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Madman31 05-18-2012 03:01 PM

Re: Do you do what you love for work?

Originally Posted by chachee52 (Post 1624372)
I'm a Physical Therapist. I've always said, as someone else in this thread did, if I won the lottery I'd still do Physical Therapy (just would take a lot more days off!!!!!
Will I be rich doing this? No
But every day is completely different, and every hour is completely different. Yes, there are some crazy people out there, but I take that as somewhat of a challenge to try to get them better. And the reward to see someone that couldn't walk at first walk out of the clinic is a great experience.
I love what i do and wouldn't change it for the world.

I've always thought this would be a great job! Great to hear it from the horse's mouth. What do you think about physical therapy assistants? I might be going for that. Will it be just as rewarding as your job? (but obviously with lower pay)

Madman31 01-07-2013 07:56 AM

Re: Do you do what you love for work?

Originally Posted by shilala (Post 1634277)
For lots of years I liked my job, then I hated it, so I forced change. I was fortunate in the fact that I could quit any day and have a job the next day because I was a specialist in an an industrial area of service that I designed.
Then I wanted to move on because I get bored when there's no more challenge. So I changed jobs in the same field. Within a few years I topped out opportunity for advancement in that arena, so I decided to try something different.
I started building powerhouses and I loved that, but it kept me away from home a lot. The pay was insane, but so was my ex-wife. That made it love-hate.
When I started doing that I had already run out of room for advancement, then I was involved in a work accident and that was that. My health had been failing for a long time, so it was time to be done anyways.
Now I'm retired and I putter. I love what I do even more. I've truly been blessed all throughout the years.

I admire your courage to keep on advancing. I think most people would be content to stay where they are.

Retirement seems awesome! It sounds like the best "job" :)

shilala 01-07-2013 08:14 AM

Re: Do you do what you love for work?

Originally Posted by Madman31 (Post 1777182)
I admire your courage to keep on advancing. I think most people would be content to stay where they are.

Retirement seems awesome! It sounds like the best "job" :)

I get just as bored in retirement. :)
Since I retired I've taken up woodworking full time, bought a CNC machine, taught myself how to do the programming and run it, and I'm now teaching myself how to make furniture.
The internet kicks ass. The opportunities to learn a new craft are endless.

gbum 01-07-2013 08:54 AM

Re: Do you do what you love for work?
i love teaching...
but god i hate doing rnd,writing papers,journals and thesis...

but being the only one in the family who manage to pursue the postgrad study... feel oblige to my parent to finish it... at least a masters level...

Commander Quan 01-07-2013 12:41 PM

Re: Do you do what you love for work?
I do love what I do, but since I own the business at times it does feel like work. If I were to win the lottery would I still be doing it? Yes. Except I would be doing the fun parts of it, and not worried about the crappy parts like trying to collect money and paying bills.

smitty81 01-07-2013 01:27 PM

Re: Do you do what you love for work?
I also work to live. Do I love my job? I wouldn't say love but I would say it's one of the better ones I have had.

Little to no benefits, not great pay but it does pay the bills.

I like most of the people I work with and I am a manager. No one to answer to except the boss. My boss is a great guy to work with/for too.

He would give you the shirt off his back if you really needed it.

Sometimes just being happy at work is better than working at a high paying job if your miserable.

my 2 cents

Madman31 02-03-2015 11:52 AM

Re: Do you do what you love for work?

Originally Posted by shilala (Post 1777191)
I get just as bored in retirement. :)
Since I retired I've taken up woodworking full time, bought a CNC machine, taught myself how to do the programming and run it, and I'm now teaching myself how to make furniture.
The internet kicks ass. The opportunities to learn a new craft are endless.

Living the dream! I envy you :) I can only imagine the kinds of stuff I will learn once I have the time in retirement.

hammondc 02-03-2015 02:27 PM

Re: Do you do what you love for work?
I'm in field sales for a Big3 tire manufacturer. I love it. Work from home, great folks to work with, never ending demand.

DMK 02-03-2015 02:31 PM

Re: Do you do what you love for work?
I as well work to live, but can't say I've ever loved my work.
I just recently have had the opportunity to go back to a job I use to do over 10 yrs ago. I'm an old fart tradesman who is on the downward slope to retirement, so the chance to ride a desk is good for my back and knees....:r
I'm a Millwright by trade, and I'm now doing a planning function for multi trades.
Never to old to learn I guess.:rolleyes:

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