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Ogre 06-14-2012 02:22 PM

Re: How Old Are You?

Originally Posted by dave (Post 1656724)
I wouldn't be surprised to still find one of these in my parents basement....

DAMN, still waiting for something I don't recognize!!!!!

SvilleKid 06-14-2012 02:23 PM

Re: How Old Are You?
Here's one that shouldn't be too difficullt:

SvilleKid 06-14-2012 02:24 PM

Re: How Old Are You?

Originally Posted by dave (Post 1656724)
I wouldn't be surprised to still find one of these in my parents basement....

I guess with the newer, metal frames, these are no longer needed (unless you use an old style (Thing)!

Ogre 06-14-2012 02:27 PM

Re: How Old Are You?

Originally Posted by SvilleKid (Post 1656726)
Here's one that shouldn't be too difficullt:

Now that is old. But I still know what it is!!!!:noon

BC-Axeman 06-14-2012 02:49 PM

Re: How Old Are You?
Those balls look like a new and improved safety version. The ones we had were cast acrylic resin and hurt like hell even if they didn't explode on you. I may still have some puka shells around somewhere...

BC-Axeman 06-14-2012 02:55 PM

Re: How Old Are You?

Originally Posted by Wanger (Post 1656608)

I have the whole 800 setup, including a late '70s tv to hook it up to and hundreds of software titles. Programming guides, mods, etc., etc.

area51 06-14-2012 03:06 PM

Re: How Old Are You?
I'm still so lost. What is the icon?

poker 06-14-2012 03:43 PM

Re: How Old Are You?
I remember having this as a kid. Today kids have iPhones & iPads.

I also remember wanting one of these gems but it was (way) out of my parents budget:

htown 06-14-2012 04:37 PM

Re: How Old Are You?
1 Attachment(s)
How about this?

longknocker 06-14-2012 05:22 PM

Re: How Old Are You?

Originally Posted by htown (Post 1656874)
How about this?


Jasonw560 06-14-2012 05:38 PM

Re: How Old Are You?
Man....I'm older than I thought I was.
I almost killed myself with the second one, and the first one, I had like a dozen of them.

I recognized all of them. Had one of those things MCS posted for a few years. Until you couldn't find the "inserts" for them anymore.

BC-Axeman 06-14-2012 05:42 PM

Re: How Old Are You?

Jasonw560 06-14-2012 05:46 PM

Re: How Old Are You?

Originally Posted by BC-Axeman (Post 1656971)

Good Lord. I'm getting older by the second. LOL

Ogre 06-14-2012 06:09 PM

Re: How Old Are You?

Originally Posted by Jasonw560 (Post 1656974)
Good Lord. I'm getting older by the second. LOL

Me too Brother, me too!!!

BC-Axeman 06-14-2012 06:12 PM

Re: How Old Are You?
Heck, every house had one of these:

never_enough 06-14-2012 06:43 PM

Re: How Old Are You?
I only know the atari stuff. Atari was awesome!!

Ogre 06-14-2012 06:47 PM

Re: How Old Are You?

Originally Posted by never_enough (Post 1657010)
I only know the atari stuff. Atari was awesome!!

Scary, I know all of it!!!!-(P

Ogre 06-14-2012 06:54 PM

Re: How Old Are You?
One of my favorites as a kid

Big Bert 06-14-2012 07:26 PM

Re: How Old Are You?
Now i know where to go when i want to feel young :r :r :r i think i seen some of those things in antique shops lol. Remember guys, you are only as old as you feel :banger

area51 06-14-2012 08:03 PM

Re: How Old Are You?

Originally Posted by Ogre (Post 1657016)

Now this even I remember

htown 06-14-2012 08:07 PM

Re: How Old Are You?
1 Attachment(s)
How about this guy?

SmokeyJoe 06-14-2012 08:13 PM

Re: How Old Are You?
Anybody else own one of these?

shilala 06-15-2012 05:43 AM

Re: How Old Are You?

Originally Posted by BC-Axeman (Post 1656752)
Those balls look like a new and improved safety version. The ones we had were cast acrylic resin and hurt like hell even if they didn't explode on you. I may still have some puka shells around somewhere...

That's what iwas thinking. They looked like glass.

Kelly, they still make those wheel deals, the kids have one sitting on the coffee table right now. :)
I haven't been stumped yet, but Dave almost got me. I recognized it, but it took awhile to remember what it was for.

massphatness 06-15-2012 06:20 AM

Re: How Old Are You?
I used to fling those at my little sister (mine were yellow too)

Ogre 06-15-2012 08:53 AM

Re: How Old Are You?

Originally Posted by SmokeyJoe (Post 1657083)


Blak Smyth 06-15-2012 09:01 AM

Re: How Old Are You?

Originally Posted by poker (Post 1656824)
I remember having this as a kid. Today kids have iPhones & iPads.

Hahah I had one of these, kept me entertained for a couple weeks.
Forgot all about it.

SmokeyJoe 06-15-2012 09:16 AM

Re: How Old Are You?
Do you remember what this was used for?

MajorCaptSilly 06-15-2012 09:25 AM

Re: How Old Are You?

Originally Posted by SmokeyJoe (Post 1657375)
Do you remember what this was used for?

I had the Black Jack. Then got the Smash Up Derby:

The great part on those wheels was if it touched your hand while it was spinning, it would take the skin right off.


Dave128 06-15-2012 09:46 AM

Re: How Old Are You?
I'm 38. I know/had every one of the items pictured so far, except for the key looking things. I have a guess, but not 100% sure.

CigarNut 06-15-2012 09:51 AM

Re: How Old Are You?
Guess Dave never owned those old clunky roller skates with the steel wheels that clamped on over your shoes... I certainly did :)

Silound 06-15-2012 10:17 AM

Re: How Old Are You?
Jeeze, I feel older than I really am now.

OLS 06-15-2012 10:24 AM

Re: How Old Are You?

Originally Posted by SmokeyJoe (Post 1657083)

Sadly that thing made SO MUCH SENSE when you were playing it, too, that's what's scary....
4 pages so far and ain't been stupmed yet, except for the skate key. I made an assumption on that one,
never had skates, but I am pretty sure that's what that one is. My dad brought me the electronic football
home from one of his weekend'ly runs to all the thrift stores in NO. What a time I had with that one.

As for the Zip handle on the smash up derby cars, that was actually used for a product that came BEFORE
Smash-Up Derby, although it was the same basic product. The aim of the original was JUST speed, but of
course, it wasn't long before the excitement of SUD sets came out. As I recall those prior cars were FAST!!
That poured metal alloy central core for the wheel and the massive rubber're right, if that thing
skidded off your palm when it was spinning it was a bad deal. And now that I mention it, the Evel Kneivel set
also used a similar zip system. WOW, those cars were bad-a55! I had two of em. A kid that came to visit us
one Christmas from Michigan had a BRAND NEW smash up derby set. I remember that weekend, too, cause he
burned the $hi+ out of his hand on sparkler wires and I blistered mine in touching all three rails of a Lionel Train
track at once. It was a SICK imprint, lol. I am guessing my hand was sweaty, as it often was as a kid.

T.G 06-15-2012 10:32 AM

Re: How Old Are You?

Originally Posted by Ogre (Post 1657016)

They still make those, but they're plastic now.

In fact, I think that photo might be of the new ones, I don't remember any of the plastic bases, doors, rooflines etc...

BC-Axeman 06-15-2012 10:34 AM

Re: How Old Are You?
I'm, sadly, too old for electronic games when I was a kid. We didn't even have calculators until I was finishing high school.

OLS 06-15-2012 10:38 AM

Re: How Old Are You?
HAHAHA, I just checked out the layout to see which two I had. I had forgotten completely about "The Black Jack".
That was the most bada55 looking car. I also had a King Cobra in purple. I think everyone in my neighborhood had 1.

OLS 06-15-2012 10:42 AM

Re: How Old Are You?

Originally Posted by T.G (Post 1657431)
They still make those, but they're plastic now.

In fact, I think that photo might be of the new ones, I don't remember any of the plastic bases, doors, rooflines etc...

Oh yeah, the OLD Lincoln Logs had Wooden Roof slats. All you got in plastic was the end supports
for the roof. The roof slats were thin, green and a little splintery and certainly broke "easy" . In my
house they had help.

T.G 06-15-2012 10:45 AM

Re: How Old Are You?

Originally Posted by OLS (Post 1657450)
Oh yeah, the OLD Lincoln Logs had Wooden Roof slats. All you got in plastic was the end supports
for the roof. The roof slats were thin, green and a little splintery and certainly broke "easy" . In my
house they had help.

Yes! And then after we broke a few roof slats, mom or dad would cut a few pieces of cardboard out the same size as the wooden roof slats and color them green with a marker.

And in my house, there were always a few of the longer logs that had chew marks all over one or both ends because we left them out and the dog got to them. :r

BC-Axeman 06-15-2012 10:45 AM

Re: How Old Are You?
This is the back of something that if you saw the front it would be obvious.

OLS 06-15-2012 10:50 AM

Re: How Old Are You?
THIS WAS THE SHI+ !! Accept no substitutes! The Marx Electro-shot Shooting Gallery. Constant ball bearing
gravity feed, you could shoot away for hours.

T.G 06-15-2012 10:54 AM

Re: How Old Are You?
Remember those red & white steroscopic 3D viewers? The ones with the disks you dropped in and there was a lever on the side for advancing to the next picture while you pointed them towards a light. Some even had "companion records" that would narrate the story.

I'm drawing a blank on the name... Viewmatic?

Skywalker 06-15-2012 11:02 AM

Re: How Old Are You?

Sadly, some of us remember when this was invented!:D

massphatness 06-15-2012 12:00 PM

Re: How Old Are You?

Originally Posted by SmokeyJoe (Post 1657083)

OH MY GOD! I LOVED THAT GAME -- taking your flashing dot down the sideline on a long run was the shiznit!

BC-Axeman 06-15-2012 12:36 PM

Re: How Old Are You?

Originally Posted by T.G (Post 1657473)
Remember those red & white steroscopic 3D viewers? The ones with the disks you dropped in and there was a lever on the side for advancing to the next picture while you pointed them towards a light. Some even had "companion records" that would narrate the story.

I'm drawing a blank on the name... Viewmatic?

Dave128 06-15-2012 12:51 PM

Re: How Old Are You?

Originally Posted by CigarNut (Post 1657393)
Guess Dave never owned those old clunky roller skates with the steel wheels that clamped on over your shoes... I certainly did :)

Believe it or not, that was my guess! My mom still has a pair up in their attic! It's funny how the wheels are all pock-marked from rolling on the pavement.

Dave128 06-15-2012 12:57 PM

Re: How Old Are You?

Originally Posted by SmokeyJoe (Post 1657083)

I still have mine, but it's a two player version with controls at both ends and the field in the middle AND it still works!

tsolomon 06-15-2012 04:31 PM

Re: How Old Are You?

Originally Posted by Skywalker (Post 1657478)

Sadly, some of us remember when this was invented!:D

Yes to all and this thread can make you feel that way.

BC-Axeman 06-15-2012 05:08 PM

Re: How Old Are You?

Originally Posted by tsolomon (Post 1657686)
Yes to all and this thread can make you feel that way.

Your avatar could be on the list.

SvilleKid 06-15-2012 09:30 PM

Re: How Old Are You?

Originally Posted by BC-Axeman (Post 1656993)
Heck, every house had one of these:

Oh no they didn't!!!! Ours was stationary. It got adjusted by my dad yelling thru the window for me to turn the pole some more!!! Only thing I had one of those for was on my CB base, to steer the beams to get the best "bounce"!

Jasonw560 06-15-2012 09:32 PM

Re: How Old Are You?
I have that football game somewhere at home.

I remember the SUD had a ramp with it. I used to use the ramp with the Evel Knevil zip bike and using it to jump my Hot Wheels.

My mom would get so mad when I would zip the bike, and hold it as it screeched on the terrazzo floor.

carguy13 06-16-2012 06:05 PM

Re: How Old Are You?
24... i'm a youngin'

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