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Re: Bulging Discs in back?
Even real doctors would not give advice based on a vague description of symptoms on a public forum. To speculate of a course of action without viewing an MRI or knowing a complete patient history is just plain ignorant. :sh |
Re: Bulging Discs in back?
Travis, every case is different but your description sounds almost exactly my situation in 2006 except I had 4 problem disks. The surgeon just glanced at the MRI's and xrays, looked straight up and said, "you have to have surgery". He is a great surgeon and very well regarded, for good reason. Surgery took about 8 hours and afterward, I had to lie down 95% of the day for 3 months. Had the surgery in early Feb. and was 'normal' again come May.
Today, my back isn't perfect (because of a 17 year hip problem) but everything is still in place, spurs gone, no nerve problems. Of course he said surgery is always a last resort but in my case, in his opinion and two other Dr's that I saw, that was the only choice that could be made. I am glad I did. |
Re: Bulging Discs in back?
Here's My :2 If You Have Back Pain With No Appreciable Sciatica Or Foot Drop (In Other Words No Appreciable Nerve Impingement), Your Back Should Improve With Time. If You Have Foot Drop, Bowel Or Bladder Involvement, Or Any Other Symptoms Of Nerve Impingement, Immediate Surgery Is Required. Get Several Opinions From Reputable Neurosurgeons. Hope Your Situation Improves, Brother; Thoughts & Prayers Sent!:tu
Re: Bulging Discs in back?
Apologies for taking this so far off course. Back pain is miserable, I hope the OP gets relief sooner or later.
Re: Bulging Discs in back?
Thanks for all of the advice and comments. I wouldn't even consider surgery if it was just "normal" back pain. But I have pain that shoots down my leg and in my foot allllllll day long.
I have tried physical therapy, stretching, percocet(with & without beer)....and there is no relief. It doesnt matter what position I am in when I sleep, the pain is there! I will be sure and discuss everything thoroughly with my Dr & Neurosurgeon, but right now I dont see any other option. I am going on two months with this pain and it has been very frustrating. |
Re: Bulging Discs in back?
Travis, I don't want to think I'm minimizing your situation, I just want to tell you what they're likely to do and what you're up against.
First of all, Thank God that it's not both sides from your midback to your feet, and that your legs don't go numb and your feet don't turn to numb needles and pins 20 times a day. Point being, it can be a LOT worse. Doctors absolutely have to put you through every conservative measure possible. You'd think there's something simple they can do, but there's not. Sometimes folks stumble onto a solution like a new bed or hanging suspended in a pool that brings relief. They could give you lots more drugs, right? Opiates bind you up. You can't poop, they make you sick, you can easily become addicted, and hemmorhoids ensue to a level that makes your back pain a second thought. Two months with the pain is a very short time. I know it's driving you out of your mind, but that's just what it is. Not a doctor in the world would consider surgery at this point, and if they would, please run like hell. I know it's tough to put the pain in perspective as it relates to what the medical field can and will do. Right now, your options are limited. You've got a long, tough road aho. Here's some stuff that really helped me along the way... 1.) Ice. I put ice cubes in a seal-a-meal and made great big ice packs. Despite covering them real well, I gave myself frostbite a number of times. It helped though. I laid on ice for hours. I also had a back brace that held the ice pack on my back, it helped me wear the ice day and night if necessary. 2.) I tried heat. It drove me out of my mind, but it helps lots of people because it loosens the muscle spasms that make the nerve impingement worse. 3.) Flector patches. They're NSAID patches that you stick on and the medicine goes right down through your skin. It never enters your bloodstream, or so they say. They still work wonders for me when the swelling gets big as a turtle. They are hideously expensive, but your doc may have samples. 4.) Fight through the pain. When the pain would get absolutely unbearable, I'd go outside, even in the middle of the night and dig up a stump or dig a hole, or move cement blocks. I'd collapse, cry, go through all sorts of histrionics. The pain would be so bad that I thought I'd die. Then when I stopped, what was left seemed like a vacation. It just changed my perspective. Being as all the bones in my back were smashed, it wasn't a real good idea. It was that or go nuts. 5.) Physical therapy in the pool. The relief didn't last long, sometimes there was no relief at all. But ten minutes of relief was worth all the pain getting there and getting out of there. 6.) Read, read, read. Every second I could, I was reading at back pain forums, back surgery forums, reading about the structure of the back, finding out what to expect and what were unrealistic expectations. 7.) Learn the limitations of medicine. There's a reason why it's called "practicing" medicine. Doctors are not magicians. When we are in so much pain, we expect that they should spend their every waking moment trying to solve our predicament. When they don't, I got a "they don't care" attitude. They do care. There's only so much they can do. 8.) Realize that time takes time. Time heals all wounds is really bullsh1t, but it does play a huge part in recovery from a back injury. A lot of it is that we just get used to pain. Right now there's not much of my body that doesn't hurt. Pain is running down my right leg because I chose that. When I'm tired of that pain, I'll move my butt a little and it'll stream down my left leg. I've simply gotten used to pain. I don't notice when I get cut, smash a finger, or stub a toe anymore. I just keep moving and Thank God I can do that. 9.) Learn your body. That goes with reading, but make notes. Write down when it hurts most, and try to figure out why. You're your body's steward and you'll need to pay close attention from here on out, and you'll need to heed your limits or pay the price. The notes really help put two and two together. I use notes and my wife to track a neurological disorder I have, and without her and the notes I would have never made the progress I have. There's just too much info to keep straight in my brain. 10.) When the barometric pressure dips below 30.00, it's gonna hurt worse. Watch the pressure and use it to prepare, and use it as solace to answer "why does this hurt so much more today? 11.) Pray. I pray constantly. If not for Him and the help and support of my friends and family, I've never have made it this far. My accident was on March 4, 2008. My pain level up till surgery was a constant 10. Immediately after surgery I had some relief, maybe down to a 6 or 7, for a few months. Since then, It's generally a 9 or 10 all day every day. On sunny high pressure days it goes to around a 7. For the last three days it's been a solid 10, and it woke me up a number of times last night. Like I said, we get used to it. Try some of the stuff I mentioned, and give each a good shot. You can't try for an hour, get frustrated, and go to something else. It all takes time. It all sucks, and it all is very tough on your head. When you get upset it gets worse. From day one I took it as an opportunity to work on my patience and tolerance, and I've come a long, long way as a person because of it. I would have much rather it were granted to me in another way, but that's what was in store for me. It hasn't killed me, it won't kill me, and it's made me a better person. Life is different, but people's lives change all the time. I just thank God I'm not in a wheelchair or worse. I never forget "but for the Grace of God, there go I". It may sound odd that I'm thankful for the hand I've been dealt, but I am. I wouldn't trade lives with anyone. |
Re: Bulging Discs in back?
That would suck and if you're experiencing that sort of pain, I would get the opinion from at least 2 different doctors, and if they have different suggestions, get a third. :2 |
Re: Bulging Discs in back?
Consider the below as a roadmap. You are already getting a cortisone shot. This is your chance to make changes to your body before the shot wears out and hopefully you won’t need a 2nd one. Think of your spine, you want to get it straight and create space between each vertebra. -Not having it straight inhibits energy flow out of the spine and central nervous system. It also puts unequal stress on disks and furthers your condition. Chiropractor is the key to this. It may get worse before getting better, but keep the goal of getting things aligned and your bulge almost has to go away… -Creating space in the spine should have obvious reasoning to you. The most space between vertebrae, the less the pressure on the disks. Think of the above as a one-two punch all done with specialists. This is not cheap even with insurance, but is nothing like the pain you have and will have if you don’t do this. Start practicing yoga and stretching to create space. Take some pilates classes to strengthen your core without stressing the back. Get on a plan with a good chiropractor who will oversee you exercise program and stretch you before adjusting. There are yoga and pilate instructors in every city. After a few classes of each with an istructor, you should be able to handle a class. Quote:
Re: Bulging Discs in back?
I really appreciate all of the advice and useful info. Thanks guys! :tu
Re: Bulging Discs in back?
Re: Bulging Discs in back?
Bump and Thanks
Re: Bulging Discs in back?
For never having neck / shoulder pain, when I started experiencing it along with some of the worst head pain of my life, I went to the doctor. She had an extra of my neck done. In the mean time, I went to a chiropractor. (It was thought by some that when I twisted my ankle 3 times in 5 months, that it messed up my alignment.) In my initial visit, he was able to tell me a lot. What I didn't like was him pushing on the top of my head, since I have been experiencing some bad head aches. I have been going to him for adjustments. The right side of my neck is the main problem. It's like a brick. He got my xray and said I have a bit of stage 1 degenerative discs in my neck. I also got sent in for MRI's of my C-Spine and right TMJ. An hour and a half in that tube was NOT fun! TMJ is fine. Showed a couple slipped discs in my neck. He said this happens to everyone in time as older age approaches. What made mine worse was Cheerleading for many years and a car accident.
Will I have surgery for it? Oh heck no and no one has mentioned it. My Chiropractor did say I would have to see a Chiro for the rest of my life. The headaches are the worst part. A muscle relaxer has helped. I would consider surgery as a very last resort. Bring your tests in to a Chiropractor and find a GOOD one. She what that doctor says before making any decisions. It's not going to hurt to try. I am glad I went. Opened my eyes to a lot over the past few weeks! |
Re: Bulging Discs in back?
[quote=MrsSledn;1264714 My Chiropractor did say I would have to see a Chiro for the rest of my life.
[/QUOTE] Of course he's gonna say that. I'd say before settling on a chiropractor for life, get a real doctor's opinion as well. |
Re: Bulging Discs in back?
Will keep you in my prayers that the Lord provide you with answers and bless those who care for you medically, with guidance and wisdom.
Peace of the Lord be with you. |
Re: Bulging Discs in back?
This thread made me schedule a chiropractor appointment this afternoon :r
I would suggest to anyone who has chiropractic benefits on their health insurance to use it whether they have back pain or not. You're paying for the benefit, so why not? Quote:
Your back will just eventually go out of alignment. The muscle memory is a b***h. Pilates and gentle yoga will really keep you loose and strong in your core. They'll both help you in weightloss if that is an issue. I don't know many guys who couldn't benefit from shedding weight. Doctors are going to base your progress simply on flexibility, bodily function, and pain level. If you are OK, they will offer nothing you haven't heard to this point. Continue with your annual primary doctor visits. |
Re: Bulging Discs in back?
When I told my general physican the comment my Chiro said, she laughed a bit and put me on Flexirol. So take a pill for relief or go the Chiropractic way? Put a band aid on a problem instead of finding out why the problem is happening to begin with? It's each person's own choice. |
Re: Bulging Discs in back?
A couple of my buds are chiropractors.
One of them explained to me how he was going to repair a half pound of smashed bone in my back with his voodoo. He can also cure everything from acne to polio. I never was a big fan as a result of past treatments, and he sure didn't help. I understand he's an exception and not the rule, and there's quacks wherever there's room for quackery, but my experience with Chiropractic has been dismal at best. If it helps, and you guys have found good Chiropractors, by God, hang on to them. I wouldn't be found in a Chiropractor's office, and I wouldn't wish one on anyone. Ever. |
Re: Bulging Discs in back?
I have a good Chiro and I have seen him for my back problem but he cant help me.
I got an injection on Monday and it has yet to kick in. Dr said it could take up to a week. This sure is getting frustrating! |
Re: Bulging Discs in back?
Re: Bulging Discs in back?
I had 6-8 adjustments, and I actually felt worse afterwards.
Re: Bulging Discs in back?
In fact I think most including my employer thought I was faking until they took a lower back MRI and guess what there it was, they didn't pick it up on the regular full back MRI go figure. Still waiting for L & I to try and screw me. pricks. I wish we could transfer the pain to the doubters I bet they would go home crying like babies, pricks!!v:sl |
Re: Bulging Discs in back?
Reading this thread , it's obvious everyone's experience is different.
My wife went to the emergeny room 1yr ago this past Feb. (for what her GP over the phone said was a pulled muscle) - she had no feeling in her right leg from the waist down and was in so much pain she could barely even move. It took 5 hours and 2 or 3 percoset before the attending physician decided to do an MRI, stating that "we won't find anything wrong with you," even after poking needles in her leg from the knee down to her toes and her telling him she couldn't feel any of it. End result was severely herniated L5-S1 and bulging on L3-L4 and L4-L5. Followup with spine specialist the next day resulted in her being in the operating room two days after that, because according to him "we could give you all the drugs at our disposal and it won't help". During surgery they removed a good portion of the L5-S1 disc and shaved the bulges off of L3-L4 and L4-L5. The surgery took away "most" of her pain, but to this day she still has neuropathy and only partial feeling in her leg and foot due to either the nerve still being pinched or permanent nerve damage. The last x-ray she had done showed disk degeneration progressing up into L2-L3. |
Re: Bulging Discs in back?
Unless your body is aligned, you're going to have a lifetime of back pain. Surgery could very well make it worse for life. No one knows how much scar tissue you'll have from surgery and if that pushed against the nerve- you lose. It sounds to me you did not give chiro a fair shake. You'll find great two weeks after your shot, but it's just temporary- not a "cure". Transforming your body is a cure. |
Re: Bulging Discs in back?
I realize that there are lots of opinions and anecdotes about back pain, which usually means that nothing works predictably. You don't hear people disputing the usefulness of Insulin.
That said, there is no evidence, none, that chiropractor treatments help with chronic back pain. I would be very wary about going to one ad infinitum, or "forever", if they aren't helping you. |
Re: Bulging Discs in back?
What I'm suggesting is having a doctor that specializes in back issues give you an actual prognosis and how they would deal with it (a general physician is only someone I'd see for minor stuff like basic illnesses/wellness checks). If a specialist says the chiropractor is your best bet, by all means do so. Obviously, it's a surgeon's best interest to get you on the table, but I don't know of a legit doctor that is going to recommend surgery unless there are other less invasive options you haven't already tried without any relief. :2 |
Re: Bulging Discs in back?
Spinal alignment is critical for energy flow throughout the body and when the spine isn't aligned, there's unequal pressure put on the disks. It's a pretty simple. An unaligned spine twists the hips and creates unequal leg lengths which does cause injury and puts further pressure on the disks. This is not to exclude spinal lengthening and reducing weight. If one's waist is less than 8" chest width, time to start losing weight! |
Re: Bulging Discs in back?
I've never seen any numbers like that, and I'm crazy anal about doing my due diligence. I've read volumes of papers both presurgery and postsurgery. In all those Google searches, I've never seen any numbers or studies come up that regard chiropractic effectiveness for chronic back pain. Granted, it may be because I never specifically looked. I just assumed they didn't exist. I'd sure like to look at some, if you know of any. I suppose it'd be hard to find any that aren't eye-rollers being that there's no reason for chiropractic to do anything but sway numbers in their favor, and no disconnected body that's interested in refuting/retesting their data. All a person can do is try them and see if they help. Personally, I have no doubt that they can solve minor to medium issues with adjustment, so long as we lose weight and exercise. It's pretty much common sense. I don't think they can solve major back problems, save the whales, and cure the environment as some assert. One thing I think most chiropractors have over doctors is that they really do care about their patients individually, they'll expend a huge amount of effort to get to know you, your condition, and do everything within their power to help. That positivity alone can go a long way toward healing people, and I think it's 100% awesome. :tu |
Re: Bulging Discs in back?
Read this article on AC Milan and how a chiropractor improved player performance and how players avoided injury. http://brightonchiropractor.wordpres...-chiropractor/ |
Re: Bulging Discs in back?
In answering you, I'm going to keep the OP in mind. I don't want him to believe that a) chiropractors are backed by data showing they can cure chronic back pain and b) you should go for one forever, if you don't get better it's just because you haven't gone enough. Both of these statements are false, and are not wise to follow. Is it true that people have had relief of back pain going to a chiropractor? I'm sure they have. Same as people that go to massage, wear copper bracelets, get acupuncture, see a naturopath etc. Have "millions" gotten better? I don't know, where are those numbers from? How many people have gone to chiropractors and not gotten better? What is their success rate? If people go to a chiropractor for 10 treatments and don't get better, what is their chance of ever getting relief? How about 20? How many people would get better if they did nothing, and let nature take its course? Do all chiropractors follow the same protocol, if not do some have higher success rates than others? Are there certain types of back pathologies that respond better to chiropractic treatment than others? This is what I mean by evidence as opposed to anecdotes (people saying "I used a chiropractor, I got better, you should use one too. I don't know anything about your condition, but I'm sure you'll have the same result I did.") As with any therapy, if you are using a chiropractor and not getting better, you should seriously consider whether you should keep going. Are you helping yourself? Please be a critical observer, this applies to traditional medicine as well. |
Re: Bulging Discs in back?
and... "I imagine that Milan’s players are prescribed medication as part of their injury treatment, although Meerseman would not do that himself." Those two things kinda stick out like a sore thumb, Moses. The article doesn't support any "widely" assertion. As I said earlier, I have no doubt that chiropractic can help in some situations. Here's one where it's used preventatively, in combination with a whole regimen of wellness conducive activities. As I said earlier, it makes good common sense. The players are treating their bodies right in every way possible, from a wide variety of angles. Optimum health should definately cut down on injuries, and I'm sure it's doing that for the team, even though there's no numbers stated, which was the conversation we were having. If anything, the story supports what I said earlier... "One thing I think most chiropractors have over doctors is that they really do care about their patients individually, they'll expend a huge amount of effort to get to know you, your condition, and do everything within their power to help. That positivity alone can go a long way toward healing people, and I think it's 100% awesome." This team has a 100% dedicated Chiropractor that's open minded and uses everything available to create a complete wellness program. I think that's genius. Not something you'll get going to the doctor, either. That's not a knock on doctors, they're trapped in a system where they have to maximize performance and minimize individual attention. It's a shame it's come to that, but it's what it is. Again, if someone is getting relief from a chiropractor, like I said, by God, hang on to him. I didn't find that in my experience, unfortunately. I respect anyone's choice to try a chiropractor, but I'd still not recommend one, both because of my experience and the fact that I don't know one who's created results I'd recommend. |
Re: Bulging Discs in back?
There are sports rehabilitation centers in many cities. I would suggest anyone with back issues to visit them for therapy over our standard health clinic. The sports rehab's have every discipline from doctors, PT's, to chiro's and acupuncture. They take a team approach to use their specialties as needed. It's worth giving this ago before considering a surgery. |
Re: Bulging Discs in back?
Well I never thought my post would get 5 pages of responses. Thanks to everyone.
I am not anti-Chiro by any means. My wife & I along with both of our famalies have been going to the same Chiro for years and we all like him. He has done great things for all of us. But I also think that Chiro's can not solve all of your problems each and every time. I am not dead set on surgery. I will talk to a Neuro-Surgeon, My regular Dr, My pain Dr and my Chiro before I make a decision. I like all of them and trust their advice. |
Re: Bulging Discs in back?
Sounds like you have an open mind and a balanced approach to this, best of luck with your pain. |
Re: Bulging Discs in back?
I have been dealing with back problems for 4 years. I started with the chiro, then did anti inflammatories, then injections, then a ton of painful tests, then a micro-discectomy, then a multi level spinal fusion. and now I am a chronic pain patient. My back is debilitating!! I had to retire from the job I loved (police officer). Now I take powerful pain meds and my doc wants me to consider a spinal cord stimulator. I guess my point in telling you all this is that you need to be sure, get more then one opinion!! See a spine specialist. FRom my understanding neuro-surgeons are more for thoracic (neck) pain. I included the link to the blog I started maybe it will answer some more questions. BEcause of this pain I have gained weight and became depressed and oh did I mention the blood clots I got from my fusion surgery? I dont mean to scare you just being realistic. http://lucy655-chronicpainpatient.blogspot.com/ |
Re: Bulging Discs in back?
I had a compression fracture of L5 a day before my 17th birthday (Auto accident). With this, I have 3 bulging disks. I did not have surgery (due to my age). I am now 23 and certainly feel it some days. The best thing I did was to buy a foam roller and use it 2-3 times a day. It hurts like hell at first, but then it gets better. All surgeons are assholes (know this because I have way too many surgeons in my family) and I must say chiropractors are a hell of a lot better than some of these surgeons who just want to cut you up and your wallet. I know at some point I will need surgery, but working out, keeping the belly fat down and stretching will prolong the surgery. Best of luck my friend!
Re: Bulging Discs in back?
OK...here's my :2...
I've had back problems since after my freshman year in college, and it is was ended my college football career. Now this was in the early 90s, and treatmetns weren't as advanced as they are now. Surgery was not recommended back then, as those who had it generally didn't get the results they were hoping for. Here's the story with my injury. I was doing squats with weight that was not a huge amount for me. I finished a set and racked the bar. As I did so, I felt pain in my hammy. I thought it was actually my hamstring and lightened the weight and finished all my lifting for the day (2 more sets of squats and 3 sets of cleans were included). Then I went and played ~5 games of basketball that night. The next morning, I couldn't move. PAIN and numbness on the back of my right leg from my hip to my heel. Went to a chiro for a while, and he thought pinched nerve. Got treatment for about 3-4 weeks and didn't see a huge improvement. He had me go get an MRI, adn that's when they found it. Herniation at L5-S1, and 2 bulging discs above that, plus the typical "degeneration" that they seem to throw into everyones report. Immediately had me see a neuro, who prescribed some steroids and told me to use Advil for pain. When I went back to campus at the end of the summer, I was in the trainers room doing therapy every day of the week. I had the classic foot drop, which they recorded me walking to use as a teaching tool. It got better and better. In the spring, I was able to play in spring practices and the spring game. I felt great, but had good and bad days, and then through the summer, so I made the decision to give it up. One thing the head trainer told me has stuck with me to this day. Eveyone will be different...You can look at an MRI of someone that looks REALLY bad, and they feel absolutely no pain, while someone who barely looks like they have anything wrong in theirs is in crippling pain. You gotta base your decisions on how you feel, in combination with how things look, not just one or the other. And he said he didn't feel that surgery was a good option. Over the years since then, I've gone through periods of inactivity and that is when I had more flareups. I've played basketball with no issues, and in the last 2 years, I've gotten into triathlons. I still have been symptom free. I have a good chiro that I go see when I need to. he doesn't just do the crack here and there, so you're good. He adjusts where the body needs it, and the techniques he uses actually work. I've been very pleased with the results I saw from him. All I can say is do what you feel is right and will work for you, and please get opinions from more than one doc. It will only serve to help you make the best decision. :) |
Re: Bulging Discs in back?
What I'm talking about is everything outside those big complexes. The chiropractors on every street corner who claim that misalignment is the cause of colds, cancer, rabies, cottonmouth, cankers and bad smelling farts. A simple adjustment will cure all your ailments. While I do believe that an alignment can relieve some sort of nerve pressure, it's only going to last as long as you retrain the muscles around the natural misalignment. Part of a plan, as you're speaking of. That doesn't happen in backwater. It's crack, that'll be 90 bucks, please. To call what you're calling Chiropractic is borderline insult to what those facilities are doing. It's not comparative. I just don't want folks to walk into the corner chiropractor and expect results like you and I have been debating. If someone walks into a backwater chiro with zero to very low expectation, odds are they'll be pleased with the results. If someone is suffering nerve impingement from significant structural damage to their spine, I think it's just plain wrong to point anyone in the direction of a Chiropractor. The chance that the chiro is going to do further damage is far greater than the chance that they'll achieve any type of relief. If there is not significant structural damage, there are tons of things that can help. Of those, I think you hit on a fabulous suggestion, if a facility like that is within reach of the person who's in pain. Bottom line is that each person is different and can tolerate different degrees and durations of pain. As bad as my body has hurt, and as long as it has, I can take focus off the pain now. The pain management drugs make me feel like crap, so I deal with the pain as best as I can for as long as I can before I use a full dosage of them. Even when I do use them, they don't provide relief, and I'm prescribed an incredible amount of pain meds. They do take the edge off, but render me worthless. Conversely, I can remember hurting my back to a much lesser degree when I was younger and I was absolutely wrecked by the pain. It was completely dehabilitating despite there being no structural damage at all. Just a pinch that caused some swelling that went away in a couple weeks. I mention that because I believe a person needs to be armed with knowledge that they gain through tests, studying, asking questions, and knowing every single thing there is to know about their condition. A person should become incredibly well-informed, well educated, and make sensible decisions about how they approach their injury, and try as best as possible to be realistic about what's wrong. As insensitive as it may sound, pain is not a very good indicator of condition because it will wax and wane with care as simple as an ice bag. The pain is what we always want fixed first, though. The problem is that doctors don't necessarily empathize with the pain, and don't really aim to treat it so much as they try to treat a person's underlying cause of the pain. I hope and pray that all of you find relief, with whatever road you choose. I know how hard it is, and how long it takes. If you feel a Chiro is right for you, by all means, please try one. I'm only stating my position and my experience based on my personal physical condition. I certainly don't know as much about your condition as you do, and I'd feel awful if all my blather kept you from finding some relief. :tu |
Re: Bulging Discs in back?
Travis Just my 2cents but avoid surgery at all costs. I have broken my back twice and had bulging disks a few times. My last time I severed the nerve with the disk and it has now left my right leg in a constant state of numb. I have had 6 surgeries and who knows how many procedures injections, chrio treatments, fusion, lameectomy discotmy, fusion hardwear removal. Blah blah blah. Long story short is if you have other options exhaust all of them before surgery and get a second opinion. Wish I had known then what I know now. Research everything the doctor get references and then google alot.
Either way I hope you start feeling better. |
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