! Or something like that... It all comes back to the numbers! |
Re: LOST Notes
Ooh more to think about...great stuff Bao!!
Re: LOST Notes
Re: LOST Notes
Re: LOST Notes
All I can say is that the writers of lost are freakin' geniuses. Every time I think the show is jumping the shark and they don't know what they're doing, BOOM.. they have another great episode.
Re: LOST Notes
1. In a recent Podcast, a viewer asked the LOST creators how Kelvin came to be on the island. He was there pushing the button when Desmond first crashed on the island in 2001. We had also seen him as the American soldier who worked with Sayid in Iraq in the early 1990's. The show's creators said it may have been possible that Dharma recruited him AFTER the purge (when Ben and the Others gassed all of Dharma). Stay tuned... We will get more info on Kelvin in the future. 2. The show's creators recently said that we will definitely learn why Kate robbed a bank to get a toy plane. 3. Remember the psychic who told Claire not to allow Aaron to be raised by another (an Other?)? His daughter came back to life after drowning... Eko was the priest who investigated the miracle. That daughter's name was Charlotte Malkin. Another Charlotte with red, curly hair... 4. Daniel Faraday referenced the Orchid Hatch in his journal. We saw this when he first met Desmond... that would have been the mid-late 1990's.... yet, he traveled to the island in 2004 for the first time. See attached screenshot... 5. Ms. Hawking's computer screen shows star/ asterisk symbols much like the one Juliet was branded with after she killed another Other (I think it was Danny Pickett). See screenshots... 6. Someone drew my attention to a theory as to why there were polar bears on the island. It seems so obvious now. Perhaps the polar bears were trained to push the frozen wheel to move the island. It's pretty cold down there and polar bears can be trained. Remember when we first met Charlotte Lewis she was working as an anthropologist and discovered polar bear remains in the desert of Tunisia. The remains had a collar with a Dharma Hydra station tag. The Hydra Station is where the bear cages and shark aquarium are located (on the smaller island). A Tunisia desert is where Ben ended up after he turned the frozen wheel...see attached screenshots. Tonight's episode is titled "316" http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3544/...2ec7abb2_o.jpg http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3478/...49a9ca78_o.jpg http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3184/...fc83cb27_o.jpg http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3181/...32421ae6_o.jpg http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3637/...01af7486_o.jpg |
Re: LOST Notes
I thought the toy plane belonged to Kate's childhood friend who got killed when she was running from the law after visting her mother in the hospital. The US Marshall (the one that died in the plane crash) stated he put the plane in the safety deposit box to lure Kate out of hiding. |
Re: LOST Notes
Episode 5 - "316"
1. This episode seemed kind of off to me. I feel like the audience was kept out of the loop and that this episode will be put into perspective for us at some point. I don't know... Ms. Hawking's explanations, Jack's willingness to let go of science and just give in to faith after all this time, Kate's behavior, it all seemed to convenient or something. Maybe Jack's hero complex just took over and he forgot the whole science vs. faith debate so he could get back there to save his friends. 2. This time they have the right pilot! Remember that Lapidus was supposed to be the original Oceanic Flight 815 pilot... He had the best line of the night last night... "We're not going to Guam, are we?" 3. What was Ben doing at the marina when he called Jack? Did he get bloody from "visiting" Penny? Maybe his unfinished business was paying Widmore back for killing Alex? :( Either that or Ben and Sayid met up. Remember that Sayid said next time he saw Ben it would be very unpleasant. 4. Jack's grandfather Ray... kinda young looking, searching for something, always running, wants to go somewhere where no one can find him. Has he been to the island before? Why were we shown that scene? Just so Jack could get Christian's shoes? I feel like there's more to it... 5. Speaking of the shoes... we now know why Christian had on white tennis shoes in his coffin. Jack didn't see him fit to wear nice shoes to the grave. One last attempt for Jack to disgrace an unfit father. BUT, as Jack said to Ms. Hawking "This is ridiculous." Why would he have to give Locke something that belonged to Christian? Do they really have to be this specific in recreating the flight? Maybe Christian's body was a proxy for the last flight much like Locke's body is the proxy for this flight??? Maybe the shoes (or anything that belonged to Christian) weren't necessary and Jack was just being tested. 6. Hurley had a guitar to recreate what Charlie had on the original flight. Did Charlie appear to Hurley again and convince him to get on the plane? 7. Widmore and the Lamp Post Dharma station... Widmore told Desmond where to find Ms. Hawking so, apparently, he (Widmore) knew where to go to get the information to find the island. If Widmore's been searching for the island why didn't he just go to the Lamp Post Station himself? 8. Kate sure did change her mind quickly. Where is Aaron and why is she going along with Jack? For me, the only acceptable place that Aaron could be is with Claire's mother, who we know is in the LA area getting her Oceanic settlement. So, why did Kate change her mind? Ben planted a seed last week. Last week, at the marina, Ben told Kate "You're not his mother." Those words seem pretty hypocritical of Ben, considering the whole Alex debacle. Ben was never really Alex's father, and the whole situation ended badly because of his selfishness in wanting to raise her. I think in his own tactless way, Ben was imparting this lesson upon Kate in the last episode. He was not-so-subtly letting her know that she shouldn't make the same mistake he did. Perhaps Kate realized she should not be so selfish and therefore handed Aaron off to his actual family. So... in her despair over giving Aaron up, Kate "visited" Jack. Did she get pregnant so that she could recreate having a pregnant woman on the flight? 9. Simon's Butcher shop... Charlie's Dad's name was Simon and he was a butcher. I think I mentioned this before. Funny that Ben's butcher shop was named Simon's Butcher Shop. 10. So, if Jin is working for Dharma in the 1970s (I'm assuming since he's wearing the jumpsuit and driving a sweet van) then perhaps young Charlotte learns Korean because Jin taught it to her then! He would now know that teaching her Korean would serve its purpose when she returns to the island. :) 11. The Oceanic 6 have changed roles: Sayid is now Kate - Shackled, sullen, and accompanied by some type of law enforcement official. Ben is now Hurley - Or at least he arrives that way. Ben is last to board the plane at the very last second, having just made the flight. Kate is now Claire - Broken, confused, and torn over a decision she just made regarding her child. Then again... maybe they are all proxies like Locke? Maybe the flights always need to have a body in a coffin, a pregnant woman, a fugitive, etc. Maybe the island keeps bringing crashes there with hopes that the next survivors will right whatever is wrong? |
Re: LOST Notes
Very nice recap and food for thought, Mugen. I always enjoy/look forward to reading your posts after each episode. Keep up the good work. :tu
Re: LOST Notes
Another great recap Bao. I can't help wonder if Ben was present when Locke decided to kill himself. Did Ben plant the letter at the scene hoping that it would end up with Jack? Maybe that extra nudge to get him to go back to the island in case he didn't want to? They sure focused on it a couple times.
Re: LOST Notes
I'll try to find the clip online. |
Re: LOST Notes
Totally missed that....the DVR stopped recording before the previews came on. :bh
Re: LOST Notes
I agree it was Ben... :hm
Re: LOST Notes
I think the greaset line of the Show this year is.
"we're not going to Guam Are We" |
Re: LOST Notes
I was so proud of myself when I recognized Lapidus's voice. :r I watched a couple minutes of the "pop-up-video" version of last weeks show, did you see that Ms. Hawking met Desmond before (and refused to sell them a ring)? These writers are really, reeally good with the details. |
Re: LOST Notes
Thanks for the kudos guys but honestly this is a friend of mine that does this stuff...she loves to go on "Lost" forums and compile this info to share. So I figured I'd share her knowledge and my enjoyment of the show with the B(S)OTLs.
Re: LOST Notes
More things that make you go :hm
1. How unsettling was Ben's call to Jack when he was bloody at the marina; we know Desmond, Penny and little Charlie arrived by boat. Shades of Hannibal Lector in "Silence of the Lambs," no? ... the pay phone, the old friend... not to mention Charlotte referred to "Hannibal" last week. 2. Kate's line "Just because we're on the same plane, doesn't make us together." 3. The Lamp Post Dharma station. It's another reference to the "Chronicles of Narnia," in which the lamp post is a landmark that shows the way between worlds and burns continuously without fuel. (It's been noted that when the character was introduced in Season 4, Charlotte Staples Lewis's initials match CS Lewis, the author or Narnia). 4. Ben was reading "Ulysses" on the plane, which features motifs of lightness and darkness, surrogate fathers and sons, heroes and saviors, and parallels with Homer's Odyssey, etc... *** An interesting theory that I read suggests that stories from literature which describe a magical place (El Dorado, Shangri-la, Eden, Atlantis, Fountain of Youth, etc) are all describing the island, as told by people who have actually visited the island. *** Something my friend read noted the similarities between LOST and Disney's Atlantis: the Lost Empire: .The rich man that funds the expedition is named "Whitmore" (Widmore) .The key to finding the city is in a journal (Faraday's Journal) .This journal is called "The Shepard's Journal" (Jack Shepard and family) .There is a monster that guards the entrance to the city (Smoke Monster) .The entrance is through long tube-like caves (the holes to the frozen wheel, caves we saw in season 1) .There is a volcano near the city (volcano on the island has been mentioned) .The Atlantians have healing power (island has healing power) .The Atlantians age very, very slowly (Richard Alpert) .There is a great power/ life force under the city (the frozen wheel) .There are giant statues that surround the city (four toed statue) .Only Atlantians of royal blood can use the power to save the city Have a good weekend everyone! Only 5 days left until "The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham" :O |
Re: LOST Notes
Re: LOST Notes
My favorite line was when Jack asked Mrs. Hawkings if Ben was lying and she said "Probably." :r
Re: LOST Notes
Re: LOST Notes
Re: LOST Notes
What about that bloody business with Ben...He is all beaten up and nobody presses him for an explanation? So the original 6 are going back to the island, and Aaron doesn't count because he was born on the island?
Re: LOST Notes
Re: LOST Notes
Bao where are you??? :tt
Re: LOST Notes
Re: LOST Notes
That was a GREAT episode last night. I couldn't believe it when it turned out that Ben killed John and that he didn't commit suicide.
Re: LOST Notes
I used to frequent a Lost forum (4815162342.com) but the number of people there insisting that "Ben's a good guy you can't force your morals onto other people" drove me absolutely insane. (Not that what you said got me angry :ss ) I hate Ben and can't wait for him to get his. |
Re: LOST Notes
I, for one, am really looking forward to your (your friend's) notes. |
Re: LOST Notes
Re: LOST Notes
So is Ben or Charles bad? Both? I'm not sure what to think anymore.
Re: LOST Notes
Please.... don't hold out on us junkies!
http://www.mysmiley.net/imgs/smile/animated/anim_37.gif http://www.mysmiley.net/imgs/smile/animated/anim_37.gif |
Re: LOST Notes
I love seeing you guys/gals squirm.
Re: LOST Notes
Re: LOST Notes
Lost 5 - Episode 7 "The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham"
1. Nadia - the nurse at Locke's hospital in Tunisia sure looked a lot like Sayid's Nadia but it was hard to tell because Locke passed out as soon as the camera was on her... However, she would have been dead at that point in time. No one can seem to find a screenshot as it happened so quickly. 2. Locke's old girlfriend Helen. Recap: Helen was Locke's girlfriend who we learned about in flashback episodes. We learn how they met, see how their relationship develops and eventually ends (due to his obsession with his con man father). At one point in Locke's life he had a phone sex operator use the name Helen so he could pretend that he still communicated with the real Helen. Is she really dead or did Widmore stage that grave so Locke really would have no reason not to return to the island? 3. Frank Lapidus landed the Ajira plane on the smaller island... this would be why he and a woman (probably Sun) took one of the outrigger canoes... to get to the larger island to find the Left-behinders (Sawyer, Jin, etc). Either Frank pulled off a really smooth beach landing or he brought the plane down on the infamous runway that the Others were building with the help of captured Kate and Sawyer in Season 3. 4. When the Ajira 316 survivors found Locke he was standing in water... a blunt baptism inference. Notice that the two Locke's were shown to us again: Off-island Locke is gullible, a pawn in someone else's game, weak, insecure, etc. On-island Locke is focused, strong, and has mad knife skills. 5. Locke's hotel - the Westerfield Hotel... there are only some of the letters of the Westerfield Hotel lit before Locke's 'suicide' scene. They are: WESTRFIELOTL I put them in an anagram generator and didn't come up with much. FREEWILLOSTT is about all I found that applies. 6. When Caesar was rifling through an office's papers he was in the Hydra Hatch (remember when Jack was in the aquarium there... the bear cages are there too). It is located on the smaller LOST island. So, how did the papers he saw get there three years after we saw them last (see attached Faraday journal screenshots that compare Caesar's papers to Faraday's journal)? That Caesar is a shady character. If he's working for Widmore, why didn't he know who Locke was? Who is he working for? 7. Back to Christian's shoes from last week - I thought that Locke needing something of Christian's was so silly, but maybe having something of Christian's would be a way for someone on the island to identify Locke once he got back.... or to convey some message to Christian. 8. Why didn't Ben just let Locke kill himself? Locke had lost his faith and that is what made him so special... Maybe if he had died by suicide he could not have made it back to the island? So once Ben restored Locke's faith he killed him since they both knew that John had to die in order to get back. OR... Was Ben surprised that Locke knew about Ms. Hawking and he was afraid that Locke would find out from her that Ben wasn't supposed to return to the island? He was breaking the rules by returning. Remember that he said if you move the island you can't come back... ever. 9. This is an excerpt from a blog that I enjoyed, regarding the relationship between Locke and Ben in the hotel. Read it if you are interested... Ben's here to repair the damage caused by Jack, Sayid, Kate and Hurley. Ben's here to re-infuse Locke with the confidence and purpose he had when John turned the frozen wheel just few short days ago. He tells Locke that he's not a failure. He pleads with Locke not to kill himself. Jeremy Bentham dies here, and the old John Locke is back. He even thanks Ben. This is the guy who kidnapped people, the guy who told string after string of filthy lies. This is the man who gutshot Locke and left him in a pit full of rotting corpses. But hey, all is forgiven for the Island. Suddenly John believes again - his faith is restored. Ben knew that if Locke had died faithless, or by suicide, he might not have been resurrected. That's the single most important part of his visit to the hotel room. You can bet your ass that everything he does is coldly calculated, and Ben already had that stuff when he showed up. He knew he'd have to kill Locke just as certainly as he knew he had to make it look like a suicide. Do you think Ben wiped his fingerprints from the extension cord and bleached the room to avoid being caught by the cops? No, he needed the newspapers to reflect that Jeremy Bentham had taken his own life. This got Jack to the funeral, but more importantly it served to let Charles Widmore think he'd succeeded in driving Locke to suicide. Sneaky ****? Yup. That's Benjamin Linus. Remember Widmore's cryptic comment to Ben back in ''The Shape of Things To Come:'' ''Everything you have you took from me.'' http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3498/...c3e5e7bd_b.jpg |
Re: LOST Notes
I got the feeling that Ben was helping Locke stay alive to gain information. Locke said two things that made Ben pause. One was when he mentioned the name of Mrs. Hawkings and the other happened just before it (I think ... I cant remember what the information was though). It seemed to me that Ben didn't decide to kill Locke until John inadvertantly passed info to Ben (that he seemingly didn't know yet).
Thus ..... no more need to keep Locke around, since he has the info he needed. :bh I don't know. Sure is good television though. :D |
Re: LOST Notes
Let's all take http://www.mysmiley.net/imgs/smile/animated/anim_37.gif to Bao. We needed our fix. Aaaaahhhhhhh, I feel soooo much betta. :D
Ben first winced (sort of) when Locke mentioned that Jin was still alive. The Hawking comment followed. Perhaps Jin knows something since he was on the barge that blew up or perhaps since he has been on the island for an indeterminate amount of time? |
Re: LOST Notes
That's it. That was the other moment that escaped my thoughts. Good memory! |
Re: LOST Notes
Can I say that Sawyer is my hero? First Kate...then Juliet...:dr
Re: LOST Notes
Re: LOST Notes
Juliet is so god damn foxy. Oh my god do I love older women.
Re: LOST Notes
I need my lost notes!!! I swear, each episode makes me want to have the forums up and running so I can realize there is so much I am missing in the episodes. Heck, Horace, I know he has come up before, but I just could not remember.
Re: LOST Notes
Re: LOST Notes
I haven't read the notes yet. I don't even know if BAO posted notes. I worked my 24 hour shift yesterday and had to TIVO my LOST. I'm watching it tonight and then you know where to find me. I'll be gettin' my BAO NOTES fix.
Re: LOST Notes
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