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Benwoo 01-06-2009 11:52 AM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fa
Alright I will poke around some more before harassing him. Thanks Moo

DrDubzz 01-06-2009 07:40 PM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fa
I have one I can't figure out

What makes a pipe a "freehand"? is it a specific shape? I'm confuzzled

Mister Moo 01-06-2009 07:54 PM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fa

Originally Posted by Benwoo (Post 152993)
Alright I will poke around some more before harassing him. Thanks Moo

pm me your email address 'woos; I have the pages of top secret meerschaum information you want.

Slow Triathlete 01-07-2009 01:32 PM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fa

Originally Posted by RX2010 (Post 153918)
I have one I can't figure out

What makes a pipe a "freehand"? is it a specific shape? I'm confuzzled

From what I have been able to discern, "Freehand" means when a carver breaks away from the usual shapes that he/she is known for or their specific shape charts. This means that they are usually not using any of the molds or other tools that help them make their usual shapes over and over again.

These tend to be more Organic looking and are usually shaped without a plan in the beginning.

DrDubzz 01-07-2009 03:31 PM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fa

Originally Posted by Slow Triathlete (Post 155414)
From what I have been able to discern, "Freehand" means when a carver breaks away from the usual shapes that he/she is known for or their specific shape charts. This means that they are usually not using any of the molds or other tools that help them make their usual shapes over and over again.

These tend to be more Organic looking and are usually shaped without a plan in the beginning.

aahhh ok, just freehand sorta = freeform? that makes sense

BigFrank 01-07-2009 07:10 PM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fa

Originally Posted by BigFrank (Post 149572)
Do Cob Pipes suffer from ghosting?

self bump

Mister Moo 01-07-2009 07:21 PM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fa

Originally Posted by BigFrank (Post 156028)
self bump

I smoke burley blends and VAs in a cob and never noticed a bothersome aftertaste. I really thought some other old fart with lotsa cob background could do better with your inquiry.

Helllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllloo oooooooooooooooooo.....

BigFrank 01-07-2009 07:27 PM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fa

Originally Posted by Mister Moo (Post 156065)
I smoke burley blends and VAs in a cob and never noticed a bothersome aftertaste. I really thought some other old fart with lotsa cob background could do better with your inquiry.

Helllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllloo oooooooooooooooooo.....

Thanks Mr. Moo. I guess there arent many experienced smokers here. You are alone in a sea of newbs.!!!:pi

Mister Moo 01-07-2009 07:40 PM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fa

Originally Posted by BigFrank (Post 156076)
Thanks Mr. Moo. I guess there arent many experienced smokers here. You are alone in a sea of newbs.!!!:pi

Oh crap.

One of the all time greats - I mean a regular "Mr. Big" of pipeology - advised not to smoke english blend in a cob so, mostly, I never did. Latakia may foul a cob for eternity for all I know. It will muddle a punchy english blend a bit so, after a few tries with english bacc'er I kept my cobs for Carter Hall and VA or VaPer, with which a cob shines.

Benwoo 01-08-2009 07:46 AM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fa
So now I have to worry about which blends I smoke in what type of pipe:eek:

Um... WTB: Pipe cheat sheet! :D

I'll have to make a flowchart :rolleyes:


ucla695 01-08-2009 02:15 PM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fa
I’m ready to step into the world of pipes, but I primarily smoke outdoors (wife’s decree :D). Is this a problem or can pipes be smoked outdoors too?

DrDubzz 01-08-2009 02:20 PM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fa
I'm not an old fart, but I smoke outside almost exclusively as well, no problems for me

ucla695 01-08-2009 02:26 PM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fa
Phew. I’m glad to hear this. Thanks!

Benwoo 01-08-2009 02:37 PM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fa
I smoked mine at the beach last weekend in a light breeze. it can be done! :D

Mister Moo 01-08-2009 02:45 PM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fa

Originally Posted by ucla695 (Post 157613)
Phew. I’m glad to hear this. Thanks!

"Phew" sort of. Let me add some elements of alarm. Unlike Frick and Frack stumbling on the beaches with their pipes and cognacs, I am an actual Old Fart who is here to pop your bubbles..

You can drop a cigar on the driveway and probably not miss a beat; drop a fine briar or meerschaum pipe outside and you might get sick.

A pipe does require a certain amount of hardware in hand. Face it - most of us carry purses that we cleverly call manbags or camera cases. There are pouches of tobacco to consider (optional, once a pipe is filled and ready to go for a walk); a pipe tool/tamper; and the odd pipe cleaner in case you get to gurgling. And, of course, matches or a lighter.

It is said new briar pipe should never be smoked where a breeze is present. A slight breeze across a bowl can damage the pipe until it is well broken in (i.e., has a carbon-cake developed inside the bowl). I wouldn't be worried about a cob or a meer in that respect.

Root 01-08-2009 05:29 PM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fa
How many flavor withdraws of SH 20Anny does it take to get to the bottom of a bowl, given that the bowl is 7/8" x 1.75" ?

Pray, I hope you can tell me...

Mister Moo 01-08-2009 05:40 PM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fa

Originally Posted by Root (Post 157972)
How many puffs of SH 20Anny does it take to get to the bottom of a bowl, given that the bowl is 7/8" x 1.75" ?

Pray, I hope you can tell me...

Possibly the most ridiculous first post in the history of the entire "Ask An Old Fart" thread. This question is SOoooooooooooooooo dumb that it proves you have never smoked a pipe in your life. Root-Schmoot. You're a troll. Troll! Troll! :c

(Listen up, you pesky Boswell-sniffer. I think I know who you are. I am hanging here by a thread, practically all by myself, trying to pass off my phony old-fart status as wisdom and get pipe-newguys off on the right foot. If you're not really a troll I hope you'll hang around here and help out. Normally I would only hang around the coffee forum but it is ruled by thugs who like Maxwell House and Starbux. I thought I'd see how much damage I could do here, instead.)

BigFrank 01-08-2009 06:36 PM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fa

Originally Posted by ucla695 (Post 157594)
I’m ready to step into the world of pipes, but I primarily smoke outdoors (wife’s decree :D). Is this a problem or can pipes be smoked outdoors too?

I'm still a newbie, but I think I can offer some advise on this. I am in a similar situation. Not allowed to smoke inside. Unless the Wife is gone and I have candles onhand.

Anyways, some aromatic tobacco, and some non aromatic have a very good "room note" I think that is what its called anyway. Its when the 2nd hand smoke from the pipe actually smells pleasent. Some baccys that I smoke oddly enough I am allowed to smoke inside. When the Wife sees me inside with the pipe I always get the " That better not be that stinky smelling pipe ".

ucla695 01-09-2009 06:54 AM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fa
Thanks for the replies. I smoke the majority of my cigars out back and was thinking about doing the same with a pipe.


Originally Posted by Mister Moo (Post 157652)
It is said new briar pipe should never be smoked where a breeze is present. A slight breeze across a bowl can damage the pipe until it is well broken in (i.e., has a carbon-cake developed inside the bowl). I wouldn't be worried about a cob or a meer in that respect.

This is what I was worried about, so I plan on buying a cob pipe first to see if it's for me and then I'll take it from there. My dad used to smoke pipes some 30 years ago, so I might also try one of his meers.


Originally Posted by BigFrank (Post 158114)
Anyways, some aromatic tobacco, and some non aromatic have a very good "room note" I think that is what its called anyway. Its when the 2nd hand smoke from the pipe actually smells pleasent. Some baccys that I smoke oddly enough I am allowed to smoke inside. When the Wife sees me inside with the pipe I always get the " That better not be that stinky smelling pipe ".

That's an interesting angle on smoking inside. I'll have to suggest it. Do you always smoke in the same spot when you smoke inside? The reason I ask is I'm wondering about any discoloration on the ceiling from the smoke.

Mister Moo 01-09-2009 09:49 AM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fa

Originally Posted by ucla695 (Post 158852)
This is what I was worried about, so I plan on buying a cob pipe first to see if it's for me and then I'll take it from there. My dad used to smoke pipes some 30 years ago, so I might also try one of his meers.

Forget any negative impressions you may have held about corncob pipes. Find one that has a more/less airtight stem and you'll have a fine smoker (after the wood stem sticking into the chamber chars a bit - 3-4 bowlsful). Missouri Meerschaum (MM) makes all the old reliable standard stuff; I favor the MM Great Dane for its' large capacity and longer smoke. Most of the others in the MM line have smaller bowls and offer a 20-30 minute smoke.

Depending on who-knows-what any cob can last for weeks, months or years. If you get one and never actually smoke it, the pipe could last indefinitely.

Root 01-09-2009 10:14 AM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fa

Originally Posted by Mister Moo (Post 157999)
Possibly the most ridiculous first post in the history of the entire "Ask An Old Fart" thread. This question is SOoooooooooooooooo dumb that it proves you have never smoked a pipe in your life. Root-Schmoot. You're a troll. Troll! Troll! :c

(Listen up, you pesky Boswell-sniffer. I think I know who you are. I am hanging here by a thread, practically all by myself, trying to pass off my phony old-fart status as wisdom and get pipe-newguys off on the right foot. If you're not really a troll I hope you'll hang around here and help out. Normally I would only hang around the coffee forum but it is ruled by thugs who like Maxwell House and Starbux. I thought I'd see how much damage I could do here, instead.)

Hey i may look the part of an Ogre but never a troll. And for the answer, it was a test, for the old fart should know the correct response would be "Never enough".
That said, I stand to service with you though I do pack my pipe.

darb85 01-09-2009 10:20 AM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fa

Originally Posted by Root (Post 159242)
Hey i may look the part of an Ogre but never a troll. And for the answer, it was a test, for the old fart should know the correct response would be "Never enough".
That said, I stand to service with you though I do pack my pipe.

Ill pack your pipe...:r

Slow Triathlete 01-09-2009 11:10 AM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fa

Originally Posted by BigFrank (Post 149572)
Do Cob Pipes suffer from ghosting?

In my experience they don't to a point. If you smoke something that has a distinct, strong taste or aroma, such as Gawith's 1792 flake, it will begin to ghost after a few pipefuls. However, it will go away faster in a cob than in a briar.

Old Fart Out

ucla695 01-09-2009 11:10 AM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fa

Originally Posted by Mister Moo (Post 159201)
Forget any negative impressions you may have held about corncob pipes. Find one that has a more/less airtight stem and you'll have a fine smoker (after the wood stem sticking into the chamber chars a bit - 3-4 bowlsful). Missouri Meerschaum (MM) makes all the old reliable standard stuff; I favor the MM Great Dane for its' large capacity and longer smoke. Most of the others in the MM line have smaller bowls and offer a 20-30 minute smoke.

Depending on who-knows-what any cob can last for weeks, months or years. If you get one and never actually smoke it, the pipe could last indefinitely.

Great advice. Much appreciated!

Mister Moo 01-09-2009 12:52 PM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fa

Originally Posted by Root (Post 159242)
...the old fart should know the correct response would be "Never enough".

With you having blown the lid off this 20th Anni thing I will admit I don't mention it much for fear many more people will read the thread, order the tobak and tell everyone else about it. Then the price goes up and the supply goes down and I am screwed.

So much for THAT big secret. ;)

Great to have you here, Rootie-toot.

Mister Moo 01-09-2009 12:54 PM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fa
So, can we make an official list of contributing Old Farts. Old Fart as defined in post #1:

Terms of Service: to ask you have to have a serious question; to reply you must have a minimum two years pipe smoking experience. (No snob zone.) There are no stupid questions. Nobody can beat someone with a "Use the search funtion" lead pipe. There will be no rude replies no matter how many times your question has been asked - nosir, not in THIS thread. Maybe a little tiny bit of sarcasm though, just to keep it interesting.

Mister Moo (Dan)
Slow Triathlete
Sr Mike

BigFrank 01-09-2009 01:40 PM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fa

Originally Posted by ucla695 (Post 158852)
That's an interesting angle on smoking inside. I'll have to suggest it. Do you always smoke in the same spot when you smoke inside? The reason I ask is I'm wondering about any discoloration on the ceiling from the smoke.

When I smoke outside I either watch my son play outside, but now it is too cold so I either sit on the steps or take a little stroll...

I usually smoke on the sofa or at my pc desk. Ceiling looks fine.

Slow Triathlete 01-09-2009 01:48 PM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fa

Originally Posted by Mister Moo (Post 159531)
So, can we make an official list of contributing Old Farts. Old Fart as defined in post #1:

Terms of Service: to ask you have to have a serious question; to reply you must have a minimum two years pipe smoking experience. (No snob zone.) There are no stupid questions. Nobody can beat someone with a "Use the search funtion" lead pipe. There will be no rude replies no matter how many times your question has been asked - nosir, not in THIS thread. Maybe a little tiny bit of sarcasm though, just to keep it interesting.

Mister Moo (Dan)
Slow Triathlete
Sr Mike

Who you calling an Old Fart?!?!

Root 01-09-2009 01:50 PM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fa

Originally Posted by Mister Moo (Post 159528)
With you having blown the lid off this 20th Anni thing I will admit I don't mention it much for fear many more people will read the thread, order the tobak and tell everyone else about it. Then the price goes up and the supply goes down and I am screwed.

So much for THAT big secret. ;)

Great to have you here, Rootie-toot.

Ahh never fear, think it through. It has latakia, 50+% gone right there. You can get it only 1 place + some shows, another big % down. Sells only in one big ass can, % down for fear of unknown in large amounts. Costs some bills compared to others, last % down to you, me and 5 other guys who know what's to know about it. And I must remark SH 20anny ain't for everybody cause it tastes like p00.

I come to help.

Burleys love Cobs.
Cobs do ghost as any pipe that is porous, its just that some ghosts like Kasper are friendly while others don't play well with others.

Mister Moo 01-09-2009 04:18 PM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fa

Originally Posted by Root (Post 159609)
And I must remark SH 20anny ain't for everybody cause it tastes like p00.

I come to help.

Spot on. Tastes like poo.

BigFrank 01-09-2009 05:25 PM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fa

Originally Posted by Slow Triathlete (Post 159605)
Who you calling an Old Fart?!?!

denial is a terrible thing buddy!!! :r:r

12stones 01-09-2009 10:33 PM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fa
Okay, I got one... What's the best way to rehydrate some dry baccy?

drevim 01-09-2009 10:48 PM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fa
How does one fill (see I'm learning) a pipe with poo? :r

Cause no one likes tight packed poo.

Mister Moo 01-10-2009 07:43 AM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fa

Originally Posted by 12stones (Post 160401)
Okay, I got one... What's the best way to rehydrate some dry baccy?

Best? I dunno.

If I have totally dried out tobak I put it on a piece of paper and hit it with a plant sprayer, lightly, with distilled water and toss it about to fluff it up. Repeat, allowing time for the water to be absorbed, as needed to get the right feel.

Others swear by the water/moisturizing button tossed in a baggie or jar of dry tobak.

Others say...

BTW, I tested apple slices (THIN apple slices) in jar of dry tobacco and it rehydrated dry tobak just fine and did not mold. I hear that apples mold but, I find, not a thin slice or two. Everybodies grandpa was right - but grandpa didn't toss in half a soggy apple - just a skinny wedge.

Root 01-10-2009 08:49 AM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fa

Originally Posted by 12stones (Post 160401)
Okay, I got one... What's the best way to rehydrate some dry baccy?

Pipers clay button has always worked for me. Spray with distilled water and drop in. Day or two and your golden.


Originally Posted by drevim (Post 160416)
How does one fill (see I'm learning) a pipe with poo? :r

By hand.

Fiber helps!

or was that shag?

BigFrank 01-12-2009 06:13 PM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fa
What's the best way to break in a new pipe?

Mister Moo 01-12-2009 08:01 PM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fa

Originally Posted by BigFrank (Post 165090)
What's the best way to break in a new pipe?

By not rushing it.

Personally, I go for a nice, cool-burning easy-to-smoke ribbon cut to break in briar. My latest all-around first choice - bless you Evan - is Carter Hall, direct from the drugstore. If I feel strongly the pipe is destined for latakia, there are many options but Dunhill 965 and Peter Stokkebyes Proper English both fill my bill.

Slowly smoke one-third to half-bowls, over and over and over, allowing dry-out time between smokes. It takes a while. Use a tamper with care to avoid scratching new cake from the insides; leave no unburned flecks of tobacco stuck to the pipe walls. As cake builds in the lower half, progressively fill the bowl (if it suits you) higher. Do it patiently and you'll build a conical cake, a little thicker in the lower part of the bowl than the upper.

BigFrank 01-13-2009 01:55 PM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fa
Thanks for the answer Mr. Moo. Would a straight VA be good for breaking in a new pipe? Ive got some Navy Flake bulk laying around that is rather light. I think it has a little perique in it, but I can't taste any of it in the blend. Or maybe some FVF.
I would like to dedicate the new pipe to either VA or VA/Per. I find that bent pipes smoke rather well with virginia's. For me at least.

Mister Moo 01-13-2009 02:47 PM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fa

Originally Posted by BigFrank (Post 166717)
Thanks for the answer Mr. Moo. Would a straight VA be good for breaking in a new pipe? Ive got some Navy Flake bulk laying around that is rather light. I think it has a little perique in it, but I can't taste any of it in the blend. Or maybe some FVF.
I would like to dedicate the new pipe to either VA or VA/Per. I find that bent pipes smoke rather well with virginia's. For me at least.

Welllllll... yeahhhhh...... Sure. But but but.... this is the place for new pipe smokers to get down with their "burning questions" of the moment, so...

Thing is, even a well-rubbed Escudo flake can be a little touchy when it comes to filling a pipe uniformly (and burning through it evenly) compared to a nice pedestrian ribbon cut tobak. Not that that's the end of the world but, with a new pipe, I'd argue, give it a break for the a first few smokes. At least consider an ounce of a nice ribbon cut VA or VAPer to get a good start on some cake. And, you know, VA tends to burn hotter than burley and english tobak to, why NOT start with an ounce of Carter Hall, anyhow?

Fact is, when I get a new pipe and decide, "This sucker is destined for VA....", I'm now more likely to start it off (lately) with Carter Hall than a ribbon VA. I used to start any new pipe with any VA (flake, etc.) to see how it'd handle it right off the bat but finally decided, "Cut this chit out. It's just a little too hot and chunky for the first few smokes." A dozen or so smokes with Carter Hall won't ruin your pipe for FVF a month down the road; burning an airhole with some hot VA might.

Other opinions may vary. This is just my view. I would really appreciate hearing from other Old Farts on this issue, too. I will try to invite a special guest in to add some thoughts here as well.

Slow Triathlete 01-13-2009 03:03 PM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fa
I see Moo's point with this one. But I usually just start out with whatever I'm going to smoke in that pipe.

BigFrank 01-13-2009 04:01 PM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fa
thanks for the answers again. If I get a chance, I will stop by a store that has pipe baccy. I think rite aid has carter hall. Im sure they have other burley blends. What other baccys have a similar profile to carter hall?

Root 01-13-2009 05:17 PM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fa

Originally Posted by BigFrank (Post 166982)
thanks for the answers again. If I get a chance, I will stop by a store that has pipe baccy. I think rite aid has carter hall. Im sure they have other burley blends. What other baccys have a similar profile to carter hall?

Prince Albert and to a lesser degree Sir Walter Raleigh are great.

Stay away from Granger and Half & Half they're too wet..

Mister Moo 01-14-2009 05:34 AM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fa

Originally Posted by BigFrank (Post 166717)
Thanks for the answer Mr. Moo. Would a straight VA be good for breaking in a new pipe? Ive got some Navy Flake bulk laying around that is rather light. I think it has a little perique in it, but I can't taste any of it in the blend. Or maybe some FVF.
I would like to dedicate the new pipe to either VA or VA/Per. I find that bent pipes smoke rather well with virginia's. For me at least.

So much to say on this topic but, in the end, it all boils down to what works for you. Here is a great conclusion to this question (for now) from

"Breaking in" your pipe

The process of "breaking in" a pipe serves two functions. First, any saps, resins, acids, stains, demons, or other nasty things that have remained in the briar are driven out. Second, and most importantly, a "cake"--the layer of charred residue that builds up inside the bowl as tobacco is smoked in it--is developed. This cake protects the bowl of the pipe from the heat of burning tobacco and prevents it from "burning out." It should be noted that most of the information in this section applies to briar pipes only. Most other pipes require no break in period, or at most a very brief one. Additionally, one should not allow a cake to build up in a meerschaum or clay, as this could cause the bowl to crack.

It is important to smoke a new pipe slowly, to avoid damaging the naked briar. Some recommend that a new pipe be filled only one-third to one-half full for the first several smokes, after which the bowl can be filled a little more with each smoke. To be honest, this procedure is not necessary, but I always recommend it--and usually practice it--because it is all too easy to damage a new pipe through carelessness. Don't try to rush the break-in period, and don't be overly concerned if a new pipe has a bitter taste. Some pipes break in easier than others, and it is not uncommon for a pipe that is very difficult to break in to mature into a great smoker.

Some pipes are sold with a bowl coating designed to protect the briar until a cake is built up (sometimes such bowls are called "pre-carbonized"). Many pipes, however, are not so treated. While a "naked" bowl is not likely to be damaged so long as the pipe is smoked slowly, many people advocate preparing the bowl interior of a new pipe. Some recommend that the inside of the bowl be dampened with water to protect the briar, while others recommend honey, or a mixture of honey and water. Honey may help a cake form more quickly, but after trying all of these techniques I find that these days I tend to use nothing at all.

Finally, try not to smoke a new pipe outdoors if you can possibly avoid it. Even a gentle breeze will cause the pipe to burn much hotter than it would indoors, which can irreparably damage a briar that is not protected by a cake. I've never had a problem smoking my pipes outdoors (after they've been broken in, of course), but if you're concerned about possible damage, you can purchase wind caps from your tobacconist which will shield the burning tobacco from the effects of wind.

Fred Hanna has written an excellent article on this subject that we highly recommend called The Mysteries of the Briar Break-in Process.

RevSmoke 01-14-2009 07:29 AM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fa
First, I guess I should introduce self here. Name is Todd, been smoking pipes and cigars since 1980. I hope that qualifies me as an Old Fart. I normally don't stop over here much, as I have been really enjoying the cigar discussions of late. However, I do read many of the pipe posts.

Now, thought I'd chime in on two different topics broached in this thread.

Rehydrating tobacco & break-in.

I have found a great way to rehydrate "overdry" tobacco (I like to smoke my baccy a little on the dry side). Get a large tupperware (or any container with an airtight seal), say 10X14 and about 5 inches tall. Place a sterile sponge hyper-hydrated with distilled water on a saucer in one corner. Spread your tobacco evenly over the remainder of the bottom and then close. Check first after about 2 hours. Depending on how dry the tobacco and how warm the room, this can work fairly quickly (oh yeah, also the amount of tobacco matters).

This is a good method, as it is a more even way of hydrating than a clay disk or other manner that puts the water in direct contact with the tobacco which can bring on soggy spots.

2) Pipe break-in. When I talk with newbies, I tell them that new pipes need to be smoked slowly to break them in. I have found that choice of tobacco is less important than proper filling and then simply smoking slowly and gently - sipping is the best way to describe it. And, I'd say only sip once every 45 seconds at most. Yes, it takes discipline and patience.

Oh, and expect to get bit if you lose focus.

Find an experienced pipester that can show you how to fill a bowl, if you are not sure. I know there are a number of methods shown on video clips, but I think seeing it live, and allowing to have a hands on feel for how tight a good fill "feels" is helpful. It is true also, that smoking technique is an individual thing and fill may differ for that technique, but only ever so slightly.

I personally also fill the bowl, not this half bowl fill idea. Fill it up and smoke it down. And, if a pipe is going to be dedicated to a certain tobacco, smoke that in it.

Oh, here's another thing to consider. Pipes may groove to a certain type of tobacco more than to any other. I had a nice Don Carlos I was going to dedicate only to straight VA. I wasn't getting the most out of the baccy and if I lost focus, it would bite me. One day I decided to try some Gawith & Hoggarth Mixture #12 in it, and that pipe sang gloriously. It brought out flavors I hadn't noticed before. Oh, and it never bit me again.

Hope this helps.

tedrodgerscpa 01-14-2009 12:06 PM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fa
I have a question for an Old Fart...

As a cigar smoker, it's easy to plan for travel... throw sticks in travel humi, grab cutter and ligher, and you're off!

What are some of the best (or maybe I really want to know "What are some of the worst") ways to travel with pipes? Padding? Cases? Old dirty socks?

I'm mostly worried about protecting my new investments... The tobacco is pretty durn easy to travel with (throw in ziploc and go)... Keeping the hardware safe and sound may be a different matter.

Nick 01-14-2009 12:17 PM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fa
As long as the pipes stay safe and aren't beat around or broken they will be just fine. They are some pipe cases you can get out there for fairly cheap and they would work great, some of them will fit multiple pipes as well. I don't have money to be buying stuff like that so I generally use CLEAN ankle socks just to add some padding then I'll pack my pipes in and around my clothes to provide more padding. I have never damaged a pipe during transport so I think this method works pretty well and it's cheap.

Curly Cut 01-14-2009 01:01 PM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fa

Originally Posted by Nick (Post 168920)
I have never damaged a pipe during transport ....

I, unfortunately, have broken a pipe while using a cigar caddy (poorly packed). Keep the pipes in the sock they came in, inside a pipe box. Most of the time, you can fit two pipes in one box. Then put the box in a big enough cigar caddy. If you have a long bit pipe that you think is rather fragile, take the bit out of the pipe as well.
I travel all the time and take about a 25 count cigar caddy, I can fit 4 pipes (in 2 boxes), plus a few tins/tubs, a bunch of cleaners, a pipe stand (the little plastic single pipe holder kind), a tamper, matches, and plenty of room for small ziploc baggies. When I'm gone, it's normally for around 3 weeks, and that one caddy will easily last me the entire trip.
Do NOT put a pipe rolling around loosely in a cigar caddy along with tins of tobacco. they slide around, next thing you know, the tin bumps into the pipe too hard, or combo of pipe bumping inside the caddy and then hit by the tin at the same time = broken pipe stem.

they do make a cigar case with inserts designed for pipes. "uncle mikey" use to have it.

Mister Moo 01-14-2009 01:31 PM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fa
Welcome Old Farts RevSmoke, Nick and CurlyCuts. Thanks for coming, sharing your experience and helping out with new-to-pipe persons. :tu

(Be sure to thank your Old Fats, new people. They are all that separates us from the animals and burnouts, you know. And don't forget! This is the only thread where qualified Old Fart helper pipers are only barely allowed to mock you for not using the "Search" function.)

Mister Moo 01-14-2009 01:39 PM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fa

Originally Posted by Nick (Post 168920)
As long as the pipes stay safe and aren't beat around or broken they will be just fine. They are some pipe cases you can get out there for fairly cheap and they would work great, some of them will fit multiple pipes as well. I don't have money to be buying stuff like that so I generally use CLEAN ankle socks just to add some padding then I'll pack my pipes in and around my clothes to provide more padding. I have never damaged a pipe during transport so I think this method works pretty well and it's cheap.

Good: a cob in your back pocket. Who cares if you break it.
Bad: a cob in your suitcase. It stinks up your clean undies.
Good: a meerschaum kept in the original hard case (if delivered with one) is nice to travel with
Bad: a meerschaum NOT in a hard case

Curly Cut 01-14-2009 01:54 PM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fa
pipe guardian case from mr. bundles.

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