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Coach Deg 09-28-2014 05:31 AM

Re: Fifth Annual Fantasy Football for Stakes and the Troops
I will bet 5 troop sticks against any takers straight up. I will give 1 pt to every 3 cigars you put up above the 5. I will keep this open till 1:30.

sofaman 09-28-2014 07:23 AM

Re: Fifth Annual Fantasy Football for Stakes and the Troops
I will take that 5 troop stick bet Mike :tu

Coach Deg 09-28-2014 08:20 AM

Re: Fifth Annual Fantasy Football for Stakes and the Troops

Originally Posted by sofaman (Post 1989237)
I will take that 5 troop stick bet Mike :tu

Here's one!! If I get 3 takers I will donate an extra 5 win or lose!

Coach Deg 10-02-2014 06:16 PM

Re: Fifth Annual Fantasy Football for Stakes and the Troops

Originally Posted by Coach Deg (Post 1989221)
I will bet 5 troop sticks against any takers straight up. I will give 1 pt to every 3 cigars you put up above the 5. I will keep this open till 1:30.

I'll post up the same bet this week. Is anyone out there?????

BeerAdvocate 10-02-2014 07:18 PM

Re: Fifth Annual Fantasy Football for Stakes and the Troops
I will take that bet Mike.

Coach Deg 10-05-2014 05:52 AM

Re: Fifth Annual Fantasy Football for Stakes and the Troops
Only 1 taker. I need to lose some troop sticks anyone have any bets?

Coach Deg 10-16-2014 03:41 AM

Re: Fifth Annual Fantasy Football for Stakes and the Troops
Lets try this again. I will put up 10 troop sticks to your five. You can buy points with more sticks. Guys this is fantasy for the troops, let's get some bets in.

chaase321 10-16-2014 05:09 AM

Re: Fifth Annual Fantasy Football for Stakes and the Troops

Originally Posted by Coach Deg (Post 1992983)
Lets try this again. I will put up 10 troop sticks to your five. You can buy points with more sticks. Guys this is fantasy for the troops, let's get some bets in.

Hey Coach, I'll take ya up on your bet. I sent troop betting sticks in a couple weeks back (did you get them Scott??) about 25 I think, so I am good to bet on these.

you pay 10 if I win, i pay 5 if you win. pay another 5 if the highest scoring player on my starting roster scores more than the highest scoring player on your starting roster. Deal :tu

shilala 10-16-2014 06:26 AM

Re: Fifth Annual Fantasy Football for Stakes and the Troops
Smokes I've received:
John (malakai) 5 entry, 5 troops, 17 betting
Steven: 5 entry, 5 troops, 35 betting
Scott (sofaman) 5 entry
Travis (beeradvocate) 5 entry, 5 troops, 5 betting
Scott (shilala) 5 entry, 5 troops, 34 betting
Cole (chaase321) 5 entry, 5 trooops, 15 betting
Coach (Coach_Deg) 5 troops, 35 betting

So I just need Coach's entry sticks, Scott's troop sticks, and Matt's everything.

Coach Deg 10-16-2014 03:37 PM

Re: Fifth Annual Fantasy Football for Stakes and the Troops

Originally Posted by chaase321 (Post 1992990)
Hey Coach, I'll take ya up on your bet. I sent troop betting sticks in a couple weeks back (did you get them Scott??) about 25 I think, so I am good to bet on these.

you pay 10 if I win, i pay 5 if you win. pay another 5 if the highest scoring player on my starting roster scores more than the highest scoring player on your starting roster. Deal :tu


chaase321 10-17-2014 01:39 PM

Re: Fifth Annual Fantasy Football for Stakes and the Troops

Originally Posted by Coach Deg (Post 1993100)


chaase321 10-21-2014 12:06 PM

Re: Fifth Annual Fantasy Football for Stakes and the Troops

Originally Posted by chaase321 (Post 1992990)
Hey Coach, I'll take ya up on your bet. I sent troop betting sticks in a couple weeks back (did you get them Scott??) about 25 I think, so I am good to bet on these.

you pay 10 if I win, i pay 5 if you win. pay another 5 if the highest scoring player on my starting roster scores more than the highest scoring player on your starting roster. Deal :tu

Coach, I think you owe 15 sticks from playing me...

My team scored 201.02; yours scored 117.80
My highest scorer (Russel Wilson) had 43.12 points; your highest (Aaron Rogers) had 24.30 points.

woah...feels good to win one finally! Maybe I should keep betting people other than Shilala! :tu :r

shilala 10-28-2014 07:08 AM

Re: Fifth Annual Fantasy Football for Stakes and the Troops
Cole, even Yahoo wants in on the joke. This is from the weekly recap...
"What's more likey to happen: a Browns/Lions Super Bowl or chaase321 Hustle-N beating shilala? chaase321 Hustle-N has yet to beat shilala, falling 218.18 to 177.60."

chaase321 10-28-2014 10:32 AM

Re: Fifth Annual Fantasy Football for Stakes and the Troops

Originally Posted by shilala (Post 1995120)
Cole, even Yahoo wants in on the joke. This is from the weekly recap...
"What's more likey to happen: a Browns/Lions Super Bowl or chaase321 Hustle-N beating shilala? chaase321 Hustle-N has yet to beat shilala, falling 218.18 to 177.60."

I think the schedule needs's not like you are actually good at this, just your team knows you are playing me and is like "hey F Cole, don't worry Scott, we got this"

shilala 10-28-2014 02:17 PM

Re: Fifth Annual Fantasy Football for Stakes and the Troops
That's how this thing works, brother. :lr
If it's any consolation, I hung 100 points on the board in my other league. That's freakin monster. The guy I played scored 104.
Last year in that league had I scored five more points divided up in the right places during the season, I'd have won the league. I had two ties. Nobody has two ties in Fantasy Football. Instead, I missed the playoffs by 1/2 game.
This year it's much the same. It's killing me.

BeerAdvocate 11-05-2014 09:02 AM

Re: Fifth Annual Fantasy Football for Stakes and the Troops
Scott, do you want to bet a fiver to the troops on our matchup this week?

shilala 11-05-2014 09:24 AM

Re: Fifth Annual Fantasy Football for Stakes and the Troops
Sure, Travis. :tu

sofaman 11-06-2014 06:56 AM

Re: Fifth Annual Fantasy Football for Stakes and the Troops
Cole do you want to put a troop 5er on our matchup this week?

shilala 11-06-2014 07:50 AM

Re: Fifth Annual Fantasy Football for Stakes and the Troops
I'll go head to head with you for a fiver, Scott.
I think you should spot me 50 points, but let's just call it straight up.

sofaman 11-06-2014 02:41 PM

Re: Fifth Annual Fantasy Football for Stakes and the Troops

Originally Posted by shilala (Post 1997121)
I'll go head to head with you for a fiver, Scott.
I think you should spot me 50 points, but let's just call it straight up.

Works for me :tu

chaase321 11-07-2014 08:03 AM

Re: Fifth Annual Fantasy Football for Stakes and the Troops

Originally Posted by sofaman (Post 1997107)
Cole do you want to put a troop 5er on our matchup this week?

In the words of Michelle Tanner....You got it Dude :tu

shilala 11-15-2014 07:46 AM

Re: Fifth Annual Fantasy Football for Stakes and the Troops
Hey Sofawhore, 20 troop sticks on our H2H this week?

sofaman 11-15-2014 08:02 AM

Re: Fifth Annual Fantasy Football for Stakes and the Troops

Originally Posted by shilala (Post 1999031)
Hey Sofawhore, 20 troop sticks on our H2H this week?

Its On :sl:sl:sl

chaase321 11-20-2014 09:22 AM

Re: Fifth Annual Fantasy Football for Stakes and the Troops
#1...Sofaman, I'm pretty sure I got you two weeks ago on our bet.

I beat the #1 team 2 weeks ago, followed it up by beating the new #1 team last week....but I still can't be Shilala :r

#2....I have a question...If the Buffalo and NYJ games is not played this weekend, but I have Buffalo's D I get points for that game when/if the game is played? How does that work? Anyone have ideas?

shilala 11-20-2014 09:35 AM

Re: Fifth Annual Fantasy Football for Stakes and the Troops
It'll make an adjustment later, Cole. If for some reason the system doesn't fix it, and it makes the difference between a win or a loss, I can fix it.
There's sh1t in the commissioner's thing for that.

chaase321 11-20-2014 10:32 AM

Re: Fifth Annual Fantasy Football for Stakes and the Troops
Yeah I figured that you (commissioner) could fix it. I'm just hoping that if they choose to play at a later date, that it isn't like 3 weeks down the road...

shilala 11-29-2014 06:55 AM

Re: Fifth Annual Fantasy Football for Stakes and the Troops
Smokes I've received:
John (malakai) 5 entry, 5 troops, 17 betting
Steven: 5 entry, 5 troops, 35 betting
Scott (sofaman) 5 entry, 5 troops, 55 betting
Travis (beeradvocate) 5 entry, 5 troops, 5 betting
Scott (shilala) 5 entry, 5 troops, 34 betting
Cole (chaase321) 5 entry, 5 trooops, 15 betting
Coach (Coach_Deg) 5 troops, 35 betting
Matt (Matso3000) zip

So I just need Coach's entry sticks and Matt's everything.
Mike, I didn't double check on your entry sticks. I will when I get a chance.
Set me straight if you sent them.

shilala 11-29-2014 07:02 AM

Re: Fifth Annual Fantasy Football for Stakes and the Troops
Just a couple thoughts on our league going forward...

This year wasn't bad so far as raising sticks for the troops.
Everyone has been playing.
The pass just isn't going to happen.

Whether I do this next year or not is up in the air. I probably won't. By probably, I mean I won't. At least not in this format.
Which just leaves me with "what do we do with the pass?"
I don't want to sit on it for another whole year, and am leaning toward sending it to the troops.
If anyone has any input on that, or would like me to do something else, let me know.
Otherwise I'll just make a decision and take care of it when the league is finished this year.

No matter how you slice it, we've had a great run. :tu

Mattso3000 11-29-2014 09:20 AM

Re: Fifth Annual Fantasy Football for Stakes and the Troops
Ill get on the entry sticks this week Scott...have dropped the ball on it so far.

I would say donate the pass to the troops if the league goes away. Some great sticks in that thing. I will always be down to play if someone else picks up the reigns though.

sofaman 12-04-2014 02:21 PM

Re: Fifth Annual Fantasy Football for Stakes and the Troops
Who is up for some head 2 head troop stick bets this weekend I still have 55 sticks I need to lose :D

chaase321 12-09-2014 09:20 AM

Re: Fifth Annual Fantasy Football for Stakes and the Troops
Yo Shilala,

Do you know that in 2012 (my first year) I lost to you 2 out of 2 times
In 2013, I lost to you 2 out of 2 times
In 2014, I have already lost to you 2 out of 2 times...

...I am lifetime 0-6 vs. you...we play this week...

And if I lose this week and Mattso wins, he will make playoffs like 4 years in a row. Ugh, why do I have to play the great and all mighty Shilala this week!!!!!!!!!!!

shilala 12-10-2014 04:16 AM

Re: Fifth Annual Fantasy Football for Stakes and the Troops
Seems you're the only guy I can beat this year, Cole. :D

chaase321 12-16-2014 08:54 AM

Re: Fifth Annual Fantasy Football for Stakes and the Troops
I did it! :noon

Finally got that Shilala monkey off my back!!!!!!

Ha, 6 wins in a row and a playoff birth after starting 2-7 NEVER GIVE UP!

LOL, you know what this all means right...that I'll get my pants blown off in the first round! hahahahaahah

shilala 12-16-2014 09:12 AM

Re: Fifth Annual Fantasy Football for Stakes and the Troops
I can't believe you got off the schnide, but I'm happy for ya, brother!!! :tu
Good luck in the playoffs!!! :tu
(I can't believe I got to say that to you, either. :D)

sofaman 12-16-2014 06:38 PM

Re: Fifth Annual Fantasy Football for Stakes and the Troops
:tuPLAYOFFS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And congrats Cole welcome to the party

BeerAdvocate 12-20-2014 09:24 AM

Re: Fifth Annual Fantasy Football for Stakes and the Troops
Good Luck to everyone in the Play Offs!

sofaman 12-22-2014 08:07 AM

Re: Fifth Annual Fantasy Football for Stakes and the Troops
Congrats Cole great win!!!!

chaase321 12-24-2014 12:57 PM

Re: Fifth Annual Fantasy Football for Stakes and the Troops

Originally Posted by sofaman (Post 2007319)
Congrats Cole great win!!!!

:tu Thanks brother...I really thought I had no shot against if the waiver wire can just help me hold on for one more week :noon

Stephen 12-28-2014 10:09 PM

Re: Fifth Annual Fantasy Football for Stakes and the Troops
Congrats on the win Travis!

I'd also like to take this opportunity to say I'm thankful that my team rounded into shape just in time to beat Scott (again). There's no way I could've went all offseason with that albatross around my neck. :lr

shilala 12-29-2014 06:03 AM

Re: Fifth Annual Fantasy Football for Stakes and the Troops
Congratulations, Travis!!! :tu
Get your address to me asap, okay?
Same with you, Cole and Stephen.

Great season, gentlemen!!! :tu
I'll get prizes out asap.
I haven't received Matt's smokes, so I'll have him send his to Cole.
I'll try to get all the prizes packed up and out today, but I'll probably miss the mail.
I'll be sending the troop smokes to Adam.
I'll be sending the consolation bracket turd to Stephen.
Thank you again, Gentlemen!!! :tu

I should also mention that the pass is going to Adam, as well.
I got little input on how to dissolve that, and it's our best option. :tu
I'll post back with a total of troop smokes when I get that done.

shilala 12-29-2014 07:14 AM

Re: Fifth Annual Fantasy Football for Stakes and the Troops
Edit on the above...
I haven't gotten Matt's entry sticks or troop sticks, and I still don't have Mike's entry sticks. So I'll have Matt send his smokes to Cole and Adam (or Hugh) and have Mike send his smokes to Travis.

I'm going to do a 60/40 split for 1st and 2nd.
Last year we had a 3rd place prize, but we only had 8 guys this year.

shilala 12-29-2014 08:02 AM

Re: Fifth Annual Fantasy Football for Stakes and the Troops
Looks like about 265 sticks raised for the troops.
Not too shabby, boys!!! :tu

T.G 01-22-2015 12:47 PM

Re: Fifth Annual Fantasy Football for Stakes and the Troops
I received the box from Scott and all I can say is "WOW!" - that was quite possibly the most heavily stuffed large flat rate box I've seen. I'd like to sincerely thank everyone for their generous contributions to the program.

chaase321 01-28-2015 08:38 AM

Re: Fifth Annual Fantasy Football for Stakes and the Troops

Originally Posted by shilala (Post 2008688)
Edit on the above...
I haven't gotten Matt's entry sticks or troop sticks, and I still don't have Mike's entry sticks. So I'll have Matt send his smokes to Cole and Adam (or Hugh) and have Mike send his smokes to Travis.

I'm going to do a 60/40 split for 1st and 2nd.
Last year we had a 3rd place prize, but we only had 8 guys this year.

Haven't received anything from Mattso yet... :sh

Stephen 01-28-2015 08:56 AM

Re: Fifth Annual Fantasy Football for Stakes and the Troops

Originally Posted by chaase321 (Post 2014804)
Haven't received anything from Mattso yet... :sh

If you don't get anything by the end of the week shoot me a PM. I'll make sure you're taken care of. :tu

shilala 01-28-2015 11:12 AM

Re: Fifth Annual Fantasy Football for Stakes and the Troops

Originally Posted by chaase321 (Post 2014804)
Haven't received anything from Mattso yet... :sh

Imagine that?

BeerAdvocate 01-30-2015 07:34 PM

Re: Fifth Annual Fantasy Football for Stakes and the Troops
I got all mine. Thanks again Scott!!!

mkarnold1 01-30-2015 08:29 PM

Re: Fifth Annual Fantasy Football for Stakes and the Troops

Originally Posted by chaase321 (Post 2014804)
Haven't received anything from Mattso yet... :sh

Shoot me your addy Cole. I'll handle my brother's $#!^. Give me # and $ amount for the entry too, if you would. I have quite a few that I can send to the troops. I'll kick Mattso in the nuts for ya too. :gary

mkarnold1 01-30-2015 08:38 PM

Re: Fifth Annual Fantasy Football for Stakes and the Troops
I have your addy Cole. On the way 9405503699300480728554

chaase321 02-04-2015 09:17 AM

Re: Fifth Annual Fantasy Football for Stakes and the Troops
Hey, sorry I missed the message Mark, was off the gird for the weekend. Thanks for picking up Matt's slack...I'm sure you'll give him what's comin! :r

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