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Hem 03-11-2012 01:14 AM

Re: falconman515's NewAir AW-280E 28 Bottle Wineador Build!
You filled that bad boy up quick! Those are some quality cigars in there too, no wonder you're near broke! lol

jluck 03-11-2012 01:45 AM

Re: falconman515's NewAir AW-280E 28 Bottle Wineador Build!
What a well rounded selection too! Nice...very nice.:tu

falconman515 03-13-2012 12:48 AM

Re: falconman515's NewAir AW-280E 28 Bottle Wineador Build!
Updated picture with the new Liga Privada vinyl decal .... now this bad boy is complete!!!

Hem 03-13-2012 01:02 AM

Re: falconman515's NewAir AW-280E 28 Bottle Wineador Build!
Love it! Looks great! I can't wait to pick up my own....will def be using this as a step by step guide.

Gooner 03-13-2012 02:03 AM

Re: falconman515's NewAir AW-280E 28 Bottle Wineador Build!
Amazing Chris! Nice collection as well!

Anyone in Europe know where I can source this model? I want to move my collection from coolers to a setup like this one.

boom 03-15-2012 09:36 PM

Re: falconman515's NewAir AW-280E 28 Bottle Wineador Build!
Just ordered my New Air..... I hate you Chris!!!!!

falconman515 03-16-2012 01:15 AM

Re: falconman515's NewAir AW-280E 28 Bottle Wineador Build!

Originally Posted by boom (Post 1592268)
Just ordered my New Air..... I hate you Chris!!!!!


I knew you couldn't hold out for too long Troy!!!

Anyway I can help you know I'm right here bro ... if you need some KL or other stuff for the unit let me know, Iv'e got tons left along with a couple media bags if your gonna use those.

Now you got a boat load more room to fill that bad boy up for the next Herf! :tu

abanytime 04-26-2012 05:14 AM

Re: falconman515's NewAir AW-280E 28 Bottle Wineador Build!
Chris: working on a 280E setup similar to yours. I've cleaned it w/ a distilled vinegar widedown, washed it down with unscented dish soap and aired it out. When it isn't running, I have no plastic smell. When it is running, I get the plastic/new motor smell. It's been running for about 4 days. Any tips on getting rid of that?

I haven't tried the newspaper trick yet. The next step after getting this squared away is putting some empty boxes and DW in. I ordered drawers about a month ago, so they should be ready soon.

Thanks for any insight. Your setup looks great, by the way.

HollywoodQue 04-26-2012 08:58 AM

Re: falconman515's NewAir AW-280E 28 Bottle Wineador Build!
Very impressive Chris....I like how you have shown the progression from start to finish.....Nice Job

MrTucson 05-18-2012 11:36 PM

Re: falconman515's NewAir AW-280E 28 Bottle Wineador Build!
Hey Chris, I just picked up my 280 and just finished the 1st wipedown with Baking soda and water, going to do a few more tricks that have been mentioned above before I start the filling process. Have you sold are are you ready to get rid of your shelves yet? You have been an incredible help in the process so THANK YOU!!:tu

falconman515 05-19-2012 05:40 PM

Re: falconman515's NewAir AW-280E 28 Bottle Wineador Build!

Originally Posted by MrTucson (Post 1639774)
Hey Chris, I just picked up my 280 and just finished the 1st wipedown with Baking soda and water, going to do a few more tricks that have been mentioned above before I start the filling process. Have you sold are are you ready to get rid of your shelves yet? You have been an incredible help in the process so THANK YOU!!:tu

Glad the thread helped out so much brother! That was the only reason I wanted to create this build thread was I wanted to help out future BOTL with theirs as well and between here and another forum I have helped Tons so far and that makes me very pleased.

My collection was starting to get out of control but some recent wedding set-backs forced me to sell around 100 premium sticks and I now have plenty of room ... so the thought of buying a drawer system from Forrest and selling the trays won't happen for a while now I think.

If you are going the tray route though I still recommend you getting some trays from Forrest ... he sells the same trays basically for $10 ... and you can also get them for like 3 bucks more a trays to go about 2" deeper and 4" for $7 more more.

The one thing though is for 10 bucks I dont think Forrest trays come with divider and does ... you may be able to work out a deal with him if you email or PM him.

I would have bought the ones from Forrest if he had these back when I build my cooler that are 2" deeper cause I would have more and I would still I think have room for the palstic trays I got in the back as well.

But I suggest the funds to go to a BOTL on the forums for the 10 dollar trays instead of ... plus they may be build a little better with pssibly thicker SC wood maybe.

Let me know if I can help out any further with your build brother and good luck! :tu

Big Bert 05-21-2012 09:52 PM

Re: falconman515's NewAir AW-280E 28 Bottle Wineador Build!
Just popping in to say thank you for all your step by step posts man, it really helped. A lot of google searches ended with your build lol, I got a 16 bottle still in progress once its done ill post some pics in the wineador thread.

falconman515 06-28-2012 12:15 PM

Re: falconman515's NewAir AW-280E 28 Bottle Wineador Build!

Originally Posted by Big Bert (Post 1641015)
Just popping in to say thank you for all your step by step posts man, it really helped. A lot of google searches ended with your build lol, I got a 16 bottle still in progress once its done ill post some pics in the wineador thread.

You got it brother ... I'm glad it helped and it makes me excited to know my thread comes up on a lot of google searches for other brothers that may not be part of the forums yet.

falconman515 11-01-2012 03:56 PM

Re: falconman515's NewAir AW-280E 28 Bottle Wineador Build!
Just wanted to give myself a shameless bump to bring this to the top for any new brothers looking at a new wineador.

Always here to help! :)

falconman515 12-24-2012 12:52 AM

Re: falconman515's NewAir AW-280E 28 Bottle Wineador Build!
Another shameless bump ... I saw a thread from a new Asylum brother that just signed up asking for links to a thread to help with a wineador build. another brother linked my thread but just wanted to throw this up top so it's visible for other new BOTL looking to get a wineador this new year.

Thanks again guys and I am SO pleased that this thread has helped out so many. :)

gbum 12-24-2012 02:58 AM

Re: falconman515's NewAir AW-280E 28 Bottle Wineador Build!

Originally Posted by falconman515 (Post 1770261)
Another shameless bump ... I saw a thread from a new Asylum brother that just signed up asking for links to a thread to help with a wineador build. another brother linked my thread but just wanted to throw this up top so it's visible for other new BOTL looking to get a wineador this new year.

Thanks again guys and I am SO pleased that this thread has helped out so many. :)

great job chris:banger

big_jaygee 01-05-2013 04:43 PM

Re: falconman515's NewAir AW-280E 28 Bottle Wineador Build!
wow that looks great! you have done a great job from start to finish :tu i have a 12 bottle but i know i need to upgrade soon, i was thinking about a 18 bottle dual zone (cigars on bottom and chilled bourbon on top) but then i would still be dealing with almost the same area so i guess i will go the 28 bottle route.

Robulous78 01-05-2013 05:21 PM

Re: falconman515's NewAir AW-280E 28 Bottle Wineador Build!

Originally Posted by falconman515 (Post 1589580)
Updated picture with the new Liga Privada vinyl decal .... now this bad boy is complete!!!

Where did you find that LP-9 decal? I'd love to rock one of those on my truck...

falconman515 01-05-2013 07:34 PM

Re: falconman515's NewAir AW-280E 28 Bottle Wineador Build!

Originally Posted by Robulous78 (Post 1776356)
Where did you find that LP-9 decal? I'd love to rock one of those on my truck...

I have not been able to get in touch with the brother who had this decal done for me but to put your mind at ease he also sent me a smaller decal thats was just the same as this and I tried to put it on the back window of my charger and it would not work.

This decal was meant for normal applications since all it took really was a wash and rub and cleaning of the back window for it all to just to peel away.

I know of another brother hooking up tons of these different sticker decals for very cheap (a few bucks a decal) if you are interested ... PM me and I will provide you with a link to them.

I loved this decal the day I put it on the cooler ... just ready set it off and made it look really nice.

Carpenter69 01-21-2013 08:45 AM

Re: falconman515's NewAir AW-280E 28 Bottle Wineador Build!
Could I get the site for those decals. By the way the wineadors looks great!

Zane 01-21-2013 10:32 AM

Re: falconman515's NewAir AW-280E 28 Bottle Wineador Build!

Originally Posted by falconman515 (Post 1776402)
I have not been able to get in touch with the brother who had this decal done for me but to put your mind at ease he also sent me a smaller decal thats was just the same as this and I tried to put it on the back window of my charger and it would not work.

This decal was meant for normal applications since all it took really was a wash and rub and cleaning of the back window for it all to just to peel away.

I know of another brother hooking up tons of these different sticker decals for very cheap (a few bucks a decal) if you are interested ... PM me and I will provide you with a link to them.

I loved this decal the day I put it on the cooler ... just ready set it off and made it look really nice.

PM Sent Chris.

falconman515 01-21-2013 03:15 PM

Re: falconman515's NewAir AW-280E 28 Bottle Wineador Build!
No site that has these ... and the guy I got this one from I can no longer get in touch with for some reason.

And fromt he above post about another guy I know on another forum ... that deal decal deal is on hold at the moment ... he will be contacting us when and if he is able to possibly get these done.

So unfortunately guys at the moment I do now know anymore or have any contacts that can have these made.

If that changes I will be sure to let you guys know.

Robulous78 01-21-2013 06:23 PM

Re: falconman515's NewAir AW-280E 28 Bottle Wineador Build!
Thanks Chris... I'll have my fingers crossed... :tu

Zane 01-21-2013 06:32 PM

Re: falconman515's NewAir AW-280E 28 Bottle Wineador Build!

Originally Posted by Robulous78 (Post 1784880)
Thanks Chris... I'll have my fingers crossed... :tu

Rob he is sending me the vector file. If I can get some made I will let you know.

falconman515 01-21-2013 06:52 PM

Re: falconman515's NewAir AW-280E 28 Bottle Wineador Build!

Originally Posted by Zane (Post 1784887)
Rob he is sending me the vector file. If I can get some made I will let you know.

Vector File Sent! .... let us know if you can find someone to have these made.

Robulous78 01-21-2013 06:58 PM

Re: falconman515's NewAir AW-280E 28 Bottle Wineador Build!
Awesome Zane... Really hope this works out... :D

AdamJoshua 01-23-2013 09:45 PM

Re: falconman515's NewAir AW-280E 28 Bottle Wineador Build!
LOOK OUT! My god that slope is ... wow that's steep.. just WOW. A month in and I've got 2 humidors (one empty even) and I'm slip sliding down...

Ok I took the plunge and just bought the newair 28 bottle model ... and I can't decide if I blame or thank you Chris! HAHA

falconman515 01-24-2013 12:02 AM

Re: falconman515's NewAir AW-280E 28 Bottle Wineador Build!

Originally Posted by AdamJoshua (Post 1785934)
LOOK OUT! My god that slope is ... wow that's steep.. just WOW. A month in and I've got 2 humidors (one empty even) and I'm slip sliding down...

Ok I took the plunge and just bought the newair 28 bottle model ... and I can't decide if I blame or thank you Chris! HAHA

I'll take the blame ... I love spending a fellow BOTL's money! :noon

And when it's all said and done and your new wineador looks amazing you can thank me then! :tu

AdamJoshua 01-24-2013 08:17 AM

Re: falconman515's NewAir AW-280E 28 Bottle Wineador Build!
Deal man. Thanks aga... I mean damn you!

dragnframe 02-21-2013 02:08 PM

Re: falconman515's NewAir AW-280E 28 Bottle Wineador Build!
Did You ever get the forrest draw setup in your cooler?

falconman515 02-21-2013 03:23 PM

Re: falconman515's NewAir AW-280E 28 Bottle Wineador Build!

Originally Posted by dragnframe (Post 1798331)
Did You ever get the forrest draw setup in your cooler?

Nope I just stuck with the trays ... plenty or room in the trays and used all that extra cash to buy smokes.

Now if I had the extra money then I probably would have ... those drawers just look Amazing!

dragnframe 02-22-2013 08:21 AM

Re: falconman515's NewAir AW-280E 28 Bottle Wineador Build!

Originally Posted by falconman515 (Post 1798357)
Nope I just stuck with the trays ... plenty or room in the trays and used all that extra cash to buy smokes.

Now if I had the extra money then I probably would have ... those drawers just look Amazing!

Do you have a link to the forrest draws?


MurphysLaw 02-22-2013 09:32 AM

Re: falconman515's NewAir AW-280E 28 Bottle Wineador Build!

Originally Posted by dragnframe (Post 1798738)
Do you have a link to the forrest draws?

Thanks Forest does great work, they are well worth the wait. I just posted some pics in the other wineador thread if you want to see some more examples.

chipsah 03-31-2013 04:32 PM

Re: falconman515's NewAir AW-280E 28 Bottle Wineador Build!
Sorry if you already covered this, are the dimensions of the trays 12 1/2" W x 7 1/2" D x 2 1/4" H? My AW-280E is on its way and I want to make sure I order the same size trays you have, I love the look (especially with the pulls on). Thanks for the very complete walk through!!!

Sadden 03-31-2013 04:45 PM

Re: falconman515's NewAir AW-280E 28 Bottle Wineador Build!
Email forrest and tell hime your model number. He will make em to fit.

falconman515 03-31-2013 08:36 PM

Re: falconman515's NewAir AW-280E 28 Bottle Wineador Build!

Originally Posted by chipsah (Post 1814681)
Sorry if you already covered this, are the dimensions of the trays 12 1/2" W x 7 1/2" D x 2 1/4" H? My AW-280E is on its way and I want to make sure I order the same size trays you have, I love the look (especially with the pulls on). Thanks for the very complete walk through!!!

DIMENSIONS: 12 1/2" W x 7 1/2" D x 2 1/4" H

macsauce13 03-31-2013 10:27 PM

Re: falconman515's NewAir AW-280E 28 Bottle Wineador Build!
Great call on the beads. I've been using it for almost two years now. The same beads have held at 64-65 with water added every three months or so. The RH bumps back up to normal within just a few minutes of opening the coolers as well. And I have about 10lbs I can freshen up with any time I get the urge. Has been such a great solution for me, and I also use the aquarium bags.

The wineador looks great, I'm really jealous of the setup!

SSDVC 04-02-2013 04:49 PM

Re: falconman515's NewAir AW-280E 28 Bottle Wineador Build!

Originally Posted by falconman515 (Post 1784898)
Vector File Sent! .... let us know if you can find someone to have these made.

Did anyone make up these decals? Interested.


badbriar 05-05-2013 08:42 PM

Re: falconman515's NewAir AW-280E 28 Bottle Wineador Build!
Chris - first off,thanks for outlining your progress in setting up your wineador. It gave me that little push over the edge to go for it! My cooler is on the way as I write this.
Any luck in talking you into briefly going over how you set up the kitty litter?
Listen...if you ever travel to the Orlando, FL area, an outing for good beer and even better cigars are on me!

Lockspur 05-05-2013 09:12 PM

Re: falconman515's NewAir AW-280E 28 Bottle Wineador Build!

Originally Posted by SSDVC (Post 1815728)
Did anyone make up these decals? Interested.


I've got a contact for decals. I'll call him tomorrow and find out a price.

pnoon 05-05-2013 09:19 PM

Re: falconman515's NewAir AW-280E 28 Bottle Wineador Build!

Originally Posted by Lockspur (Post 1830596)
I've got a contact for decals. I'll call him tomorrow and find out a price.

I'm not sure if there will be any issues but be careful of copyright infringement.

Lockspur 05-05-2013 09:35 PM

Re: falconman515's NewAir AW-280E 28 Bottle Wineador Build!

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 1830602)
I'm not sure if there will be any issues but be careful of copyright infringement.

You are quite correct (as usual). I will call him and see what he says.

Lockspur 05-12-2013 08:50 PM

Re: falconman515's NewAir AW-280E 28 Bottle Wineador Build!

Originally Posted by badbriar (Post 1830585)
Chris - first off,thanks for outlining your progress in setting up your wineador. It gave me that little push over the edge to go for it! My cooler is on the way as I write this.
Any luck in talking you into briefly going over how you set up the kitty litter?
Listen...if you ever travel to the Orlando, FL area, an outing for good beer and even better cigars are on me!

I can help here. I just set mine up. SO easy.

Go buy the odorless Exquisicat and about 4-5 of these:

Fill the bags. Not stuffed, but full. I tied off the ends with the draw strings on the bag. I use Heartfelts syringe to add water. Each bag gets 4 of those sprinkled all over the top of the bags.

Lay them in, close the door. On the warmest setting, it's rock steady at 65F and 66RH.

badbriar 05-12-2013 10:47 PM

Re: falconman515's NewAir AW-280E 28 Bottle Wineador Build!
Appreciate help, brother! What is your wineador project?

Lockspur 05-13-2013 09:50 AM

Re: falconman515's NewAir AW-280E 28 Bottle Wineador Build!

Originally Posted by badbriar (Post 1833678)
Appreciate help, brother! What is your wineador project?

I've since filled out the bottom with boxes. Waiting on the drawer units from GolfNut (Forrest) and it'll be finished.

Gabe215 05-13-2013 02:23 PM

Re: falconman515's NewAir AW-280E 28 Bottle Wineador Build!
Did you say that actually pour water (shoot a syringe at) the kitty litter? And could if so could I drip distiller water on the bag, recently bought beads but I could've bought 24 pounds of litter for the same price. And I still need more!

chaase321 05-13-2013 02:33 PM

Re: falconman515's NewAir AW-280E 28 Bottle Wineador Build!

Originally Posted by Lockspur (Post 1830596)
I've got a contact for decals. I'll call him tomorrow and find out a price.

Any luck on this? I'd be interested :D

Lockspur 05-13-2013 02:37 PM

Re: falconman515's NewAir AW-280E 28 Bottle Wineador Build!

Originally Posted by chaase321 (Post 1833979)
Any luck on this? I'd be interested :D

Sorry, forgot to post up. He said no go on copyrighted materials.

AdamJoshua 05-13-2013 02:38 PM

Re: falconman515's NewAir AW-280E 28 Bottle Wineador Build!
If you are all going to deal in "these things" you might want to take it off the forums and deal in private, these are trademarked items and it's not too cool to even imply any wrong doing on CA's part by posting about it in public.


Lockspur 05-13-2013 02:39 PM

Re: falconman515's NewAir AW-280E 28 Bottle Wineador Build!

Originally Posted by Gabe215 (Post 1833971)
Did you say that actually pour water (shoot a syringe at) the kitty litter? And could if so could I drip distiller water on the bag, recently bought beads but I could've bought 24 pounds of litter for the same price. And I still need more!

I sprayed the water directly onto the bags of kitty litter. 4 syringes full.

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