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Starscream 05-19-2012 05:03 PM

Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?
Played Streets of Rage 2 yesterday with my 5yr old son. We beat it in about 20 minutes on easy mode.

Starscream 05-19-2012 05:11 PM

Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?

Originally Posted by Lonely Raven (Post 1436597)
Wow, Rush'n Attack. As a kid that game ate many of the quarters I dug up out of the couch.

This thread is good timing. I was just thinking about building myself a MAME machine as a winter project.

Right out of high school, I had three kick ass jobs. I worked sales/tech in a bike shop, clerk at a Laser Disc store (showing my age, right?), and managed a small arcade in the Chicago suburbs that got to "field test" Midway and Capcom games before they were public release.

Now, with the power of PCs and emulators, I can have 10,000 original, classic games on a laptop, and build a nice arcade grade USB joystick that will play them all!

Did you ever build your own MAME arcade? That would be awesome!

Jbailey 05-19-2012 05:17 PM

Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?

Originally Posted by Starscream (Post 1463589)
Contra III: The Alien Wars for the Virtual Console. I don't remember III being that hard. I haven't made it past level three yet.

Loved Contra III. Stage 4 was where it started to get hard for me.

I gotta find some of my old consoles and get them running again.

Starscream 05-19-2012 05:26 PM

Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?

Originally Posted by Jbailey (Post 1639941)
Loved Contra III. Stage 4 was where it started to get hard for me.

I gotta find some of my old consoles and get them running again.

You were good to make it to level 4, Hootie. Did you ever beat it?
The only Contra games I've finished were Contra (with the code) and Contra: Rebirth.

Jbailey 05-19-2012 09:16 PM

Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?
I came close to beating it without codes but I have only mastered it with the game genie.

Bax 05-20-2012 05:35 AM

Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?
I'm going to be doing some oooooooold school gaming in a week. Heading back home and my friend has a basement set up with a bunch off old arcade stand ups including a working Aferburner with the moving booth :noon

Starscream 05-20-2012 05:56 PM

Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?

Originally Posted by Jbailey (Post 1640037)
I came close to beating it without codes but I have only mastered it with the game genie.

The Game Genie, one of the greatest innovations of the 80s.:tu

EDIT: You gotta change the avatar, Hootie. I thought I was reponding to Tom's post. I thought it was a bit weird that he was talking about Contra and the Game Genie.:)

BUC WHITE 06-02-2012 11:57 AM

Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?
Me and my buddy get a best of 7 series in bad news baseball for nes. It has an excellent rabbit umpire. Never misses a call

Starscream 06-12-2012 01:20 PM

Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?
Played some Guardian Legend on NES the other day.
Also played the Sonic CD demo on the PS3.

kaisersozei 06-13-2012 09:24 AM

Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?
For old CivII fans (like me,) thought you'd find this interesting:

Starscream 06-27-2012 02:43 PM

Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?
MY SNES has been collecting dust for the past 10 yrs b/c I got mad and threw the tv at the wall (I'm well beyond that point in my life) and ripped the coaxial cable in two. I realized this week that the composite cable for the Gamecube works with the SNES, so I dug the SNES and games out of the garage (took me 5 hours to find it all) and I'm having the time of my life! I always hated Starfox and Super Star Wars b/c they were too daggum hard, but now they have been a blast and maybe due to my age, a whole lot easier. Who knew?!?

Jefft72 06-27-2012 03:58 PM

Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?

Originally Posted by Starscream (Post 1654663)
Played some Guardian Legend on NES the other day.
Also played the Sonic CD demo on the PS3.

Holy cow, Guardian Legend really brings back some memories!

Here is a pic of 2 of my young`ens with their first attempts at Mario. I had the bug to hook up the NES after sitting for years in a closet.

VirtualSmitty 07-02-2012 05:00 AM

Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?

Originally Posted by Starscream (Post 1668283)
I always hated Starfox and Super Star Wars b/c they were too daggum hard, but now they have been a blast and maybe due to my age, a whole lot easier. Who knew?!?

I felt that way about the Castlevania games from the 80s, early 90s. They used to torment me when I was little, brutal difficulty curve. But for whatever reason, one summer two years ago I dusted off the old NES and SNES and tore through ALL of them. Aside from having to check the internet for a little help with Simons Quest (WTF, kneel randomly at a lake for a tornado to come and take you away!?), I crushed all of them. it was incredibly satisfying, like tying up a loose end from my childhood :tu

Jbailey 07-02-2012 05:20 AM

Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?

Originally Posted by VirtualSmitty (Post 1671445)
Aside from having to check the internet for a little help with Simons Quest (WTF, kneel randomly at a lake for a tornado to come and take you away!?)

I remember having some gaming books and that was in there. By far the most obscure and crazy way to get to any final boss. Since that game was so wide open and no real mention on how to do anything it was F*cking hard!

MrWolf55 07-09-2012 10:24 PM

Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?
Just dusted off the old NES a couple days ago and have been wearing these two suckers OUT: Uploaded with

Uploaded with

Starscream 07-14-2012 02:14 PM

Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?

Originally Posted by Jbailey (Post 1671450)
I remember having some gaming books and that was in there. By far the most obscure and crazy way to get to any final boss. Since that game was so wide open and no real mention on how to do anything it was F*cking hard!

You pretty much have to have a strategy guide to get through that game. It did have an epic soundtrack though.

Originally Posted by MrWolf55 (Post 1676496)
Just dusted off the old NES a couple days ago and have been wearing these two suckers OUT: Uploaded with

Uploaded with

I've got Skate or Die 2 and hate it. Probably b/c I suck at it.

I picked up a couple games for the SNES and NES this week:
T2: The Arcade game
Batman Returns


Starscream 07-14-2012 02:16 PM

Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?

Originally Posted by VirtualSmitty (Post 1671445)
I felt that way about the Castlevania games from the 80s, early 90s. They used to torment me when I was little, brutal difficulty curve. But for whatever reason, one summer two years ago I dusted off the old NES and SNES and tore through ALL of them. Aside from having to check the internet for a little help with Simons Quest (WTF, kneel randomly at a lake for a tornado to come and take you away!?), I crushed all of them. it was incredibly satisfying, like tying up a loose end from my childhood :tu

Do you remember which ending you got for Simon's Quest? That one had one good ending, and multiple bad endings if I remember correctly.

AECUSN 07-14-2012 06:38 PM

Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?
Still rocking a lot of NES/SNES games. But lately have been playing PS 1 games
Posted via Mobile Device

Starscream 07-16-2012 04:42 PM

Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?
Taking a break from Uncharted 3 to play Majora's Mask. I got it for free on the VC, and it's definitely NOT my favorite Zelda game by any means.

Taki 07-16-2012 04:54 PM

Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?
Contra and Castlevania for Nintendo :u and pretty much all 75 games I have :noon
Love Atari (old school systm) too but my sister has that, we trade every two years!

MrWolf55 07-16-2012 05:28 PM

Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?

Originally Posted by Starscream (Post 1679834)
I've got Skate or Die 2 and hate it. Probably b/c I suck at it.

Yeah this game has always been impossible for me. I always get to the level where you have to ride around the beach and pick up all the halfpipe plans and they're blowing away....f'ing impossible. Must have spent hours trying to beat it as a kid. :c
And so it is with most NES games for me it seems...either beatable within a few hours or completely impossible no matter how much I played it. Never really seemed to be much in between.

Starscream 07-21-2012 08:07 PM

Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?
Some games took me years to finally beat, but some I think are impossible due to poor controls. I think both Skate or Die games fall in the poor controls category.

VirtualSmitty 07-22-2012 07:14 AM

Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?

Originally Posted by Starscream (Post 1679836)
Do you remember which ending you got for Simon's Quest? That one had one good ending, and multiple bad endings if I remember correctly.

I got the died from wounds ending :td

Starscream 07-23-2012 08:24 AM

Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?

Originally Posted by VirtualSmitty (Post 1685084)
I got the died from wounds ending :td

Simon dies in all three endings (I just found out).
Here's a video that shows all three endings:

Starscream 08-10-2012 04:48 PM

Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?

Originally Posted by Jefft72 (Post 1668363)
Holy cow, Guardian Legend really brings back some memories!

Here is a pic of 2 of my young`ens with their first attempts at Mario. I had the bug to hook up the NES after sitting for years in a closet.

I love this pic! Always a good thing when you introduce the kids to the classics! My kids love all of the original Super Mario games on the NES, but I've tried to no avail to get them to enjoy Pac-man, Burgertime, Pole Position, Dig-Dug, or Frogger. I have gotten them addicted to the light gun games on the NES though (Duck Hunt and Hogan's Alley). My youngest son pronounces Duck Hunt as "Duck kunt".:r

Starscream 09-09-2012 05:12 PM

Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?
Pac-man Championship Edition DX is awesome. New game that brings back that old school Pac-Man feel. It's addictive.

drevim 09-09-2012 11:24 PM

Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?
Didn't see it mentioned, but if you have an Ipad (or iphone, although it's tougher with a dpad control), check out Activition Anthology. Not the same as having the old 2600 system, but for $7 you get 45 old school games, including Pitfall. This is a direct port, not one of the crappy remakes they have tried over the years.

Starscream 09-10-2012 02:19 PM

Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?
God bless Activision for all they did for the industry.

Jefft72 09-10-2012 02:23 PM

Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?

Originally Posted by Starscream (Post 1697738)
I love this pic! Always a good thing when you introduce the kids to the classics! My kids love all of the original Super Mario games on the NES, but I've tried to no avail to get them to enjoy Pac-man, Burgertime, Pole Position, Dig-Dug, or Frogger. I have gotten them addicted to the light gun games on the NES though (Duck Hunt and Hogan's Alley). My youngest son pronounces Duck Hunt as "Duck kunt".:r

I need to find a light gun to plug into my NES. There is no telling where the original is, but Duck Hunt would be fun and the kids would have fun with it.

mmblz 09-10-2012 02:38 PM

Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?
Rogue ;)

lilninjabuddy 09-10-2012 03:10 PM

Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?
Woah. Awesome thread.

BeerAdvocate 09-10-2012 03:17 PM

Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?
I need to find an old NES somewhere!

Starscream 09-20-2012 07:31 PM

Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?
I picked up three games for the SNES from a student today: Mortal Kombat II, NBA Jam Tournament Edition, and Clayfighter.

Starscream 09-29-2012 01:55 PM

Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?
Super R-Type (SNES)
Bases Loaded 2 (NES)
Dukes of Hazzard II: Daisy Dukes it Out (PS1)

Thumbs up for all three.

Justinphilly 09-29-2012 05:44 PM

Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?

Originally Posted by BeerAdvocate (Post 1714000)
I need to find an old NES somewhere!

Grab a Nintendo wii. You can download and play tons of original Nintendo games. Or just click here, and thank me later

Starscream 09-29-2012 05:52 PM

Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?

Originally Posted by Justinphilly (Post 1724856)
Grab a Nintendo wii. You can download and play tons of original Nintendo games. Or just click here, and thank me later is good, but is better. Every game, every console.

Starscream 10-18-2012 08:24 PM

Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?
Sonic Adventure 2

cjhalbrooks 10-19-2012 07:24 PM

Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?
Sled Storm (PS1)

MarkinAZ 10-19-2012 07:46 PM

Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?
Taking my time while working my way through "Ultimate Doom":dance:

Always loved this game...

Starscream 07-29-2013 11:20 AM

Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?
I'm up to 61 games for the NES and 23 games for the SNES. Anyone else still playing the classics?

Jbailey 07-29-2013 09:34 PM

Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?
Yes I am Andy. My NES and SNES are hooked up. Recently hooked my 64 up for a bit. Played Golden Eye and Wave Race for a bit a few weeks back.

I would have to count up all my old games but I got enough to keepe busy.

Sweet_Leaf_PDX 07-29-2013 09:46 PM

Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?
I enjoy a lot of retro gaming. I have an Atari 2600, Atari 7800, NES, and some of the other pre-playstation era gaming systems. I've been collecting the old games over the years and get a lot of enjoyment out of playing them. This is a cool thread!

Jbailey 07-29-2013 10:03 PM

Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?
Still got a 2600 too. Need to hook it up again, love to play done Empire Strikes Back again.

Starscream 07-30-2013 05:55 PM

Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?

Originally Posted by Jbailey (Post 1867190)
Yes I am Andy. My NES and SNES are hooked up. Recently hooked my 64 up for a bit. Played Golden Eye and Wave Race for a bit a few weeks back.

I would have to count up all my old games but I got enough to keepe busy.

I just moved the NES from my parents house to mine. Haven't had a chance to hook it up this week. I just bought Blaster Master and can't wait to try it out again.

I have the 64 hooked up in the boys room but rarely play it.

Starscream 07-30-2013 05:58 PM

Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?

Originally Posted by Sweet_Leaf_PDX (Post 1867197)
I enjoy a lot of retro gaming. I have an Atari 2600, Atari 7800, NES, and some of the other pre-playstation era gaming systems. I've been collecting the old games over the years and get a lot of enjoyment out of playing them. This is a cool thread!

I've been on the lookout for a 7800 for a while. I want one so I can play both 7800 and 2600 games on one system. I'm not paying E-Bay prices for one though. How do you like the 7800?

Sweet_Leaf_PDX 07-31-2013 04:02 PM

Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?

Originally Posted by Starscream (Post 1867595)
I've been on the lookout for a 7800 for a while. I want one so I can play both 7800 and 2600 games on one system. I'm not paying E-Bay prices for one though. How do you like the 7800?

If you look around on Craigslist you might be able to find one for a reasonable price. Just make sure that it comes with the power adapter, because those are very difficult to find. I generally just have my 7800 plugged in, and use it to play the 2600 games too.

I do enjoy the 7800 - I think 2600 games look a little better on it and there are just enough cool 7800 games out there to justify owning one.

I have been collecting retro gaming stuff for a while now and have seen a crazy spike in prices recently. I am fortunate to live in Portland because every year we have the "Portland Retro Gaming Expo" and that is a good place to buy games/systems because you can haggle a bit.

4WheelVFR 07-31-2013 06:16 PM

Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?
I've been playing Final Fantasy 8 recently. Awesome game. Probably gonna play Seventh Saga and Earthbound from SNES next. The first NES Dragon Warrior games are also on my playlist.

Starscream 08-04-2013 01:47 PM

Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?

Originally Posted by Sweet_Leaf_PDX (Post 1868018)
If you look around on Craigslist you might be able to find one for a reasonable price. Just make sure that it comes with the power adapter, because those are very difficult to find. I generally just have my 7800 plugged in, and use it to play the 2600 games too.

I do enjoy the 7800 - I think 2600 games look a little better on it and there are just enough cool 7800 games out there to justify owning one.

I have been collecting retro gaming stuff for a while now and have seen a crazy spike in prices recently. I am fortunate to live in Portland because every year we have the "Portland Retro Gaming Expo" and that is a good place to buy games/systems because you can haggle a bit.

I'd love to get to the Portland RGE some day. All the Youtube channel guys go to that convention. The Game Chasers and Pat the NES Punk especially.

Starscream 08-04-2013 01:48 PM

Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?

Originally Posted by 4WheelVFR (Post 1868060)
I've been playing Final Fantasy 8 recently. Awesome game. Probably gonna play Seventh Saga and Earthbound from SNES next. The first NES Dragon Warrior games are also on my playlist.

I love Earthbound!

CEC_Tech 08-04-2013 02:25 PM

Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?
I'm not sure what your guys stance is on emulators, but grab M.A.M.E. and you can play everything your heart desires. Over the years i've compiled quite a collection of roms and even built myself a couple of arcade machines running my favorite games.

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