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DBall 03-19-2012 11:29 AM

Re: Need a newb that writes reviews... (Part 5)

Originally Posted by smitty81 (Post 1594508)
I'm pretty excited to try this if I'm selected. My only reserve is that I might not be able to describe the cigar flavor to well and I more than likely will not have tried anything you will send me.

I'm just concerned that my review of a cigar might not quite be up to par on describing the flavor part of it. I have read some of the reviews and they are really good reviews for "noobs". I am still learning to pick out flavors from a cigar.

What someone calls caramel, I might call nutty or woodsy......

It's not about "getting it right"... hell... that's not even possible as there is no 'right'. It's about your take on the cigar. :tu

smitty81 03-19-2012 11:35 AM

Re: Need a newb that writes reviews... (Part 5)

Originally Posted by DBall (Post 1594519)
It's not about "getting it right"... hell... that's not even possible as there is no 'right'. It's about your take on the cigar. :tu

I guess what I was getting at is that while a more expierenced person may say a cigar changes flavors through out the smoke, I might think it's one dimensional only because my taste buds for cigars are still learning.

DBall 03-19-2012 11:36 AM

Re: Need a newb that writes reviews... (Part 5)

Originally Posted by smitty81 (Post 1594524)
I guess what I was getting at is that while a more expierenced person may say a cigar changes flavors through out the smoke, I might think it's one dimensional only because my taste buds for cigars are still learning.

Well... we'll find out, won't we... :D

dwoodward 03-19-2012 11:39 AM

Re: Need a newb that writes reviews... (Part 5)

Originally Posted by smitty81 (Post 1594508)
I'm pretty excited to try this if I'm selected. My only reserve is that I might not be able to describe the cigar flavor to well and I more than likely will not have tried anything you will send me.

I'm just concerned that my review of a cigar might not quite be up to par on describing the flavor part of it. I have read some of the reviews and they are really good reviews for "noobs". I am still learning to pick out flavors from a cigar.

What someone calls caramel, I might call nutty or woodsy......

I might call everything woodsy, but its the subtle nuances that are the difference between a caramel and a chocolate. Nothing really tastes exactly like a apple of instance, but you might get a nuance that reminds you of that.

I know this might not help much, but my taste buds have been developing over time just like yours, I am to the point that I can pick out a few things, but still my buds are no where near as good as some of the long time smokers here.

smitty81 03-19-2012 11:53 AM

Re: Need a newb that writes reviews... (Part 5)

Originally Posted by dwoodward (Post 1594528)
I might call everything woodsy, but its the subtle nuances that are the difference between a caramel and a chocolate. Nothing really tastes exactly like a apple of instance, but you might get a nuance that reminds you of that.

I know this might not help much, but my taste buds have been developing over time just like yours, I am to the point that I can pick out a few things, but still my buds are no where near as good as some of the long time smokers here.

I find myself smoking a cigar and trying to pick out flavors. Then I go read a review to see if I tasted what he did or what I couldn't quite place.

I came pretty close with my last smoke. It was a Nestor Miranda special selection. I had the same thoughts on the construction but the flavors were a bit different.

vvvvvTheir review

"The first third of the smoke offered some toasty wood notes with a continue underlying sweetness. The second third of the smoke the sweetness becomes a well defined caramel, with a toasted wood remaining alongside for the ride. The final third of this cigar is a total change of the smoke. Gone are the sweet notes, and what remains is wood notes with a touch of toast and earth. The final third of the cigar also offers a nice aroma."

Initally I thought it was an oak sort of flavor, maby a caramel if I thought about it hard enough. Mostly I picked up a Cashew flavor or some other light nut came to mind. The last part was sort of turning a bit harsh or peppery.

Our take was different on the taste but close I think. I'm just having a hard time placing flavors. After I smoke something, I might read a review and it says raisin flavor, Then I will think to myself............Yes, that would be what I couldnt quite place.

I'm still trying to get down basic flavors. But I feel that I am learning.
It especially helps when I can read a review afterwords to see what I might have missed or couldn't place. :2

dwoodward 03-19-2012 11:59 AM

Re: Need a newb that writes reviews... (Part 5)
Some people get more out of a cigar than others. While someone might get raisin, you might get apple. They are both similar, but nobodies taste buds are the same. It's not often you see two people get the exact same tastes from the same cigar. They usually differ slightly.

smitty81 03-19-2012 12:04 PM

Re: Need a newb that writes reviews... (Part 5)

Originally Posted by dwoodward (Post 1594547)
Some people get more out of a cigar than others. While someone might get raisin, you might get apple. They are both similar, but nobodies taste buds are the same. It's not often you see two people get the exact same tastes from the same cigar. They usually differ slightly.


Pseudosacred 03-19-2012 12:08 PM

Re: Need a newb that writes reviews... (Part 5)
I meet all of the requirements for this, except one. I need to write a review. I'll be writing my first one tonight!

Just wanted to throw my hat in here early :tu

Deciding between an unbanded custom roll that KidSyd sent me

or a 601 red lance...

decisions, decisions...

ApexAZ 03-19-2012 12:10 PM

Re: Need a newb that writes reviews... (Part 5)
I don't always get all the flavors that people describe either. In fact, I get a lot of the same flavors in most cigars with the major differences being in which are more predominant.

I have recently discovered some new flavors though. The One Shot One Kill had a clove-like flavor and the Quesada Molotov had a slight minty after-taste that wasn't apparent to me until I read about it.

DBall 03-19-2012 12:40 PM

Re: Need a newb that writes reviews... (Part 5)

Originally Posted by Pseudosacred (Post 1594551)
I meet all of the requirements for this, except one. I need to write a review. I'll be writing my first one tonight!

Just wanted to throw my hat in here early :tu

Deciding between an unbanded custom roll that KidSyd sent me

or a 601 red lance...

decisions, decisions...

Well... you missed the "throwing your hat in early" part... submissions ended at noon today. That said, I like August Burns Red (regarding your avatar), so I'll leave it open til midnight tonight and decide on my 2 guys tomorrow... :tu

GreekGodX 03-19-2012 01:27 PM

Re: Need a newb that writes reviews... (Part 5)

Originally Posted by Devanmc (Post 1589878)
I need to learn how to do reviews. Maybe then I could do some blind reviews, could be fun.

Learn? Do you know how to smoke a cigar? Do you know how to describe your experience? Can you put that description into written words? Press submit :) Review done!

smitty81 03-19-2012 07:05 PM

Re: Need a newb that writes reviews... (Part 5)
Just a FYI, I am still really interested in doing this. Didn't want it to seem like I wasn't interested.

akumushi 03-19-2012 07:37 PM

Re: Need a newb that writes reviews... (Part 5)
Subscribed, these are always great:tu

smitty81 03-20-2012 05:48 PM

Re: Need a newb that writes reviews... (Part 5)
the suspense is killing me

mase 03-20-2012 05:55 PM

Re: Need a newb that writes reviews... (Part 5)

Originally Posted by smitty81 (Post 1595542)
the suspense is killing me

As they say, "Desperation is a stinky cologne." :r

Just be patient and await the verdict.

smitty81 03-20-2012 05:59 PM

Re: Need a newb that writes reviews... (Part 5)

Originally Posted by mase (Post 1595552)
As they say, "Desperation is a stinky cologne." :r

Just be patient and await the verdict.

I'm not desperate nor looking for free smokes.

Just excited and wanting to open my eyes to the unknown if that makes sense.

mase 03-20-2012 06:00 PM

Re: Need a newb that writes reviews... (Part 5)

Originally Posted by smitty81 (Post 1595555)
I'm not desperate nor looking for free smokes.

Just excited and wanting to open my eyes to the unknown if that makes sense.

Just pulling your leg. Best of luck.:tu

cjhalbrooks 03-20-2012 06:02 PM

Re: Need a newb that writes reviews... (Part 5)

Originally Posted by smitty81 (Post 1595555)
I'm not desperate nor looking for free smokes.

Just excited and wanting to open my eyes to the unknown if that makes sense.

makes scene to me i truly understand what you mean

DBall 03-21-2012 12:22 PM

Re: Need a newb that writes reviews... (Part 5)
ApexAZ and smitty81... congrats.

I'll be sending you PMs shortly.

If either one of you want to bow out, now's the time to do it. :banger

dwoodward 03-21-2012 12:25 PM

Re: Need a newb that writes reviews... (Part 5)

Originally Posted by DBall (Post 1596126)
ApexAZ and smitty81... congrats.

I'll be sending you PMs shortly.

If either one of you want to bow out, now's the time to do it. :banger


Hope you two are ready!

smitty81 03-21-2012 12:28 PM

Re: Need a newb that writes reviews... (Part 5)

Originally Posted by DBall (Post 1596126)
ApexAZ and smitty81... congrats.

I'll be sending you PMs shortly.

If either one of you want to bow out, now's the time to do it. :banger

NO WAY MAN, I'm not bowing out.

I've been having a rough time the last two days. This news lightens my mood.

Thanks DBall, I look forward to it! :tu

ApexAZ 03-21-2012 12:45 PM

Re: Need a newb that writes reviews... (Part 5)
Awesome. I will do my best to give thorough and honest reviews. Should be fun! Thanks, Dan!

Brutus2600 03-21-2012 01:02 PM

Re: Need a newb that writes reviews... (Part 5)
Congrats you two :tu Looking forward to seeing this!

BlkDrew 03-21-2012 02:44 PM

Re: Need a newb that writes reviews... (Part 5)
Oh I'll be looking forward to this.....

DBall 03-25-2012 10:33 AM

Re: Need a newb that writes reviews... (Part 5)
Review thread here:


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