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Dave128 10-06-2014 12:50 PM

Re: I Pulled The Trigger on an iPhone 6

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 1987388)
Actually three of them. Me, my wife, and my son.
Verizon offering $200 trade in value for each of our 4S phones sure helped.

Did the exact same thing this weekend - three iPhone 6's (Me, my wife and my FIL) - and got the same $200 trade in deal. AT&T also threw in a LG Tablet for $0.99 ($250 value). It'll use the data off of our cell plan for an extra $10 a month.

The phones will be delivered to my house with no need to go back to the AT&T store for the data conversion from our 4 to the 6. Does anyone know how to get all of the info safely off of my 4 (I don't believe I'm using the Cloud in any way)? I know I have to load the files to my computer, but have no idea how to go about that.

Any ideas or detailed instructions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

CigarNut 10-06-2014 04:07 PM

Re: I Pulled The Trigger on an iPhone 6

Originally Posted by Dave128 (Post 1990945)
Did the exact same thing this weekend - three iPhone 6's (Me, my wife and my FIL) - and got the same $200 trade in deal. AT&T also threw in a LG Tablet for $0.99 ($250 value). It'll use the data off of our cell plan for an extra $10 a month.

The phones will be delivered to my house with no need to go back to the AT&T store for the data conversion from our 4 to the 6. Does anyone know how to get all of the info safely off of my 4 (I don't believe I'm using the Cloud in any way)? I know I have to load the files to my computer, but have no idea how to go about that.

Any ideas or detailed instructions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

All you have to do is do a full backup on your phone in iTunes -- plug the old phone into your computer, back up phone to the computer, not iCloud. After you are done, unplug the old phone from the computer and plug in the new phone, answer the trust questions and then do a restore from backup.

Should be good to go. It can take anywhere from 10-30 minutes depending upon how much stuff you have.

Be sure to reset the old phones when you are done with them so that you remove all of your data.

Dave128 10-06-2014 05:40 PM

Re: I Pulled The Trigger on an iPhone 6
Awesome, thank you!

weems 10-06-2014 09:01 PM

Re: I Pulled The Trigger on an iPhone 6
Just an update after two weeks of my 6.

I absolutely love it. I worked for Verizon for two years, so I have had my fair share of phones, iPhone 4, 4s, s4, s5, LG G2, G3, Note 3 and then to the 6. Its by far my favorite

Chainsaw13 10-06-2014 09:41 PM

Re: I Pulled The Trigger on an iPhone 6
I have had my six for a couple days now. Still iffy on the larger size. But everything else is awesome. I had my earphones plugged in and using voice to text with my friend. Amazing how quick it was dictating what I said, and going back to fix things.

longknocker 10-07-2014 03:26 AM

Re: I Pulled The Trigger on an iPhone 6

Originally Posted by Chainsaw13 (Post 1991084)
I have had my six for a couple days now. Still iffy on the larger size. But everything else is awesome. I had my earphones plugged in and using voice to text with my friend. Amazing how quick it was dictating what I said, and going back to fix things.

Do You Have The "+", Bob? I Like The Larger Size For Photos & Surfing The Web. Just Seems It Would Be Cumbersome Holding "A Brick" To Your Ear & I Would Guess It's Too Big For A Shirt Pocket?

CigarNut 10-07-2014 05:34 AM

Re: I Pulled The Trigger on an iPhone 6
Here are the dimensions the S4, S5, 6 and 6+:

Galaxy S4 (5.38 x 2.75 x 0.31 in) 4.59 oz
Galaxy S5 (5.59 x 2.85 x 0.32 in) 5.11 oz
iPhone 6 (5.43 x 2.64 x .027 in) 4.55 oz
iPhone 6+ (6.23 x 3.06 x .028 in) 6.07 oz

The iPhone 6 is about the same size as the Galaxy phones and should fit in a shirt pocket OK. The 6+ is a bit taller and wider. I figure that it will be fine in my shirt pocket most of the time.

Chainsaw13 10-07-2014 06:27 AM

Re: I Pulled The Trigger on an iPhone 6
I went with the 6 Greg. The Plus would've just been way to big for me. I like to carry my phone in my pants pocket.

pnoon 10-07-2014 06:31 AM

Re: I Pulled The Trigger on an iPhone 6

Originally Posted by Chainsaw13 (Post 1991105)
I went with the 6 Greg. The Plus would've just been way to big for me. I like to carry my phone in my pants pocket.


Dave128 10-07-2014 07:35 AM

Re: I Pulled The Trigger on an iPhone 6

Originally Posted by CigarNut (Post 1990977)
All you have to do is do a full backup on your phone in iTunes -- plug the old phone into your computer, back up phone to the computer, not iCloud. After you are done, unplug the old phone from the computer and plug in the new phone, answer the trust questions and then do a restore from backup.

Should be good to go. It can take anywhere from 10-30 minutes depending upon how much stuff you have.

Be sure to reset the old phones when you are done with them so that you remove all of your data.

Will this also take care of pictures and apps? Or will I have to reload all of the apps?

CigarNut 10-07-2014 07:42 AM

Re: I Pulled The Trigger on an iPhone 6

Originally Posted by Dave128 (Post 1991119)
Will this also take care of pictures and apps? Or will I have to reload all of the apps?

A full backup and restore is supposed to load all the pictures, apps and music. Although I have had some problems with this in the past, all my recent restores have gone fine.

Dave128 10-07-2014 07:47 AM

Re: I Pulled The Trigger on an iPhone 6
Awesome, thanks again.

Blak Smyth 10-14-2014 11:24 AM

Re: I Pulled The Trigger on an iPhone 6

Originally Posted by Chainsaw13 (Post 1991105)
I went with the 6 Greg. The Plus would've just been way to big for me. I like to carry my phone in my pants pocket.

You could stop wearing skinny pants... problem solved.:tu

Malakai 10-15-2014 12:08 AM

Re: I Pulled The Trigger on an iPhone 6
The wife's 4s started acting up and she was waiting to get the 6. I planned on getting the 6+ but we went to bestbuy tonight and she was getting hers and no 6+ available so just got me a 6 instead. So far so good.

AdamJoshua 10-20-2014 10:29 PM

Re: I Pulled The Trigger on an iPhone 6
Video of a guy using apple pay at McDonalds today, looking forward to that when I upgrade, apple pay, not McDonalds :r

CigarNut 10-21-2014 05:21 AM

Re: I Pulled The Trigger on an iPhone 6
It will be interesting to see how fast this (ApplePay / NFC payments) really catches on. My guess is that the rollout is a bit late for this holiday season.

shilala 10-21-2014 07:27 AM

Re: I Pulled The Trigger on an iPhone 6
Only like 1 more week till my 6+ gets here. :)

pnoon 10-21-2014 07:40 AM

Re: I Pulled The Trigger on an iPhone 6
My 6 arrived yesterday. :dance:
Love it so far but much to do in the way of settings and customization.

Remo 10-21-2014 07:54 AM

Re: I Pulled The Trigger on an iPhone 6

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 1994049)
My 6 arrived yesterday. :dance:
Love it so far but much to do in the way of settings and customization.

:tu Peter, my upgrade comes in December, can't wait to have 64 gig! not that I will ever use it :r

Dave128 10-21-2014 08:39 AM

Re: I Pulled The Trigger on an iPhone 6
Got my 6 in the mail yesterday. Now I just have to dive into making the "seamless" data transition from my 4. I'm sure it will go just fine. I have faith.

Chainsaw13 10-21-2014 09:21 AM

Re: I Pulled The Trigger on an iPhone 6

Originally Posted by Dave128 (Post 1994056)
Got my 6 in the mail yesterday. Now I just have to dive into making the "seamless" data transition from my 4. I'm sure it will go just fine. I have faith.

I was surprised at how well my 5 to 6 transition went. Very little changes to make after setting up the 6.

pnoon 10-21-2014 09:50 AM

Re: I Pulled The Trigger on an iPhone 6

Originally Posted by Dave128 (Post 1994056)
Got my 6 in the mail yesterday. Now I just have to dive into making the "seamless" data transition from my 4. I'm sure it will go just fine. I have faith.


Originally Posted by Chainsaw13 (Post 1994063)
I was surprised at how well my 5 to 6 transition went. Very little changes to make after setting up the 6.

Getting the new phone up and running was pretty simple. Lots of tweaks to be done.

Puzzling that my voice messages (pre-existing AND new ones) are greyed out and not able to be played.

weems 10-23-2014 10:44 AM

Re: I Pulled The Trigger on an iPhone 6
Did you re-setup your voicemail? They should come back once you do that.

pnoon 10-23-2014 11:38 AM

Re: I Pulled The Trigger on an iPhone 6

Originally Posted by weems (Post 1994474)
Did you re-setup your voicemail? They should come back once you do that.

It actually came back on its own. Didn't have to do anything with voice mail.

shilala 10-23-2014 12:57 PM

Re: I Pulled The Trigger on an iPhone 6
Mine still isn't here.
But Weeze just ordered me a new pair of work shoes. I think she's trying to tell me something.

smokin5 10-25-2014 07:01 PM

Re: I Pulled The Trigger on an iPhone 6
Pnoon, you'd better be careful.
Time magazine recently reported people are complaining that
their hair is getting caught between the metal casing and
glass display on the iPhone 6.
I'd hate to see that happen to you.

Sorry, but I just couldn't help myself! :ss

pnoon 10-25-2014 11:54 PM

Re: I Pulled The Trigger on an iPhone 6

Originally Posted by smokin5 (Post 1994804)
Pnoon, you'd better be careful.
Time magazine recently reported people are complaining that
their hair is getting caught between the metal casing and
glass display on the iPhone 6.
I'd hate to see that happen to you.

Sorry, but I just couldn't help myself! :ss


Dave128 10-28-2014 08:58 AM

Re: I Pulled The Trigger on an iPhone 6
Finally took the time last night to set up the new 6. Took a ton longer than I expected since it already had to be upgraded to ios 8.1 and some of the stuff didn't work correctly until that was loaded (new ios download took about 2 hours). After that, things seem like they transferred pretty smooth from the 4. I still need to give it a good walk through and tweak some settings. Overall, I like it so far.

shilala 10-28-2014 10:10 AM

Re: I Pulled The Trigger on an iPhone 6
Mine is supposed to ship somewhere between tomorrow and the 7th.
I did manage to order a giant case and screen protector, so I'm ready if it ever gets here.

Dave128 10-28-2014 10:18 AM

Re: I Pulled The Trigger on an iPhone 6
My wife is still waiting for hers to be shipped. Keeps getting moved. I guess she ordered one of the popular colors. Still have to get a case and screen protector. Mine's still naked for the time being and it makes me a little nervous.

pnoon 10-28-2014 10:47 AM

Re: I Pulled The Trigger on an iPhone 6

Originally Posted by Dave128 (Post 1995154)
My wife is still waiting for hers to be shipped. Keeps getting moved. I guess she ordered one of the popular colors. Still have to get a case and screen protector. Mine's still naked for the time being and it makes me a little nervous.

Be cautious about the screen protectors you purchase.
I purchased a five-pack from Amazon and the protector covered the camera lens. FaceTime was like looking through frosted glass. I ended up cutting off a small square to expose the lens.

I also bought myself an OtterBox Commuter case. It came with a screen protector and guess what? Same design flaw. Now I can understand if these are marketed as "universal" screen protectors. But these are specifically designed for the iPhone 6. :mad:

Dave128 10-28-2014 11:02 AM

Re: I Pulled The Trigger on an iPhone 6
Thanks for the tip, Peter.

weems 10-28-2014 07:45 PM

Re: I Pulled The Trigger on an iPhone 6
Do yourself a favor on the protector and get a tempered glass one. I don't have any experience with the others but I have the ZAGG invisible glass. They offer lifetime warranty and I screwed up the install on my first one, paid $5 shipping and had a new one at my door in a couple of days.

AdamJoshua 10-28-2014 08:37 PM

Re: I Pulled The Trigger on an iPhone 6
Speaking of pulling the trigger.


Former major league slugger Jose Canseco blew his middle finger clear off his hand while cleaning his handgun at home in Las Vegas.

Jose's fiancée Leila Knight tells TMZ Sports ... he was sitting at a table in their home cleaning the gun when it went off. She says he didn't know it was loaded -- and the shot ripped through the middle finger on his left hand.

Well it fit the thread title.... :r

RobR1205 10-29-2014 06:35 AM

Re: I Pulled The Trigger on an iPhone 6

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 1995158)
I also bought myself an OtterBox Commuter case. It came with a screen protector and guess what? Same design flaw. Now I can understand if these are marketed as "universal" screen protectors. But these are specifically designed for the iPhone 6. :mad:

I have a iPhone 5c and use Otterbox's Defender case, which does not cover the camera lens. I did a quick search and saw that the Defender for the 6's does not cover the lens either. Only drawback is that some people find it: 1. expensive and 2. bulky.

Either way, I'm a klutz so I need as much protection for my phone as possible.

weems 10-29-2014 10:59 AM

Re: I Pulled The Trigger on an iPhone 6

Originally Posted by RobR1205 (Post 1995281)
I have a iPhone 5c and use Otterbox's Defender case, which does not cover the camera lens. I did a quick search and saw that the Defender for the 6's does not cover the lens either. Only drawback is that some people find it: 1. expensive and 2. bulky.

Either way, I'm a klutz so I need as much protection for my phone as possible.


The Poet 10-29-2014 02:19 PM

Re: I Pulled The Trigger on an iPhone 6
I'm saving up to pull the trigger on a NoPhone.

It is an upgrade on the no phone I now own.

shilala 10-29-2014 03:31 PM

Re: I Pulled The Trigger on an iPhone 6

Originally Posted by The Poet (Post 1995378)
I'm saving up to pull the trigger on a NoPhone.

It is an upgrade on the no phone I now own.

I love it. I wonder how long the battery lasts?

pnoon 10-29-2014 03:32 PM

Re: I Pulled The Trigger on an iPhone 6
Back on topic.

There are some really cool new features on the camera that I'm looking forward to digging into.

Dave128 10-29-2014 07:38 PM

Re: I Pulled The Trigger on an iPhone 6
Got a Pelican case and a tempered glass screen protector tonight. Zero issues with the camera.

CigarNut 11-01-2014 10:35 AM

Re: I Pulled The Trigger on an iPhone 6
My 6+ arrived yesterday and so far it's been great. Really love the battery life!

shilala 11-01-2014 01:51 PM

Re: I Pulled The Trigger on an iPhone 6
I ordered 9 days after you, Michael. I kind of figured mine will get pushed back, they say the 64GB models are way behind. You're the first person to say theirs showed up, so that's heartening. :tu
My arrival date was 10/29-11/7*.
*Estimated shipping range.

big a 11-06-2014 08:10 PM

Re: I Pulled The Trigger on an iPhone 6
What's some other cases everyone likes for the 6? I have a spigen air cushion. Looking for something with a little more protection.

pnoon 11-06-2014 09:45 PM

Re: I Pulled The Trigger on an iPhone 6

Originally Posted by big a (Post 1997290)
What's some other cases everyone likes for the 6? I have a spigen air cushion. Looking for something with a little more protection.

Otterbox Commuter. Really happy with it.

shilala 11-07-2014 05:44 AM

Re: I Pulled The Trigger on an iPhone 6
Welp, mine got backordered with no idea when it may be in stock. Just changed today.
I see that they're all over at Apple stores on istocklive, and I have a number for AT&T.
I did a live chat with them and didn't get anywhere.
I figure I'd take any color, and don't mind going to the 128GB, so we'll see what happens.
I'll probably just wait. I'm not sure my patience can take it today.
I'd far rather put Peter on this. He gets sh1t done. :D

pnoon 11-07-2014 06:31 AM

Re: I Pulled The Trigger on an iPhone 6

Originally Posted by shilala (Post 1997327)
Welp, mine got backordered with no idea when it may be in stock. Just changed today.
I see that they're all over at Apple stores on istocklive, and I have a number for AT&T.
I did a live chat with them and didn't get anywhere.
I figure I'd take any color, and don't mind going to the 128GB, so we'll see what happens.
I'll probably just wait. I'm not sure my patience can take it today.
I'd far rather put Peter on this. He gets sh1t done. :D

But I often wonder if the rise in BP is worth it.

CigarNut 11-07-2014 06:53 AM

Re: I Pulled The Trigger on an iPhone 6
We ordered a 64GB iPhone 6 last Friday (in the local AT&T store) for my wife; they told us that it would ship somewhere between 12/2 -- 12/11. I got a notification from AT&T on Wednesday that it is going to arrive tomorrow.

Dave128 11-07-2014 09:22 AM

Re: I Pulled The Trigger on an iPhone 6
Ordered three 6's on 10/4 - two have arrived and are being used. My wife is still waiting for hers (I think she ordered a white/gold 64GB). We were informed, via email, that it should be shipped between 11/1 & 11/15.

AdamJoshua 11-07-2014 02:10 PM

Re: I Pulled The Trigger on an iPhone 6

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 1995158)
Be cautious about the screen protectors you purchase.
I purchased a five-pack from Amazon and the protector covered the camera lens. FaceTime was like looking through frosted glass. I ended up cutting off a small square to expose the lens.

I also bought myself an OtterBox Commuter case. It came with a screen protector and guess what? Same design flaw. Now I can understand if these are marketed as "universal" screen protectors. But these are specifically designed for the iPhone 6. :mad:

I know the girl that was the head of marketing for lifeproof (i think that was their name) they just got bought by OtterBox, I will drop her a line and pass on your feedback and see what she has to say. I won't complain too much, her hubby is an FBI agent :r :r :r

btw pulled the trigger on my upgrade today, we'll see when it ships and I'll have to see about getting a case from my friend :D

pnoon 11-07-2014 02:56 PM

Re: I Pulled The Trigger on an iPhone 6

Originally Posted by AdamJoshua (Post 1997421)
I know the girl that was the head of marketing for lifeproof (i think that was their name) they just got bought by OtterBox, I will drop her a line and pass on your feedback and see what she has to say. I won't complain too much, her hubby is an FBI agent :r :r

btw pulled the trigger on my upgrade today, we'll see when it ships and I'll have to see about getting a case from my friend :D

What she will probably tell you (and I neglected to post) is that your friend (me) had a momentary lapse of judgement. I did not actually put the Otterbox screen protector on my phone. I already had the modified original that I would keep on the phone for a while. I merely laid the Otterbox screen protector on my phone to see it overlay the lens. Well, guess what? I had laid the screen protector (which is NOT symmetrical) on my phone flipped over. When I turned it around the lens was not covered. D'OH!!

:fp2 :fp2

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