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CigarSquid 12-16-2013 08:36 PM

Re: I Need A Little Help With A Handgun I'm Looking At.

Originally Posted by Steve (Post 1910496)

To me this is a "last stand" option, not what I would bring if I was anticipating trouble (but then if I was anticipating trouble I could probably avoid it ;))

Of course, if concealed carry fire power is what you're after and you have a stiff belt and a pair of industrial suspenders there's always this beauty


I bought this belt and love it!

Blueface 12-17-2013 07:37 AM

Re: I Need A Little Help With A Handgun I'm Looking At.

Originally Posted by Steve (Post 1910496)

To me this is a "last stand" option, not what I would bring if I was anticipating trouble (but then if I was anticipating trouble I could probably avoid it ;))

Of course, if concealed carry fire power is what you're after and you have a stff belt and a pair of industrial suspenders there's always this beauty


That gun weighs more than I do.:r
If it wasn't as equally heavy, would lug my Glock 21 around. For kicks, tried to waist ad carry it for a brief moment. My pants sagged to the point of falling off on side of gun.

BTW, although double the price and then some of LCP, I prefer my wife's Sig P238 HD.
What an awesome little gun that is heavy enough to totally eliminate the kick I hate so much on LCP. Has night sights included. Very accurate.

shilala 12-17-2013 08:51 AM

Re: I Need A Little Help With A Handgun I'm Looking At.
Catfish's comment about using same/same ammo makes sense to me, for lots of reasons.
I have always preferred 9mm, .45 being way too much to hold down, for my liking.
Whether I'm prepared to go to .380 across the board is another question.
Regardless, I still intend to pick up this little gun, even if only to play with it for a season or two.

A thought on the laser...
I have no intention of using the laser for anything but fun. To think that a person can draw, place a laser, and fire in a reasonable amount of time is fantasy, in my eye.
The LCP has small sights, if I recall correctly. Not that it matters. I have never shot a handgun using the sights unless it was to get a feel for an unfamiliar gun, or starting with a new gun to establish a base.
I think it's incredibly important for me to know my handgun as an extension of myself. In close quarters, I doubt that I'll have a direct shot. If I need to shoot around an obstruction with the gun off the center of my body, I'd better be able to do it, or I'm gonna be in trouble.

Blueface 12-17-2013 09:43 AM

Re: I Need A Little Help With A Handgun I'm Looking At.

Originally Posted by shilala (Post 1910763)
Catfish's comment about using same/same ammo makes sense to me, for lots of reasons.
I have always preferred 9mm, .45 being way too much to hold down, for my liking.
Whether I'm prepared to go to .380 across the board is another question.
Regardless, I still intend to pick up this little gun, even if only to play with it for a season or two.

A thought on the laser...
I have no intention of using the laser for anything but fun. To think that a person can draw, place a laser, and fire in a reasonable amount of time is fantasy, in my eye.
The LCP has small sights, if I recall correctly. Not that it matters. I have never shot a handgun using the sights unless it was to get a feel for an unfamiliar gun, or starting with a new gun to establish a base.
I think it's incredibly important for me to know my handgun as an extension of myself. In close quarters, I doubt that I'll have a direct shot. If I need to shoot around an obstruction with the gun off the center of my body, I'd better be able to do it, or I'm gonna be in trouble.

The LCP has awful sights. Shouldn't even be called sights.
The Crimson Trace is the way to go.
On button is on grip. You can't help but automatically turn it on as you grip gun.
I recommend that one over Lasermax that requires a second step to turn on by having to hit toggle with index finger.
I can't phantom using LCP without laser as otherwise hard to be accurate with it.
If looking to stay small and you can spring $600, go for Sig P238. It is a mini 1911.

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