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Blak Smyth 07-01-2011 06:52 AM

Re: Send me daughter a postcard, please?
I will try to get the PA one out early next week, or maybe this weekend if any place is open.

tsolomon 07-01-2011 11:10 AM

Re: Send me daughter a postcard, please?
Washington DC is on the way. :D

The Poet 07-01-2011 02:02 PM

Re: Send me daughter a postcard, please?
Jersey's out today, away to Scanaway. It's all in the hands of USPS now. :rolleyes:

Apoco 07-01-2011 02:23 PM

Re: Send me daughter a postcard, please?
I'll get one and send it out this weekend. Is it safe to assume that most gas stations will have them? There's a truck stop near me that I know has them, but it is a little out of the way.
Posted via Mobile Device

maninblack 07-01-2011 06:28 PM

Re: Send me daughter a postcard, please?
Missouri is covered.

The Poet 07-02-2011 10:09 AM

Re: Send me daughter a postcard, please?

Originally Posted by The Poet (Post 1319845)
Jersey's out today, away to Scanaway. It's all in the hands of USPS now. :rolleyes:

Did you think I was kidding here? I dropped this card into the "Out Of Town" box yesterday, and today it was delivered . . . to me! :gary

I've already returned it to the Post Office, and they said they would take care of it. But if you don't see it relatively soon, LMK and I'll try again for her.

loki 07-02-2011 10:42 AM

Re: Send me daughter a postcard, please?
pa va and/or wv if ya need

coffeemonkey 07-02-2011 11:15 AM

Re: Send me daughter a postcard, please?

Originally Posted by The Poet (Post 1320960)
Did you think I was kidding here? I dropped this card into the "Out Of Town" box yesterday, and today it was delivered . . . to me! :gary

I've already returned it to the Post Office, and they said they would take care of it. But if you don't see it relatively soon, LMK and I'll try again for her.

In my industry, hard economic times mean you work even harder to stay afloat, I guess the USPS takes a different approach. :hm

coffeemonkey 07-02-2011 11:16 AM

Re: Send me daughter a postcard, please?

Originally Posted by Apoco (Post 1319871)
I'll get one and send it out this weekend. Is it safe to assume that most gas stations will have them? There's a truck stop near me that I know has them, but it is a little out of the way.
Posted via Mobile Device

Around here yes.


coffeemonkey 07-02-2011 11:17 AM

Re: Send me daughter a postcard, please?
Thanks to everyone for all there help. We are going to be gone over the 4th weekend, we'll post an update when we return.

The Poet 07-02-2011 11:29 AM

Re: Send me daughter a postcard, please?

Originally Posted by coffeemonkey (Post 1321040)
In my industry, hard economic times mean you work even harder to stay afloat, I guess the USPS takes a different approach. :hm

You wanna hear the kicker here? The post card I found was a photo of the Madison NJ Post Office. :r

coffeemonkey 07-02-2011 01:17 PM

Re: Send me daughter a postcard, please?

Originally Posted by The Poet (Post 1321050)
You wanna hear the kicker here? The post card I found was a photo of the Madison NJ Post Office. :r

Pretty funny, I'd be more angry at USPS incompetence if it weren't so funny.

Dunkel 07-03-2011 06:50 AM

Re: Send me daughter a postcard, please?
If you're still looking for a WV postcard I can send you one. PM me your address and I send it off Tuesday or Wednesday

Apoco 07-04-2011 03:13 PM

Re: Send me daughter a postcard, please?
Mine is in the mail to go out tomorrow.

Blak Smyth 07-07-2011 07:33 AM

Re: Send me daughter a postcard, please?

Originally Posted by Angus (Post 1314292)
Just PM me if you need a PA

I sent a PM to Rich seeing if he can get the PA postcard I was supposed to send.
I spent the last couple of days after work driving around to gas stations and drug stores locally and can't locate any. It is blowing my mind.
Anyways I feel terrible it's not on the way yet.
If I don't hear back from Angus I will see if I can just order one online and send it straight to you.

so sorry for the delay, I had no idea it would be this hard.
I live kinda in the middle of nowhere, that may have something to do with it.

ade06 07-07-2011 09:40 AM

Re: Send me daughter a postcard, please?

Originally Posted by Blak Smyth (Post 1326786)
I sent a PM to Rich seeing if he can get the PA postcard I was supposed to send.
I spent the last couple of days after work driving around to gas stations and drug stores locally and can't locate any. It is blowing my mind.
Anyways I feel terrible it's not on the way yet.
If I don't hear back from Angus I will see if I can just order one online and send it straight to you.

so sorry for the delay, I had no idea it would be this hard.
I live kinda in the middle of nowhere, that may have something to do with it.

I live in Philly, so post cards are in abundance. Let me know if you need one from PA.

coffeemonkey 07-11-2011 01:44 PM

Re: Send me daughter a postcard, please?
The cards are flowing in, we'll post a photo soon.

Thanks everyone!

One cool thing a bunch of people have been doing is giving a short history of the area from which the card is sent. For instance, we now know that moon pies originated in Chattanooga, TN!

erratum 07-11-2011 01:49 PM

Re: Send me daughter a postcard, please?
If you still need one from Missouri, I can hop state lines & find you one ... just let me know by PM if you do.

Apoco 07-11-2011 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by coffeemonkey (Post 1332276)
One cool thing a bunch of people have been doing is giving a short history of the area from which the card is sent. For instance, we now know that moon pies originated in Chattanooga, TN!

And they are DELICIOUS :dr
Posted via Mobile Device

The Poet 07-11-2011 03:23 PM

Re: Send me daughter a postcard, please?

Originally Posted by Apoco (Post 1332296)
And they are DELICIOUS :dr
Posted via Mobile Device

Yeah, but not a good as Goo-Goo Clusters, from Nashville. :r

Angus 07-12-2011 07:09 AM

Re: Send me daughter a postcard, please?
Just picked up a Pennsylvania postcard for you. PM me and I'll send it out. Cheers!!

Blak Smyth 07-12-2011 07:23 AM

Re: Send me daughter a postcard, please?

Originally Posted by Angus (Post 1333431)
Just picked up a Pennsylvania postcard for you. PM me and I'll send it out. Cheers!!

Awesome, thanks for doing that.

hotreds 07-12-2011 07:50 AM

Re: Send me daughter a postcard, please?
In fact, I'm surprised at how difficult it is to find postcards anymore. Some clerks look at you like you're asking for "bfawwertmv!"

Anyway, OH and KY on the way, IN I'm still seeking. Can you give us an update on what states you still need?

J.W. 07-12-2011 08:14 AM

Re: Send me daughter a postcard, please?

Originally Posted by Apoco (Post 1332296)
And they are DELICIOUS :dr
Posted via Mobile Device

One of them and an RC Cola. make you want to :sl yo Mama.

Blak Smyth 07-12-2011 08:17 AM

Re: Send me daughter a postcard, please?

Originally Posted by hotreds (Post 1333461)
In fact, I'm surprised at how difficult it is to find postcards anymore. Some clerks look at you like you're asking for "bfawwertmv!"

Anyway, OH and KY on the way, IN I'm still seeking. Can you give us an update on what states you still need?

Yah I had one say they are right over there.
I headed over and they said wait you said post card? All we have is regular cards.

tenbaseg 07-12-2011 08:33 AM

Re: Send me daughter a postcard, please?
My local Hallmark store had a rack of postcards. I had to ask around though.

Tyler 07-12-2011 09:50 AM

Re: Send me daughter a postcard, please?
Someone else is going to have to take Texas. I cannot find a postcard anywhere. Sorry bro. I looked all over the place and couldnt find a single one. :td

coffeemonkey 07-12-2011 12:29 PM

Re: Send me daughter a postcard, please?
If everyone sends as indicated in my PM's, we will be real close to having all 50 states covered and a few European countries to boot!

I'll look through my PM's and see if any states are unaccounted for. We have Texas now, thanks for looking.

baddevildog82 07-12-2011 12:57 PM

Re: Send me daughter a postcard, please?
Mine went out this morning for Georgia. Sorry for the delay, but I had a hard time finding a postcard! Went to at least 8 different places before getting on the highway and driving to a Love's truck stop about 20 miles away. They had a few to choose from.

TonySmith 07-12-2011 06:15 PM

Re: Send me daughter a postcard, please?

Originally Posted by Wallbright (Post 1333602)
Someone else is going to have to take Texas. I cannot find a postcard anywhere. Sorry bro. I looked all over the place and couldnt find a single one. :td

Texas postcard sent
Guess you'll have more than is a big state ;)

Fordman4ever 07-12-2011 07:20 PM

Re: Send me daughter a postcard, please?
Took me a while but I found one. I had to go to the welcome center for Omaha to get one. Their selection was pretty slim but the guy that worked there found me one that said Nebraska on the front. It should be there in a few days.

Angus 07-12-2011 08:08 PM

Re: Send me daughter a postcard, please?
PA is on the way :tu

coffeemonkey 07-12-2011 08:52 PM

Re: Send me daughter a postcard, please?
Thanks to everyone to your extraordinary effort!

The Poet 07-13-2011 02:16 PM

Re: Send me daughter a postcard, please?
Yo, did my clusterfarked one from Joisey ever show up? I've been losing sleep over that. :D

nexprofit 07-13-2011 02:37 PM

Re: Send me daughter a postcard, please?
this is so f'ing cool. i cant wait to see it come together.

camiller 07-13-2011 03:22 PM

Re: Send me daughter a postcard, please?

Originally Posted by Fordman4ever (Post 1334109)
Took me a while but I found one. I had to go to the welcome center for Omaha to get one. Their selection was pretty slim but the guy that worked there found me one that said Nebraska on the front. It should be there in a few days.

Oh good, I was going to volunteer if I hadn't seen a Nebraska one.

For those of you having trouble finding one in your state, try tourist attractions. Zoos, museums, amusement parks, etc.

hammondc 07-13-2011 04:24 PM

Re: Send me daughter a postcard, please?
Any states you are missing or any special requests?

coffeemonkey 07-13-2011 06:51 PM

Re: Send me daughter a postcard, please?

Originally Posted by The Poet (Post 1335102)
Yo, did my clusterfarked one from Joisey ever show up? I've been losing sleep over that. :D

Yup, thanks!

coffeemonkey 07-13-2011 06:52 PM

Re: Send me daughter a postcard, please?

Originally Posted by hammondc (Post 1335244)
Any states you are missing or any special requests?

Tonight we'll sit down and see where we are, thanks for the offer.

coffeemonkey 07-13-2011 09:16 PM

Re: Send me daughter a postcard, please?
OK, here is a list of the states for which we still need cards. Some have been accounted for but we haven't received them so I've listed them below with the name of the CA member who is sending it, we'll take them off as they come in this week. Hopefully I haven't forgotten anyone who said they are sending a card, if so, please let me know.

Arkansas - kayak_rat
Delaware - SteveH
Georgia - baddevildog82
Kentucky - hotreds
Maryland - Ranger_B
Nebraska - Fordman4ever
New Hampshire
North Carolina
North Dakota
Oregon - backwoods357
Rhode Island
Texas - (a few have said they are coming)
Virginia - Ranger_B
West Virginia - Ranger_B
Wisconsin - Gophernut

If you can help with any of the states above that have no name next to them that would be great!

Thanks again folks.


hotreds 07-13-2011 09:26 PM

Re: Send me daughter a postcard, please?
There should have been a Ky card in the envelope you got today. MIA is Indiana.

The Poet 07-14-2011 02:15 PM

Re: Send me daughter a postcard, please?

Originally Posted by coffeemonkey (Post 1335396)
Yup, thanks!


Kneo 07-14-2011 03:41 PM

Re: Send me daughter a postcard, please?

Originally Posted by coffeemonkey (Post 1335559)
OK, here is a list of the states for which we still need cards. Some have been accounted for but we haven't received them so I've listed them below with the name of the CA member who is sending it, we'll take them off as they come in this week. Hopefully I haven't forgotten anyone who said they are sending a card, if so, please let me know.

Arkansas - kayak_rat
Delaware - SteveH
Georgia - baddevildog82
Kentucky - hotreds
Maryland - Ranger_B
Nebraska - Fordman4ever
New Hampshire
North Carolina
North Dakota
Oregon - backwoods357
Rhode Island
Texas - (a few have said they are coming)
Virginia - Ranger_B
West Virginia - Ranger_B
Wisconsin - Gophernut

If you can help with any of the states above that have no name next to them that would be great!

Thanks again folks.


I can get Colorado taken care of. PM incoming!

Kneo 07-14-2011 03:56 PM

Re: Send me daughter a postcard, please?
I can also help with Texas if you still need one.

coffeemonkey 07-17-2011 11:13 PM

Re: Send me daughter a postcard, please?
Updated list, almost there!

Arkansas - kayak_rat
Colorado - Kneo
Delaware - SteveH
Maryland - Ranger_B
North Carolina
North Dakota
Rhode Island
Virginia - Ranger_B
West Virginia - Ranger_B
Wisconsin - Gophernut

hotreds 07-18-2011 08:39 AM

Re: Send me daughter a postcard, please?
C'mon you Fla guys! Surely one of you can send a pc!!!

baddevildog82 07-18-2011 09:28 AM

Re: Send me daughter a postcard, please?
Glad you got mine! I am looking forward to seeing the final project.

J0eybb 07-18-2011 09:31 AM

Re: Send me daughter a postcard, please?
I have mine on my desk at work. Must fill it in and get it sent out. I'm sooo lazy. It will go out today.

Steve 07-18-2011 09:35 AM

Re: Send me daughter a postcard, please?
I thought you had Florida covered. I'll see what I can do when I get home from work.

Stand By...

Remo 07-18-2011 10:23 AM

Re: Send me daughter a postcard, please?
pm sent from Utah

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