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maninblack 01-03-2014 02:42 PM

Re: When did bombing become an announced event?

Originally Posted by shilala (Post 1918015)
I can remember when we used to have bombing wars. And by war, I mean war.
Two guys would sling stuff back and forth at each other for weeks or months. All out in public and it was an absolute laugh riot.
Talk about sweat. You'd just hope someone would cave.. :lr

We've done mass bombing runs that had nearly 100 people join in. I can remember one in particular that literally transformed the recipient. The overwhelming love changed the way he thought about people, period.

I can remember when I was in an accident at work and I broke my back. It was the day before my birthday. I was laying on the couch feeling as low as I had ever felt in my life, with so much misery coming in the near future, bills, operations, doctors, it was awful.
On my birthday came a package. A box of cigars from someone I barely knew. For my birthday. It literally made my cry. It also changed my entire outlook on the crap I was about to go through. It reminded me how much I love people and how much I love being loved, so I sucked it up and got on with it.
When I went into surgery, the brothers here (at CS, actually) sent me everything I could possibly need to keep me entertained while I healed up. The outpouring of love and caring was astounding.

I can't even begin to tell all the stories of guys who's bomb arrived just at the right time. Right when they were lower than a snake's belly in a wagon rut. A small gesture of kindness that truly saved them that day, and an amazing "coincidence".
I don't believe there are any coincidences in God's world. There's no way that I could know that someone was about to jump off a roof, then the package that I sent days before caused them to step back from the edge. I've been on the receiving end of those "coincidences" many, many times.
I bet that nearly everyone, if not everyone here, can relay such a story as it happened to them. I can think of a bunch off the top of my head.

I say that if anyone wants to announce a bomb, go crazy. Let's just hope the bomb has the same tremendous impact. I think that's what folks worry about with the "announcing", that the magic healing part of the bomb may be lost with the announcement?

And that is why Scott is one of my heroes. Well said brother.

bighairlogo 01-03-2014 02:48 PM

Re: When did bombing become an announced event?
I have no problem with public bombing, I enjoy reading the threads and love watching people get smacked around. It's not the reasons I send out bombs but if people want to boost their ego or whatever by sending cigars to great BOTL's then let em! Sounds like a win win to me.

icehog3 01-03-2014 03:03 PM

Re: When did bombing become an announced event?
I happen to be a fan of the old-school anonymous bombing. While that may be my preference, I see an enormous amount of generosity from scores of Inmates here, and that makes me smile. Just because you may do it differently than I do doesn't make it any less heartfelt, generous, sincere. I am a BIGGER fan of the spirit of giving and Brotherhood I see on this board, and encourage you all to bomb however you see fit...It's wonderful ANY way you choose. :)

Whipper Snapper 01-03-2014 03:05 PM

Re: When did bombing become an announced event?

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1918051)
I happen to be a fan of the old-school anonymous bombing. While that may be my preference, I see an enormous amount of generosity from scores of Inmates here, and that makes me smile. Just because you may do it differently than I do doesn't make it any less heartfelt, generous, sincere. I am a BIGGER fan of the spirit of giving and Brotherhood I see on this board, and encourage you all to bomb however you see fit...It's wonderful ANY way you choose. :)

I still remember getting bombs from God knows who. They know though.

Adriftpanda 01-03-2014 03:15 PM

Re: When did bombing become an announced event?
I'm not a mod, but lets keep the bantering crap off a thread for once.

Bombs, gifts, care packages, are all great. We all love them, and there's nothing better than to come home to a surprise box of two. Everyone will have their own 2 cents about this topic and there's nothing wrong with that. Personally, I don't care. I feel most of the time it's a "look at me, look at me" kind of thread, but than again, that's my opinion and why I don't bother with the bomb threads often.

bruceolee 01-03-2014 03:17 PM

Re: When did bombing become an announced event?
I remember getting a bomb after a terrible day at work. I can't remember why the day was so bad now the only thing i can remember was that i tore into that box like a kid at christmas and was just blown away by the fact that of all days to get one i got one THAT day. Made the rest of my evening and well into the next day. Thats another reason i bomb. You never know who's day you're making but dammit it's awesome when you do! :)

markem 01-03-2014 03:21 PM

Re: When did bombing become an announced event?
It seems to me that some need to go back and read post #1 of this thread. It isn't about "why you bomb" or "I like being bombed" as many of the posts here seem to want to drag the conversation. If people want a different, even related, topic, please start one. Some of us are interested in the original question.

shilala 01-03-2014 06:27 PM

Re: When did bombing become an announced event?
I remember when Vinnie got bombed with pies. It was hilarious. :lr

equetefue 01-03-2014 06:36 PM

Re: When did bombing become an announced event?

Originally Posted by markem (Post 1918074)
It seems to me that some need to go back and read post #1 of this thread. It isn't about "why you bomb" or "I like being bombed" as many of the posts here seem to want to drag the conversation. If people want a different, even related, topic, please start one. Some of us are interested in the original question.

Both the question and answer are within post #1, meaning there is no reason for any of us to reply :)

JenksAnejo 01-03-2014 06:50 PM

Re: When did bombing become an announced event?

Both the question and answer are within post #1, meaning there is no reason for any of us to reply

Maybe we are reading different threads.. Because I don't see it.

equetefue 01-03-2014 06:52 PM

Re: When did bombing become an announced event?

Originally Posted by JenksAnejo (Post 1917870)
Question? - What is a bomb and should I be scared?

Answer - A bomb is really a package of cigars that has been sent to a person unsollicited and unannounced. They are a gift to the person who recieves them. Some people may fear getting this type of a gift.


Maybe I missed the message..

Both question and answer stated above :tu

JenksAnejo 01-03-2014 06:55 PM

Re: When did bombing become an announced event?
That wasn't the question.... That was a copy and paste from the FAQ on bombs.. The question was when did bombing become an announced event.

equetefue 01-03-2014 07:01 PM

Re: When did bombing become an announced event?
I guess it never got announced, but did become just that at times. Perhaps we should change the name from bomb to something else to appease whoever is offended by the wrong use of the term.

Would that work? Perhaps we can start a separate thread with a petition

Bomb - unknown sneak attack

Nuclear/postal/etc - partially known attack to a fellow BOTL in the interest of surprising the receiving deserving party with gifts, without interest of recognition or personal gain of any sort.

the jiggler 01-03-2014 07:05 PM

Re: When did bombing become an announced event?
FWIW, I think the rash of recent incoming posts have been a riot and I enjoy watching the tale as it's told. That being said I also like the posts where somebody post pics of carnage with no idea who its from. Usually with both you get some sort of report on how the gift made somebody's day, which as Scott so eloquently described above is what it's all about. It's a gift and the giver can give it however they want.

(This just about the least "look at me" place on the interwebs).

JenksAnejo 01-03-2014 07:05 PM

Re: When did bombing become an announced event?
I haven't seen anyone post on here that they are offended or that they wanted the name to be changed. Seems like the only one offended may be you. Strange coincidence, eh?

equetefue 01-03-2014 07:14 PM

Re: When did bombing become an announced event?

Originally Posted by JenksAnejo (Post 1918194)
I haven't seen anyone post on here that they are offended or that they wanted the name to be changed. Seems like the only one offended may be you. Strange coincidence, eh?

Not at all my friend. Takes a lot to offend me as I don't care for trivial things. Is just that question can be taken by some as sarcastic due to the timing of it along with all the bombing threads taking place right now, when it might be a very legit question.

In any case I have proposed a suggestion that could help differentiate the two types of bombing that seem to have taking place as of late. This will help fellow BOTL not get confused and pose the same question you posted in the future.

RevSmoke 01-03-2014 08:43 PM

Re: When did bombing become an announced event?

Originally Posted by Whipper Snapper (Post 1917919)
:pn <--- I've had a lot of those bombs lately. Might have something to do with my diet though. :r


Originally Posted by Remo (Post 1917920)
With those bombs you really should announce and warn people !!!!


Originally Posted by Whipper Snapper (Post 1917923)
There's usually a certain noise associated with them that alerts most folks. :td ;s

There should be more warning than simply the noise accompanying the smell. I believe that Mike could attest to the fact that certain people should be required to give warning so that evacuation can occur before the actual event takes place.

pnoon 01-03-2014 09:11 PM

Re: When did bombing become an announced event?

Originally Posted by RevSmoke (Post 1918239)
There should be more warning than simply the noise accompanying the smell. I believe that Mike could attest to the fact that certain people should be required to give warning so that evacuation can occur before the actual event takes place.

As an expert on the subject, I can tell you that evacuation is exactly what is taking place.

Ogre 01-03-2014 09:12 PM

Re: When did bombing become an announced event?

Originally Posted by RevSmoke (Post 1918239)
There should be more warning than simply the noise accompanying the smell. I believe that Mike could attest to the fact that certain people should be required to give warning so that evacuation can occur before the actual event takes place.

But on the other foot, giving a warning my take away from the desired effect. Mike can attest to this.

Frank as well

With forewarning neither one of these guys would have shown up.

JenksAnejo 01-03-2014 09:26 PM

Re: When did bombing become an announced event?
:r :r :r Certificate of ***** Slapedness

yourchoice 01-03-2014 09:27 PM

Re: When did bombing become an announced event?

Originally Posted by JenksAnejo (Post 1918190)
The question was when did bombing become an announced event.

The answer is, when people started announcing bombs. :D

I've been on the forums for about 8 years or so (predominately here, and before that, CS). I think some bombs have always been announced (since I've been active). Here, I can say that's definitely the case. Organize the Bombs Forum by date in descending order and you'll see "announced bombs" within the first week of CA's creation. I really don't want to go back to the other place to do further research. ;)

Is the percentage of bombs that are announced higher than before? Probably. But to an extent, some bombs have always been announced, here at CA anyway.

I could say more, but I keep deleting what I type...that usually means I shouldn't post it. :) I urge others to do similarly.:2

icehog3 01-03-2014 09:37 PM

Re: When did bombing become an announced event?

Originally Posted by yourchoice (Post 1918314)
I really don't want to go back to the other place to do further research. ;)

While much of your post is wise, Joel.....this part may be the "wisest". ;) :r

pnoon 01-03-2014 09:42 PM

Re: When did bombing become an announced event?

Originally Posted by yourchoice (Post 1918314)
I really don't want to go back to the other place to do further research. ;)


Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1918319)
While much of your post is wise, Joel.....this part may be the "wisest". ;) :r

You're right Tom. I'd rather visit a proctologist in dire need of a manicure.

ChicagoWhiteSox 01-03-2014 09:58 PM

Re: When did bombing become an announced event?

Originally Posted by Adriftpanda (Post 1918068)
I'm not a mod, but lets keep the bantering crap off a thread for once.

Bombs, gifts, care packages, are all great. We all love them, and there's nothing better than to come home to a surprise box of two. Everyone will have their own 2 cents about this topic and there's nothing wrong with that. Personally, I don't care. I feel most of the time it's a "look at me, look at me" kind of thread, but than again, that's my opinion and why I don't bother with the bomb threads often.


MrClean 01-03-2014 10:18 PM

Re: When did bombing become an announced event?

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 1918322)
You're right Tom. I'd rather visit a proctologist in dire need of a manicure.

I'm pretty sure that's saying something right there.
I'm over 40 and have had the checkup, that 'other place' must be horrible. :D

I've been here a little over 2 years now. I've seen all kinds of crazy bombs/bombings. I love them all.
Just like I love the diversity of people we have here. Some bomb, some don't, some are opinionated and voice it, some aren't. But regardless, they're all good people to me. :2

dijit 01-04-2014 06:48 AM

Re: When did bombing become an announced event?
I think announcing the bombings became popular when certain members here started cowering in fear of a new skirt fitting.

Smoqman 01-04-2014 10:24 AM

Re: When did bombing become an announced event?

Originally Posted by Remo (Post 1917884)
It's all in fun, just because it's announced doesn't mean the target knows where it's going, unless the bomber puts the tracking number up. Seems to me that it really doesn't matter how we bomb, all good clean we really need rules of bombing and is it really something we need to concern ourselves with :sh

Bomb how you like is my motto :tu


RevSmoke 01-04-2014 11:05 AM

Re: When did bombing become an announced event?

Originally Posted by dijit (Post 1918403)
I think announcing the bombings became popular when certain members here started cowering in fear of a new skirt fitting.

There is some truth to this.

RevSmoke 01-04-2014 11:48 AM

Re: When did bombing become an announced event?
I must echo Vin's words.

I often send care packages (I never bomb anybody) out to people for the purpose of reminding them that they are not alone, or to fill a need where I see it, or...

Also, I usually do not announce them beforehand, and often request that they only acknowledge to me privately that they received it, and not to go public with it - PLEASE!

Every once in a while though, I do get caught up in the passion of the moment and want to see/hear/read people squirm as they wait for carnage to descend upon them.

I think that bombing announcements are not so much about receiving accolades for good deeds as much as they are a moment to watch the madness that ensues when such announcements are made. It is fun to watch the speculation about where a package might land, and the fear that it instills in people.

Peace of the Lord be with you.


G G 01-04-2014 12:04 PM

Re: When did bombing become an announced event?

Originally Posted by shilala (Post 1918169)
I remember when Vinnie got bombed with pies. It was hilarious. :lr

I sent him one, and I seem to remember you put me up to it.:r

massphatness 01-04-2014 12:23 PM

Re: When did bombing become an announced event?
(sorry Huy) I probably should have changed my screen name to MassFATness after that happiness.

Bomb as you see fit, no doubt, but bomb for the right reason: to show a brother he's thought of and cared about. There are times, not always - but times, when I'll read a bomb thread/launch announcement and come away feeling that it has nothing whatsoever to do with the target and everything to do with the sender trying for the ooh & ahh factor. I know this feeling well because I was guilty of it more than once at the old place. I wanted to be seen as a standup gorilla. I didn't care who I targeted; just so long as everyone knew I was about to lay the smack down. It took a while for me to adjust my thinking. I may announce a bomb every now and again these days, but more often I like to attack from stealth mode. There's something to be said for shock and awe, to be sure, but like the snipers say, "If you heard the shot, it wasn't meant for you."
Posted via Mobile Device

AdamJoshua 01-04-2014 01:11 PM

Re: When did bombing become an announced event?
This is why I enjoyed the newbie trade thread, you could bomb the heck out of someone new to the asylum and sometimes quite new to the world of cigars and really blow them away, personally I really enjoy that. I remember getting my first package from there and I was left seriously shocked and overwhelmed at the person's generosity, not to mention getting to try a couple of handfulls of new sticks I've never seen in my local B&M.

shilala 01-04-2014 02:56 PM

Re: When did bombing become an announced event?

Originally Posted by JenksAnejo (Post 1918310)
Certificate of ***** Slapedness

That made me lol for real. I'm still giggling. :lr

Originally Posted by yourchoice (Post 1918314)
The answer is, when people started announcing bombs. :D

I've been on the forums for about 8 years or so (predominately here, and before that, CS). I think some bombs have always been announced (since I've been active). Here, I can say that's definitely the case. Organize the Bombs Forum by date in descending order and you'll see "announced bombs" within the first week of CA's creation. I really don't want to go back to the other place to do further research. ;)

Is the percentage of bombs that are announced higher than before? Probably. But to an extent, some bombs have always been announced, here at CA anyway.

I could say more, but I keep deleting what I type...that usually means I shouldn't post it. :) I urge others to do similarly.:2

Good job, Joel. Right on the money, too. As long as I've seen bombs flying, I've seen some of them announced.

MUNKY 01-10-2014 09:34 PM

Re: When did bombing become an announced event?
I do it for the loll's, some with warning, some without, most just because you guys here have opened your house and let me sit down and eat with you...breaking bread with great people and awesome company. I truly hope there wasn't a rule about giving a warning because quite frankly my clown is awesome....

Lockspur 01-10-2014 11:05 PM

Re: When did bombing become an announced event?

Originally Posted by MUNKY (Post 1921982)
I do it for the loll's, some with warning, some without, most just because you guys here have opened your house and let me sit down and eat with you...breaking bread with great people and awesome company. I truly hope there wasn't a rule about giving a warning because quite frankly my clown is awesome....

Ahem. YOUR clown??. :p

Lockspur 01-11-2014 08:55 AM

Re: When did bombing become an announced event?
My apologies, my link is to an old thread...not a recent one. Just a proviso. ;)

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