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CigarNut 03-07-2012 07:59 PM

Re: iPad 3 (The new iPad)

Originally Posted by backwoods357 (Post 1584891)
Current macs have some sexy hardware, but all the fancy hardware in the world couldn't convince me to go back to IOS and the walled garden [prison]. Unlike a macbook or mac pro I can't just format and run a decent OS. Transformer prime for me. :2

I did similar stuff for years. Now I just want to buy something and use it more or less as is. I want to be able to take it back to the store if something goes wrong -- I have better things to do with my time now than futz with OS installs and debugging...


mithrilG60 03-07-2012 10:10 PM

Re: iPad 3 (The new iPad)

Originally Posted by LasciviousXXX (Post 1584715)
Ordered :tu

x2. I pre-sold our existing iPad2's to family last week to make room for the new model. 16gb WiFi's in white and black to be delivered in the first week of availability. I REALLY hope the FaceTime camera is better than the front-facing camera on the iPad2, the resolution on that one was so horrible they might as well no have bothered :mad:

Boz 03-07-2012 10:10 PM

Re: iPad 3 (The new iPad)

Originally Posted by AlohaStyle (Post 1584882)
I'm with ya having a 3 yr old... what all sources do you get your movies? Where do you recommend for kids movies?

I don't remember reading, but can you transfer your own media to the iPad, or does it have to come from itunes or icloud etc?

So far I've just used iTunes and movies that come with digital copies. I really need to use Handbrake and transfer more stuff.

mithrilG60 03-07-2012 10:21 PM

Re: iPad 3 (The new iPad)

Originally Posted by AlohaStyle (Post 1584601)
So now I will wait another week to see how much of a sale price other retailers will sell the iPad 2 for... I'm hoping for $299 - $349 for the 16GB :)

$399 for the 16GB iPad2... it's going to continue being sold at $100 less than the 16GB wifi only announced today. The sales are going to be on the 3G, 32gb and 64gb models. Frankly for $100 it's worth buying the newest model one just for the screen.


Originally Posted by Reaver2145 (Post 1584776)
ARRR MAC users i once again ask myself why you get so excited over something thats only a little better than the last but will cost about 3x the price.

Huh? Apple has not increased the price on a model refresh in years. They update and improve then, at the worst, leave the price the same. The pricing structure for the 3rd gen iPad is exactly the same as the original.


Originally Posted by Reaver2145 (Post 1584776)
Not saying the new stuff is better but the original chunky iphone and huge ipad are so much better IMHO they feel heavy and chunky and like they might be worth some of the thousands of pounds you pay for them.

You've obviously missed the trend with all mobile devices, not just Apple's, if you think bigger, chunkier and heavier is better :r

ir13 03-07-2012 10:40 PM

Re: iPad 3 (The new iPad)

Originally Posted by mithrilG60 (Post 1585151)
x2. I pre-sold our existing iPad2's to family last week to make room for the new model. 16gb WiFi's in white and black to be delivered in the first week of availability. I REALLY hope the FaceTime camera is better than the front-facing camera on the iPad2, the resolution on that one was so horrible they might as well no have bothered :mad:

Its the same shitty front camera, new rear camera.

At least thats what i read on the blogs.

AlohaStyle 03-07-2012 11:00 PM

Re: iPad 3 (The new iPad)

Originally Posted by mithrilG60 (Post 1585163)
$399 for the 16GB iPad2... it's going to continue being sold at $100 less than the 16GB wifi only announced today. The sales are going to be on the 3G, 32gb and 64gb models. Frankly for $100 it's worth buying the newest model one just for the screen.

I said "other" retailers. Other places always have sales, not Apple. I'm hoping for $299, but realistically should get one for $349.

mithrilG60 03-08-2012 03:19 AM

Re: iPad 3 (The new iPad)

Originally Posted by ir13 (Post 1585172)
Its the same shitty front camera, new rear camera.

At least thats what i read on the blogs.

What I read is that the front camera is the same Facetime camera as in the MacBook Air and iPhone4S. It won't be HD quality but really who cares for video conferencing anyways? All I want is for my wife and I to be able to use our iPad's for Skype without our nieces in New Zealand thinking we're "monsters" due to all the pixellation and artifacts. :r


Originally Posted by AlohaStyle (Post 1585189)
I said "other" retailers. Other places always have sales, not Apple. I'm hoping for $299, but realistically should get one for $349.

I recognize that however the specific model you're hoping to get, 16gb wifi-only iPad2, is not discontinued so there's no reason for any retailer to blow them out like they will with all the other iPad2 models. Hell, we bought my mother-in-law a 16gb w/ 3G for her birthday 2 weeks ago when I went in to get the price guarantee refund from BestBuy today it was actually now $20 cheaper than the 16gb wifi-only because the 3G model was on discontinued clearance and the WiFi wasn't. Got $170 back :tu

Stephen 03-08-2012 06:53 AM

Re: iPad 3 (The new iPad)

Originally Posted by emopunker2004 (Post 1584786)
Price is the same as the IPAD2 before the price drop. $100 more is 3x the price?

Oh those cheeky Brits and their arithmetican...:fu:usa;)

Stephen 03-08-2012 06:58 AM

Re: iPad 3 (The new iPad)

Originally Posted by shilala (Post 1584870)
Ordered. :tu
I got the 64GB Wifi and a camera connection kit.

You and I talked about these a few months ago, and we both agreed that the new iPad and iPhone were going to be significant upgrades to their predecessors. Congrats, brother!

Originally Posted by shilala (Post 1584870)
Now I need to find an otterbox for it.

By chance will you be investing in the case that I pointed out to you?:r

aich75013 03-08-2012 07:04 AM

Re: iPad 3 (The new iPad)

Originally Posted by shilala (Post 1584870)
Ordered. ... Now I need to find an otterbox for it.

Looks like they already have it on their website. A little different than the one for iPad 2, but the new one will fit either the new iPad or the iPad 2.

shilala 03-08-2012 07:33 AM

Re: iPad 3 (The new iPad)

Originally Posted by Stephen (Post 1585310)
You and I talked about these a few months ago, and we both agreed that the new iPad and iPhone were going to be significant upgrades to their predecessors. Congrats, brother!

By chance will you be investing in the case that I pointed out to you?:r

You're gonna have to point out that case again. Welcome to my memory!!! :D

shilala 03-08-2012 07:39 AM

Re: iPad 3 (The new iPad)
Here's the ipad2/ipad3 comparison page.
It appears from the wording that the FaceTime camera is the same?

aich75013 03-08-2012 07:39 AM

Re: iPad 3 (The new iPad)
I kind of like the bamboo cases from Grovemade.
Seems like it would protect fairly well too.

shilala 03-08-2012 07:53 AM

Re: iPad 3 (The new iPad)
I've had this otterbox defender on my iPad for a couple years now, Adrian. It's impossible to tell it from new and the iPad looks like it was made yesterday.
The big plus is that the back snaps off and covers the screen. Whenever I travel or pack it in a bag, that keeps the screen from getting squished. Even when it's getting tossed around in my laptop bag or suitcase, or packed in the back of the car.
This thing has taken a huge number of scary hits, even dropped face down a number of times and the kids have stomped on it. It's an amazing case.
It's bulky, but that makes it easy for me to handle.
I have the defender on my iPhone, too. I can't even hold it without a case, it slides right out of my hand while I'm talking on it. :)

aich75013 03-08-2012 08:03 AM

Re: iPad 3 (The new iPad)
I agree with you on the Defender cases. I have one on each of our 2 iPads.
When I was at the airport, somehow they both fell out of my backpack onto the hard floor. They both survived without a scratch. They have taken a few other falls too. I don't have one on my iPhone because it would be too bulky to fit in my pocket, but with two kids, the iPads never leave their Otterbox case. The new Otterbox case does look a little better built than the previous iPad 2 case.
In fact, I'm pretty sure you're the one who sold me on the Otterbox cases. :tu

I just like the look of the bamboo case.

icehog3 03-08-2012 08:09 AM

Re: iPad 3 (The new iPad)

Originally Posted by ir13 (Post 1585172)
Its the same shitty front camera, new rear camera.

At least thats what i read on the blogs.

If you read it on the blogs, it has to be true.


LasciviousXXX 03-08-2012 08:23 AM

Re: iPad 3 (The new iPad)
I've used by the Targus Versavu 360 and the Deft Detour cases on the iPad 2. Loved them both! I'll be using the Deft on the new iPad :tu

mithrilG60 03-08-2012 09:52 AM

Re: iPad 3 (The new iPad)
It's personal preference obviously but that to me defeats the purpose of buying something like the Otterbox. I've always used the Wrapsol or Zagg skin cases on my iPads and the thickest case I've every had on a iPhone is the Switcheasy Nude (my current iPhone "case" is the Wrapsol film system). They don't offer much if any drop protection, but they do prevent scratches and I can't stand buying a thin sleek device then doubling (or more) it's size with a big clunky case.

Caveat emperor: I don't have kids and am very careful with my devices so physical damage is generally not a issue for me.

shilala 03-08-2012 10:10 AM

Re: iPad 3 (The new iPad)
I'm just the opposite, Geoff. Kids out the wazoo of all ages (BIG family) plus my phone works with me. My pockets are regularly full of sawdust, dirt, concrete, you name it.
I didn't buy the iphone because it was sleek, not at all. I bought it for it's functionality.
I have a carpenter's calculator on there, keep all my drawings and prints on it, you name it. It gets filthy regularly and I have to clean it often.
It's held up to anything I throw at it, up to and including dropping it dozens of times and stabbing it with a razor knife (by mistake, obviously).
You and I are representative of both ends of the spectrum. :)

Boz 03-08-2012 10:11 AM

Re: iPad 3 (The new iPad)

Originally Posted by mithrilG60 (Post 1585463)
It's personal preference obviously but that to me defeats the purpose of buying something like the Otterbox. I've always used the Wrapsol or Zagg skin cases on my iPads and the thickest case I've every had on a iPhone is the Switcheasy Nude (my current iPhone "case" is the Wrapsol film system). They don't offer much if any drop protection, but they do prevent scratches and I can't stand buying a thin sleek device then doubling (or more) it's size with a big clunky case.

Caveat emperor: I don't have kids and am very careful with my devices so physical damage is generally not a issue for me.

Ah there we go. 2 year olds like to throw things :r My otterbox defender has saved my iphone more than a few times.

aich75013 03-08-2012 12:16 PM

Re: iPad 3 (The new iPad)
Just pre-ordered a white 64GB for my wife. She wants a pink case for it. Ugh.
I also pre-ordered a 32GB for my dad since I get a very slight discount.

McSmokey 03-08-2012 01:42 PM

Re: iPad 3 (The new iPad)

Originally Posted by Boz (Post 1585478)
Ah there we go. 2 year olds like to throw things :r My otterbox defender has saved my iphone more than a few times.

The whole purpose for an otterbox. Mine sees more carnage at home than at work and I'm in Construction.

mithrilG60 03-08-2012 08:45 PM

Re: iPad 3 (The new iPad)

Originally Posted by shilala (Post 1585477)
I didn't buy the iphone because it was sleek, not at all. I bought it for it's functionality.

We bought the phone for exactly the same reasons then ;). However since it is thin and sleek I don't feel the need fo change it with big bulky cases. I tried the Apple bumper for a little bit and found it ruined the hand feel. Like I said, I don't have to worry about pint sized humans damaging my devices and I work in an office so I don't need the same level of device protection as some of you guys.

LigaPrivadaT84 03-08-2012 08:47 PM

Re: iPad 3 (The new iPad)
Got 2 on the way!!

shilala 03-09-2012 06:23 AM

Re: iPad 3 (The new iPad)

Originally Posted by mithrilG60 (Post 1585999)
We bought the phone for exactly the same reasons then ;). However since it is thin and sleek I don't feel the need fo change it with big bulky cases. I tried the Apple bumper for a little bit and found it ruined the hand feel. Like I said, I don't have to worry about pint sized humans damaging my devices and I work in an office so I don't need the same level of device protection as some of you guys.

Weeze just switched from the otterbox to a skinny case. She got tired with the big and clunky, too. :)
I don't have any choice, really. I used her phone yesterday and could barely hang onto it. My hands are awful with carpal tunnel and I won't take the time to get them fixed. It's coming soon, though.
She just got new no-fingerprint screen covers and actually managed to put one on without a bunch of fuzz and bubbles under it. I was wholly impressed. :D

shilala 03-09-2012 06:25 AM

Re: iPad 3 (The new iPad)
The pre-order ipads shipped today, by the way. Straight from Chengdu, China.
They're due on the 16th.
Don't forget to pre-sign a UPS form that you can print at Apple so they'll leave it if you won't be around. :tu

AD720 03-09-2012 06:33 AM

Re: iPad 3 (The new iPad)
I ordered one for my Wife. Her first gen iPad will get handed down to my mom who is very excited about it.

shilala 03-09-2012 06:38 AM

Re: iPad 3 (The new iPad)
My 1st gen ipad is going to my father-in-law who's equally excited. He's an entertainer and wants to use it for Guitartabb, it's an app that scrolls the lyrics and tabs while you're playing guitar.

mithrilG60 03-12-2012 05:12 PM

Re: iPad 3 (The new iPad)
Got my shipping notification this afternoon, both new iPads will be delivered this Friday :D

CigarNut 03-16-2012 09:56 AM

Re: iPad 3 (The new iPad)
I have my ticket to pick up a 64GB Black in an hour :D

mithrilG60 03-16-2012 10:07 AM

Re: iPad 3 (The new iPad)
Out for Delivery as of 7:30AM.... why bother going to the store when UPS will bring it to my office :D

shilala 03-16-2012 10:16 AM

Re: iPad 3 (The new iPad)
Mine is at the house, but I am not. I'll get to love it in about an hour. :tu

mithrilG60 03-16-2012 10:58 AM

Re: iPad 3 (The new iPad)
Mine will eventually show up at my desk since they're being delivered to my office... then my colleagues and I will "work" for a while comparing my old iPad2 to the new iPad that's replacing it.

E.J. 03-16-2012 01:26 PM

Re: iPad 3 (The new iPad)
For some reason even with a phone call, Apple wouldn't let me I am sitting at home, waiting for UPS.....:tt

shilala 03-16-2012 01:34 PM

Re: iPad 3 (The new iPad)
You have to download a form to presign, EJ.
Despite hanging out my form, the doofus ups guy wasn't going to leave it, my wife caught him.
I'm at another Dr. Appt and Weeze texted that my otterbox came.

E.J. 03-16-2012 02:02 PM

Re: iPad 3 (The new iPad)

Originally Posted by shilala (Post 1592628)
You have to download a form to presign, EJ.
Despite hanging out my form, the doofus ups guy wasn't going to leave it, my wife caught him.
I'm at another Dr. Appt and Weeze texted that my otterbox came.

When talking to them, they said that UPS wouldn't take the form??? I was going to download it....:sh

It was delivered a few minutes ago... Wow....I'm surprised how heavy it is... Time to figure out what I bought....:r

E.J. 03-16-2012 02:07 PM

Re: iPad 3 (The new iPad)
Forgot to say, the UPS man ask me my last name as well.... First time that has ever happened to me...

CigarNut 03-16-2012 02:42 PM

Re: iPad 3 (The new iPad)
The new iPad is so much faster than my wife's original iPad! And a really cool thing is the dictation tool! I just used it to enter this message -- it works great! it's so cool!

shilala 03-16-2012 04:51 PM

Re: iPad 3 (The new iPad)
I could not possibly be more pleased with this iPad. I'm using the dictation tool too!
My father-in-law is getting my first-generation iPad. He's so excited he's coming over tonight to pick it up. :)
I'm also very happy with the OtterBox cover except that the back cover doesn't have a notch cut out for the back camera, which doesn't make a lot of sense. I'll have to do that myself.

E.J. 03-16-2012 07:19 PM

Re: iPad 3 (The new iPad)
This thing is so stinking awesome I can't believe it. Post done with the voice recognition what?

mithrilG60 03-17-2012 02:03 AM

Re: iPad 3 (The new iPad)
Well 1 of the 2 that were delivered on pre-order (my wife's) had an absolutely horrible screen, some sort of manufacturing defect I'd expect. It was bad enough that when I showed her both her new iPad and her old iPad2 on the same photo without telling her which was which she thought the iPad2 looked better. Went to my nearest local Apple store, where I've always had amazing service, to exchange it only to be told that the online and retail stock is treated completely differently and it needs to be replaced via AppleCare through the post. Apparently this is the case for ALL devices ordered online.

That has got to be the absolutely stupidest system I've ever heard, totally defeats the purpose if I live in a city with 4 Apples Stores and can't get any of them to service/replace my device under warranty if needed. Apparently Apple has learned it's lesson about retail stock though because at 8PM on launch day they still had available stock for all 6 models. Bought 2 new iPad's in the store and will be calling AppleCare tomorrow morning to arrange for a return of the two I pre-ordered. Also decided to purchase the 32gb models instead of the 16's after seeing how much more space the pics off my D200 use now that the iPad can display them at much closer to their native 10megapixel resolution.

E.J. 03-23-2012 10:42 PM

Re: iPad 3 (The new iPad)
Picked up a Otter Box Defender today.... Heading to Cancun, worried about the Little One dropping it on a tile floor in the room.... Not sure if it will make a difference, but it makes me feel better....:confused:

maconusmile 03-23-2012 10:50 PM

Re: iPad 3 (The new iPad)
Gotta have one now!

MrClean 03-30-2012 12:47 PM

Re: iPad 3 (The new iPad)
I'm not an Apple hater per se, but I've avoided drinking the koolaid for a long time. I've had iPods for years but avoided the rest. I've been looking at tablets for awhile now and I love the retina display. I'm an android user and love the OS. Well for our anniversary, my wife wanted a new iPod and doesn't like touch screens. We have an Apple store in town and I went over there to get her the iPod classic and to play around with the new iPad some more.
Now I'm typing this message with my new iPad. I'm chugging the koolaid and I love it!

Blak Smyth 03-30-2012 01:21 PM

Re: iPad 3 (The new iPad)

Originally Posted by shilala (Post 1592769)
I could not possibly be more pleased with this iPad. I'm using the dictation tool too!
My father-in-law is getting my first-generation iPad. He's so excited he's coming over tonight to pick it up. :)
I'm also very happy with the OtterBox cover except that the back cover doesn't have a notch cut out for the back camera, which doesn't make a lot of sense. I'll have to do that myself.

That's a pretty serious endorsement from the pickiest man alive :tu :r

shilala 03-30-2012 06:35 PM

Re: iPad 3 (The new iPad)

Originally Posted by Blak Smyth (Post 1604176)
That's a pretty serious endorsement from the pickiest man alive :tu :r

I know, right? :D

CigarNut 03-30-2012 07:32 PM

Re: iPad 3 (The new iPad)
My only complaint is the battery life - started the day at 100% and I'm down to 39% right now. I read and posted on CA a few times, checked my email using the iPad client and read a couple of short stories with the Kindle app...

E.J. 03-30-2012 11:21 PM

Re: iPad 3 (The new iPad)
Still thinking this thing kicks... Serious time killer while I have done nothing but kill time/screw off/do nothing on vacation.... No to mention it is easier to communicate with family than my phone......

Thumbs up!

mithrilG60 03-31-2012 01:05 AM

Re: iPad 3 (The new iPad)

Originally Posted by CigarNut (Post 1604429)
My only complaint is the battery life - started the day at 100% and I'm down to 39% right now. I read and posted on CA a few times, checked my email using the iPad client and read a couple of short stories with the Kindle app...

For what it's worth I don't find the battery life on my 3rd gen iPad any worse that it was on my iPad2. Between email, books and web browsing I probably use mine between 2 or 3 hours a day and between work and home it's hooked onto a wifi hotspot 95% of the time (mine is a wifi only model). I charge mine over night on average every 3 or 4 days, same as my iPad2. To be fair I don't game or watch video very often, but the only time I saw anything like the battery life you describe was last year in Cuba when I had no wifi access and forgot to turn off my email fetch and push. Because the attempts to check email were constantly timing out my battery wouldn't last a days worth of reading by the pool, as soon as I disabled email check though battery life went back to normal.

It might be worth making an appointment at the Genius Bar if you have an Apple Store close by. Unless there's a setting you're not aware of that's killing your battery off, battery life this poor should warrant a replacement device IMHO :2

Zeuceone 03-31-2012 01:10 AM

Re: iPad 3 (The new iPad)

Originally Posted by E.J. (Post 1592624)
For some reason even with a phone call, Apple wouldn't let me I am sitting at home, waiting for UPS.....:tt

I bet you would be happy to come home and it not be there???

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