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alley00p 11-27-2008 12:36 PM

Re: Fiscal Responsibility
I'd like to agree with everyone that this was a great post that should cause everyone to stop and think about their spending habits.

I realized that I was becoming a "slave" to the emails from various vendors, showing the 'unbelievable price" on this box or assortment of sticks. I fell prey to these for a short time, especially on sticks that I favored.

In my case, I have a 0% card that returns cash when used for purchases. I only use it for cigars and accessories and pay it off each month. But, after a spending spree this summer, I realized that I had dropped almost $800 on cigars in a 30 day period - almost all "sales" or or "once in a lifetime" deals! Fortunately, my card didn't hit me for finance charges because I couldn't afford to pay the card off that month.

Since that time, I've been much more careful in buying cigars. I realized that I could probably go without buying for months and never run out of sticks! Now, I pick up a stick or 2 at my local B&M, but I have been ignoring the sales pitches that arrive in my email box daily.

I hope that all my BOTLs and SOTLs will have a Happy Thanksgiving Holiday!


Snake Hips 11-27-2008 01:09 PM

Re: Fiscal Responsibility

Originally Posted by hoyohio (Post 89086)
Very true...but only if you are managing your collection to a finite space. If you simply add storage as your collection increases, then "sales" purchases become incremental -- rather than opportunities for "savings."

I committed to a space (albeit a big one) and that is how I keep spending under control. It is impossible for me to store additional cigars beyond my agreed upon storage space without compromising their condition. I also only buy cigars with debit -- never on credit.

That's my plan. The Vino and the desktop are as far as I go. Once the Vino is filled, my spending will go way down. A few singles at the B&M and replacing stock as I smoke it. No more $500 sprees for the sake of filling space...

Drazzil 08-31-2010 12:54 PM

Re: Fiscal Responsibility
I have had to address this problem in my own life as of late. I wont mention on what but I most certainly overspent on cigars recently. I got suckered in by the "I wont see it again" mentality.

I have recently witnessed my financial aid (University grants) slashed by seventy percent, and I don't know how I am going to finish school (on last six months of business degree) and yet I spent two hundred and thirteen dollars on a bundle that I thought I really wanted. Granted they are good smokes, but they are NOT worth my financial peace of mind, which is why I am selling half of them.

I used to spend between one and two hundred dollars a month on going out to eat for lunch. Now I pack my lunch.

People are conditioned to be this way. And it's just a matter of conditioning ourselves to deny every little impulse that comes our way.

newlifetaxidermy 09-01-2010 09:08 AM

Re: Fiscal Responsibility
Its good to see this post revisited. Its an easy trap to fall into. I would venture to say the large majority of us have "over-extended" ourselves on cigar purchases at some time or another. Personally, I cannot be trusted with credit cards, so I do not carry them. My wife does the same. We follow Dave Ramsey's philosophy and have a reserve for emergencies. If we "HAD" to take a credit card out, it would be only for the worst of the worst emergencies that our reserves could not cover. A major sale at your favorite B&M or online cigar shop is NOT, I repeat NOT, an emergency. Also, it feels good to be able to receive a purchase or even just smoke a cigar, knowing that there is no looming credit card bill coming behind it in the mail.

stitch 09-01-2010 09:27 AM

Re: Fiscal Responsibility
Yep, verry good advise here ... Remember, in the long run it's just a cigar,
A rolled up tube of tobacco that you are at some point you are going to set on fire and smoke.
It isn't going to give you a life altering experience.
So don't go over board.

Every thing in Moderation ... Including Moderation :D

hotreds 09-01-2010 09:56 AM

Re: Fiscal Responsibility

treatneggy 09-01-2010 10:26 AM

Re: Fiscal Responsibility
I have to admit I'm guilty also. Stocked up on snus and snuff when PACT passed, thinking it would be my last chance to buy (FDA did stop importation of some flavors), then splurged on some HTF releases.

The wife decides since we are moving soon we need new furniture in the new house. Admittedly it is stuff we don't currently have - beds for both boys (we only have one twin), dining room table and bookcases (neither of which we currently have since we don't have room).

Then she gets slapped with an extra class at school that won't be covered by financial aid (plus $200+ extra in books)....

Now the cards are hurtin' and I'm trying to find time to sort out stuff we're not moving so I can try to sell it for some extra cash.

brigey57 09-01-2010 12:24 PM

Re: Fiscal Responsibility
Fiscal Responsibility

Excellent post and a point well taken. :tu

Mr B 09-01-2010 12:34 PM

Re: Fiscal Responsibility

Originally Posted by Buena Fortuna (Post 87903)
Absolutely! Cash is king, debt is death...


Originally Posted by rck70 (Post 87939)
Don't be Slave to the Lender........Cash is King....


Originally Posted by Tombstone (Post 87955)
If anyone is interested in getting out of debt...I suggest Dave Ramsey's plan. I followed his suggestions and paid off about 17k of debt in 6 months. Debt is dumb, cash is king, and the paid off home mortgage has taken the place of the BMW, as the status symbol of choice!

Agree 100%. Ramsey's Total Money Makeover will change your life.

Awesome Post. I have thought it many times but never had the nerve to post it.
Thanks Mark.

Da Klugs 09-01-2010 12:41 PM

Re: Fiscal Responsibility
Hobbies are meant to enhace our lives in positive ways. When a hobby becomes our lives... that is an obsession and only "The Alba Obsession" is generally good for us. :)

General - Duh - Mr. Obvious comment -

Know what your disposable income is based upon being a responsible adult. No cheating and not putting money in the 401k to support a buying habit. Food is not optional. Housing is not optional. Utility payments are not optional. Buying cigars when you carry a credit card balance month to month (and you have cigars to smoke) is really the answer to the unspoken question we each should ask ourselves - " Do I have a Problem".

If you are married - assume your bride can spend the same amount on "her hobbie" as well. Tends to help put things in perspective.

It's all relative is a term that everyone needs to understand. Just because you see folks out of control and buying things left and right.. it does not justify your behavior nor does it necessarily represent to them what it might to you to spend so much on cigars.

Klugs general rule of thumb:

No Job No income - Dont buy cigars (at least not by the box)
Ongoing Credit card Debt - Buy only what you can smoke in a month
Feeling secure but college for kids is not funded - Less than 5%
Feeling secure but not loaded - Know your DI and spend <10%
Feeling secure, college fund looks good but still have Mortgage < 15%
Fully funded on all fronts, College, retirement, home, - :banger

Eleven 09-01-2010 03:54 PM

Re: Fiscal Responsibility
Lots of Dave Ramsey Love in this thread but not a single one of us who HASN'T gotten debt free would be safe from the wrath of Dave himself if he found out we were buying Cigars!

Live like no one else so you can Live like no one else means NO extra spending. He wants you to eat TV dinners and sell cars and even move into smaller living spaces until you are debt free.

I may not be debt free yet, but we're working on it...and enjoying cigars...Sorry Dave :)

Smokin Gator 09-01-2010 04:24 PM

Re: Fiscal Responsibility
I am surprised I never saw this post before. It is some really good advice. I learned long ago in hobbies that I could go overboard. I have been fortunate in this hobby to not do that. I have one account that is only used for cigar purchases with a prepaid card. I only put my "play" money in that account. If there is none in there I don't buy. If there is a little I may pick up something I have been looking at. If there is a lot... Katie bar the door!!!

papajohn67 09-01-2010 04:48 PM

Re: Fiscal Responsibility
Guess I'm grumpy today :tg. Yep sage advise for some but deep down inside I feel whatever someone buys and how as well as how much they spend is nobody's damn business but their own.

jwfish81 09-01-2010 06:16 PM

Re: Fiscal Responsibility

Originally Posted by papajohn67 (Post 974403)
Guess I'm grumpy today :tg. Yep sage advise for some but deep down inside I feel whatever someone buys and how as well as how much they spend is nobody's damn business but their own.

I don't think anyone is trying to pry or be nosy about personal business or information. Just good advice for those, expecially the younger generations, who may have never thought about it before. I wish some had informed me about 10 years ago, and definitely some of my friends that had to resort to bankruptcy.

markem 09-01-2010 06:20 PM

Re: Fiscal Responsibility

Originally Posted by papajohn67 (Post 974403)
Guess I'm grumpy today :tg. Yep sage advise for some but deep down inside I feel whatever someone buys and how as well as how much they spend is nobody's damn business but their own.

:tpd: but just like gambling, it is prudent to not get carried away.

CigarDisciple 09-02-2010 01:31 PM

Re: Fiscal Responsibility
Truer words have never been spoken, I let credit cards control me for yrs and I got into serious trouble. I no longer have cards and deal cash only or debit card. If I can't afford to pay cash I won't get it besides I'm currently under a cigar embargo imposed by the better or other half (LOL) but trust me cards can detroy you if you aren't careful. :2

Col. Kurtz 12-16-2013 06:17 PM

Re: Fiscal Responsibility
Friendly bump. Perhaps some sage advice. Glad I saw it the first time around.

Also; sub $6 monte a's? Dang it!

G G 12-16-2013 06:35 PM

Re: Fiscal Responsibility
I looked back through the entire thread and agree with the advice because it's good. I was struck by the names of folks I used to interact with regularly and even though I have been less involved here for the last year or so, I miss some of those that posted in the thread way back when and they haven't been active for a long time.

bruceolee 12-16-2013 06:37 PM

Re: Fiscal Responsibility
Couldn't agree more here. I have certain medical conditions that limit me from indulging in many things so most of my cigar budget is my entire indulgence budget so it allows me to spend more on smokes than most. I also have no children and am not married. If i were, it would be criminal for me to continue in this fun hobby at the pace i'm enjoying it now. I love smoking great cigars but i won't use credit as a means to buy. I save my money and only then buy cigars once i can afford to. I hope no one here is extended beyond their means just for a hobby. Hobbies should be fun and never stressful. :)

ChicagoWhiteSox 12-16-2013 07:00 PM

Re: Fiscal Responsibility
Spend it before it's spent for you, for the 8th time!:po

No seriously, spend, spend, spend and then spend some more. It's good for us all.

CigarSquid 12-16-2013 09:26 PM

Re: Fiscal Responsibility
I agree. This slope is crazy, but we all have the controls to slow it down a bit.

I went off the deep end and realized I have plenty of smokes to last me a while.

Now I blow the budget on chasing 'seasonal' cigars. More money but to me, they are pretty cool.

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