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badbriar 05-19-2013 06:32 PM

Re: How much stock do you really put into the CA reviews and top 25?
[quote=kelmac07;1833349]I take absolutely ZERO stock in any of Cigar Aficionados reviews. When your scale is from 96 (best I've seen) to an 86 (worst I've seen)...doesn't leave much room for in between. If I smoked a cigar and thought it was an 86 (based on a scale of 100), I'd say it was a pretty damn good stick. Now if it was a 96, I'd say it was fantastic. If it sucks...why not give it a score of 6? ------Rant off------ :2

Like you credibility. Many cigars that absolutely suck are given high reviews. The cigar equivalent to politics! :sl

Robulous78 05-19-2013 07:15 PM

Re: How much stock do you really put into the CA reviews and top 25?
I agree with the "Mac System".... :lr

I think Cigar Aficionado takes good pictures...:lr I think they either have a larger pallet or some funny tastes in their mouth... :lr other then that I think it is useful to see what some people are buzzing about, but otherwise I think its nothing more then a big list of the year's top sellers... :2

icehog3 05-19-2013 08:40 PM

Re: How much stock do you really put into the CA reviews and top 25?

Originally Posted by RoIbulous78 (Post 1836996)
I think they either have a larger pallet or some funny tastes in their mouth...

What, to stack things on? :confused:

dvickery 05-19-2013 10:46 PM

Re: How much stock do you really put into the CA reviews and top 25?
cA is cA...I agree with everyone here about their flawed review system.

I remember this also...

in '97 when I first got internet...they were already there/here.
one of the first forums I ever joined.
one of the first sources of factual info for cigar smokers.
it was cA that made me realize that there was other people that smoked cigars.

for all of the above I am grateful...still I only ever bought 1/2 a dozen issues...never ever placed a lot of stock in their reviews.

never placed a lot of stock in mrn's tasting notes either.


bstarrs 06-06-2013 10:12 AM

Re: How much stock do you really put into the CA reviews and top 25?
I don't really take their reviews too seriously because they do not smoke the whole cigar. Smoking a couple inches does not give you enough to be able to rate the cigar as a whole. I laugh when they talk about evolution of flavour in the cigar when they are only smoking the first 3rd. Also as much as they deny it, I'm sure advertising revenu plays a part in their top 25. I still read it occasionally but I don't put much stock in the reviews.

For reviews I go elsewhere like on YouTube or cigars blogs.

shilala 06-06-2013 10:45 AM

Re: How much stock do you really put into the CA reviews and top 25?
I don't read that stuff at all. I also don't go out for many, if any, of the "new rage cigars", so that stands to reason.
If one of the brothers here says "You absolutely have to smoke this", then I'll try it if he's someone I know is going to give me good info, and that's a whole lot of guys here.

shark 06-06-2013 07:12 PM

Re: How much stock do you really put into the CA reviews and top 25?
Very little.

crgcpro 06-06-2013 08:24 PM

Re: How much stock do you really put into the CA reviews and top 25?
CA list is a joke. They have obvious prejudices (Liga Privada) and there are others that buy their way onto the list.

oooo35980 06-08-2013 08:30 PM

Re: How much stock do you really put into the CA reviews and top 25?
I pick it up to read sometimes at the B&M, the smokes reviewed generally aren't bad. I look at it as more of a list of decent smokes to try if it's convenient, and ignore the reviews.

jaycarla 06-09-2013 03:42 PM

Re: How much stock do you really put into the CA reviews and top 25?
If I could go back in time and take the money I spent on CA when I subscribed and then pay someone with that money to kick me in the nuts I would be better off. The last 6 or so issues I got went straight to recycle bin.

Although, in fairness to that waste of trees, I did get decent value out of it when I started smoking.

RWhisenand 06-09-2013 04:01 PM

Re: How much stock do you really put into the CA reviews and top 25?
Guys, I've been smoking cigars for a little over three years, just this year my wife bought me a one year subscription to CA. I read the reviews, and on occasion I have made a purchase on their review. So far I like their reviews, and the cigars I've tried from them. In all honesty I probably won't renew, the articles are pretty lame, and after twelve issues I'll have quite a few new cigars to sample from their reviews.

One more thing, I live out in BFE, there are no B&M's within a several hour drive so I rarely go to any. The cigars info I get is from Internet forums like this one, and from print like CA. I've garnered a few things from them, but not enough to renew.:2

Mr.Maduro 06-09-2013 06:16 PM

Re: How much stock do you really put into the CA reviews and top 25?
I really don't really put much stock into their reviews BUT, I will be honest and tell you that I have really enjoyed just about every 90+ rated cigar I tried that they reviewed. 99% being Cubans.

I'm just going to chalk that up to coincidence.

Outlaw God 06-15-2013 03:53 PM

Re: How much stock do you really put into the CA reviews and top 25?
There magazine nice to touch and hit fly's with :D

Weelok 06-15-2013 04:13 PM

Re: How much stock do you really put into the CA reviews and top 25?
I think Cigar Aficionado is a great magazine. They've been advocates for cigar smoking and have done a lot to improve the image of cigars in the average person's perceptions. I think their system is fine since it's based upon general wine rating systems. There palates are different from mine but they do a nice package and create a decent Men's magazine. The fact that the cars and watches are unaffordable is not much different from Road and Track that put out great track car reviews but I'll never be able to drive one. It's a magazine, supports it's sponsors but at least does blind reviews in a published system.

I don't have a single source for my cigar opinions. I use a few websites, here, CA, friends, B&M's, whatever. I like to try new cigars but I definitely have my main stays.

I'm not sure why people get so fired up over CA? It's like saying Car and Driver SUCKs because they just have European cars in their reviews or Road and Track sucks because they blow Ford Mustang exhaust pipes so much their lips are burnt. They have their preferences just like all people do. It's just entertainment. Relax, smoke a cigar, read the reviews, enjoy, snag a brew and puff away.

icehog3 06-15-2013 04:36 PM

Re: How much stock do you really put into the CA reviews and top 25?
I don't think people are saying that Cigar Aficianado magazine sucks, just that their reviews often do.

oldforge 06-26-2013 12:08 PM

Re: How much stock do you really put into the CA reviews and top 25?

Originally Posted by forgop (Post 1833703)

I did have a patient Friday in the ER mention he smoked cigars-he exclusively smokes Gurkhas from Cigars International. It didn't end up being much of a cigar discussion after that.

You missed a great opportunity to ask him how kept the wrappers from exploding after the cap was cut. :r

Cincymike 09-03-2013 11:03 AM

Re: How much stock do you really put into the CA reviews and top 25?
zero....IMO all based on $$$$

pkny1 09-14-2013 05:25 PM

Re: How much stock do you really put into the CA reviews and top 25?

Originally Posted by pektel (Post 1833364)
As with any reviewer - be it cigars, wine, food, guitars, cars etc - I find someone whose tastes/interests/preferences are in line with my own, and place their reviews higher than others.

That's what I do too.. now if I only knew what my tastes are... I might be more successful in finding reviews to take stock in !

heavyd 09-14-2013 06:34 PM

Re: How much stock do you really put into the CA reviews and top 25?

Originally Posted by pkny1 (Post 1883048)
That's what I do too.. now if I only knew what my tastes are... I might be more successful in finding reviews to take stock in !

So true :) Everyone is an expert these days, that kinda makes the honest folks feel foolish.

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