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Re: Your opinion - Most overhyped cigar line?
Gurkha is the master brand of over hype. When I was chasing the NC stuff I always came up dissapointed with Viaje. I never realised how much Pete Johnson tries to mimic CC branding until I got into CCs. Kind of offensive IMHO but he makes a few decent cigars. Cohiba RedDots are over hyped to, riding the coat tales of the CC name. |
Re: Your opinion - Most overhyped cigar line?
Re: Your opinion - Most overhyped cigar line?
Room 101 cigars. Although i'm not sure they've generated much hype.
Re: Your opinion - Most overhyped cigar line?
On post #51 I failed to mention I was at the PPP at Dom's that was mentioned before.
The Gurkha His Majesty's Reserve was truly a huge dissapointment. |
Re: Your opinion - Most overhyped cigar line?
Tat Little Monsters. So now we should run out and buy a box of cigars so we can get a trading card?? Very gimmicky. :hn
Re: Your opinion - Most overhyped cigar line?
Tatuaje. Good stick for $5. Not good for $15. I enjoy the Miamis and Noellas, I just think there are far better sticks for the same scratch. I suppose for me, it is not really overhyped, but more like 'overpriced'.
Re: Your opinion - Most overhyped cigar line?
Cohiba Behike line is over-hyped and over-priced IMO. I would not say the same about Cohiba GR's though.
Re: Your opinion - Most overhyped cigar line?
Re: Your opinion - Most overhyped cigar line?
Re: Your opinion - Most overhyped cigar line?
Re: Your opinion - Most overhyped cigar line?
Well that was addressed. Tom turned a blind eye to your comment. LOL Just making it fun.
Re: Your opinion - Most overhyped cigar line?
If we are going strictly by "Most Hyped" it is Tatuaje, I enjoy Tats, some more than others....but they are the "Most Hyped" IMO
Oops...Overly-Hyped |
Re: Your opinion - Most overhyped cigar line?
Re: Your opinion - Most overhyped cigar line?
With Gurkha's signs, banners, boxes, advertising, and MSRPs followed by severe dissapointment in the flavor department, I don't think anybody can hold a candle in the over hype department. :2 Many regular non-forum cigar smokers have never heard of Tatuaje, Viaje or other smaller boutigue makers. |
Re: Your opinion - Most overhyped cigar line?
Re: Your opinion - Most overhyped cigar line?
Re: Your opinion - Most overhyped cigar line?
I consider Tats to be overhyped because I flat out don't care for the cigars. It's my own particular bias, and I can certainly understand others enjoying them.
Because of my feelings about how they taste, it makes me roll my eyes at all the gimmicks, but on the other hand I think Pete's marketing adds interest and creates buzz, giving us something to talk about. His marketing makes guys excited that enjoy them, and makes them enjoy the hobby. That's great. Regardless, I have yet to smoke one of his cigars that didn't suck out loud, or was very mediocre and largely overpriced. So far as cc's go, I'd have to parrot "Cohiba". I've had some stellar Cohibas, but I've had a lot more less-than-stellar Cohibas. I've had Cohiba maduros that stand as the best cigars I ever smoked. The price is crazy, but I've never really felt I was robbed because I've gotten a good return on what I paid, plus cc's can be hit and miss across the board. If I compare the hype doled out by Tats to the hype surrounding Cohibas, Tats win the overhype award by a HUGE margin, and deservedly so. All that stuff aside, smoke what you like. I do. That's what makes me happy, and if Tats make you guys happy, there sure can't be anything wrong with that. :tu |
Re: Your opinion - Most overhyped cigar line?
Re: Your opinion - Most overhyped cigar line?
Re: Your opinion - Most overhyped cigar line?
A couple more came to mind -
Camacho Pre Embargo - an average cigar that is marketed strictly based on having some (unknown, very small quantity if any) pre-embargo Havana tobacco contained therein. I don't get it - its not like there are bales of old tobacco just laying around for the taking, and if there were, how could they still be usable or not infested with beetles? And the marketing hype has followed despite the source of the "pre-embargo Cuban tobacco" and/or quantity remaining undisclosed. Lars Tetens - this one is self explanatory. My understanding is that he is now an HVAC system "genius" in addition to his cigar and sausage pursuits. What gets my goat is that Lars Tetens had a few good cigars (the Grass line) back in the late 90s but the entire line went South soon after. I don't know anyone that carries them anymore, but they are still out there. Quote:
Re: Your opinion - Most overhyped cigar line?
Davidoff and FFOX
Just because they have ad campaigns designed to get people to buy their product, and we can't all like everything out there, so I'll knock on them!! |
Re: Your opinion - Most overhyped cigar line?
I see overhyped as something that doesn't deliver on what the brand is directly or indirectly trying to advertise (through price or the marketing campaign). In this case I can't agree with the Cohiba CC beef here (the NC one for sure). I have had one badly constructed one in all I have tried and that may have been storage issues. Some are not AS good as others but they are a quality cigar.
I came into this forum almost a complete noobie. I had some cubans through the years (being Canadian) but no NC so I was really open to them and set on a mission to try a wide variety. Man, I spent a ton on some over-priced cigars. I threw away half or more of these cigars many more times than I finished one. Hindsight shows me that I should have spent that on CC but at least I have the direct experience of a lot of NC. Of course this is only an opinion and I am not saying anyone would be wrong by having the complete opposite experience of mine. Which ones are the most IMO? Most LP. I've enjoyed the one FFP and a few of the many Undercrowns I've had. Not had a T52 or 9 that I like. A rat is in the humi that I have not tried. Fuente Anejos My Fathers Gurkhas |
Re: Your opinion - Most overhyped cigar line?
Hey guys..... I have a great idea here!!!!
Everyone that has any of their indicated over-hyped cigars in their humidors..... Package them bad boys up, send them to one of the troop coordinators!!! That gets the temptation of trying them again away from you, and puts some cigars in the hands of needful servicemen!!! Just a thought! |
Re: Your opinion - Most overhyped cigar line?
Re: Your opinion - Most overhyped cigar line?
Price does matter when it comes to a final verdict. |
Re: Your opinion - Most overhyped cigar line?
Re: Your opinion - Most overhyped cigar line?
NC Cohibas, Tat Boris/Frank/Drac/etc., and Gurkhas. The American hype over Cuban cigars overall.
Not that any of these are bad lines/countries (well maybe Gurkha and NC Cohibas). |
Re: Your opinion - Most overhyped cigar line?
Re: Your opinion - Most overhyped cigar line?
Re: Your opinion - Most overhyped cigar line?
I think word of mouth & then you throw in supply & demand those three things have everything to do with it. Now, lets throw in the the word "LIMITED" the manufacturer & their marketing team HYPING it up. Now here they come with all their marketing ploys to make the consumer think "IT's NOW or NEVER" because they are going FAST. So everyone runs out gets what they can get their hands on. The come the shops/B&M's that bump up the price on these & tell us "WHAT YOU SEE IS ALL THAT LEFT"...
Re: Your opinion - Most overhyped cigar line?
Re: Your opinion - Most overhyped cigar line?
Re: Your opinion - Most overhyped cigar line?
OSOK, OPUS, Viaje and MUWAT.
Re: Your opinion - Most overhyped cigar line?
Just who is it that is over-hyping cigars like the Tat Mummy? Is it the manufacturer? (that Would be over-hype - or maybe just damn good use of advertising dollars). Or, is this simply the market excitement by the end buyers (hopeful buyers?) that is generating the hype and prices? If it's market reaction, not manufacturer generated, is this the fault of the cigar and/or manufacturer? And should the cigar and the manufacturer be dragged through the proverbial mud because the market (not the manufacturer) has built up expectations that are not "lived-up-to" in the minds of the individuals that do not like them, or that do not like Tats in general?????? This is the Issue I have with this thread. Is this really about Over-hype, or is this about "picking a cigar you hate/dislike/don't really care for, and bashing it"? If the hype is market generated by the purchasers/smokers that really like Tats (or Gurkhas, or NC Cohibas, or Beehives...etc), then can it be said that all this thread is really about is basically bashing other smokers for their choices, NOT bashing the manufacturer for over-billing the cigar. If this thread is about the manufacturer over-hyping the cigars, then care should be taken that the over-hype being slammed is actually from the manufacturer, and not that which is generated by the buying public! The AF Opus X and Anejo's are other prime examples. These sell out fast, and at premium prices because there is a perceived "greatness about these in the marketplace. Hell, Fuentes doesn't even really need to advertise them, do they???? This is MARKET generated. And if it is generated by the people that ARE willing to pay the price, and that DO enjoy them, is it hype, or just their honest opinion? And a honest opinion IS NOT HYPE! While the FFOX may be rabidly sought and enjoyed by many here, I'm sure there are many that read this thread that would place the FFOX and the Anejos in the over-hyped category. I know it's probably just me and my thought process, but I just feel that this is a thread that serves no purpose except for allowing for backdoor bashing of smokers that enjoy cigars that others do not! And while I'm sure the bashing is not meant to be personal by the posters, it is still out there hitting on everyone that actually like Gurkhas.... Or Tats..... Or Beehives...... Or Davidoffs..... Or FFOX..... Or any of the other cigars mentioned. Just an opposing "Opinion" on the whole of the thread! |
Re: Your opinion - Most overhyped cigar line?
For me, "overhyped" has to do with lots of people singing something's praises, and when you try it, it disappoints. Not so much with advertising, since that's part of the deal; although the marketing on some cigars ranges from annoying to disgusting.
And only each of us can judge for ourselves the level of "hype" we perceive, against the effective outcome when we sample the product. As for me, I didn't bash anything nor anyone. I mentioned Ilusione because it is a brand about which I had heard only praise, yet the times I have tried it, it has sorely disappointed. That's the long and the short of it. If a thread asks for personal opinions and I have something to say, I'm going to say it as my opinion. |
Re: Your opinion - Most overhyped cigar line?
Re: Your opinion - Most overhyped cigar line?
Davidoff. Easily. It's decent at best, costs an arm and a leg, and every rich tool who pretends to know cigars recommends them.
Re: Your opinion - Most overhyped cigar line?
Re: Your opinion - Most overhyped cigar line?
For me, there are two sets of hype. One from the manufacturer...advertising, MASSIVE releases, tons of events. And two, from the reviewers/smokers/blogosphere. Sometimes those two overlap with paid reviews and blogs.
In the first category, Drew Estate and Gurkha win hands down. In the second, Opus and Davidoff. I WANT to like these. At the price points, I try REALLY hard to like these. But in the end, I've had Gurkha's better than Opus. These brands have the cache...they are the ones you smoke if you want to impress someone else. For me, they really aren't worth the money. The Cubans don't have any advertising here in the US but the forums and blogospheres are full of their reviews and praises. For me, I really like the Cohiba VI, but I know not everyone does. I don't like it $30 a stick worth though. Actually, I can't think of ANY cigars that I'd pay that much for. But that's me. And my opinion. |
Re: Your opinion - Most overhyped cigar line?
Re: Your opinion - Most overhyped cigar line?
Re: Your opinion - Most overhyped cigar line?
Re: Your opinion - Most overhyped cigar line?
Gurkha's to pricey and way to much goes into the boxes and packaging whereas they would be better off putting said funds in purchasing better tobacco all around and the fermenting processes. I here they have some decent sticks but I for one based on the dog rockets of theirs I have had will never purchase one.
Re: Your opinion - Most overhyped cigar line?
I would like to know the source of peoples hype. A good half of my perceived hype comes from right here.The other half anymore comes from emails from cigar catalogs,Famous and CI etc. |
Re: Your opinion - Most overhyped cigar line?
to me it is the opus x line. I was at a cigar shop in wichita recently and they had some smaller opus x torpedos going for under 10 bucks. I picked up a couple and smoked one so far. I can see why they fetch so much. though why would I pay 25 plus for one stick when I can get one for under 10.then theres the 700 odollar or so ghurkha. I like ghurkhas, but not 700 dollars for one
Re: Your opinion - Most overhyped cigar line?
It is more on the mild side for sure but really enjoyable... |
Re: Your opinion - Most overhyped cigar line?
More of the "hype" comes from pricing. Any cigar priced highly is bound to generate some hype. And more dissapointment when it doesnt live up to what was spent. And even more comes from "tuxedoing" - using super expensive lacquered boxes and packaging to sell an average product, claiming use of older tobaccos in blends without proof, releasing limited editions that arent any better than production runs but make cigar smokers believe they need to buy them now, etc... I dont see this as a hate thread, its entertaining seeing what everyone else thinks. As for two of three I said were overhyped, I mentioned that they were average cigars - I dont hate them and certainly wouldnt refuse one if offered to me in lieu of a Tamboril or Cremosa (or Swisher Sweet!). I actually really like FFOX cigars, but Im not offended that someone else says they are overhyped (which they are to some degree) or that they dont like them. Smoke whatcha like! :) |
Re: Your opinion - Most overhyped cigar line?
I love me some Tats and enjoy one almost daily, so I'm not bashing cigars I don't like - I'm just unimpressed with aspects of the marketing. |
Re: Your opinion - Most overhyped cigar line?
Say what you will about the Monster series in General (to some, the best thing to happen to cigars, to others, stupid tripe marketing for 10 year olds), but the Mummy is a pretty great cigar, when you get rid of all of the hype surrounding the actual release. IMHO. |
Re: Your opinion - Most overhyped cigar line?
It's really pretty simple. Some manufacturers experimented with limited editions and it worked. As long as it works, we'll be seeing more LEs. I call it marketing vs hype. If I could sell limited edition server equipment at a premium price and get people to buy more of my "regular" server equipment, i would do it in a heartbeat.
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